Other Worlds India

Other Worlds India

Achievement is a national flag and easy to unlock.

Just start playing the game, it unlocks all.

But that’s the only reason I decided to buy this game.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Open World Games.

Cheap game from Russia. With this I mean, theres zero quality.

You die from one hit, controls are horrible and theres no tutorial or story.

Whats the point of this game? Nobody knows.

Stay away for now, might be OK after full release, but now it’s part of Steams shovelware collection.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Other Worlds India on Steam

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Genuinely good. Multiple ways to play through, interesting conceits and brutal treatment of mistakes. A player really gets the feeling that their choices matter to their future and no decision is taken lightly, whether in the scripted events or even in just where to go. Great game to replay using different builds and goals, which adds longevity. A really good strong start form the devs, they should be proud of their product. I hope they continue to build and improve.

Real player with 496.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Story Rich Games.

Vagrus is for particular tastes. Do you want an open world trade-simulation oriented RPG with a lot of content, almost all of which is delivered through text? Are you ok with playing a character that never appears in the game except through choices and effects you make on your trade caravan, your companions, and the factions you fight or ally with? Are you ok with these choices changing the course of the overall story only in a limited way, so the bulk of your player effect is in how you choose to advance your caravan and companions and not how you destroy an enemy or change the world? Most of the big moments in the game are finding out about something that is going on, but being unable to completely stop it. Sometimes you can’t effect it at all. But, you learn, and in almost every way in Vagrus, knowledge is power. The user interface is wonky, the gameplay is deep but takes a long time to get your head around, and currently the Internet will not answer all of your many questions about how the world works. You’ll need to figure quite a bit out for yourself. Does that sound fun? give Vagrus a try.

Real player with 286.4 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms on Steam

Million to One Hero

Million to One Hero

I am having fun with it, but don’t get your hopes up for new levels being made. I had this game for about 1 1/2 months and have only seen 1 other person make 2 levels (the game has a lot of older levels though). Also, I have like 3 to 4 people clear the levels I have made (only can see who has cleared the level and not failed it.) , and people can’t up vote a level until they have cleared it.

You can also increase your rank by doing task in other players levels ( kill baddies with a bow, or collect orbs), but the rank doesn’t seem to do anything that I am aware of. Good luck trying to get a task done though if players don’t use certain things in their levels.

Real player with 267.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure 2D Platformer Games.

Another underrated lever editor platformer, Million to One Hero hits a great balance of fun platforming and adventure-based story. While the editor can take a bit to learn, it has a few key additions that separate this game from other level editors, such as NPCs and dialogue. It also features an adventure creator, where you can string multiple levels together to make a larger story.

As is, Million to One Hero is a solid level editor game, and while it could use a bit more work to make it great, it is certainly one worth checking out and I heartily recommend it.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Million to One Hero on Steam

Pax Ruthenia

Pax Ruthenia

Great Game, easy to grasp especially after they added the tutorial. Only complaint is that when you start finishing up the tree, your game crashes constantly.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

The game bears considerable resemblance to titles such as “Crisis in the Kremlin”, though I’d say it still isn’t as deep. With that said, it explores an extremely interesting and often overlooked period of political history - the 2014 events in Ukraine. The game takes place in the immediate prelude to the Euromaidan movement, as the player is placed at the head of Ukraine in the run-up to the signing of the EU association treaty, the rejection of which by former Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovich triggred the start of the movement.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Pax Ruthenia on Steam



Barbarian is a low poly survival game, with a souls like combat system, where you can dodge, block, and parry attacks. This system is in place, to make combat more exciting and intense.


In Barbarian, you’re able to gather materials, craft items, build homes, make farms, level your character up, have animal mounts, and explore the game in a free roam manner.

Barbarian will have 2 different game modes, normal, and hardcore. In both normal, and hardcore mode, your character progression will be saved. However, with hardcore, you will lose your character progression on death. This will be more for those hardcore gamers, who want to play a more difficult game.


Barbarian is currently in it’s very early stages, screenshots shown are subject to be changed, and same with more information being added here in the future. For updates on the game, you can check out our YouTube channel for Dev logs.

Barbarian on Steam

Dark Egypt

Dark Egypt

The scenery at the start of the game is probably the only highlight of this game. The lack of clear instructions make it very difficult for a first time player to complete this game without additional guides. Moreover, the lackluster gameplay does not really compensate for the uninspiring plot. The map itself is also just straight up a maze (and not in a good way).

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

This is a niche game for people who don’t mind a lot of downtime waiting for the game to load (or relaunch after a crash) and love to die a lot trying to figure out how to survive traps and other situations.

It looks nice, has fitting noises/music, decent, challenging gameplay, but also fun-destroying technical issues.

