Astrobase Command

Astrobase Command

Salvage the remnants of your civilization by starting anew in uncharted space, with a small crew and the beginnings of an Astrobase. Grow your base by constructing modules on all three axes, put out fires both literal and metaphorical, and send characters with real personalities and emotions on non-linear text-based adventures across a procedural galaxy.

The only mode is ironman and every section, module, deck and crew member added to your Astrobase comes with implicit risks and reward, so choices matter. How long can you keep from succumbing to the dangers of space?

  • Grow - Expand your Astrobase in all three directions.

  • Nurture - Build a home for your crew and their daily lives

  • Design - Layout the Astrobase to counter crises such conduit leaks, compartment failures, explosions, fires, personnel issues, and more

The Astrobase can be constructed along three axes. Your crew can expand the base by building modules or contract it by salvaging them. They can add or remove functionality by building up or tearing down sections in the modules. They can even build ships that lets you explore the galaxy.

You choose what to build and when to build it. The crew needs to rest and they need to breathe, do you rush the construction of the Enlisted Quarters or the Air Pump first? What’s the optimal placement of the new module? Is it better to have the Plasma Reactor closer to storage or to the crew’s quarters? Keep the station well maintained and stocked with supplies or disastrous consequences may result.

  • Characters - Your crew make their own decisions as they interact with each other and the world around them.

  • Full AI lifecycle - They work, eat, sleep, use the bathroom, relax, and socialize all as part of their daily lives.

  • Morale - Your crew can get exhausted, or suffer from low morale which affects the quality of their lives and how they perform tasks.

  • Relationships - Your crew form personal, professional, and romantic relationships. The relationships can be either positive or negative based on how their personalities and actions align.

Your crew live their own lives on the Astrobase. They have things to do and people to meet. Exactly how well they perform depends on how good they fit into their job, what adventures they’ve had, and what horrors they have survived; even how well matched they are with their peers matters, some will become romantic partners while others become bitter work rivals.

You will run into stumbling blocks, maybe your crew is exhausted because you’ve pushed them too hard, or low morale makes slacking off more enticing, or maybe Jenkins and Rodriguez spend too much time arguing while the Fission Reactor goes critical. Figure out your problems and fix them!

  • Explore - Build and dispatch ships across the galaxy to explore planets, fight killbots, extract resources, and interact with other civilizations.

  • Delegate - The ranking officer of each ship will make decisions based on their personality, and take recommendations from their team.

  • Overrule - Change the decisions in the logs they send back, or let them make their own mistakes.

The procedural adventures of the crew assigned to your ships can be read and interacted with in the logs they send back. Carefully handpick the crew for each ship you send out. Monitor their progress or leave them to their own fate. Whatever you choose to do, the outcomes of their adventures will be felt in what resources they get, what injuries they suffer, and in how it changes their emotional state.

  • Assign - Choose the best person for each job based on their stats, personalities, and over 50 different skills.

  • Manage - Prioritize tasks, clear task blockers, optimize the routes that the crew take during their day.

  • Observe - Calculate resource depletion and stay on top of tasks to prevent the reactors from exploding, the conduits leaking, and compartments failing,

The desk is where you design the Astrobase into a functioning home for your crew, promote leaders, manage tasks, monitor resource consumption, read reports from your ships and give them your input.

Running the station means manning your desk. Be efficient, and use your time wisely or take a break and play some Asteroid Shooter.

  • Individuality - Characters maintain emotional memory, and experience psychological growth over time depending on how results align with expectations.

  • Expression - Each character’s personality is expressed in their conversations, thoughts, and ship log entries

  • Story - Over 100 personality traits and 42 intertwined emotions combine to author narratives that reflect how the crew are actually thinking and feeling.

The Astrobase’s crew will have conversations with each other, or insights about their lives. Crew members join the Astrobase with revealed personality traits that drive the emotions that effect their job suitability, choices and actions. More traits become unlocked as they experience emotional growth.

Ensure that your crew’s psychological needs are met and they have the ability to grow as people. When you’re processing recruit applications you’ll want to keep an eye out for personalities that might clash with your existing crew, or will be compatible and create lasting friendships.

Read More: Best Choices Matter RPG Games.

Astrobase Command on Steam

Survive In Russia

Survive In Russia

Gameplay 1/10

Story 2/10

Controls 3/10

Graphics 4/10

Difficulty 1/10

Positive Aspects

  • Runs smoothly and stable. No crashes, bugs, or other major errors.

  • Is exactly what it’s advertised as, no more, no less.

Negative Aspects

  • The music will fade whenever there is a sound cue playing. Very annoying and had me mute the entire game.

  • The stories are a bit dull.

  • The difficulty. You can finish each of the 3 stories in about 10 minutes. You just have to click a few times and make some choices and you’re done.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Multiple Endings Games.

I kind wish there was more chapters and dlc help support game?? hint to developers.

I played it as far I could stay sitting comfortably by computer.

Like: Doctor story was interesting. I have yet play third time around teacher or rich kid roles yet.

