After School Murder Club!!

After School Murder Club!!

it may look a bit different but let me tell you: this was the most exciting and fun visual novel game I’ve played in a while and it’s 100% worth trying!

and yes, with 9 hours I’ve only got one ending so far (still gotta get the other one’s!) so.. if you take your time with reading the dialogues, you get a lot for a free (!!) game.

ps. Pain(t)-kun still haunts me in my dreams (and I ain’t complaining)

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Multiple Endings Games.

I wasn’t sure about this title at first, but I ended up enjoying it in the end.

Apparently this started out as a practice/joke visual novel, and it definitely shows, but it knows what it is: a satirical jab at anime tropes with an overall silly plotline. There are references to popculture and memes throughout. Heck, one of the first things the main character says is “Gotta go fast!”

The artstyle isn’t really anything to write home about. The characters seem to have been made with some kind of anime dress up doll programs, which causes a bit of whiplash when the actually drawn scenes show up thanks to how different they look.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

After School Murder Club!! on Steam

Cursed Lands

Cursed Lands

An outstanding VN-RPG-quest crossover

I was expecting another bland, unnecessarily dragged out visual novel with uninspired, repetitive missions, but I was taken for a real treat here—kept replaying with different initial conditions (race, job, supporting character branching choice) over and over, enjoying every single play.

Visual Novel (VN) perspective: Story branching is rich and, as general VN WinterWolves titles go, you have an almost immediate option to go back—typically less than half a minute in gameplay, couple minutes or hours in the game world—to the last choice and change it to study other outcomes. I like this unique branching feature—it is like a quick time machine, or a very smooth and synoptic reload action that permits me to change my choice without having to repeat a known portion of play and grind once again.

Real player with 132.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter RPG Games.

I bought this game on sale, and I’m glad I did, it wasn’t worth the full price. I bought it because it was created by the same team who did Loren Amazon Princess, a game I loved. It’s unfortunate then, that this game is average at best. There are a few problems I have with this game that I feel affected my enjoyment of the game:

1. Characters/Romance

This is the big one, so i’m putting it first. The characters all had great introductions, and are really interesting. Unfortunately, the game screws this up deeply as it progresses. You don’t get to chose when to talk to the characters, their icon’s pop up when the game decides it’s time for their event to start, so you never truly get to know these characters beyond their surface introduction. The game prides itself on giving you romance options, and even advertises that you can trigger more then one romance scene. It isn’t hard, it’s like the game WANTS you to be a serial skirt chaser, and even when you do trigger these scenes, there’s no build up. Characters will spontaneously confess their feeling for you, claiming they always felt something for you. Your character will reply in kind, but you know this is false. Your POV character never felt anything of the sort, their lying.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Cursed Lands on Steam



Yes. I would strongly recommend this game, even though there are things that could have been done better.

As I currently progressed into “mild” obsession with this game, if you like good story and RPG where you can actually see that each of your choices and action matters and are not deterred by my below listed issues I encountered, you should go for this one.

It will be quite long rant. But in overall this game left strong impression in me, and in overall, even though there are faults and space for improvement, it is positive impression. Therefore, I had to write proper review. Pity there is not CZ localisation for PS because I would already forced my brother to play this :D

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter RPG Games.

I bought this game when it went on sale with the DLC included since a friend of mine recommended it. It did not disappoint and overall, I very much like the game. I’m still playing through it but there were a few things that threw me off while I was playing. WARNING: potential spoilers below.


-Why your character hasn’t tried to learn the language: He/She is playing an important role for diplomatic relationships and yet she/he hasn’t done the most basic thing of learning the language of the tribes people.

Real player with 69.4 hrs in game

GreedFall on Steam

Journey On

Journey On

Playing status: 100% achievements

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (~2 achievement).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (10 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.

Guide: Click here


Journey On is an RPG Maker game that focuses on choice with adjustable difficulty. The difficulty will vary depending on how you limit yourself in using a character’s skill, which will affect a certain part of the game.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game


Selena and Shirley must journey to the fallen Kingdom of Askhar to defeat the source of the Darkness, or demons will eventually become too much for their village to handle. While Selena can receive blessings from the Goddess of Light, Shirley is a practitioner of dark magic and is disallowed from entering holy places. However, she can increase her powers by corrupting in soul in the Dark Sanctuary, a place that functions as a sort of shared spiritual world for all dark magic users.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Journey On on Steam

New Town Needs Tamer

New Town Needs Tamer

Become a champion tamer for a newly formed town, full of people eager to meet you.

