Sometimes Always Monsters

Sometimes Always Monsters

Games are Art. This is not under debate, but the thing about art is you can get it, you can understand the themes and artists intentions…and you can still conclude the art is unsuccessful. The developers are perhaps some of the nicest and most thoughtful guys in the indie world. They’ve been wonderfully responsive and engaged with improving problems players encounter. However, SAM fails to live up to ASM’s legacy, but more than that it fails its attempts at creating cohesive art. Despite all the worrying the devs indicate they did about whether anyone would “get it”, that didn’t turn out to be the problem at all. The question should have been: “How do we keep those who get our game engaged? How do we tell a good story through our medium and art?”. They didn’t need to remake ASM. They just needed to iron out what fit and didn’t fit their message.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter RPG Games.

I really wanted to like this game. This is why I didn’t.

I first heard about ASM in 2015, and played it for about 17 total hours, finished the game two and a half times, I believe. Haven’t picked it back up since 2019. I was excited for Sometimes Always Monsters, because, as memories fade, the issues I had with the original game faded as well. This isn’t a critique of ASM, though, although the two games share common problems. I’ll save that for another time. As the story carries over, however, I’m going to reference it during this review.

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Sometimes Always Monsters on Steam

Open Sorcery: Sea++

Open Sorcery: Sea++

A great game, in general.

If you have difficulty with the text-based nature of the game, just think of it as a point & click without pictures. The difference is minimal, you’ll just have a lot more freedom of action (and the branching paths which come with it) than with traditional point & clicks.

Buying this game was a no-brainer for me since I loved the ideas introduced in the first Open Sorcery. I just wanted to see more of the world introduced to us in the first game. And Sea++ delivered.

If you have even surface knowledge of computer science, you will find a lot of creative puns to enjoy. And those who like fantasy will find a refreshing take on the genre.

Real player with 69.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Indie Games.

Abigail Corfman has done it again, with a massive follow-up to one of my favorite Twine games ever, Open Sorcery. This time, rather than a magical creature as in the first OS, you play a human – one of the titular “open sorcerers”, who specializes in blending magic and C++ code to work her will on the world.

Sea++ also takes the opportunity to flesh out the world of Open Sorcery to a truly vast degree. Some of the highlights, for me, included:

– taking tea with a very eldritch spider

– convincing an angel to use gender-neutral pronouns for God

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Open Sorcery: Sea++ on Steam



Now, you may be wondering why I have over 100 hours in a game where there’s DLC and a season pass. It’s not about the money, it’s about the gameplay. I don’t have any dlc as it’s just the same gameplay but with different skins.


Steal money from friends, bots, or others in online

Have pets (just dogs or cats)

Exploit the economy if you’re lucky enough not to land on tax spaces

You can be single just like real life

When married, it costs nothing and you actually earn money from it

There’s no divorce papers so your partner doesn’t take anything from you

Real player with 424.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Multiplayer Games.

I’ve had this game get stuck three times now right at the end. It counts the money and the pieces just stand there, moving their heads and jumping around. On top of that, all the maps except one are behind a paywall. Had I known I was only gonna get one map with this game, I wouldn’t have gotten it. I figured since it was so based around having new maps, that there would be more than one available to play without paying. Ha. Nope. I bought this during the Steam Summer Sale and it still wasn’t worth the discounted price. What a joke. Greed has gotten the best of this one.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game


Strangers of the Power 2

Strangers of the Power 2

For a Game that is fast and you can do multiple choices just go ahead and play it worth it!

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

I was just browsing the store for a cheap game and found this wonderful game. I had no idea what the game was like and immediately saw the art style which already settled the deal for me. I enjoyed the overall gameplay the most however. It was your standard RPG game except for the fact where you get to pick your main character and 3 others to follow which will later on impact your game. I also enjoyed the aspects of the rivalry system the game had to offer and

! the different ending that you can achieve in the game . The game had several unique aspects to it that really made me happy when i bought this game. I plan on playing this game more and grinding up those achievements! This game really is a game that will stick with me for a long time.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Strangers of the Power 2 on Steam

Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 2

Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 2

a Game designed for achievement spam, so achievement hunters will be sure to

grab these up, cheap games with a boat load of achievements to rank up your

achievement counter… Thee game itself though, cant really speak for it, i dont

really have the knowledge of those era’s , locations or events and happenings to

give you an accurate description of them, The entire series of this game will

all have the same review from me, as i said purely to rack up achievement count.

The achievements comes unlocked, you install the game, then run it and they unlock

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

You get what you paid for, 5K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 2 on Steam

Beyond a Steel Sky

Beyond a Steel Sky


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Well, the original Beneath A Steel Sky from 1994 is considered to be one of the best classic point and click adventures ever made by many of its fans. A dystopian story of an outsider abducted into a city state who in the end overthrows the evil mastermind running the city. I loved the beginning of the game, but was a bit disappointed by the ridicoulously incompetent security forces of the city, who were unable to stop me from moving around the city and finally destrying the ruling AI, although the ending somehow hinted at why they may have been so misguided in a city ruled by technology. Anyway, this is the sequel to that game, made 25 years later. The technology used by the game has changed completely, from the classic 2D view to a (third person) 3D game. Well, most adventures that switched from 2D to 3D were (more or less) failures, like Simon 3D, Gabriel Knight 3, King’s Quest 8, Broken Sword 4, or Syberia 3… will this game be a worthy sequel?

