Tank Universal

Tank Universal

Crystal Universal

Full Review at GameDragons.Net


Tank Universal is one of the most weird, yet ambitious indies you’ll ever play, as it tries to introduce you to a story that’s not even defined by the end of the title. Developed by a single person, New Zealand’s graphic designer Phil Jones, the game kicks off by introducing you to a terminally ill patient who was prescribed a virtual reality headset in order to help him relax. Inside this virtual reality is where you will take control of Unit8, a soldier finding himself at the beginning of a revolution against the society that rules the virtual world, deciding to join the resistance and help them defeat Gorgon, the ruler and oppressor of their world.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Exploration Games.

A great game about tank skirmishing in 80’s-version-of-the-future-worlds. The player goes up against a giant eyeball overlord along with men from a resistance movement. Together they fight past vast amounts of enemy vehicles such as tanks, artillery, and even goddamn bombers.

The story is more or less just there so people won’t complain about lack of a story, and the read-only dialogue is laughably bad at times, but the game contains a lot of fun to be had and some really unexpected twists.

Once you beat the campaign, you can test your strength in the “skirmish” mode, where you have 20 minutes to kill as many enemies, of all types, as possible, and try not to die in the process.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Tank Universal on Steam

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction

DON’T BUY if you expect Flatout!

I played Flatout: Ultimate Carnage and Flatout 2 a lot and some day I saw Flatout 3 on sale for around 5 $. Totally blinded by the awesomeness of the previous Flatout games by Bugbear I ran into this trap without checking what I was actually buying…

After playing maybe like 30 minutes I was really disappointed since I expected something like a worthy successor for Ultimate Carnage which Flatout 3 clearly is NOT. I uninstalled the game and considered this my worst game investment ever.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Horror Games.

(Game was gifted to me by a friend, hence why I’m tagging it as having received the game for free.)

Having the (dis)honour of being one of few items on the Steam storefront to hold an “Overwhelmingly Negative” review score among Steam users, FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction is an absolute travesty of a FlatOut game, if not of a video game in general. One does not even need previous experience with the preceding titles in the series; even outside of comparisons to its vastly superior predecessors, FlatOut 3 falls flatout on its face.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction on Steam



Really great game, I am having lots of fun with it, would highly recommend!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Historical Games.

The game is absolutely terrible. The controls are sluggish and you will get your tail feathers handed to you about 99% of the time. There is no time to even try to aim your lance. Shield or Head I can’t see to aim for them. You just put your lance over the line and pray you either break your lance or do some serious damage to your opponent. The balance mini-game is an absolute joke. It is totally unresponsive. I hit right as soon as the dot appears, and it shoots straight to the left and throws me. The Rock Paper Scissors mechanic of Barding, Shield, Lance, and Armor need to be explained better than “Oh, just play around with it.” All these elements make for a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I do not mind a challenge. I do mind a skill-based game leaving it up to lady luck to make the final judgement. This game has so much potential but in its current state I do not recommend it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gallantry on Steam

Star Control®: Origins

Star Control®: Origins

I have broken this review into a few sections, because I feel like what you need to know depends on where you are coming from.

You played Star Control 2, and liked it a lot?

You should like this game. It basically follows the same formula in terms of story and gameplay, but with some welcome improvements, such as an automatic story log where you can review key details of past encounters, and a searchable star map with the ability to add your own bookmarks.

There are also some other subtle improvements. Enemy factions have more than one type of ship you will encounter, bringing added variety to combat. Your own allies will only provide one kind of ship, but your flagship can be equipped with a wide variety of different types of weapons and other abilities.

Real player with 79.2 hrs in game

tl;dr; A beautiful and very funny adventure which is drowning in grindy, under- or mis-developed mechanics. [Verdict: 2/5]


I have bought the game myself and completed it.

Let’s list all the positives first:

  • Very good art direction overall. Graphics, animations, aliens: all are very well done and a joy to look at.

  • Good story. Nothing super-original, but good enough with some minor twists and turns.

  • Interesting lore: using the main and also side quests there is a lot background information which enriches the world of this game.

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Star Control®: Origins on Steam



A fantastic arcade shooter!


-Great gameplay

-Creative enemy/faction variety

-Awesome bosses

-Enjoyable progression


-Starting a boss fight with half or lower health could be an absolute drag.

-Difficult bosses/sections can have you repeating the same levels far too many times to be enjoyable.


-I feel like the bosses would have been much more enjoyable if you always entered the fight with full health. Perhaps after successfully reaching the boss and dying the amount of levels you have to repeat should only be one instead of two.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

This game is Fantastic!

I played the demo before and loved it, so I knew the full game was going to be a treat. I know roguelite is becoming quite a common genre now, but it works perfectly with this game. It is so much fun having to play and earn the upgrades which then in turn make the game that little bit easier each time you play. That for me is the perfect way to get you playing and keep you engaged.

This game is a perfect mix of a classic shoot em up while driving a car and dodging bullets, so a car/shoot em up/bullet hell dodging. There are some great bosses to take down as well which are a lot of fun, working out their patterns and ways to take them down. For me its a perfect mix and it works beautifully!