Dislike: one chance encounters end up giving negative influences in your life is dice roll effect, there no character customization/ if characters were different sex?

Doctor character story last time I played it was unfinished. Teacher not sure how finished that was.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survive In Russia on Steam

Exoplanet: First Contact

Exoplanet: First Contact

UPDATE below the original review, 23+ hours in the game

I currently have close to 9.4 hours in the game, and I’m at the current ‘end.’ As such, I’ll provide my thoughts thus far:

1st question most ask, is it worth buying? In its current state, at 10 hours of gameplay, that’s a tough sell, but having a chance to perhaps have some input on how the final product turns out may be the tipping point for some.

I’ve had fun. I’ve thought about this game between sessions, which is usually a good indicator that it’s interesting enough, even in its current Alpha state, to keep me guessing. I really hope this winds up as a completed project (have seen a few Alphas sputter and die, let this not be one!)

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Sci-fi Games.

What if Firefly and Mad Max had a Western themed love child…?

Add in a healthy dollop of Fallout and you’d be looking at Exoplanet: First Contact a real find for those of you lucky enough to stumble across it’s store page.

At the moment - Update 7, mid Jan 2018 - sadly almost nobody has heard of this early access gem. This game is a serious sleeper. It’s a clever, novel concept, the gameplay and the story suck you in from the beginning. I’ve seen criticism of the graphics in other reviews but I guess that was prior to the last update because the desert looks great to me.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Exoplanet: First Contact on Steam

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna (The Dimension Within) is a 3D narrative adventure game where you play as a young Italian journalist, named Giorgio, living in a small town in Tuscany. The game focuses on his personal struggle as he finds himself at the center of a chain of events he doesn’t quite understand, but feels responsible for. The player will be asked to guide him through a series of situations and decisions where time, the opinion of others, and his emotions will influence how the story unfolds, and ultimately decide the destiny of the protagonist and the people around him.

Through an innovative dialogue system, the player will be able to decide when to respond or intervene in a dialogue; he will also be able to decide what to say – and how to say it. All those elements will be taken into account by the characters involved, which will respond accordingly to what they feel, believe, and are trying to achieve.

However, not all options will always be available, and this will depends on Giorgio’s Principles: the player will be able to shape up his instincts and personality, which will enable some choices and hinder others. There are ways to force Giorgio to act against his will, to a certain degree, but it will have a cost.

Giorgio’s emotions are another important aspect the player will need to deal with: fears, anxieties, neurosis will make everything more challenging for him: on a wrong day, even innocent jokes can turn into mortal offences, and some NPCs will leverage this, in the attempt to manipulate him.

Another key aspect is that Time will always be ticking – even during conversations. Every line of dialogue pronounced by either the protagonist or other characters has a time cost associated. This means that even if NPCs will follow their own routine, your actions will impact what they will decide to do next, given they still have the time to do it… just remember that time won’t wait for you either.

La Dimensione Interna on Steam

The Sacred Acorn

The Sacred Acorn

Explore the furthest reaches of an enchanted land

A mysterious force known only as the Chaos has begun creeping into the once peaceful Tansira, infecting the land and corrupting everything it touches. It’s spreading fast, from the lush Emerald Thicket all the way to the Roaring Tundra. Nothing is safe from it’s corruption; the landscape is withering, friends are turning on each other, and once beautiful havens are becoming desiccated wastelands. There is only one that can stop this calamity before it’s too late… you.

The Sacred Acorn is a beautiful top down adventure that will take you on a journey across a vast enchanted world. Explore ancient forests, mysterious caves, frigid tundras, murky swamps, and deadly volcanoes. Fight fearsome monsters, befriend cute and strange creatures, unlock new powers

and discover long lost ancient secrets to save your tribe.

Can you purge the Chaos in time?

Game features

  • Top-down 2D action adventure with challenging combat

  • You are a squirrel! Brave, adorable and uniquely gifted

  • Explore an expansive world full of beautiful vistas and hidden secrets

  • Cute, charming and strange creatures ready to greet you around every corner

  • Enemies galore! Fight formidable trees that move, vicious shells that shoot spikes and many many more

  • Find out about the powerful Essence and how you can weave your adventure with it

  • Listen to a beautiful soundtrack, hand crafted to fill every moment with wonder and excitement

  • Puzzles and secrets hide all over Tansira - what mysteries will you find?

Join the Discord!

The Sacred Acorn on Steam

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

Better than most modern movies!

At first, the story seems cliche but will intrigue you the more you learn.

Choices shape your journey and allow for multiple play-throughs in return.

Exciting, scary and silly, all in one.

It’ll take you at least 5 hours before you’re done.

Off to find more secrets, I go.

There is much more of the plot, I need to know.

But there is one final note, for me to leave.

A grade of 7/10, this piece of art will receive.

And a word of advice, as you choose who will live or die.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game


Very fun with friends. Your choices can affect each other’s characters and you can mess around a lot.

Voice acting was well done.

The graphics look pretty.

There is a lot of action.


The game isn’t scary.

