The Age of Decadence

The Age of Decadence


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


The game portrays an aesthetic I have a massive soft spot for - Post-apocalyptic colonial Roman Empire. The environment art is well polished and beautiful, and the art style is self-consistent and immersive. I really feel like I’m somewhere in Carthage. The cities feel appropriate for their size – Maadoran feels like a dirty, bustling metropolis down on its luck. The design of the armours and weapons are all era-appropriate, with proper, real-life names (e.g. Lorica Segmentata).

Real player with 391.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Turn-Based Combat Games.

In brief: AoD ditches many of the genre long established staples to focus on the roleplaying, and this it does amazingly well; there really is nothing quite like it out there. The EA version is very much playable (there are less bugs than in many releases). The combat, which has been much the focus of attention due to its difficulty, is not awesome, but it gets the job done and it is optional.

***Since for some reason Steam has decided to implement a character limit to user reviews (what’s up with that Gabe?), you can read my whole review here: , but below is a very long extract:

Real player with 214.3 hrs in game

The Age of Decadence on Steam

Vivid Knight

Vivid Knight

This is a cute roguelite and auto-chess crossover. It’s very strategy-focused, and the difficulty makes it quite addictive, but some balance issues begin to detract from enjoyment once you’re deep in the game.

The Good

The core game play is roguelike, with your character exploring a maze and fighting monsters in turn-based auto-chess-esque combat. Each step consumes mana, a limited resource that refreshes on each floor, and your team begins taking damage when you run out of mana, forcing you to be efficient in your exploration.

Real player with 62.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Roguelite Games.

Welcome to Auto Chess Darkest Dungeon, But Cute.

Jokes aside, this little game so far is one of the biggest surprises of the year for me. I do quite like the auto chess formula, but this game takes a quite unique spin on it which makes it really enjoyable for me.

I’ve seen a lot of reviews making comparisons to TFT and they’re not entirely wrong by drawing the said comparison.

That said, if you’re familiar with games like Auto Chess and TFT, there’s a few things this game does a little different.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Vivid Knight on Steam



This is a great game for someone who has some time on their hands and likes to figure things out. Each section of the game has its own rules, which provides for a good deal of variety. It has a pleasant atmosphere throughout and is contemplative as opposed to action-packed. A lot of bang for the buck at $16.

Real player with 105.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Puzzle Games.

If you want to get your ass handed to you by a gentle sweet game with calming music and the meanest puzzles I’ve seen in a while, by all means try this game out. This really itched a part of my lizard brain I that I had been missing from other puzzle games.

Downsides are: 1) It can be frustrating and tricky to figure out all of the rules at first (due to some differing door varieties and etc) and 2) it’s not easy to figure out the “plot” of what all doors to open and how close you are to being finished…. but overall definitely persevere if you’re a puzzle junkie like myself.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Dooria on Steam

Pathologic 2

Pathologic 2

I had a very hard time thinking of what I’d write for Pathologic 2. Despite the fact that there are so many reviews, this one got some attention, and I really appreciate that. I feel compelled to write something because it’s deep into my bones and it’s not showing any sign of leaving. It just feels like it deserves a review. Having gone through it now multiple times, I can honestly say it’s become one of my favorite games and that’s against a lifetime wasting time on them.

First and foremost, is this a horror game and if you don’t like horror games will this be too intense? The first answer is “kinda” and the second answer is “no”. It’s a horror game in that the tone and mood are quite dark and the general feeling of the game is eerie. There are certainly spooky things you’re going to experience here and there. Is there lots of gore, jumpscares or terribly intense horror movie moments? No, not really, and if you can get through the average episode of the original Twilight Zone then you’re brave enough for Pathologic 2. Tension is there, fear is often present, but it’s the kind of fear and tension that is trying to teach you something, not just give you nightmares. I recommend wearing headphones when you play to get the full experience of the atmosphere, or taking them off if you are feeling yourself getting too creeped out.

Real player with 241.5 hrs in game

I would rate this game 9/10, but it may not be a 9 for everyone. Let me over-explain.

Pathologic 2 is a bit of a mash up of a survival game and plague doctor simulator. The game is both a remake and a sequel of the original Pathologic that was released in 2005. You don’t need to play the original game as it references the original as having happened, but retells the story with big alterations and new plot points. The original game had three characters you could play with different views of the story, but this one only has the Haruspex at the moment. However, even just this one route will give you a full, complete game with an average of 30+ hours of gameplay. The developers are planning to eventually release the other two routes in the future, budget willing. This game was made with the idea that a game doesn’t always have to be fun, sometimes a game can stretch you out and make you question what it’s asking you to do. You will get stressed, you will get frustrated, and you will start to doubt whether you can even do everything the game is asking you to do, but that’s the point. It will take well known tropes and rules of gaming and break them in an attempt to break you. It tries to make you feel as if you’ve actually gone through the experience of trying to save a town from a disease and how crushing, frustrating, and heartbreaking it can be to try to do that. This in turn makes the joy from the moments when things go right that much sweeter.

