CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room

CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room

CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room is a little adventure game made by what must be a small team. It is small but has a fun goal, getting to work on time while solving little puzzles that resemble the tasks we must all do to get ready. Just got to work on time on the second attempt! This game is hard but beatable if you pay attention.

I would like to recommend other players try out this game if you like games about the future, or click and point adventure games. It doesnt have a lot of options and you cant skip text on the second playthrough which makes the second playthrough a little boring but is rewarding when you get to work on time. Also, developer please add some sort of save feature.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Exploration Games.



Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

CyberWhiskey: Guy's Room on Steam

Benbo Quest 2  (LEAKED)  reeal 2021 pre released???

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released???

WTF Portal to the Skeleton Universe have opened up and it is a catastrophe; The Ultimate Infinite Unlimited Skeleton Army of All Time has come to take over the plant……very uncool anyway like i was sayin the skeeltons came outta the portel and now the all the everything is messed up :( Seceret Government Organization combat the menace to no success, there are too much powerful Skeletons and President Obmama can’t do shit about it.

Meanwhiel at your house: you (anime girl) all like o_o wtf why is there skeleton lol so you GO ON THE EPIC QUEST TO BUY THIS GAME FOR $15


SUPER BENBO QUEST TURBO OVERDRIVE is the newest first and last installment of the Benbo Franchise

you play as The Legendary Anime Girl with unlimited damage attacks and its a 2d pixel platformer so you basically walk to the side of the level - and punch the skeletons on the way it’s not complicated


  • more than 9 million level

  • Punching Skeletons


  • game about self discovery

  • list

  • me adding speeling miskete on purpous so you have to reread it 20 times

  • 99% more epic and swag than any other Benbo Game


Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure 2D Platformer Games.

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released??? on Steam

A Wild Catgirl Appears!

A Wild Catgirl Appears!

To start out this review, I’m going to go ahead and say that I’m a dude who really appreciates kind of shoddy/nonsense VNs, so when I saw this game appear on the front page of Steam the day after the Holiday sale for about as much money as I had in my Steam Wallet, I was in. I went in with no expectations or desires, and that was definitely beneficial to the experience.

This game is just very innocent, like an 8 year old’s journal entry except with a little bit more cleavage. The writing looks like the authors used only the 100 most frequently used words in English, so it’s very easy and fast to read. This honestly would be a pretty good game for someone learning English as a second language. They go to a mall! A beach! A cafe! It reminds me of a Spanish 102 lesson, and it kept my attention more than a Spanish 102 lesson because it had anime cat girls with big boobs in it.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Dating Sim Games.

Alright, I’m trying to be real fair here on the game. This game is rough in so many ways. Just booting the game presented major challenges that do not lend to a sellable product:

No music on the title screen, bare bones UI of “Start” and “Load,” and the game crashes when you alt+enter to full screen. This is a major red flag and should have been polished considerably more.

As far as UI goes, the interface is buggy, skipping text is hard to stop when you want it to stop and going full screen makes the window spill out of your screen if you have a smaller monitor. Hitting the log button reveals a similar issue to the save and load screen of very hard to read text, but with the added issue of the background image failing to load due to a broken asset link. Slogging through the game becomes a severe pain with these issues, especially when replaying for the other endings.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

A Wild Catgirl Appears! on Steam

Get Rich or Die Gaming

Get Rich or Die Gaming

I got this game in a bundle before, so I was not as irritated as some people who paid full price.

It has a number of bugs in it - one causes the game to crash. It is pretty short (under 10 minutes), art is okay, the whole thing is kind of something you would have seen on Newgrounds before.

The best part of the game was the business dude conversations which ended up making me laugh.

I don’t recommend buying it, instead just go watch the 5 min let’s play of it.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Let me walk u through the game. Ur dad kicks u out got not making a butterfly game. u meet a guy named adickle he gives u 10 dollars. use 10 dollars to buy food for baker. sell food to baker and crash game 40 times before you figure out trick. that is u have to exit the baker fast before crash. get robbed of money u made trade your clothes to a hobo for his. With new clothes drug dealer will sell you drugs. get pie from baker . take pie and drugs to food place wher ex racer food guy will make drug pie. take drug pie to baker get 4000 bux. get another pie from baker becuase the game doesnt realize u already did the invent pie quest and will let u repeat it ad infinium. That is all ive been able to do i made like 60 thousand selling pies to the baker but nothing else happens. and i also talked to the guy up the elevator. so ya this game is poop

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Get Rich or Die Gaming on Steam

Impossible Quest

Impossible Quest

This is a simplistic text-based game. The game offers four different stories. Each story has various endings that you can unlock. I do like that the game has a setting to delete the save file, although I’m not sure how much of a replay value this game might have (unless someone else in your house would like to play the game).

