Pandemic Train

Pandemic Train

What is Pandemic Train?

In Pandemic Train you are in charge of the crew aboard a train roaming the postapocalyptic wasteland, ravaged by both war and a deadly plague. Your goal is to survive long enough to discover the cure… or die trying. Humanity’s fate is in your hands! Start your journey now!

You are in charge!

Pandemic Train is a survival simulation game in which you manage the crew as well as the passengers aboard the old school train carried by a steam engine. The in-game universe is characterized by an alternative timeline, in which a catastrophic viral outbreak has decimated the world’s population. The mysterious plague kills the infected within 24 hours, leading to widespread panic, riots, and war. The world is in ruin, and you are the only hope for its survival. Travel through the wasteland, gather the resources, fight off the bandits, and do your best to research the cure for the disease!


In Pandemic Train the world has become a very inhospitable place. Every person can carry the disease, so you have to choose your crew very wisely. People will die along the way, and you have to minimalize the damage. The resources are scarce, so you have to distribute them very carefully. And worst of all - there are lots of hungry wolves around. And by ‘hungry wolves’ we mean desperate people who perceive your train as a fat prize. Or sometimes - as an opportunity for a better life. You have to decide whether it’s better to fight them off or welcome aboard.

Manage the resources

In the harsh reality of Pandemic Train, you need to be self-sufficient - you grow your own food, breed the livestock, gather and purify your own drinking water, and do the essential repairs. You have to utilize every bit of scrap or junk you have at your disposal and turn it into something useful. This often leads to some difficult decisions, for example - rarely there’s enough medicine for everyone, so you’ll have to decide who is worth the treatment, and who is going be left to die.

Fight the plague!

The main goal of your actions is to create a vaccine and save the remnants of humanity from extinction. The longer you manage to keep the train moving, the less likely the crew will have the contact with the virus, and your scientists - more time to work on the medication. You can customize the train to your needs - decide how many people are on it and how many train cars are going to be attached to the engine. But remember - the bigger the party, the harder it is to keep it in check. You are the only hope for mankind. You are the last hope… for humanity.

Read More: Best Choices Matter Singleplayer Games.

Pandemic Train on Steam



This game is well balanced, well done, the gameplay is really cool.

The idea of ​​drilling the basement is very nice to me. No crash or bug when I play but sometimes a little trouble stopping my train in the station lol. I love to control my machine with the mouse !!

Note: 8/10 therefore

After I played this game for 23 hours : I just can’t stop playing it .. Going deeper and deeper ! !

Real player with 549.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Mining Games.

An interesting experiment. The player will take on the role of the driver of a huge drill. The whole point of the game is to go down as low as possible, get a certain amount of resources, return to the surface and improve your drill.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

CorePiercer on Steam




  • Very cute and long if you stop to listen to all voiced lines. Even if you just read it’s still farily long.

  • The characters are animated so it’s not just a standing picture.

  • If you get the patch, the h-scenes are also animated and they are interactive if you access them from the menu. Since I was confused what “interactive scenes” meant when I read about it, it’s so you can make the characters' pose, expression and such change at will. It’s not “interactive” in a sense of you click here and there and “things happen”.

Real player with 115.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Anime Games.

I don’t really care about this whole loli thing but whatever.

Well, it’s a VN about trains and the rejuvenation of a small city in present day alternate-universe Kyushu, except you also get romance thrown in. I think the underlying story has a message to it that makes me feel like I’ve learned something valuable, like most good VNs do. The train stuff is pretty interesting, too. You’re given a whole bunch of details on how steam trains work, a bit on some non-steam trains, and things relating to steam trains (like coal mines), from the main character “Raillord”, Hachiroku. However, the romance is not what you might expect. It seems more for comic relief than for actual dating sim content, which is fair game. It definitely felt empty, but that made some of the romance-related scenes kind of exciting in a cringy way, if that makes sense. I don’t hate it, but it made the ending of the first route I finished (Hibiki) feel very lame.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

Maitetsu on Steam

Monorail Stories

Monorail Stories

Silvie and Ahmal travel each day on the same Monorail, but at different times and opposite directions. They will meet different people and make different choices, but they don’t know they are sharing a common story.

Please get on board, enjoy this unique world and try to discover all the possible endings.


  • A Monorail!

  • Two playable characters

  • Multiple endings

  • Asynchronous multiplayer mode (local/online/Twitch)

  • Endless story mode

  • A unique cast of travelers (and their stories)

  • A deep and suggestive world

  • Charming pixel-art graphics

  • A groovy indie soundtrack

  • Lots of cats

  • A Monorail! (did we already say it?)

Monorail Stories on Steam

Red Trains

Red Trains

Red Trains is a strategic simulator game. Build tracks to connect industry and cities. Customize locomotive designs to optimize for particular goods and routes. Manage your political clout to avoid being removed from your post.

Train Design

Train design involves balancing train strength, speed, and capacity to optimize various cargo types and different length routes.


In Red Trains, research progresses automatically without your input. The People’s Republic never stands still. You can, however, affect the direction of research and make requests for particular areas to be investigated. Research unlocks components for train design, increases production, and even enable new types of rail tracks.


