My name is You and it’s the only unusual thing in my life

My name is You and it’s the only unusual thing in my life

Reviewers disclaimer - If you don’t enjoy dark humour or you find the story tedious then it’s best you view this as ‘Not Recommended’ and leave it alone BUT I like to give games like this credit for achieving a tongue in cheek experience for, without that humour, it sadly would be a dull game

At first glance during game-play the grainy film style mixed with the short yet direct sentences of the story may cause you to think ‘What have I got myself into here?’.

Reading further until I reach my first dual choice option and I am slowly starting to notice the slapstick style of the narrator’s voice tone changing as he reads a letter from Davina or reads out other characters using different voices. Then I come across some hidden gems in the plot progress that made this Choices Matter start to appear to have a dark sense of humour and I decide this can be a bearable experience after all.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Interactive Fiction Games.

If you’re looking for a “High Action”, Suspense Driven Game… This isn’t It. “My Name is You” is a relaxing, Story Based game, Where you Choose Different Paths in-order to understand the Self-Protagonist, Named “You”.

~Personally, There are many aspects to the Game that I feel in love with. From the Feel of an Old Film Reel, to the Music selection, To even the satirical Nature of both “You” and the Narrator. I very Quickly related to “You” in some aspects of his life, which made me wish the Best for him during certain story beats, And Sad during others…

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

My name is You and it's the only unusual thing in my life on Steam

Across the Grooves

Across the Grooves

This game has a really interesting and suspenseful story, and very beautiful art. Very similar mechanics to Along the Edge, but the game was more polished. I have a few things negative things to say about the game play, but found the game to be highly enjoyable regardless, so overall the pros overshadow the cons.

Cons - I played through several times. You can hold down the space bar to fast forward, but I’m not sure if there was a skip option? Maybe there was and maybe not. Choices do matter some, but I wish it mattered more, like it did in Along the Edge. Mild spoiler,

! the general ending is somewhat similar no matter what you choose. The person you end up with is different, your job is different depending on your choices, and there’s two special scenes that can be unlocked, but otherwise the endings felt very similar . Some of the gameplay was good concept, but not the best execution (but not poor execution either, just meh). Your choices influence your wardrobe and hair style.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Great Soundtrack Games.

This visual novel is certainly an interesting ‘slice of life’, but it is quite different from Along the Edge. I have only done one completion so far, though I intend to revisit it soon, probably better to make another run shortly after a first. Because to be fair, unlike ‘Along the Edge’, where it is a little more clear which answers will be for which type of answering rationale, there is perhaps a little more guess work with this VN, though that is totally fine, if anything it more reinforces a more ‘answer how you feel’, though the downside is you might not fully remember which choice you made on a next run (I guess if you have a great memory you probably could), so you might end up choosing the same choice again. But, that’s sort of small thing.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Across the Grooves on Steam

Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever

Bummer… I was so hyped about this game! Playing the Demo was great. However, the actual game failed to launch properly on my pc (Windows 10). After about 2 hours spent trying to find any working solution, I’ve just requested for a refund.

UPDATE: The team of developers reacted fast to my report and fixed the problem just within a couple of days, offering the code as their apology. WHAT A FANTASTIC WORK! Great story-lines and multiple-choice dialogues done nicely, everything seems well-thought-out and made with care. Mainly, I like the idea that all protagonists can intersect each other, and also a “chirp” panel with funny “chirps” aka “twitts highlighting the game’s milestones. Some rare non-translated parts from French do not bother me since I understand a little French, but it might be an issue for those who play the English version, though. Hope, the developers will fix this asap as well… In general, I totally recommend this game, especially to someone who likes decision-based stories framed into a social context. Well done!

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Multiple Endings Games.

