Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why

Title is an Overrated Backstreet Boys Song But The Game Is Not!

We all had that moment when we saw the title of this game and sang that song in our heads. It deserves a better title imo and I stand by that. So this game is the pinnacle of pride month for June 2021. So I am extremely thankful for the Devs for providing like literally the whole game for free. Short story goes that the game is very atmospheric, not much puzzle invested and emotionally can be terrifying. It is by the devs of Life is Strange, so I did compare or was going to compare as soon as I installed the game. The two are very different in terms of atmosphere and the creativity. I feel like this game is more of a statement than an actual game. Common factor on both games is that protagonists in both games share an abnormal power of no origin.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Emotional Games.

Tell me why the music is no good in this game?

Tell Me Why is a new game from DontNod studio behind such masterpiece as Life is Strange and other good games such as Vampyr or Remember Me. Well this is not Life is Strange. I loved both LiS games they made and I liked this one. It’s a good game, just not as good as both LiS games.

The game is about twins and the mystery behind their mother. One of the siblings killed the mother and other one took the blame. After years of separation they finally meet again and go to the old house wanting to tidy up it up a bit and get some stuff before selling it. But suddenly they’re start finding puzzles and secrets their mother left and they start wondering about her past and who their father was.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Tell Me Why on Steam

Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2 is an episodic, story driven, supernatural-ish game in which your decisions will change the outcome of the story between the two brothers as well as their friends they made on the way.


The main protagonist of Life is Strange 2 is Sean Diaz who tries to get to Mexico with his little brother Daniel Diaz after a tragic event at their home, in which Sean discovered that his little brother has some sort of supernatural abillity. Wanted by the police, the two brothers try their best to strengthen their bond on the way to their father’s hometown Puerto Lobos.

Real player with 52.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Singleplayer Games.

If you’re craving anything even remotely similar to the storytelling in Life is Strange 1 or Before the Storm, you should may as well look elsewhere. If you don’t like social themes in you games – regardless of subtlety or lack thereof – you’re probably wasting your time, too.

Minor plot spoilers for Life is Strange 1 and 2.

On a technical level, LiS 2 far surpasses LiS 1 and even BTS. Environments feel much less static. Dialogue is more fluid. You’ll find yourself wandering around, only to discover little quips and comments from Sean, Daniel, or the other characters minutes later. The animations are spectacular. Lip-syncing is no longer puppet-quality, although that issue was mostly resolved in BTS. You’ve got your standard Dontnod/Deck Nine beautiful environmental shots. While on the topic of visuals, LiS 2 is undoubtedly the most visually diverse Life of Strange game to date. You get to see sleepy small towns blanketed in snow, redwood forests in California, scorched deserts. You even get a small taste of that original LIfe is Strange vibe (you know what I mean if you play it) in Episode 1 that sort of lulls you into a false sense of security. You think for a second that this game will be kind of like the other Life is Strange games. Boy, are you going to be in for a shock.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Life is Strange 2 on Steam

Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series

I have some friends and people-I-know who like to judge me. All these judgement comes from their inability to accept that people can be different and their tastes can vary, it highly depends on what kinda person you are, your lifestyle and your education.

Telltale Games are always a reason for discussions and some weird talks like “what do you exactly call a game in there?” and every time I hear it I start to get mad. Truth be told, I never understood why people like to judge the genres they don’t like and people who play them, ‘cause it’s never been a big problem for me. If I don’t like the game or genre, I just don’t play it, easy as that.

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Superhero Games.

By now, Batman is a well known character who’s had probably the largest exposure among comic book characters. Across the years there have been many interpretations of the character, some focusing on the hero, others on the darker aspects of his personallity and most of them on his growth. They’ve all been done to death. How does Telltale’s Batman fare? Do you need to know his character to enjoy this game? Is this a cashgrab or is there some worth to it, something that make the game shine ? Telltale’s catalogue is formed of both kinds. Batman season 1 is an interesting one. It starts as the former and ends as the latter. Before I go on with the narrative and technical details, I’ll get something out of the way: If you intend to play it on a low-tier device, better stay away! The engine of the game served as a prototype and therefore not many things could be fixed. To this day, the framerate can drop to the half of your display, there’s some stuttering in few moments on high-end machines, but it’s much worse on lower-ends. With that out, here’s the actual review:

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Batman - The Telltale Series on Steam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is a FMV comedy-thriller game, where the player intervene in radio hosts’ adventures in six episode. The game is playing in the same universe like The Shapeshifting Detective from the same developer.