Real player with 213.4 hrs in game

Pathologic 2 on Steam



Coloree is a relaxing puzzle game with a very familiar mechanic that I have never seen in a puzzle game before: left-click and drag a box to change the color of everything in the box. The puzzles are increasingly challenging but the aesthetics and the sounds keep the relaxing theme going the whole time.

The reason that the mechanic is familiar is because it’s what we do in an operating system or a game when we want to select multiple things- brilliant! However, this game requires some novel thought processes when thinking about strategies to solve puzzles and it’s easy to get lost in the gameplay. The music and sounds are mostly from a marimba (Google it- it’s a giant xylophone), which plays a big part in setting the ambiance.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

This game is AWESOME!

I played this game for about 30 minutes and its so fun.

I realy recomend this game!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Coloree on Steam

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled

The choices are simple, picking is hard.

In “Dialogue Box: The road less traveled”, you will navigate a whimsical landscape while failing to keep your sanity.

The controls are extremely unintuitive and the humor is cheesy to a fault.

I am a great salesman.

  • Original physics-based challenges

  • Dynamic story that adapts to your actions and choices

  • Secrets with extra challenges for the completionists at heart

  • Minimalistic yet charming visual style

  • Way too many endings

  • Puns

I hope you won’t hate me by the time you get to the other side.

Have fun! TomerSSH.

Trailer song:

Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled on Steam



**_“We need your reviews and comments on the Steam site.

Comments help us to reference our game to continue “PAGO FOREST”.

Thanks to your contributions, our license still exists! We’re counting on you! “_**


Flora, a former leader of Nova’s army, is back in service. Still alive baal the necromancer contaminates the pago lands with his evil power. Flora’s mission is to build a large army and recover power artifacts to annihilate her enemies. In her quest she will need you! Are you up to the challenge?

Pago Forest worthy successor of The Dragon’s Vengeance (scenario) renews its gameplay. We are no longer in an educational game this time but in a real tower defense! The goal is to put the right characters or tower at the right time against the right enemies. For this you will need gold! a lot of gold! and courage of course… The game is composed of 5 acts, 26 missions that each have their trailer. Each act ends with a boss. Like its predecessor, the dialogues will be well garnished with jokes :) We will also find a mana bar for the spells delivered by the artefacts (beware some powers are only used once per level) The game is simple to understand but you will have to use strategy to finish it…




Very hard, but very cool. This game needs a lot of agility.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

This is the kind of annoying and addictive game at the same time, but if you pay close attention just create a pattern and the solution appears, too bad my fingers don’t help me.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Squareometry on Steam

Vigil: The Longest Night

Vigil: The Longest Night

First things first, tl;dr: I enjoyed most of my time with Vigil, I think it’s a solid metroidvania, offers a decent challenge, provides an interesting story, and entertaining combat, but it has some flaws.

I’ll start with the flaws, one of which made me put the game down for a while:

There are several obscure NPC questlines that you can fail permanently, and while this can be frustrating, I would have accepted it if all I missed out on was some story or maybe some more useless trinkets. However, what I don’t like is that you can permanently miss very important weapons, spells etc. if you fail some of those obscure quests, and once you do, you just have to restart your entire playthrough or accept you won’t have some of the best and most fun weapons/spells.

Real player with 76.8 hrs in game

For starters i love this game, but im well aware that is in large part due to it being a perfect combination of things i really dig. Large and confusing world, check; occult themes and a nice lovecraftian feel, check; metroidvania styled progression with a fairly simple but fun combat system, check; tons of items and secrets to find, check. The point is it would’ve been tough for this game to let me down in the first place, I know that. But im still confident in saying this its not just me, this game is just straight up great.

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Vigil: The Longest Night on Steam

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense

Having put over a 100 hours into this game and completing every level to perfection

I think It’s safe to review this game now.

Let me start by saying when I first booted this game up, I was extremely impress by this port. This far exceeds anything I ever expected from a mobile (and later learned this port was made in Unity). This is a very polished title, don’t let the flash graphics throw you off. They do seem a bit weak early on, but get better later on in the game, in my opinion of course.

Real player with 128.2 hrs in game

There are two types of people. The ones who have previously played a kingdom rush game on their browser and the ones who haven’t. For those who haven’t, they still have time before adobe flash gets discontinued thus making the free version unavailable. This review will focus on If you should buy the steam version of this game for those who have already beaten it and for those who have not.

To begin with, Kingdom Rush Frontiers is the sequel to the very popular kingdom rush(2011) and is regarded as the best one so far. It was released as a flash game for you browser(with some heroes you had to pay to get). Later it also got released for android and ios for around 2-3$ If I am not mistaken, with some extra stages.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense on Steam