This game is very sweet and well written. I feel every character’s struggles are made to feel realistic and, sometimes, too real. The pacing is smooth, although it takes multiple replays to really learn the best steps to take. Sometimes it’s not very clear what you’re supposed to do in order to trigger the next event, which takes me to the biggest flaw this game has. It needs to be replayed, over and over again in order to have certain events from other characters to trigger something in the story you’re playing. I find that a tad boring and repetitive. I’ve also found a lot of moments when the dialog was suddenly in French. It’s not a big deal but it does break a bit of the immersion.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Best Day Ever on Steam

It’s You: A Breakup Story

It’s You: A Breakup Story

I started playing this thinking “I’ll be that guy that listens to EVERYTHING and gets through everything” but honestly? 30 minutes in and Josh is just. so. damn. annoying. He’s just… so easy to hate. And hate with passion. I love it. You really can answer yeah/okay/same/hmm so many times in a row before you just simply… cannot.

The browser has a tab for music and honestly? Great idea, same with Tweeter, and especially with Tractor Dad: Civil War. They definitely help pass the time when you’re just trying to hear the guy out… and he talks so much… too much even. To the point where that “block” button just looks too good to be true. An hour in I pressed that button with joy, satisfaction.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game



This such a great depiction of a toxic relationship. At first, Josh doesn’t seem so bad. He’s had a bad day, he’s venting. We’ve all been there. Then comes the small insults, controlling behavior, and showing he doesn’t even care about you.

Some of the dialog tree doesn’t quite match up, and if you keep going long enough, you end up in a loop of “I don’t want to talk about X anymore, let’s talk about Y.” Then on to Z, and back to X.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

It's You: A Breakup Story on Steam

A Place for the Unwilling

A Place for the Unwilling

A Place for the Unwilling is an isometric story driven adventure game. I can recommend this game to players who have patience to read many dialogues and texts in a slow-paced world. The story is compelling to track from start to finish, but there are also missing pieces in the story. Depending on how you choose to progress in the game, the city player lives in changes and reacts differently. All characters introduced are vibrant, they all have stories to tell. They have the ability to manipulate player’s perspective in a direction based on your affinity to them. But the game doesn’t deliver its expected ending.

Real player with 66.2 hrs in game

Solid exploratory adventure with deep, lyrical writing and time constraints.

The game’s aesthetics is absolutely delicious in its dark simplicity of the features, but lots of moving elements. It has the “cartoon Lovecraft” feel to it and the city streets simply beg to explore every nook and cranny. With all that beauty around, the controls are what dampens the overall fantastic first expression. Intuitive they are not. There is a mix of WASD and arrows involved, where every letter is not what you learned it to be from hundreds of previous games played… S acts like an “Enter” for example, and quite frequently you’d have to resort to “W – Arrow down – E” combinations which will result in lost money and/or some frustration. Since interaction of a character starts from him/her being turned to an object or a person in order to highlight them first, it’s also easy to imagine some annoying moments when you trying to angle your character just right. Perhaps, the only thing I’d want to lodge a complaint about.

Real player with 47.2 hrs in game

A Place for the Unwilling on Steam

Dark Moon

Dark Moon


Dark Moon is a survival strategy game where time is working against you. With the Moon’s electronics down it is up to you to traverse the lunar soil and try to make contact with Earth while managing your crew and resources. You will never know what you will encounter along your way, thus be prepared to make crucial decisions and live with the consequences. Whatever you do - don’t go into the light!

As a member of the Engineering Council sent by Moon Shell, your task was to oversee the construction of a newly developed mining system on the Moon. The simple objective changed dramatically when a massive solar storm hit the Earth, destroying all electronics in its wake. Soon after, you witness the Sun’s scorching heat as the Moon’s main communication relay falls into the light. You are alone, and now everything within the Sun’s reach is gone within seconds. The light is your enemy and the darkness is your salvation.


The Sun is destroying everything it touches, you must avoid its radiance. The Mechaplex - a giant, general-purpose engineering vehicle will stand as your base of operations. It will also serve as your getaway vehicle, thus plan your actions accordingly and escape the tireless enemy. You must constantly move forward.


A different experience with each playthrough as each location and event may bring unpredictable results. Scan the terrain and obstacles with your drones to prepare for what lies ahead. Embrace or beware of other survivors who will want to join your convoy. Gather minerals and use their properties to increase your chances of survival.


The Mechaplex is your means of survival; build new buildings on top of it, research new technologies, enhance your crew’s abilities, and traverse the lunar plains. Develop new mechanical prototypes that will enhance your mineral gathering or focus on enhancing your convoy’s movement speed to elude the Sun’s deadly grasp. You can’t stay in one place for too long.