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Beyond a Steel Sky is the sequel to the 26 year old point ‘n click adventure, Beneath a Steel Sky. I play through the original about once every year or two, it’s one of my favorite point and click adventures, going back to when it was originally released in the mid 90s. If you haven’t played the original you will certainly miss quite a bit of what makes the sequel enjoyable, so do yourself a favor and play the first one. It’s free and its a blast.

Alright, enough about the original. First, I’ll go over the stuff I don’t like about Beyond a Steel Sky.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Beyond a Steel Sky on Steam

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part II : No Regrets For The Future

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part II : No Regrets For The Future

Disclosure: During the early access stages of this game’s development, I accepted an offer to proofread it, and repeated the exercise just ahead of final release. This will have no bearing on my assessment of the entertainment on offer.

Albeit with one episode left to follow, this game may represent the end of a journey for this series which has seen it progress from shallow and somewhat under-cooked, to massively improved with engaging plot, character backstories, more graphical interest and more in-game extras.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Welcome to.. Chichester Part II: No regrets for the future gives a reflection on early meetings between the impish archenemy Grendel and the Protagonist during the holiday capers from WTC 2 Part 1. The recollections take us back to the very first interactions between them during the Protagonist’s first mission, giving an insight into the developing kinship that not only causes concerns for Grendel’s father but also becomes a confliction of interests since Grendel’s father belongs to a rival secret organisation ‘pet insurance’ company.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part II : No Regrets For The Future on Steam

Natural - Beyond Nature -

Natural - Beyond Nature -

super nice and cute anime pc game! I realy liked it + Im realy in LOVE! you can buy/play it! 3

I think this is a ROMANCE between me and my friends and of course the awesome games in steam Im realy enjoying it ;)

My big wish is a good nature walking simolation game that I can play whenever I want like my favorite top pc game wander. of course Im realy realy sad that my favorite pc game Wander doesnt work any more:

I realy miss the flight running and of course the swim actions! so please for all game developers that want to make a good nature walking simolation game: create it like the game called Wander!!! (running; flight + swimming); or maybe create the game WANDER2 pls do it for me it was my number 1 top pc game and the best game that I ever played I realy need it! what also important is that maybe not so much violance include in he the game! It sould be more cute and have a good atmosphere! + the must be a bit mystic that would be nice! 3 I want a game that is never ending and that is to big to finish in my life =D like wander! omg why I cant play it anymore Im so sad ♥♥♥♥ I want it back! Pls bring it back! Ok so make me a better game that is similar like wander maybe WANDER2. this would be awesome for me!:

Real player with 2151.2 hrs in game

Voices from the Sea is my favorite visual novel of all time. When I heard that there was another game similar comeing out, I sat through every delay and got it the second it came out. I can honestly say I’m not disappointed. Natural -Beyond Nature- is my second favorite visual novel. It’s not quite as good as Voices from the Sea, but it’s still amazing. However, it’s not very much like Voices from the Sea. It takes place on the same island and has similar supernatural being in it. But overall, it’s not the care free and happy story that Voices from the Sea is. Insted, Natural -Beyond Nature- is rather gloomy. It has a serious story with multiple endings. While Voices from the Sea made me feel happy, this made me on the brink of crying at the end. Unlike Voices from the Sea, the choices you make in this game actually do something. Which could really make a lot of people like it better.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Natural - Beyond Nature - on Steam

Never Forget Me

Never Forget Me

Never Forget Me is the sequel to Always Remember Me, following the everyday life of Amy, her husband and the struggles they face.


  • The stories vary and are really interesting. They feel relateable and are well written overall.

  • The background and the CGs are really beautiful.

  • Even though I wasn’t fond of the music at first, it got stuck in my head as I played the game :)


  • As English is not my mother tongue, I’m the last one to criticise grammar or spelling mistakes. But the more I played, the more they started to bother me

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game, and since ‘Always Remember Me’ was one of the first Winter Wolves’ games I ever played, it was great to catch up with the characters. I am delighted by the general premise, that the story doesn’t stop at the ‘happy ending’, that married life can be tough and as much of an adventure as dating.

The art style is very familiar for fans of Winter Wolves' games, though they have re-used quite a bit of artwork (mostly background) from other games, which means Amy may be living in the house the characters ‘Roommates’ inhabited, and the same town as ‘Nicole’ went to university. However this is a minor detail and can largely be ignored in favour of story and characters.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Never Forget Me on Steam

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition

Take a zany tour through Chichester, England… NOT AMERICA!!! As our male protagonist Spy realises he is in the wrong country in this comedy Visual Novel. If you have played the first WTC Visual Novel then you know to expect plenty of wild Austin Powers type sarcastic humour BUT if this is your first experience, like it was mine, then throw all seriousness out the window and enjoy this hilarious romp…

Created using Visual Novel Maker, this point & click comedy VN is spread over 7 brief chapters and are all controlled by the click of the mouse.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

(Got this game courtesy of the developer’s submission to OMEGA Trade - G. Thanks!)

Welcome to…hey, we improved what part 1 was a test of!!!

After playing several bad games lately, I heard this one had recently gotten achievements. So I thought…I may as well try it out…after all, it is short (clocking in at about 75 minutes for me, but taking longer to read all dialogue and try to get all achievements). I remember playing part 1 to this story, so when I saw this offer land at my feet, I was intrigued to continue the story.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition on Steam