

(Just a note, Steam has the dates messed up because I had a previous review that I deleted. This review was actually posted on March 23 and has no relation to the previous review from January.)

Ryzom is a frustrating game for me.

This game is very, very flawed even just with its game design. There are bugs all over that need to be fixed, new player experience is atrocious with almost none of the game’s mechanics explained properly, the game’s engine is archaic, and a lot of its design is of questionable merit. There’s even some serious problems with racism and ableism in this game, plus the most absurdly sexualized costumes I’ve ever seen for female medium armor. Yet, in spite of all that, it really can be a very, very enjoyable game once you slog through learning all the mechanics. I genuinely like the core gameplay, as you can clearly see from my play time, which is actually at least a couple hundred hours less than my actual play time. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game.

Real player with 484.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Free to Play Games.

Ryzom is 12 years old and it shows. The game is beyond stable. (I don’t know if Steam supports it, but the game works great on Mac and Linux in addition to Windows.) I haven’t had any crashes in over 250 hours of play. The character/mob models look clunky and the landscape polygons seem over large by 2016 standards, but the game is colorful and vibrant. My 6 year old computer handles the highest settings just fine with FPS to spare. The community is the most mature, helpful and pleasant I’ve ever seen (and I’ve played 30+ MMOs in the last 20 years).

Real player with 467.5 hrs in game

Ryzom on Steam

Kakele Online - MMORPG

Kakele Online - MMORPG

I have over 150+ hours and these CMs are the worse CMs ive ever seen in any mmorpg game they are so bad do not recommand playing unless you wanna get banned for something dumb!

Real player with 828.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Indie Games.

I have more than 300 hours of gameplay and I came here to talk about the game: (version 3.2)

Good stuff:

1. Totally free to play so far

2. Interesting and challenging missions.

3. Interesting magic system

4. Rare items and difficult to obtain.

5. Interesting Pvp


1. Poor balance Some classes are better than others.

2. Toxic community and many racist people … for you to have an idea the developers will remove the monkey mob from the game because of that.

3. Bad market system (can improve many things)

Real player with 170.1 hrs in game

Kakele Online - MMORPG on Steam

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

Having played this game for nearly 1000 hours now, here’s what I can say.

The good :

  • An incredible amount of content. Even if you’re not planning to subscribe, you still get access to 8 class stories, who take anywhere from 15 to 100 hours each depending on how fast you go through them and if you do side missions. Then there’s the usual MMORPG content, 4 man dungeons (called flashpoints), 16 man raids (operations) and world bosses all with different difficulty levels.

  • Quality of writing / storytelling. The story in this game is amazing and stands far above any other MMO I’ve played. It’s essentially high quality Bioware single player writing, but in an MMO. Some class stories stand out, like the Bond-esque Agent story, or the classic overpowered sith story of the warrior. Whoever you are, you’ll find a story that suits your style.

Real player with 1620.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Free to Play Games.

Here are 5 reasons why it is worth playing SWTOR in 2021!

1. Story Content

The best story content in the game are the 8 class stories from the original vanilla content. There is nothing like putting yourself in the shoes of a Sith or a Jedi or an Imperial Agent or a Smuggler.

If you haven’t played some of them or haven’t played them with a different gender or dark/light side combination or you haven’t tried to romance a particular companion, you should try (you can even now skip planetary arcs, as levels are irrelevant in single player content)

Real player with 650.0 hrs in game

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ on Steam



Despite the mixed reviews I went against what they said and bought it anyway, and if I’m being honest, I really like the game.

I see a lot of great potential and promise unlike some other games that just money grabbed and left. These developers have actual talent and the know-how to make a fantastic game, and so far (with the exception of bugs and lack of game play at the moment), it seems to be working great and progressing really well.

I would recommend this game to those that like a more chill and progressive type of game play and don’t mind the player base (which is currently very low). The models are fantastic however the lack of sound from them is quite annoying as only the elk and tiger produce a form of a call (from what I know), and the elk call is extremely loud and overbearing and the starter animals that you wish to play as have no attack animation making you completely defenseless against others that wish to attack you. However on the bright side you are small and almost quick enough to get away (despite the raccoon, its pretty slow, but the rabbit has such a little hitbox that its very hard to eat unless you are a smaller creature such as a fox).

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

So lets start with the cons,

the game is obviously a bit buggy but i appreciate that the devs acknowledge that at the start of the menu instead of trying to pass it off as a complete game. And there is really no single player content whatsoever, and 1 other person playing on any of the servers. Obviously, if this were a fully released game these would be deal breakers, but its still early access and they’re still adding updates. On top of that, the map is big and beautiful, and animal graphics are stunning and the phsysics are super realistic which i love. So for those reasons and the hope that they will add more content to this game, Im not gonna refund it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Artemishea on Steam

Glow Chess

Glow Chess

Guess what – you can’t castle or play the AI as black. Can’t flip sides to play as black, either. If that doesn’t get fixed, it’s not chess. If the developer fixed the castling issue and made sure that en passant is there, then okay, one dollar might be reasonable. Right now it’s just a scam to steal some money from people.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game


Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Glow Chess on Steam

A Survival Game Project

A Survival Game Project

Mr KAIZEN, grand ingénieur spécialisé dans l’intelligence artificielle, décida de fabriquer plusieurs animatroniques dans l’espoir qu’elles aident la populations dans différentes tâches du quotidien. Mais le destin en a décider autrement. Les machines qu’il a créé sont devenue au fil du temps totalement incontrôlable en développant une conscience comme les humains.