I bought the game at the first place, because I really liked The Shapeshifting Detective.

Sound and music is most likely the brightest part of the game. Especially the main menu theme, but all of the songs are really good. Other sound and voices are really good in the game, has good quality in my opinion. In the last episodes, one of the actress voice was low, but that’s all really.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The Infectious, Shapeshifting Madness of D’Avekki Studios!

(The infectious madness I’m currently enduring is that of COVID symptomatology, so please forgive anything that doesn’t quite make sense!)

I think I love it.

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker had a huge impact on me. A fact poor D’Avekki Studios will have already been well exposed to if they caught any glimpse of my Shapeshifting Detective review. Where it really separated itself from all other FMV games then and since is that it was effectively one-on-one campfire storytelling. Patients were constricted to lounging on a central sofa as they beguiled you with outlandish stories against a superbly crafted atmosphere. Your imagination was put to work, but with the FMV visuals lending it all more credibility. Nothing else is quite like it and thus quite matches it (the closest perhaps being Her Story). I’ve been eargerly awaiting anything D’Avekki ever since.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro on Steam

Life is Strange - Episode 1

Life is Strange - Episode 1

I’ve been playing games for 30 years. I never thought a game would touch me. This came did it.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

It has taken me years (and several restarts) to finally finish this game and I have no words to describe how much I love it. It was a beautiful story, wrapped up in heart-wrenching choices and gorgeous cinematography. Every episode is engaging and intense. I sobbed my through the final episode and I am very much looking forward to the other games in the series. This game will hold a special place in my heart and I love my best friend for making me buy it 3

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Life is Strange - Episode 1 on Steam

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Life is Strange: Before the Storm


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game and my own personal judgment and rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler free, so you don’t need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Movement Controls (17 out of 20)

Everyone pretty sure expected the classic gameplay from the first game. ‘Before the Storm’ is based on the Unity Engine. Deck Nine had to re-do the gameplay aspect for this game. I must admit that I was very used gameplay feeling from the start, not that it’s that much different but still it is. Overal mouse control is pretty weird I have to admit. It feels like the mouse is working flawlessly sometimes and sometimes it just doesn’t register the movement right away. Which is later followed by half a second delay to anything you do with your mouse in terms of camera movement. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the engine itself or the developer set it that way on purpose, but since almost all games that are based on the Unity engine have had the same input delay issue of some sort for me in the past, I doubt it. It is not a game-breaking thing, but sometimes it can just be frustrating while moving the camera around.

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

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Before the Storm is the prequel to the award-winning and highly claimed Life is Strange , one of the best Point & Clicks ever made. Is this complementary release as fulfilling and ground-breaker as the original? For fans, absolutely!

I find it hard to believe someone would be picking up Life is Strange: Before the Storm without first going through the original game. With that said, Before the Storm pretty much follows the steps of Chloe’s friendship with Rachel and their mischievous adventures.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Life is Strange: Before the Storm on Steam

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series

Batman: The Enemy Within is the second season of Telltale’s version of my favourite DC superhero. Obviously this game is mostly focused on story, so I’ll start with my overall recommendation, and then you can skip my detailed analysis if you want to avoid spoilers.

This is an essential must play for any fan of Batman. The story is fantastic, Telltale back to their absolute best form. Voice acting is outstanding throughout the whole cast, headlined by Troy Baker as Batman/Bruce Wayne. I advise playing season 1 first, because some decisions carry forward, which can impact the appearance of some characters, and their relationship with Bruce. It took me 9 hours to finish Enemy Within, which is longer than Telltale’s other recent games, and I think you can justify buying the game for full price or a small discount.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Gotham’s Finest

By now almost everybody knows who Batman is and most of the details surrounding him (parents‘ death, enemies and villains, Batman‘s codex etc.). So you would probably think “why should I play another Batman game? Will it be the same old story I already know?“. In case of Batman - Enemy Within you would be nicely surprised because many things are just not as you are used them to be. And this is good because it makes the story much more interesting than still playing the same song over and over again.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series on Steam

Blues and Bullets

Blues and Bullets

Game is dead like a beached whale.