You are not the only one who is seeking a way out of this disaster. New crew members, some even pilots such as yourself, can join and bring you valuable abilities and new building platforms, but you have to feed and shelter them. Will you help the unfortunate? Or will you look out for yourself and not risk being betrayed? What kind of person are you?


Keep in mind that your crew will react to your decisions. Some members will dislike joining with someone from a rival country while others will embrace him. Decide to throw out a popular member and you may risk a revolt, which may have dire consequences for everyone.

Dark Moon on Steam

Emily is Away <3

Emily is Away <3

Teen Heartbreak Simulator 3

_well, kind of

not entirely_

It was January 2018. I just finished the first semester of my freshman year at the university and was done with the New Year festivities. Still somewhat anxious and depressed because of new environment and the death of one of my favourite singers of all time half a year prior, I was scrolling through YouTube to find myself something comforting. And I found a bit dated walkthrough (by Jacksepticeye) of this minimalistic, yet very cute game called Emily is Away (2015). It proposed a trip to the internet of the past, to good old times, when social media wasn’t that big of a thing and people used pretty simple AOL messengers for communication. Truth be told, back in 2008-2009 I used different kinds of chats, but despite that this game still somehow managed to make me feel nostalgic and appreciative [of something that I never really experienced before]. Although, behind that cute retro-aesthetic, a very sad story was hidden - a story about friendship and youth love, friendzone and broken heart; a story about growing up and understanding that life isn’t fairytale - people come and they go. And that’s a pretty bitter truth of life.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

The emily series feels like an actual throwback to those early internet era, even when you werent there, it feels nostalgic to see everything so primitive, plus delivers an history that fits the era, with teens who like to update his status everytime they can, post photos of his activities, and most importantly, sending messages between ‘em.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Emily is Away <3 on Steam



Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


One Night Stand

One Night Stand

Spoiler alert: There’s something in this game that should be spoiled in the review, because it’s to be assumed that the reader is a filthy pervert who would… No, I won’t say it in the first paragraph. Just buy this game. I promise that your filthy perversion can happen in this game. (And likely WILL happen in your first time playing!)


One Night Stand is a first person after-date simulator where you wake up with no memory of what happened the night before next to a woman named… No, I’m not telling you her name. You’ll have to play this game and find out for yourself. Thoroughout the game, the mysterious woman repeatedly leaves and enters the bedroom, and during that time, you can recover your own objects and dig through the woman’s belongings like I’m sure you would do if you were ever in the same situation.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

🌟 Review

One Night Stand surprised me, don’t be surprised at the few hours of gameplay.

The game is short but incredible.


Just like any visual novel, you play using your mouse only. But unlike the anime games, One Night Stand has a system of choices that have consequences in the short term. Despite being short, around 20min game, with the variety of reactions and consequences of our acts. It is compatible with controller too. In the game you need to click to advance in history and at certain times, have to choose objects to have specific information, the same ones that caused different reactions in the future.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

One Night Stand on Steam

Real Life Plus Ver. Kaname Komatsuzaki

Real Life Plus Ver. Kaname Komatsuzaki

UI looks like a shitty eroge from 2002. Bad voice acting and audio quality, trash ass soundtrack that you should probably turn all the way down in order to enjoy the game. can’t go full screen properly, released in 2020 by the way. very short. you can probably 100% in about an hour (I have 7+ hours because I tend to jerk off)

CG is not too bad though, would definitely recommend playing with the patch, otherwise, shitty ass game definitely not worth $13, not when games like NEKOPARA are $10 and are on sale every few weeks.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Read the full review here:

Decensor Patch here (NSFW):

Although this is a “dating sim” visual novel, the bulk of the story takes place when the characters are children, starting from 1999. The game wants to make you very aware of what year it is, because the characters’ dialogue largely consists of pop culture references to movies, video games, and anime that came out in the specific year that the story is currently set in. (For example, in 1999, the main character Kouichi can try to talk Kaname into coming to see the YuGiOh movie with him when she wants to see The Sixth Sense.)

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Real Life Plus Ver. Kaname Komatsuzaki on Steam