Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind

It’s an excellent game. Surprisingly engrossing graphics, quite a lot of fun to manage your clan, etc. The negatives are… Difficult to cover without some spoilers though. So I’m giving it a thumbs up because as a stand alone it’s a masterpiece. As a successor to KoDP it has definitely gone a bit off the rails. Spoilers to follow so stop reading now.

Yes it’s an amazing game. A couple things to be aware of though, which made KoDP a standout for it’s time but which Six Ages has given up on: unlike KoDP where you were expected to follow the path your ancestors set or you were punished severely, in this one you’re supposed to be “good” using today’s moral compass instead. Seriously. You can’t kill off other tribes, they’re super easy to ally with, it’s almost impossible to lose heros (compared to the original,) you’re supposed to jump on board with everything that’d be attractive to modern sensibilities (slavery is bad, yeah help enemies consistently, etc.) That’s a pretty big departure from the original where if you spit on your clans history you’d consistently be wrecked for it, so yeah. Important to know: Your ancestors were all idiots and the gods actually support going full hippy rather than doing whatever backwards crap those apes cared about. I tried KoDP like that the first time and was shocked how punishing the game was towards applying modern morality to the game. I was dissappointed that all I had to do to be this game on its hardest difficulty was to just disregard literally everything I’d learned about the lore and the world from the original. As long as you’ve never played the original, this is a nonissue; it’s only if you’ve gotten to experience the alternative, where you’re having to make judgements based on how their culture would likely interpret and react to events, that you realize how much actual depth that removes from gameplay.

Real player with 152.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter RPG Games.

A number of your clan’s children have gone missing while foraging. Your people are anxious for their return. What do you do?

** consult the clan’s spirits

consult a god  

immediately send out a search party  **

King of Dragon Pass 1.9

Six Ages is a great game. It is basically a streamlined version of King of Dragon Pass with various new systems and all new stories and events. You have to manage your clan, make sure people are fed and happy, please the gods, explore lands close and distant, negotiate with other clans, practice magic, fight, etc. etc. I have heard people compare it to the Banner Saga, which I have not played yet, but I think the gameplay is fairly different. In Six Ages, you do all of the actions above by picking options in the various screens and events, not by e.g. positioning armies or walking around places. There are many, many events, which are beautifully painted scenes with text, where you have to make interesting choices that will effect the management of your clan and the world. There is really no other game quite like it; the genre is unique.

Real player with 132.1 hrs in game

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind on Steam



A Game Has Never Made Me Cry Before…

First of all, I want to say that this game is extremely well-written. The characters all have their own unique voice, a manner of speech unique only to them. You don’t always know how they will interpret the answers you give them. Sometimes the outcome remains the same, regardless of what you tell them; rather than a stiff railroad, though, the narrative comes across more like a river delta, with lots of little branches that ultimately lead to the same destination.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Multiple Endings Games.

This game is a delightful experience filled with heart, joy, sadness, anger, and hope. Worth a purchase for anyone looking for a low-key game with simple, straightforward objectives and controls.

But what is it? In Grotto you play as the Soothsayer, the Stranger, the Startamer, and a bunch of other nicknames given to you by a primitive tribe for whom you read the stars, assigning them meaning and purpose in order to give guidance to those who seek you out. Over the course of the game you’ll see how your guidance affects the state of the tribe and their future, with many consequences unforeseen.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Grotto on Steam

In Cold Dark

In Cold Dark

An interactive space story about rediscovering a life, our friendships, our choices and regrets.

Three years scouting the distant reaches of the galaxy. You’ve been all on your own, but now it's time to head back home … to SAGI 499: a divided colonial society on the edge of the Sagittarius spiral, and your home. Old friends calling, new faces to meet, political turmoil … and hints of something far stranger. What will you choose?


#### What is In Cold Dark


In Cold Dark is a sci-fi point-and-click branching narrative. You're returning from a distant exploration gig with your trusty glitchy AI, SPARC, and soon you'll need to decide your priorities.

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#### What do you want to do?


*   Navigate interstellar jumps?

*   Read a book?

*   Watch your favourite show?

*   Tackle sector colonialism with the Voiders?

*   Reconnect with your old love?

*   Make a new one?

*   Just do your thing and survive?

The story places a focus on irrevocable decision-making each playthrough, and a blend of pixel art and paintings make for a unique and striking journey through the spiral arm of the Milky Way.