My personal experience is probably a lot like most people on here. When a sale season hits, you go out a buy a crap-tonne of anything and everything that has had a price reduction on your wishlist. Like a hungry vacuum cleaner sucking up your wallet, purse, handbag, life savings, superannuation and assorted licorices, you just buy buy buy! without really looking at the forums or the latest info or even if the game is finished yet.

Which brings me to my point. This game wasn’t finished, and never will be.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

I do not really review episodic titles without having all episodes at hand with a complete walkthrough. With Blues and Bullets I did an exception as the title with its heavy noir atmosphere kept calling me. “A Crowd of Monsters” made an interesting and enjoyable game and I’m sure we’ll hear more about them in the future.

In the center of the game we have Eliot Ness who is based on the real Eliot Ness - an agent who enforced the Prohibition in the early 20th century and was famous for being part of the so-called Untouchables, a group tasked with getting Chicago rid of its corruption and - most notably - putting Al Capone behind bars. Here, the story is fictionalised - Eliot has already retired when he gets a visit from one of Capone’s henchmen. The kingpin wants to bury the hatchet and offers the agent a job most unexpected: finding his granddaughter as Sofia Capone was kidnapped.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Blues and Bullets on Steam

Tales from the Borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands

Wow…. just wow. This game is a must buy!

Let me start out by saying that I’ve never played a Borderlands game before this one. If you are new to the Borderlands universe, no worries. Tales From The Borderlands is able to introduce you to the world without needing any prior knowledge of the original games. Technically this game takes place after Borderlands 2, but it is summarized perfectly and requires no further knowledge then what they explain to you.

In TFTB, you play two different characters (Rhys and Fiona) as they recap the story of their adventure. Like most other Telltale games, Tales plays out like an interactive adventure, with dialogue options and choices sprinkled in.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

I guess there’s a lot to say about the game but I’ll keep it short for ya’ll. If you really want to read some in-depth critisism you can check out the lower part the review. If you just want to know if this game is good for you, just read the short COOL-list up here.


  • Tales really captures the Borderlands' iconic mix of action and humour.

  • Dialogue is quite solid, be it in a serious or humorous scene. Has it’s off-moments though, but that’s to be expected when…

  • …You have about 10 hours of story going on. Quite a long journey with lots of twists and turns.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Tales from the Borderlands on Steam

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

I’m writing this review mostly to provide an alternative perspective to other negative reviews. Not that they are wrong, but I think that when approaching a narrative game like this it is important to recognise that other views are possible.

My overall impression at this stage (up to episode 4) is that this game is still very much in the same league as its two predecessors. This is because I feel that the plot, characters and decisions are all engaging and interesting. If you approach the story and the new characters with an open mind, and don’t expect it to be another instalment of “The Adventures of Clementine”, then I think it’s fairly easy to become invested in the decisions which you need to make. I certainly didn’t find it any easier to make most of the major decisions in this game than either of the others. All of them made me think about the impact that they would have on what would happen and how others would perceive me.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Luke, Jane, Duck, Omid, AJ, Christa…

The ghosts of the past meet again

Where do I even start ?

I absolutely love the game and preordered it a long time ago, as I did with every season of The Walking Dead since I discovered what a beautiful masterpiece the first part was.

The story is as gripping and thrilling as ever - the characters are believeable and alive, you genuinly attach to them and feel towards them ; whether it’s love, sympathy, pity or hate. The choices are moving and unbelievably important irrelevant. The music is top notch, the world, the ever present feeling is danger, the constant threat and worrying about psychological state, food, ammo, dangers both from the outisde and from the inside. All those things make you contemplate on the whole point of living in a world like this, and answer one, crucial question ;

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier on Steam