The biggest issue I had with the game is that there was quite a bit of grammatical errors. Some of the sentences needed a bit of work, not to mention some words were either misspelled or missing a letter. I didn’t see many bugs in the game, but the one I did spot had me going through a loop. It would make the biggest difference if the devs double checked the entire game for errors!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I must admit that I thought “Dull!” after the first few seconds of watching the trailer video. Then I saw that the game has more to offer than just clicking text boxes, like ‘Racing’; I ended up buying this game, which I didn’t regret: the game is inspired by the Impossible Quiz (series), has a lot of fine humour and at least knows some (great) references to

! (my favourite) series Lost: 4-8-15-16-23-42 ((un)lucky numbers), dynamite, which was found on the Black Rock (boat) etc. and HP and the Philosopher’s Stone; Chessboard Chamber ;-) It’s a Memory Game (remember what you chose towards an ending!), it’s fun and challenging; it also requires some out-of-the-box thinking if you want to make it to at least the most endings. Speaking of which, I considered a few endings unfair, especially because I’m not Russian.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Impossible Quest on Steam

Himawari - The Sunflower -

Himawari - The Sunflower -

I ended up with this game in my library one night after imbibing a tiny bit too much alcohol, evidently having decided that these heroines were too cute to not throw 35 bucks at, as I knew nothing else about the game.

I wish all my inebrieated decisions ended this well.

Do not be deceived – Himawari may be teeming with an overwhelming amount of moe appeal, but judging it as a run of the mill moege is more criminal than all the lolis the game has to offer combined.

It’s understandably hard to convince you otherwise, and the entirety of the first route will, sadly, do little to dispel any reasonable person’s concerns regarding that. You’re treated to a route consisting of a hodgepodge of anime cliches you’ve seen at least a hundred thousand times before, including things like amnesiac protags, amnesiac girls falling from the sky, and a harem lead so bland you oftentimes find yourself wishing you were doing anything but reading this trite dialogue. How well you can withstand the game’s copious amounts of slice of life comedy scenes depends on your tolerance for cute girls doing cute things – fortunately, I consider myself quite the connoisseur, but I can understand it might be tiring for a more socially well adjusted human being than myself.

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

Himawari is one of the most heart-wrenching yet beautiful stories you will ever read. It tells a tale about characters trying to overcome the shackles of their pasts and finally putting their lives back in motion. Once it gets going, the story is amazing at hooking you in with its cool sci-fi concepts and brilliant character drama.

“You said there was a meaning behind chasing after one’s dreams. But if the dream one had been aiming for vanished into nothingness… what is one to do then?.”

Real player with 69.2 hrs in game

Himawari - The Sunflower - on Steam

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-

Should you get this game? Well, if you like cute love stories told in visual novel format, with a generous dollop of fanservice thrown in, then yes, you absolutely should. Otherwise, it might not be the game for you.

LoveKami -Useless Goddess- is not really a sequel to Pulltop/MoeNovel’s other LoveKami game, though it takes place in the same universe. I haven’t played that game myself, so I can’t compare the two, but this game stands on its own quite well; you don’t need to have played the first game in order to fully enjoy this one. The protagonist is a super-ordinary guy named Sho who, on his way back from the convenience store one night, runs into a girl passed out in the street. It turns out she’s one of the goddesses that’s come to Earth, although she’s what’s known as an “aragami” - a troublesome goddess, of sorts. Sho shares his food with her, and decides to bring her back home until they figure out what can be done for her. Wacky hijinks ensue almost immediately.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

LoveKami -Useless Goddess- is borderline NSFW, but it’s not a bad thing.

Don’t get me wrong, it has some good sides

Where do I start.. it gives a very different take on the LoveKami series, instead of Divine Idols in Divinity Stage though it is mentioned but you don’t see any of it here .


It gives you three routes same as before, but all three of them follow a common route but it gives a different scenario and ending depending on the route you picked. I noticed that how the three routes somehow follow a similar pattern of events and/or conflicts from each other, like they follow a same path but its completely different from each other.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

LoveKami -Useless Goddess- on Steam

SCP Strategy

SCP Strategy

SCP Strategy is a very fun game, I have had an idea similar for awhile, so im very happy to see it a reality! It is fun to create, name, and control your own MTF units, or Foundation sites, and even make your own SCPS! Though right now it is a bit lacking on the content end, as more people discover and buy the game the more progress can be done on it.