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#### Who are we?


**The director:**


Efehan Elbi is an animator, author, and interdisciplinary storyteller. With a constant desire to craft stories whether in colour, code, poetry, or prose, “In Cold Dark” aims to bring these elements together for an interactive tale of life choices, regret, and striking spacey futures.

**The team:**


done \ undone is a collaborative studio of friends, with a love of many kinds of games, art and experiences.

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✨✨ We're still in development! So look back for more details and news ✨✨





Read More: Best Choices Matter Point & Click Games.

--- --- ![Interactive Horror Stories]( "") ## Interactive Horror Stories Story-wise, it's pretty decent. The game offers a variety of stories to read, and I am a fan of CYOAs. For the horror genre, it does an okay job. However, there are a couple issues I have with the game, keeping it from being a great game. There needs to be some serious proof-reading in all the stories. They are littered with mistakes. Then the lack of sound is odd, really odd. There are some random sound effects in the game that feels more jarring than fitting (just because it's silent for the majority of the game). Why the dev chose not to add any boggles my mind. *– [Real player with 6.6 hrs in game](* Stories had quite interesting themes, I really enjoyed reading through all of the endings. They were a bit predictable since I watched too many horror movies but nonetheless I would reccomend it for any horror story lovers! It's also free so why not give it a try If you are into the genre? I was also glad the experience mostly consisted of just text over an image (except the oujia board story) because It would be a lot more scary If It had jumpscares in the form of popping images according to the way the story had progressed. But It's safe to say there's none of that! The text alone is enough to creep anyone out especially If you are reading it at midnight like me haha *– [Real player with 4.3 hrs in game](* --- ![Epic Tavern]( "") ## Epic Tavern Epic Tavern is a fun and interesting combination of management sim and tabletop RPG. After the tutorial, you start each day off at your tavern. You talk to your customers who usually have pretty interesting story lines, learn of new quests, serve them food and drinks that they may or may not like, get them super drunk, and build your relationships so that you may hire them to do your bidding. At the end of the day, you equip your heroes and send them out into the world on adventures that may only take the day, or it may take several. The success of these missions (and the events on the way) is based on the skills of the heroes and a few rolls of the dice. Many adventures have multiple approaches available to choose from to best fit the skills of your heroes, which means there's a pretty good reason to play it a few times. After all your teams of heroes have finished up, they go back to the tavern for more alcohol abuse. Wash, rinse, repeat. *– [Real player with 372.4 hrs in game](* At the heart of EPIC TAVERN is a lack of focus on what is trying to be and executing both game subsystems. On one hand it is a tavern simulator with resource constraints. On the other it is a random event generator in guise with "sometimes" good story elements. You as the bar-keep are tasked with navigating both of these systems. Each subsystem has a wonderful loading screen that is viewed over and over as the game loop progresses. You can recruit and level up your stock of adventurers in tavern play and then take them out on the road rolling dice. During dice rolls there is the "safe bet" and the "risky" chance to choose from. Even though there are about 5 "actions" to choose from it only boils down to two real choices in its current implementation. *– [Real player with 202.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Nightingale]( "") ## Nightingale A bit of background : I have played both acts of Shadows on the Vatican to the end. And I am also old enough to have played every Infocom text adventure when they first came out. So I was really looking forward to Nightingale. Alarm bells rang when I found I couldn’t save whenever I wanted but I must say the branching system works well whenever you wish to change any earlier decision. I have managed to get a few different endings in one playthrough – and not a save file in sight. I found the pacing of the text worked well, introducing a sense of tension that might not have been there otherwise. *– [Real player with 6.3 hrs in game](* ### Nightingale **This was a very interesting read; I was intrigued!** * * * * Clean crisp user Interface * Story: Not one I have seen covered * Excellent music that reflects the tone and pacing in the scene. The protagonist in this Text Adventure has a special talent. The Nightingale has been helping people for years with their paranormal gift. One person that the Nightingale helped is a professional assassin. That creates a dilemma. This is a short-story set in the "Shadows on the Vatican" universe, but you need not have played them. *– [Real player with 2.8 hrs in game](* --- ![The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series]( "") ## The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series Has and will always be the best series of my life. I marathon this series once a month to show my love and support for it and I do not regret my decisions. This series will continue to get hours from me. Good job Telltale and Skybound! *– [Real player with 