To better manage train pathing and scheduling use signals. While collisions never happen in the People’s Republic, deadlocks and other problems can occur if signals are not skillfully and carefully placed.

Story Scenarios

Twelve novel scenarios with light story to provide alternative play experiences.

Red Trains on Steam

Paper Train Traffic

Paper Train Traffic

Well It’s taken me four months to get through all 300 levels. As I started playing the game in September this year & yes there were times I would get rapidly annoyed with the trains derailing in fast succession.

However there is still a sense of achievment once you complete all of the 300 levels as they do vary in difficulty & that’s a good thing as you do have the constant challenge of clearing the lines for the next train.

I didn’t get bored at all either & another nice thing is the game is easy to dip into maybe achieve a few levels & then maybe take a break & come back another day & play again to unlock further levels.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Paper Train: Traffic is a mobile app that’s been dumped on Steam as a cheap, lazy cash grab. It’s a simple top down 2D “routing” game where you control trains on tracks, make sure there’s no collisions, and get the trains off the screen before the time runs out. You can stop, start, and switch tracks, making the game a clicker/action puzzle game more than anything else. The game uses a hand-drawn ballpoint pen style.

The artwork is really good for what it is, so the artist was talented, but the gameplay doesn’t keep up. As a mobile app, it’s too simplistic for Steam.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Paper Train Traffic on Steam

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Given 9,221 hours with W&R:SR, it seems I like this game. Right now, I’m enjoying the 1908 early start and the steam-powered vehicles from the mods. I recommend the game.

Real player with 9682.1 hrs in game

After almost 1000h in game, I can say it’s undisputed champion among city builders. And it’s still EA.

Currently, the main drawbacks, especially in comparison to competition:

  • lack of comprehensive tutorial or training missions to explain game mechanics in painless way - beginners need to browse forum or ask its users for help

  • some bugs,

  • graphics are rather inferior, comparing to CS - it’s not really a game to make beautiful screenshots,

  • certain mechanics could be reworked.

  • probably game will need more optimalisation before you’ll be able to build 100k citizen metropoly

Real player with 970.8 hrs in game

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic on Steam

The Last Express Gold Edition

The Last Express Gold Edition

I think this may well be the greatest game ever made. Yes, the controls are clunky as all get out. Yes, for people used to today’s games the ultra-high-tech-for-1997-digital-rotoscoping technique looks extremely antiquated. Yes, you’re dropped into the game with no idea what to do, and you’re going to fail. A lot. But at the same time “The Last Express” includes:

  • Probably the best-developed characters in any adventure game I’ve yet played (the weakest is arguably Robert Cath, who the player controls, but even he has an intriguing and irritatingly-largely-unrevealed-due-to-lack-of-a-sequel backstory). By the end of the game you know what they want and what makes most of them tick, and since certain bad things are more or less guaranteed to happen to a number of them the result is the equivalent of an emotional shovel to the face.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Ahead of its time but stuck in the past

First read about this game way back when it came out, in a magazine I still have, where the reviewer was left in complete awe because of unique design for an adventure game. Ever since it occupied a small cluster of neurons in the back of my head, waiting for me to play it and its moment to shine. I should say I never played the original so my review will only address this 2013 port, with some inferior exceptions others have noticed.

It plays like Myst, from 1st person perspective with static scenes as you move around, but is set in realistic environment of an vintage luxury passenger train called Orient Express. The whole game takes place in the same 4-5 vagon carts with beautifully rendered backgrounds. You move by clicking edges of screen with mouse cursor that contextually changes functions to forward, backward and left or right turn, with interaction prompts for opening doors and object/NPC interaction.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The Last Express Gold Edition on Steam

Choo-Choo Charles

Choo-Choo Charles

Charles is a bloodthirsty train, and you need to destroy him.

These winding tracks are treacherous, so you’ll need to plan each mission. Be careful when clearing your path on foot, or switching the tracks direction, because Charles might be waiting for you.

Upgrade you train to fit your needs.

Go looting or complete missions to find “Scraps”, which can be used to turn your train, into a death machine on wheels.

Get help from the townspeople.

Help out the settlers in return for high powered weapons, and other items vital to Charles' destruction.

Fight Charles to the death.

Prove yourself a worthy train killer, by gaining enough strength, firepower, and skill to take down the mechanical terror once and for all.

In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles”. Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobble-heads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople, or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.

Choo-Choo Charles on Steam

Subway Midnight

Subway Midnight


Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

This game made me scream so badly my roommate had to come make sure I wasn’t being murdered.

I really love the different designs and areas. I only played through it once so far and got the bad ending but I definitely want to play it again to see if I can get the other endings. The level and sound design is brilliant, in my opinion. The game really knows how to invoke anxiety and fear into the player. There’s the anticipation for a scare lurking around for the majority of the game. I enjoyed all the puzzles as many of them felt very unique and there was certainly a feeling of relief upon completing specific ones and entering essentially a safe zone.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Subway Midnight on Steam