Settle down into the tamer life, going out on adventures to tame all kinds of creatures and becoming acquainted with the people of the town.


  • A number of creatures to tame.

  • 3 Alternative looks for each creature, plus 2 color schemes for each.

  • 12 Dateable characters.

  • 6 Zones to explore.

  • A number of minigame moves for your creatures.

  • Over 300 customization items for your character.

  • 3 Different UI styles for you to choose.

Expect to see more as development continues…

New Town Needs Tamer on Steam

Super/Human Identity

Super/Human Identity

Waking up with superpowers and no memory, five strangers find themselves in a struggle for survival and a search for answers. Pursued relentlessly, will their hardships bring them closer together or turn them against each other? And will everyone make it to the end?

Playing as Subject 5, the number designated to you is your only clue to a former life you have no memory of. On the run, fighting for your life, you join up with Subjects 1-4. Together, you must cross a ruined city to get to safety and find answers. Beset by an external threat as well as internal conflict, you have to navigate your way through alarming revelations and difficult choices before finding your freedom.

Superhuman or only human - you must reclaim your identity, or define who you are anew.


  • Choose your avatar, pronouns and name as you develop your main character into who you want them to be with frequent, nuanced choices.

  • Influence each of your companions' fates. Will they live or die? Who will they become if they survive?

  • Experience different group dynamics as a consequence of your choices. Any two characters can be friends or bitter enemies.

  • Romance one of 6 different characters – 3 male and 3 female – available for all genders.

  • Think fast and use your telekinetic powers on the environment to defeat enemies. Choose between 4 difficulty settings ranging from Narrative to Superhuman.

  • 7+ hours long, highly interactive, narrative gameplay. One story with vast variability.

  • Stylized, cel-shaded characters and backgrounds, with painted CG artworks illustrating key story moments.

  • Epic, emotional, original soundtrack from composer Edwin Montgomery (Warhammer 40,000: Regicide, Wasteland Remastered, Ghost In The Shell, Neverwinter).

  • Accessibility features: Opendyslexic font, large UI, self-voicing support with additional descriptive text, captions.

Super/Human Identity on Steam

The Great Plague Exodus

The Great Plague Exodus

Had the opportunity to play this game on stream. For an early beta, I think it’s absolutely wonderful! It gives off Oregon Trails and text-based adventure vibes, which I absolutely love. The fact that it’s historical fiction is a bonus, too! The only thing I would like to mention is that sometimes the options during random events show as blank text boxes, and the drop-down menu for the entertainment doesn’t always show the options. These are all easy fixes, and didn’t really affect the game play for me as I find random/blind choices to add to the experience (just a personal opinion, I know you need to make educated decisions in a game like this).

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Great initial concept game, a little buggy but can get a few enjoyable plays, difficulty is reasonably easy but with no way of changing this.

Good game that could be made into something really special, so much potential for more content, more freedom of movement (currently you travel the country on a linear track). kudos to the sound and artwork design, very nicely done.

The game is a touch buggy, but these are not game ending in most cases.

Look forwards to seeing how this game develops

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

The Great Plague Exodus on Steam

Who Needs a Hero?

Who Needs a Hero?

💜 Audience 💜

☐ Kids

✔️ Casual Gamer

✔️ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert


🖥️ Requirements 🖥️

✔️ You can run it on a pregnancy test

☐ Decent

☐ Good PC

☐ Quantum Computer


🎴 Graphics 🎴

☐ Microsoft Paint

✔️ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Photorealism


📖 Story 📖

☐ Just Dance

☐ Bad

✔️ Alright

☐ Good

☐ The Witcher 3


☠️ Difficulty ☠️

✔️ Idle Game

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Dark Souls

☐ Mere mortals can’t beat it

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

100% Game Achievements in 2 1/2 hours.

Pros - Comedic Dialogue and Art

Cons - Very repetitive, Illusion of Choice

There seems to be an Illusion of Choice. Even when faced in situations where it is possible to ