Survive In Russia

Survive In Russia

Gameplay 1/10

Story 2/10

Controls 3/10

Graphics 4/10

Difficulty 1/10

Positive Aspects

  • Runs smoothly and stable. No crashes, bugs, or other major errors.

  • Is exactly what it’s advertised as, no more, no less.

Negative Aspects

  • The music will fade whenever there is a sound cue playing. Very annoying and had me mute the entire game.

  • The stories are a bit dull.

  • The difficulty. You can finish each of the 3 stories in about 10 minutes. You just have to click a few times and make some choices and you’re done.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Multiple Endings Games.

I kind wish there was more chapters and dlc help support game?? hint to developers.

I played it as far I could stay sitting comfortably by computer.

Like: Doctor story was interesting. I have yet play third time around teacher or rich kid roles yet.

Dislike: one chance encounters end up giving negative influences in your life is dice roll effect, there no character customization/ if characters were different sex?

Doctor character story last time I played it was unfinished. Teacher not sure how finished that was.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survive In Russia on Steam

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna (The Dimension Within) is a 3D narrative adventure game where you play as a young Italian journalist, named Giorgio, living in a small town in Tuscany. The game focuses on his personal struggle as he finds himself at the center of a chain of events he doesn’t quite understand, but feels responsible for. The player will be asked to guide him through a series of situations and decisions where time, the opinion of others, and his emotions will influence how the story unfolds, and ultimately decide the destiny of the protagonist and the people around him.

Through an innovative dialogue system, the player will be able to decide when to respond or intervene in a dialogue; he will also be able to decide what to say – and how to say it. All those elements will be taken into account by the characters involved, which will respond accordingly to what they feel, believe, and are trying to achieve.

However, not all options will always be available, and this will depends on Giorgio’s Principles: the player will be able to shape up his instincts and personality, which will enable some choices and hinder others. There are ways to force Giorgio to act against his will, to a certain degree, but it will have a cost.

Giorgio’s emotions are another important aspect the player will need to deal with: fears, anxieties, neurosis will make everything more challenging for him: on a wrong day, even innocent jokes can turn into mortal offences, and some NPCs will leverage this, in the attempt to manipulate him.

Another key aspect is that Time will always be ticking – even during conversations. Every line of dialogue pronounced by either the protagonist or other characters has a time cost associated. This means that even if NPCs will follow their own routine, your actions will impact what they will decide to do next, given they still have the time to do it… just remember that time won’t wait for you either.

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Interactive Fiction Games.

La Dimensione Interna on Steam



Alright first that 12 hours is probably 4-2 hours off, I used steam remote play to play the game for some of my play time, I believe the game was left running well I was doing other things, I find this convent as I can return to the game where I left off with my phone, but it dose inflate the hrs on record. It’s likely closer to 8 or 9 at the time of this post.

Kingsim is a game of choice and resource management, it’s ment to played much more then once, likely you won’t reach the end on your first attempt unless your very lucky, but dieing in this game is an achievement, and you can save at any point. I find this game really fun and have played it quite a bit and I still haven’t gone on all the paths that are in the game. I’m trying to avoid spoilers in this review, so it’s been a bit akword writing, next I guess I’ll address some things from the negative reviews that are here

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Political Sim Games.

A very fun, but very short game. A lot like Long Live the Queen but less VN style… Sort of. You can marry monster girls, or humans if you’re into that sorta thing. I married a mermaid and summoned an adorable Cthulhu to spread joy and death across the world.

There are very many possibilities but the game generally ends around 10 days and then you can go into an endless sort of sandbox mode where the only thing to do is conquer or make peace with your surrounding neighbors.

Honestly I’d say my 3 hours was worth $10, but I really hope to see more content from the devs for this game soon. There’s a lot of possibilities yet.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

KingSim on Steam

Milo’s Quest

Milo’s Quest

Really fun game! little 2D pixel graphycs that made me think of Zelda and the first pokemon games. Challenging to remember the path without a map to guide you, so there was a bit of back and forth, but overall very cute and fun game! Puzzle are pretty easy I’ll admit, but some will make you think a bit about your next move. completed the game at 102% apparently XD For the price, it’s a fun game to try!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Cute zelda like RPG with casual difficulty. Works very well with a controller. The sokoban puzzles are quite easy and the game can be completed in 2-3 hours. The game could have used a reset puzzle button or something because the movement of boxes is janky at times and leaving the room and re-entering it to reset the puzzle also respawns the enemy units in the room that you have to kill again before you can start the puzzle again.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Milo's Quest on Steam

The Sych story

The Sych story

This game is fucking incredible.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Sych story on Steam

Art of Fury: Virtual Gallery

Not enough furries

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Basically Gallery Walk Simulator









Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Art of Fury: Virtual Gallery on Steam

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer’s Block

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer’s Block

You’ve returned to your hometown after trying to strike it big as a writer out in the mean old world. You’ll find that your old theater festival, the John Q. Public Festival, has fallen upon hard times (but honestly, when has it not?). It’s not easy being Lake Tahoe’s second-best Shakespeare festival. It falls to you to write a new future for the festival, as well as either mend or break your relations with the people that you left behind.