The game’s two big problems are frequent crashes and long load times, and these issues occur together. When you launch the game your savegame will load fine, but after you die you have a much higher than even chance of the game crashing, but only after you’ve sat through the half minute load time of course. Yep, half a minute. After every single death / crash. With not a lot of textures to load (and from an SSD drive) and a static light map that should have been pre-rendered for all levels when the game launched, not on every savegame load. There shouldn’t even be a load time. You can expect to spend 80%+ of your time watching the game launch after a crash or watching the load screen.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Dark Egypt on Steam

King of Dragon Pass

King of Dragon Pass

I am of extremely conflicted opinions on this game. TL;DR, this game is unique enough that if you have any interest in its concept at all, you should probably get it at least on sale, in spite of its flaws.

I also will not weigh in on the GOG versus Steam versions debate, as I don’t own the GOG version. The GOG/classic PC version is less expensive, and has your clan tula (lands) improvements shown on a map, while the Steam/iOS version has higher resolution support.

That said, the good:

This is a game of serious choice-and-consequence gameplay that isn’t bound up in a single black-and-white morality system. It can be a serious game of strategic choice and risk-management, as well as role-playing. The world, in particular, is rather detailed, and while the simulation is rather simple, it does manage to leave a sense of verisimilitude in the world. Other clans have military and economic strengths where their casualties and losses are recorded, and other clans feud and raid in the background without you.

Real player with 95.8 hrs in game


King of Dragon Pass has rich and well thought out world. The story is captivating, events have consequences and you can get attached to your clans ring and its candidates.

I have finished a short campaign, and I still have a lot to learn. I played as a passive peace clan, who traded and avoided conflict, but I had my fair share of it. The diplomacy felt a bit wonky and randomized. Warring felt unimpactful and tiresome. The events were really the cream of the game. In the end all I really wanted to do was solve the issues of the clan. Everything else was and felt trivial to me.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

King of Dragon Pass on Steam

Ray of Light

Ray of Light

In this game we have the more Jump-scares that we ever had in a single game ,,,Very nice Scary ,Good game ….

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

An shoot wendigo and dont afraid of anything.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Ray of Light on Steam

Apple Bang!

Apple Bang!

This is a prototype that somehow got past greenlight…

It’s less than any falshgame I’ve played and thanks to nodes nobody know to code anymore…

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

neutral review Anime 3D platformer + $2 - needs polish = Casual platformer with some challenges all just to get apples for your master. Run through various obstacle courses to get to the next area and survive.

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Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Apple Bang! on Steam

Legends of Eisenwald

Legends of Eisenwald

It pains me to see that such a great game only has ‘mostly positive’ reviews, whereas, in my opinion, it should have actually been ‘very/overwhelmingly’ instead of ‘mostly’. It is definitely one of my favorite games; in fact, it made my summer last year. I’ve played through it three times (including all the DLCs), twice here on Steam and once elsewhere, and I’m sure I’ll replay it at least for the fourth time.

This game is by the way the first modern RPG I’ve played, and it has also – apart from being a gorgeous experience itself – managed to draw me to the genre (I’ve always preferred playing pure adventure games and eventually strategies) and discover several other awesome games. But this one is going to remain my incomparable first love forever. :) At first I was a bit hesitant about playing it, as some reviews claimed it be too hard/confusing etc., but I cannot agree here. Once I got used to the mechanics, it was a sheer joy to play. At times, ‘Legends of Eisenwald’ can indeed be hard, especially considering your finances at the very beginning and certain fights, but I – almost utterly inexperienced in playing RPGs as I was back then – didn’t find it frustratingly tough. I think it was hard to a very reasonable degree, and I kept on feeling rewarded by the narrative through the whole game.

Real player with 131.7 hrs in game

Okay.. phwoa!!… long game. Just finished it - in at around 100 hours - Final Fantasy eat your heart out. A few late nights let me tell you. I feel that this game deserves the time and effort for me to write at least something about it and how I felt about it even if to just say it was a good game. But I will do more because I felt this game really was something special and I have derived so much enjoyment from it that it is the least I could do.

I bought this game on sale for a few pennies (I can’t remember now but I think it was for under $5) and didn’t really have too high hopes for it considering its price and look but was then completely overturned in my opinion by what is essentially a really great game that in no wise is properly represented by its appearance. DON’T judge a book by its cover! Boy, don’t judge this book by its cover, it is a great game for what its worth. I think this game goes for around $20 more or less on steam and that is about the right price for this game. You won’t regret parting with that hard earned cash. If you see this game for anything less than $10 buy it straight away, don’t hesitate, you won’t regret it. You might ask if it is such a great game why is it only worth $20 dollars? Well that is what I will attempt to explain.

Real player with 115.8 hrs in game

Legends of Eisenwald on Steam