2842.8 hrs in game](* I watched pewdiepie play the whole series up until season 4ep1 when it originally came out and it stuck with me ever since and Im annoyed that I played the game this late, With that being said. No game has ever made me actually care for the charcters like this game has, even though season 3 is kinda bad compared to the other seasons and the dlc's are ok this game is genuinly life changing. I will forever be grateful towards Telltale for this masterpiece of a series and an even bigger thanks to the still not bitten team for helping Telltale finish the series. I cannot recommend any other game more. I feel a great sadness for having to say goodbye to the people in the game and all of the others who died along the way. *– [Real player with 117.0 hrs in game](* --- ![La Dimensione Interna]( "") ## La Dimensione Interna **La Dimensione Interna** (The Dimension Within) is a 3D narrative adventure game where you play as a young Italian journalist, named Giorgio, living in a small town in Tuscany. The game focuses on his personal struggle as he finds himself at the center of a chain of events he doesn't quite understand, but feels responsible for. The player will be asked to guide him through a series of situations and decisions where time, the opinion of others, and his emotions will influence how the story unfolds, and ultimately decide the destiny of the protagonist and the people around him. Through an innovative dialogue system, the player will be able to decide when to respond or intervene in a dialogue; he will also be able to decide what to say – and how to say it. All those elements will be taken into account by the characters involved, which will respond accordingly to what they feel, believe, and are trying to achieve. However, not all options will always be available, and this will depends on Giorgio's Principles: the player will be able to shape up his instincts and personality, which will enable some choices and hinder others. There are ways to force Giorgio to act against his will, to a certain degree, but it will have a cost. Giorgio's emotions are another important aspect the player will need to deal with: fears, anxieties, neurosis will make everything more challenging for him: on a wrong day, even innocent jokes can turn into mortal offences, and some NPCs will leverage this, in the attempt to manipulate him. Another key aspect is that Time will always be ticking – even during conversations. Every line of dialogue pronounced by either the protagonist or other characters has a time cost associated. This means that even if NPCs will follow their own routine, your actions will impact what they will decide to do next, given they still have the time to do it… just remember that time won't wait for you either. --- ![Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood]( "") ## Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood The game Nocked! has you taking on the role of Robin Hood set in a world where myth and magic still has a foothold. You start out as a runaway who takes to Sherwood forest to claim their future. The game itself contains elements of interactive fiction (think choose your own adventure) as well as resource management. In fact, this was the stand out portion for me. The first thing you will notice is that you can choose the gender of your Robin, and even some limited background choices which will have some game affects. Additionally, the character of Maid Marian even has some variation which can affect play. *– [Real player with 324.1 hrs in game](* A really nice CYOA game. It actually reminded me of Mass Effect 2, in that you have a base and companions, and your choices have long-term impact (otherwise it's entirely dissimilar to ME2; see any screenshot). There are healthy doses of whimsy in the setting and humour in the writing, and it mixes classic Robin Hood story beats in with more fantastical stuff. It's comfy and tense, and perfectly paced. The music is also wonderful. My only gripes are minor (despite this being the biggest paragraph): some of the art is quite bad (the character silhouettes work well, but some of the other stuff looks like programmer art) and the overall graphic design could use work. This is all just window dressing though and doesn't really matter*. A bigger annoyance is that the checkpoints are a bit far apart for more my liking–I appreciate it discouraging save scumming, but there were a couple of times when I misunderstood an option so badly that I felt unfairly shafted by choosing it, in which case I rolled back and lost lots of progress. The last thing that left a bad taste was the ending: it felt like I had no way of knowing the implications of some of the choices. *– [Real player with 32.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Nothing To Remember]( "") ## Nothing To Remember First off, don't look at the hours on record, I may have left the game open between streams. Overall a decent visual novelish game. The main story events were good, the relationships were mediocre and made me wish I could ban Dick's number so I could skip that part of the story. There is a critical choice later in the game that isn't worded correctly and should be fixed, they either meant to add "don't" at the beginning of the sentence or were was meant to be "weren't" which I assumed and made that my choice. *– [Real player with 96.8 hrs in game](* Plot is very well written and character development is exquisite. More of a visual novel with major choices. It took me about 20 hours for an ending. *– [Real player with 40.1 hrs in game](* ---