Or at least that’s the story you’re trying to tell. You ARE a writer, but the “hometown” is a play you wrote long ago and the “mean old world”…. well, no, that’s the mean old world. That’s not a stand-in for anything.

As Joe Papp’s author, you find yourself with the ability to change the story that you are in, making choices between multiple characters that ultimately dictate how the story progresses. Will you save the theater festival, or will you cause the zombie apocalypse?

  • Write new paths to go down with (almost) every new scene

  • Your choices have effects on how every character views you

  • Make decisions that will affect your play’s rating with the critics

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer's Block on Steam

The Adventurous Four

The Adventurous Four

The Adventurous Four is the sequel to Wild Island Quest, a choice’s matter visual novel game by NLB Project.

The game starts with you (Henry) snuggled up to your newly wedded wife in bed, with your dog Snoopy at the foot of the bed. You are woken by Snoopy as he barks at someone ringing the doorbell, disturbing your Sunday morning lie in. You crawl out of your pit and go to check who is at the door at this time of the morning. It’s Doyle, a friend of yours, who seems excited and starts to explain why he’s here so early. He says that he’s just finished his project which he’s been working on for the last three years and wants you and your wife, Irene, to be one of the first to see it.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

A ‘choose your own adventure’ with very few actual choices, but that’s not really important or why I quite enjoyed this. First the story starts rather normally although something was slightly off with the characters or setting. The story dialogue is stiff and feels like it’s been maybe translated to english but nothing too out of the ordinary although it gradually becomes an outright wacky adventure that doesn’t seem to involve good storytelling or decent character dialog. And this is where it begins to shine. The rather charming if unintentionally funny 3d models, their poses and facial expressions, odd narrative choices and descriptions that range from the oddly mundane to comically over the top and often somewhat inappropriate.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

The Adventurous Four on Steam

Class of ‘09

Class of ‘09

I had great fun with this game. voice acting was amazing. I felt bad for all the men who had to voice the pedophile teachers. It was dark with out feeling like someone was punching/looking down on others. Its a tight rope to walk but it does so wonderfully, some errors here and there but other wise I enjoyed my 8 hours. I know the dramatic edginess of it would put some people off which I understand. Some shit not for everyone, but this game does not take itself serious in the least. We have DDLC, Hunie Pop, various games taking different angels and pot shot at the VN/Dating sims genre. Sometimes you need shit that just different.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

I thought this was going to be light like a bag filled with 628 pissing calvin stickers but then got sauce with a Papa John’s Piledriver when i made the wrong choice for the character.

SBN3 has been doing voice acting, writing, and other nerd magazine stuff on youtube for quite a bit. From batman beyond ill, to taste closed, to even the feature length movie dubbed over called Operation Backpackers and another one called Taste Closed Heaven aint hard to find. As soon as i heard this project dropped on steam i had to buy it.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Class of '09 on Steam

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods

Once, the world was better, the gods greater, the wars over, the end farther. You were born in the Cloudlands during those bright days, one of the Ormfolk, forever young and strong, worshipped by those below for your forefathers’ deeds. But all has gone wrong. Wolves and worse haunt the night, the law holds no sway, and men’s hearts grow hard toward their gods. Fearful of their dwindling shares of souls, your kin turned against each other … and against you. And so you were cast down from the heavens, a fallen god broken upon the bitter earth. Now, you rise, free from death and ready to carve a bloody road back to your rightful home.


Fallen Gods is a narrative “rogue-lite” RPG. You control the titular fallen god, who starts each game with different might, wits, health, and divine powers, and one of several animal familiars and magical artifacts. He has 90 days to win his way back to the Cloudlands, or he will lose his godhood forever. During that time, he must gather and manage a warband of up to five followers, find additional artifacts, and gain soul-strength by performing godly deeds (some kindly, some cruel). The world is full of barrows, caverns, swamps, towns, shrines, villages, castles, and other locations of interest. What you find in these places—what foes you will face in battle, what friends you can make, what dilemmas you must resolve, and what rewards you might win—changes every game. As your understanding of the world and its inhabitants grows, you will discover new strategies and develop new paths to victory, but the way will never be easy.

  • Decisions fit for a (fallen) god. Fallen Gods is about hard choices with fateful consequences. Where should you explore, what should you seek, and who should you trust? The answers are never easy, but the outcomes are always interesting.

  • Never the same story twice. Every game of Fallen Gods casts a different god into a different world, filled with different events, battles, dungeons, towns, and denizens. Even familiar encounters will change depending on your skills, followers, items, resources, and choices.

  • A rich setting inspired by sagas, myths, history, and folklore. The world of Fallen Gods is drawn from the old sources of classic fantasy with modern glosses stripped away, restoring the wonder, terror, and otherworldliness that have been lost. The themes and even language of the game are those of the great sagas.

  • A game of game-changers. The divine skills, animal familiars, human followers, and magical artifacts that you get in Fallen Gods meaningfully expand your options, rather than merely modifying some statistic.

  • Ups and downs. The protagonist of Fallen Gods starts out powerful, and while he can grow mightier, he also faces the danger of losing the strength and assets he’s gained. Weathering setbacks and taking calculated risks is the key to victory. For a fallen god, even death can be endured.

Fallen Gods on Steam