Panda in the clouds

Panda in the clouds

Awesome game, the puzzles are greate! And the art is so cute!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Grid-Based Movement Games.

Great puzzles, I had brain cramps with the tornados.

Plus, it’s cute :3

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Panda in the clouds on Steam

The Rocket Stop Incident

The Rocket Stop Incident

Greetings from Rocket Stop! Enjoy working the night shift at a local Rocket Stop gas station. Keep the floors clean, check on the gas pumps, and drink lots of coffee. Until this mundane night of work becomes something much stranger.

Somebody is watching you, and your grasp on reality is shaken. Descend into mysterious and terrifying places to uncover a dark history, and a more cryptic plot just beginning to unfold.

“The Rocket Stop Incident” is a truly unusual experience featuring a variety of atmospheric environments with chilling ambiances. An isolated gas station is only the beginning. Dark hallways, bottomless stairwells, and otherworldly structures await you. And you are not alone.

Read More: Best Choices Matter Exploration Games.

The Rocket Stop Incident on Steam

Night Lights

Night Lights

Great concept, been keen to play this ever since I saw Jacksepticeye and Markiplier play the demos on their channels. Love the puzzle solving, at times was quite difficult and genuinely surprised me a few times. Definitely felt satisfied when I got those puzzles.

A few early glitches with level restarts, but with some fine tuning updates I’m sure that’ll be resolved. A good three hours worth of your time max if you don’t have to restart twice like I did lol. There were a couple of levels where it wasn’t obvious if I could make a jump after trying it the first time, and so I would give up that option and spend ages jumping around looking for other ways to solve the puzzle, only to realise that my first thought was correct.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Puzzle Games.

-No story for the game. Seems like they had a bunch of platforming levels they needed to do something with and to figure out a theme to connect them together.

-Controls can be very tricky. There was a section where you need to sprint and double jump but the character would just jump straight up every time.

-Do not recommend trying to play this on keyboard (which I did). At times you are required (it seems) to 5 keys at ones : Sprint, directional key, activate light, double jump and “zip”.

-There is no option to toggle light on. Its kind of annoying to have to hold the SHIFT key (if I remember right) down the whole time.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Night Lights on Steam

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

I can’t believe this game only has 35 reviews. I’m not going to write an essay covering each aspect of the plot/controls/audio/ etc, but I will mention them all briefly because they have made a distinct impression on me.

I think many people picked up or considered picking up this game because of its side-scrolling nature and apparent similarity to the popular title Limbo (a good game, don’t get me wrong - also check out Inside). But this game is different. True it’s a side scroller, death can come fast, and checkpoints are frequent. But the similarities mostly end there.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

I bought this game after seeing it looked like Limbo but the main character had a cool flying mechanic. After a short time in the game our hero loses his wings :( This made me a little sad for him but also now I didn’t get to fly about like I’d hoped!

The way in which the camera follows Elin (that’s his name!) about whilst flying is far from ideal. Most of the time you can’t see where you’re flying to vertically meaning having to just have faith, sometimes this means impacting with deadly spikes. Sorry Elin….

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Soulless: Ray Of Hope on Steam



I’m delighted to find this hidden gem while perusing the games for a Meridian 4 bundle as it’s been a while since I really enjoyed a platformer (the last would be Trine and Trine 2). There are many detailed reviews here and I agree with most so I will try to sum things up here:

(1) Storyline - man lost his son and tries to find him in a swamp. Meets a wisp that helps him to get deep into the swamp.

(2) Gameplay and difficulty - 12 levels (about 6+ hours I’d say for one playthrough, more if you want to get all achievements). You will obtain various powers (i.e. the 3 types of light) at various levels, first when you meet the wisp and then by defeating some of the later bosses.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

It’s strange how things go sometimes. If you visit the store page for Schein on Steam you’ll see logo after logo of award nominations and wins Schein has picked up over the course of its development. And it deserves them too, it’s a great game, yet for some reason no one seems to be talking about it. It should by rights be an ‘indie darling’, but so far it’s a lost gem

Maybe part of the problem is that it’s easily dismissed as yet another indie puzzle-platformer, a Braid-like. With simple graphics, a so-so character model, and some less than great voice work. Spend some time with Schein though and you realise it’s more than that, packed with smart, challenging puzzles, and some cool aesthetics.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Schein on Steam

The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City

This game is pretty good and I love it, tho it does have some problems but I do recommend anyone play it.

A very interesting an engaging story, a gameplay loop that’s pretty fun, and a lot of fantastic quality of life.


-Fine Gameplay

-IMO brings the strengths of Skyrim of movements and conversation trees

-A Good story and mystery

-fantastic graphics


-Combat is a bit janky

-Sometimes the animations and interactions bug out

Overall: This feels like another one of my favorite games Paradise Killer in that its a interesting mystery that engages you with story and compelling characters. I am excited to see more from this dev in the future.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Honestly a really good way of using a loop mechanic, it’s a bit of a gimmick at this point and usually not the most fun to have all progress made depending on resetting all progres. But with Galerius it’s not as tedious.

So the game story wise is pretty fun with some very interesting story lines. It first and foremost being a skyrim mod comes through here as it has a greater focus on many small stories to build the world around you. This ties together nicely to give the main story and the “canon ending” great build up and makes it feel organic.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

The Forgotten City on Steam

Artifact Adventure

Artifact Adventure

In a sentence this game is about old-school RPG gameplay. There’s power gaming, story, and lots of replayability. You control 4 schmucks

! or just 1 and a wad of dirty slaver cashon a quest to slay the Swamp King and halt the creeping poison from consuming the world. There are many quests and moral dilemmas you will face as you rise to be the heros the world deserves, but history is never silent; are your swords, fists, and guns good enough to remain pure?

I highly recommend this game if you like J/RPGS. That being said, here’s some more details and greivances:

Real player with 135.5 hrs in game

Aesthetics: Nostalgic!

This game’s sound design and appearance, right down to the layout of the battle screen, give it an 8-bit feel, reminiscent of the early Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) games. The battle music is particularly good; it will get stuck in your head!

Narrative: Simple and Many

While the game has one overall objective of defeating the Swamp King, there’s no “main” plot line. There are many little side stories. Some of the quests present the player with moral choices; a couple of these really made me stop and think.

Real player with 80.6 hrs in game

Artifact Adventure on Steam