Les machines se sont retournées contre lui car étant leur créateur, elles le traque pour le punir de les avoir mit au monde.

Vous êtes une brigade chargée de traquer ses créatures dans différents endroits pour les mettre hors d’état de nuire à la population.


  • Trouvez les points faibles de chaque animatroniques pour les rendre hors-service.

    Chaque animatronique que vous aller affronter à une histoire, un point faible différent. Ils sont tous éparpillé dans le monde et vous ne savez pas combien Mr KAIZEN en a fabriqué avant d’être porté disparu.

  • Coopérez avec vos équipiers.

    Unissez vous avec vos amis ou d’autres personnes pour élaborer des pièges et battre chaque animatronique. Vous pouvez pour cela communiquer avec vos coéquipiers par chat textuel ou chat vocal de proximité.

A Survival Game Project on Steam

Outlaws of the Old West

Outlaws of the Old West

I am just going to break it down by section

Gameplay=Its Early Access so its going to need some work, so far, not too many complaints considering that. I feel there could be more interaction, such as bandits, or NPCs, something to do besides mining, harvesting, and building. I realize there is a PVP option, however, I do not like the idea of working to build a homestead, only to have it destroyed. However, it would be nice to have goals. Such as raising crops, animals, or other things to sell. Maybe a way to build our own stores instead of Prefab stores. A better way to interact with other players would be nice. Right now, you have to trade or use the mail system to interact. It would be nice to be able to set up waystations, build stores, etc. A train system that has a function. Right now its only good for transporting goods which I can do with my horse, seeing as I have to be there to remove them at the end anyways. Maybe a passenger car, as well as cargo cars. I am excited to see how it plays out.

Real player with 704.2 hrs in game

I can only hope that someday, a DEV reads this … I go back to ARK :-(

Designating a game as early access means that it is constantly being improved. But before you improve on details, you should start with the most obvious flaws. This game is nicely set up, but there are still far too many vulnerabilities:

• There are many places on the map without grass or structure that look like an empty carpet, with a geometric shape.

• There are also places where trees hang in the air as if a mountain had been there before.

Real player with 664.0 hrs in game

Outlaws of the Old West on Steam

Hired Ops

Hired Ops

Decent FPS Shooter!

I can’t recommend this game to anyone for a million reasons!!

Another missed project by Absolutsoft!!

From the beginning of the development the game was supposed to be P2P, and many times the developers as well as their community manager promised that the game would never be F2P, however it turned out to be the biggest lie of Absolutsoft company and their team!

It went further in the development of the game where it took the company and developers more than two years to create four different classes of operators aka the characters in the game that the players would play with!!!

Real player with 1017.1 hrs in game

So to preface.. I just logged over hour 100 of Hired Ops, additionally i’m currently sitting at Rank 68 on the world leader boards. This isn’t me flexing the e-peen about my stats but rather to add validation for my forthcoming scathing of some persistent issues with game.

Firstly, you’ll notice that i DO recommend this game, highly in-fact. I consider Hired Ops a true reawakening to the glory days of fast paced tactical shooters ( circa MW2, MW3 ). The mashup Counter-Strike/MOBA perk and currency system is a surprisingly unique and enjoyable mechanic to progress through matches, constantly tipping the balance in either teams favor while rewarding good gun play for the individual. The customization system has a pace that makes you feel validated ( although slightly grindy ) it keeps you coming back searching for rare attachments and weapons. The gameplay is fluid, kills feel rewarding, weapons have good feedback, and the maps are fleshed out with competition in mind..

Real player with 424.2 hrs in game

Hired Ops on Steam

Rhythm Brawl

Rhythm Brawl

as of alpha build 2.2 here are the pros and cons of Rhythm Brawl.


the notes aren’t really synced to the music, pretty slow, no support for arrow keys when playing songs, and the AI is pitifully easy. I mean even on master mode I kicked there butts 23,000 to 6,000


songs have potential to be pretty good in a rhythm games, I find the voice clip for the character select to be absolutely hilarious and I want it to never be changed, and pixel art is pretty good.


the sound waves on the title screen are not working right at all and could probably give someone a seizure.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

this is a nice game and i love the idea behind it, kind of like the guitar battles in guitar hero 3.

not gonna lie at current time the game is a bit unplayable but has a bunch of potential to be great, the graphics are nice and i love the character designs, music is a little underwhelming but alright for the start of development (haven’t played all the songs yet so i will update this when i have), i do recommend people try this out if you are a fan of rhythm games as i can see a battling rhythm game being massively loved if giving a chance to grow and guided by the rhythm games community.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rhythm Brawl on Steam



I recommend this game but there are some major things missing from it.

Missing from international diplomacy:


-Illegal annexations

-Proxy-wars (non-declared wars)

-Any international punishment system VIA the UN at all (that has been demonstrated)

-International court/UN positions that manage world politics

-smaller countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Korea(s)) that don’t necessarily play a roll in world politics as heavily as the current nations

-secession (though that may be hard to do)

Real player with 3095.3 hrs in game

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying my time with this game so far. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone. Unless you have very specific interests in you game mostly involving chatting on Discord apparently. I’m having fun bumbling through and clicking around and being sort of a maverick. But honestly the community seems REALLY toxic (as you might expect) and overall this game is just not what I thought it would be. I’m just playing every free game I can get my hands on right now until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, cause I’m SOOO bored of everything else I own right now. If you’re in a similar boat, or feel like toxic discord servers are where you thrive, give the game a try then.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

POWER on Steam