Food Delivery Service

Food Delivery Service

Food Delivery Service has promise, but does not yet feel like a proper game.

The story is interesting but that is about all it has. The play is fair to middling for a game of this price and the story means you’ll endure that quality of play for longer than you want to.

  • If you have enjoyed other Kimidori games you will likely enjoy this game, but be aware that it is less polished

  • If you have not played a Kimidori game, hold off on this one and play Forklift Load or Lost Egg as they are enjoyable and far more complete game experiences.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Story Rich Games.

Gameplay is more fun than the story.


Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Food Delivery Service on Steam

More. The Eternal Utopia

More. The Eternal Utopia

To tell the truth, this feels like a fan fiction someone plastered with supersaturated colors and one image of Thomas More. All the images seem extracted from somewhere in the internet and I can’t help but squint my eyes at the color overflow. The story is a bit random, starting in Thomas Mores' study room, but some incident throws him in the present world. There are some philosophical ideas hidden in the conversations, but I felt like being put on rails. Everything passed and after half an hour of reading dialogues and monologues, I reached an end.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Visual Novel Games.

More. The Eternal Utopia on Steam

Man of the World

Man of the World

It is possible to become a famous musician, take part in medieval battles, earn a fortune from trade, become a thief of women’s hearts or an avid duelist. The game allows you to do all this.

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Life Sim Games.

Man of the World on Steam



Do not buy this game. There are better flash player games out there. Simplistic platformer that has very little in terms of everything. The game looked totally different when first uploaded to steam by the way.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Aruna on Steam

Religion inc God Simulator

Religion inc God Simulator

A very good game I enjoy it and Wish to see it thrive Please add new updates when possible I love your hard work Keep it up and stay safe . You are awesome and I want you to feel awesome. Much love and have an awesome day.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game, it was fun, silly but overall it was entertaining with ways to go about things and what kind of god you want to be. I even played the mobile and the mobile is better, but I have high hopes for the PC version does well and continues to improve for the full release. Cannot wait to see what the future has in store for this game.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Religion inc God Simulator on Steam

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film

A short interactive horror movie about religion - You are in charge of a murderous priest that kills people with his bible. Absolutely hilarious, and I loved the awesome soundtrack of this game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #65 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

The theme of religion has been flagging up for me as of late and I sure hope it’s not a sign from above… The only other similarly themed horror game that I’ve reviewed was Lucius but that was about inflicting pain being inspired by the Omen films. It would be fine, had it not Intersect with another sub-genre I had NO prior experience at all (ZILCH)- FMV games! Hold for shock… I have come across many on Steam, but not once did I see the appeal behind them- if I wanted to watch something…you know where I’m going with this!?

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film on Steam

Adam’s Ascending

Adam’s Ascending

Half of the scenes in the trailer are not in the game. There is no saving or level select, which wouldn’t be an issue if the game did not crash or loaded the next level correctly.

The game is about twenty minutes long, but everyone reviewing it has 2 hours played, because it is impossible to avoid restarting the game from the beginning because of a soft-lock. Oh the crystal fell out of the map? Better restart from the beginning.

The demo released a year ago is just as buggy but missing a few connecting scenes. The game ends abruptly before it really even begins.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

I’ve been waiting to play Adam’s Ascending since I heard about it during the Kinda Funny Games Showcase. It was definitely worth the wait. 

Yes, the game is in Early Access for now, so you will come across a few bugs and issues that you wouldn’t experience in a full-fledged game. I can confidently say that the game’s overall experience is very satisfying and pretty much what I thought it would be at this stage. 

There are some loading time issues here and there, but nothing crazy. Not having a save option is not always enjoyable by keeping you on edge with a bit frustration sprinkled in at times. Just for that though, it does give me nostalgia for an earlier era in games.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Adam's Ascending on Steam



Great game. Short, but definitely worth it. I love that there are multiple chapter points you can choose so you don’t have to play through the whole story again in order to get to the different endings. There are some minor translation errors, but nothing too bothersome. It’s very compelling. I would love to see more detail about the folklore involved. I felt like a lot of legends were referenced but not much was really explained, like it could all be chalked up to one cultish village and their weird traditions. If these references have a more historic root in Slavic tradition, as a slav by ancestry myself, I’d love to hear it. 7/10

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

good little game graphics are well nice real good detail in them well done loved them not a bad game for the price i still not finished it yet want to get the other endings but defo check it out hope top see more from these as this was a decent little game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Unforgotten on Steam