Era of Survival

Era of Survival

–— ONE YEAR UPDATE (February 16, 2021) ——

—— June 26, 2020 Update ——

What in the flying crap is this deception and FLAT OUT LIE being posted by the developer of this game?

^^ THIS ^^ - Is the type of crap that quite frankly p*sses me off. Let’s be honest here.. This is nothing short of intentional deception and manipulation and a flat out LIE by this developer.


Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Exploration Games.

Era of Survival will give you an hour or two of fun before the boredom inevitably sets in. The game fails mostly in that it ignores the lessons of other survival games. Almost everything you craft takes a minimum of 30 seconds. It also takes an absolute ton of resources. An example is one stone arrow takes something like 35 wood and 10 stone…for one! It also takes 30 seconds real time to make it. If you want to make a bow and 20 arrows, it will take 30 minutes. This is the same with everything. A wood door takes over 100 wood, a single piece of roofing 200. I think both of those items took a full minute each to build.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Era of Survival on Steam

Realms of Eternity

Realms of Eternity

This is an impressive start to what might be an amazing game… I agree with some other reviews that the content is still in-process, but just by people who like to swing swords around and cut stuff, or shoot bows (which is actually very accurate in stark contrast to the sword-phasing in and out of contact) there is a ton of data still left on the table to be collected for refinement.

I was really impressed with the introduction of the messenger ninja, and the overall environment. Also, I had the bow & arrow mini-game freeze on me… I went back, since I was close to high score, but it froze again. boooo… Another thing with the mini-game, is that some of the enemy ninja freeze/glitch where you can’t kill them. Thus, you can not progress to the next wave.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure VR Games.

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2 and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

I know this game is in Early Access and I hate to give a negative review when I can see that the developer is actively developing the game. However, what’s available right now is just not enough and it’s also not very good. It’s a nice start to what might be a good game, but I have to review the game that I played.

What’s available right now is two things. A very simple sandbox where you can cut pieces of wood / bamboo and some fruits & veggies with a sword (2 handed or 1 handed). You also have a bow & arrow wave shooter mini-game, that’s very similar to Holopoint … just not nearly half as good.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Realms of Eternity on Steam

Battlemage: Magic by Mail

Battlemage: Magic by Mail

Awful. The story felt both rushed and railroaded. You go from squire to mixing with nobles, but so quickly it strains credibility.

The same speed makes it so you can’t develop relationships effectively (particularly as choices you might be intrigued to befriend can be dead-set against your goals with no opportunity to win them over).

I tried to play to my strengths, developing stats I liked (in particular illusion and healing, class, and ambition). But I was punished for this. The game rewards you if you play as the author expects/intends you to play it. On most CoG you can find some kind of winning combination through a variety of means. I didn’t come away from my playthrough feeling that it was possible to win with the kind of play style I preferred.

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Interactive Fiction Games.

I liked this game a lot, i like how magic could be developed by your feelings, not always having to cast spells. I will agree with the other review tho. It does seem really fast and rushed toward the end. I played a few times, and plan on playing again later, but i feel like after chapter 8, the rest of the game goes to fast, so i wish it was longer at that point. However i like the game, and characters and i would be more than willing to play this again. This is one i liked enough, to replay right after beating it, not something i do for all of them.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Battlemage: Magic by Mail on Steam

Niflhel Survival

Niflhel Survival

Welcome to Niflhel also known as Niflheim, a harsh world of ice and fog.

You managed to escape from the goddess of death Hel, but remember - she will not leave it like that! Her minions are on your heels, but they are not the only ones you should be afraid of. If you are not eaten by wild animals, goblins or frost giants, you will almost certainly be killed by an eerie cold. To survive, you will have to find food, obtain the necessary resources, create weapons and strong armor, build a reliable shelter, earn the favor of Odin and find a way to leave Niflhel!

Features of the game:

● Flexible construction system.

● The system of creating various items.

● Open world based on Scandinavian myths and legends.

● Combat system with four directions for strikes and block.

● Riding a horse and the ability to fight on horseback.

● Boss battles.

● System of character needs.

Niflhel Survival on Steam