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Gearshifters on Steam

Blue Horizon

Blue Horizon

Well what can i say it’s a good game but has many bugs and issues but they are getting sorted by the Developer

PLEASE NOTE…this game is playable to a point in the game as the patch 1.0.8 has not corrected all the issues with the save and load process you still can’t save upgrades bought from a shop keeper in the city also the quest you get from the pirate in the inn where you pay 50 gold pieces for the quest he marks it on your map but when you save and load back up it is no longer there on your map, also it does not save any provisions you have collected.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Update: I no longer recommend Blue Horison.

The updates have practically stopped. There were a few after the game went live, and I think there was one a couple months ago, but there have not been significant changes to the game. Even with bug fixes, there are fundamental problems with Blue Horizon and it seems the developer is done with the game, which is a shame.

As far as stability, the game is solid. Visually, the game is pleasing and immersive (and less clunky than it was initially), but the functions within the game work against the immersion by smearing it with a feeling of low-budget-indie-developer who has reached the limits of his talent. Look up MDickie.com as an example. I don’t mean to be cruel here, it’s just that the player has minimal impact on the in-game world which limits interaction and the developers are okay with that, as if the game is a prof of concept demo. I understand that the game is Story-Driven, but it detracts heavily from RPG elements. I prefer to see a labor of love with the developers churning out patches and updates, you know, actual development that says this is a project more than a product. In this case, the game feels like a product on rails intended for a quick and incidental sale. Maybe this game will be a stepping stone in Blue Horizon Studios' journey into the single-player pirate genre (a genre long neglected), hopefully with something ground breaking later.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Blue Horizon on Steam

Tecroroid Assault

Tecroroid Assault

Tecroroid Assault is a space invaders clone. You can earn money while playing to buy upgrades for your weapons and ship and there are bonus challenge levels and boss monsters. It’s not too bad so check out my game play video to see what it’s like then head to the following link where it is available on Steam if you’d like to give it a shot yourself…


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Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Tecroroid Assault on Steam

Wasteland Angel

Wasteland Angel

This game somehow reminds me of the mid-90s sci-fi flick Tank Girl, but maybe the similarity begins and ends with the post-apocalyptic setting, the cartoonish art style and the main characters, both girls whose favourite activity seems to be shooting mutants. You take on the role of Angel, who drives around in her car and saves the inhabitants of post-world war III settlements from mutant attacks. So much for the backstory.

Gameplay wise, Wasteland Angel is a no-nonsense top-down shooter. You’re looking at a desert landscape from an isomotric perspective, drive around with a car whilst shooting at other cars that likewise shoot at you. That’s pretty much all there is. Your main armament consists of two fixed guns, additional weapons can be aquired by driving over power-ups. Each level has three stages and, after you defeat the stages final boss in the third, a short bonus stage that leaves the top-down view and switches to a first-person perspective. The game never breaks from this pattern.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Honestly, this game is exactly what it presents itself as - a fast-paced, post-apocalyptic arcade-style game focused around vehicular combat. Within that mold, there’s some aspects I appreciate quite a lot.

  1. Civilian towns. The primary objective is not just to survive against all comers, but to protect towns full of civilians - this often, at least for me - created situations where I had no choice but to hold off on blowing up targets trying very hard to kill me in order to protect civilians. This particular feature just seems very well designed - you’ve got enough heallth to sacrifice some if you have to in order to protect civilians, the game smoothly increases complexity from one town on a flat map to multiple towns on a map covered in impassable terrain obstacles, etc. If a bunch of civies are walking back to town after the transport which took them is exploded and you or an enemy runs them over, they die, etc. It’s little things like that which make a good game a great one or a bad game okay.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Wasteland Angel on Steam

Titan Attacks!

Titan Attacks!

Absolutely glorious remaster of the classic Space Invaders game. Innovative, advanced, and scores of fun to be had.

When aliens living on Titan, Saturn’s moon, decide to attack, they lay waste to Earth’s military forces. Well most of it. You are the last remaining Tank Commander on Earth, and you are one bad mofo. Battle your way across Earth to stop the invasion, and then you take it to the skies as you hit the Titans' outpost on the Moon, and obliterate it. Next stop, the Titans' Martian colony. They wiped out all the little green men also and need to pay. After Mars, you find yourself on Saturn, and the enemy forces are strong. But not as strong as when you reach Titan itself, taking on the nest of the alien scourge to nearly end our way of life… and the poor Martians.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Titan Attacks! is a retro, arcade, 2-D shooter where the nameless Commander fends off the Titan invasion with his trusty pixelated tank.

The game commences on Earth then progresses to new zones. Zone progression occurs when its boss is defeated. There are a total of five zones, each containing twenty levels, with their own unique design. Once all five have been defeated, it loops back to Earth, albeit with a slightly higher difficulty.

The game mechanics are fairly straightforward; aim & kill. Fortunately, that doesn’t do Titan Attacks! the justice it deserves. The mechanics conspire in such a way to exude a simple & fun experience. There are a number of boosts & improvements that can be purchased between levels to mitigate your success. For example, there are powerful area-of-effect bombs, weapon add-ons, additional shielding & more. Currency is derived from killing enemies & also capturing them. Capturing enemies adds a unique dimension to some situations, as doing so can be lethally dangerous, but extremely profitable. The Titans have a wide arsenal of ships & weapons that change in function & attitude from zone to zone, which can easily lead to your undoing if not cautious. There are bonus rounds that gauge your accuracy & reward you accordingly so keep nimble. These rounds occur between levels, after every seventh level.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Titan Attacks! on Steam