I have a few suggestions down below:

GOI’s: GOIS (Groups of Interest) are groups that interact with the Foundation, and Anomalies. Some famous ones include the Chaos Insurgency, Serpents hand, Global Occult Coalition, Unusual Incidents Unit and some more. Perhaps you could even make Custom GOIS with custom behaviors! Having GOIS to compete with would spice up gameplay, Perhaps you would have to send MTF units away from an SCP to intercept a Chaos Insurgent or Serpents hand Convoy from reaching one of your sites, or an MTF Unit to destroy a CI camp. Perhaps you can sell Objects to the GOC, they will pay you, but the Object is permanently destroyed, and you lose Research points. The UIU could provide Units and sites for a rental system, if you got the money. New Research like MTF unit specialization would be cool, you could research tech to make your E-11 better at Combat, or faster at containing. Perhaps you would lose if the Chaos Insurgency or SH got strong enough. Just some fun ideas.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

This game is pretty much glorified whack a mole. There’s no real strategy to the game because there’s no real danger. Just pay your employees minimum wage and charge the nations just under max price and you’ll get all the achievements with ease. When orange lights pop up on the map, send a unit to search it. That’s the entirety of the game play.

When I saw SCP attached to the game, I had some hope that there would be something cool about it. Unfortunately the only real link to SCP the game has is that you research found SCP’s to get points and read about the SCP you captured. That’s it. That’s the entire connection. The research is either done automatically on a timer, or you play 1 of 2 minigames that have absolutely nothing to do with SCP (one where you match a set of waves, and another that it just a ripoff of every “click the thing before it touches the object” flash game every beginning programming student has ever turned in as a school project), and don’t enhance the experience at all. If you’re a fan of SCP, you might as well just go read the webpage, because that’s all you’ll do with SCP’s in game.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SCP Strategy on Steam

The Council

The Council

“Mr. president, are you a killer?”

~Keir Simmons

For whatever reasons out there, “choose your own adventure” games, in which you make your way through the story by making certain choices, become more and more popular nowadays. I mean, we had quite a lot of those back in the days. Brilliant Digital Entertainment alone released tons of such games back in nineties, but somehow, even though they’ve made games based on such popular names as Superman, Popeye, Xena and even Ace Ventura, those games were never popular. Heck, most of the people nowadays don’t even know about the fact that 7th Level’s Ace Ventura game wasn’t the only one out there. Nowadays, on the other hand, we have all sorts of popular games of that kind. From Detroit: Become Human to Until Dawn / The Dark Pictures Anthology and Life is Strange. People love that stuff. So… yeah. Here comes another one of such games. Can’t call myself a big fan of the genre, though. Personally, I prefer proper Point-and-Click or puzzle experience, while “choose your own adventure” is something I prefer in the books, but… you know how it is. I don’t mind such games as long as the story is interesting, the choices are satisfying and they’re well-written. So… let’s have a look at The Council, shall we?

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

ORIGINAL POST = 08-08-2021 at 11:51 AM EST:

I’ve been playing The Council on the PC (over on Steam) lately. I certainly have some thoughts on it, as I’m currently on Episode 4 (out of 5).

So far, it has been ranging somewhere b/t really good to great. Namely, Episodes 1-3 were great; and Episode 4 at a certain point has taken a turn…and I’m not sure where it belongs yet, as it has hit a really shocking moment that sets quite bit of a change in both story elements & your skills; and I’m not sure how fleshed-out this will get, as it happens late in Episode 4 and the fact that there’s only one Episode left.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

The Council on Steam

Emily is Away

Emily is Away


If you’re expecting more than one ending, this isn’t the game for you.

To be honest, I wish we had a more complex review system, like stars or something. Although my experience was negative, I don’t completely dislike it.

The biggest upside for me was seeing how people’s status pages change over time, as their lives go on.

What frustrated me is that, in the end, your choices don’t matter. And it’s not just that you don’t get to be with Emily. For instance, you have the possibility of making her date Travis instead of Brad. When I entered this ‘route’ I thought something would change, but it turns out that even though Brad and Travis have different stories, they are exactly the same. The dialogues about them don’t change, except for the name.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I want to preface by saying I really enjoyed the game interface, graphics and sound effects. They were quite nostalgic. However, having to press keys to type the sentences became a hassle after the first playthrough.

My sole reason for not recommending this game is Emily, or rather the dead end that Emily consistently pushes you into. In the beginning she is probably a good representation of a moody, angsty teen that we all once were on MSN with deep lyrics in our messages. Ultimately though, it doesn’t matter whether you’re indifferent or a supportive friend - she will claim to have once had feelings for you but not any longer. If you hook up then she accuses you of ‘planning’ it and says she was ‘vulnerable’. Please forgive me for trying to plan a nice weekend for you to help you get over your break up! As for the vulernable comment, I don’t get the feeling that the protagnoist (i.e. the player) did anything bad (e.g. purposely plied Emily with alochol or pressured her to get physical). Therefore, despite saying she might fancy you, she decides after hooking up that it’s your fault you hooked up and she doesn’t really like you after all. If you don’t hook up with her, she says she wishes you made a move because she did like you, but doesn’t now. Throughout the game, Emily seems to make everything someone else’s fault and I really disliked her after the first playthrough, but came to hate her after the second and third. Honestly, I wouldn’t have continued talking to her after the first year.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Emily is Away on Steam