Quick time events don’t do anything most of the time, and failing them doesn’t affect the outcome of the scene. When this is noticed you are unimmersed.

Some dialogue choices aren’t well enough presented so you pick what initially sounds good, but then the character says something completely different than you intended.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes on Steam

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods

Once, the world was better, the gods greater, the wars over, the end farther. You were born in the Cloudlands during those bright days, one of the Ormfolk, forever young and strong, worshipped by those below for your forefathers’ deeds. But all has gone wrong. Wolves and worse haunt the night, the law holds no sway, and men’s hearts grow hard toward their gods. Fearful of their dwindling shares of souls, your kin turned against each other … and against you. And so you were cast down from the heavens, a fallen god broken upon the bitter earth. Now, you rise, free from death and ready to carve a bloody road back to your rightful home.


Fallen Gods is a narrative “rogue-lite” RPG. You control the titular fallen god, who starts each game with different might, wits, health, and divine powers, and one of several animal familiars and magical artifacts. He has 90 days to win his way back to the Cloudlands, or he will lose his godhood forever. During that time, he must gather and manage a warband of up to five followers, find additional artifacts, and gain soul-strength by performing godly deeds (some kindly, some cruel). The world is full of barrows, caverns, swamps, towns, shrines, villages, castles, and other locations of interest. What you find in these places—what foes you will face in battle, what friends you can make, what dilemmas you must resolve, and what rewards you might win—changes every game. As your understanding of the world and its inhabitants grows, you will discover new strategies and develop new paths to victory, but the way will never be easy.

  • Decisions fit for a (fallen) god. Fallen Gods is about hard choices with fateful consequences. Where should you explore, what should you seek, and who should you trust? The answers are never easy, but the outcomes are always interesting.

  • Never the same story twice. Every game of Fallen Gods casts a different god into a different world, filled with different events, battles, dungeons, towns, and denizens. Even familiar encounters will change depending on your skills, followers, items, resources, and choices.

  • A rich setting inspired by sagas, myths, history, and folklore. The world of Fallen Gods is drawn from the old sources of classic fantasy with modern glosses stripped away, restoring the wonder, terror, and otherworldliness that have been lost. The themes and even language of the game are those of the great sagas.

  • A game of game-changers. The divine skills, animal familiars, human followers, and magical artifacts that you get in Fallen Gods meaningfully expand your options, rather than merely modifying some statistic.

  • Ups and downs. The protagonist of Fallen Gods starts out powerful, and while he can grow mightier, he also faces the danger of losing the strength and assets he’s gained. Weathering setbacks and taking calculated risks is the key to victory. For a fallen god, even death can be endured.

Fallen Gods on Steam

Summer Meetings

Summer Meetings

the visuals are amazing and the way they built up the atmosphere with its dialogue/option is amazing as well, i really feel at home playin this game all the time. and uhmm yeahh it is worth playing it has such an amazing route. can’t wait to buy the bundle pack from its developer… looking forward to it

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

This was… Pretty nice. Summer Meetings is the fourth game by this author and definitely their best work s far. It’s a very simple romantic visual novel, with five love interests and a very standard, but decently written and well-paced story. It gets a little weird sometimes with the fourth wall breaking and with how it deals with sexual themes (there’s only implied sex, it’s definitely not an eroge), but I honestly didn’t have too many issues with it. The English script is also better than in any of the previous games by this author, without any obvious mistakes or awkward translation that would catch my attention. There’s also the usual gimmick of Mikołaj’s VNs, that is the ability to date a few girls at once and intentionally create all kinds of cheating drama (and it even includes characters that are somewhat OK with not having the protagonist just for themselves). The ability to test various, often really weird scenarios and maybe simply mess with everyone and enjoy seeing the world burn is pretty unique and probably the biggest perk of the game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Summer Meetings on Steam

The Dealer

The Dealer

It’s a cool idea. I like the concept. All the core mechanics seem like they work but I would recommend a few specific things which I posted on the discussions page.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Well done salesman simulator

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Dealer on Steam

Creepy Mahjong

Creepy Mahjong

Creepy Mahjong is a dark theme Mahjong solitaire with a twist.

Levels follow a story, but each time you play, the story might be different.

Completing some levels or failing to, will bring you to a different path of levels to explore.

In each level, you have to fight a monster, and with the pass of time, your life reduces.

Each time a pair of tiles is removed, you get back some health.

If you get stuck and your health isn’t too low, you can escape and get a new monster to fight with, but be careful because your health is carried from one level to another either if you win or escape.

To bring you more into the creepy mood, this game purposely has no hints or shuffle, and some levels might not be solvable due to the random tile placement.

It’s up to you to figure out and decide when it’s time to escape and try to find another match or keep fighting.

Create and Share your own Levels

Purchasing Creepy Mahjong, you will also get access to a Level Editor where you can create your own design.

After designing your level you will obtain a code that you can use to share it with your friends and community.

Share your creations with your friends for an endless challenge!


Mouse (+ Keyboard for shortcuts)

Creepy Mahjong on Steam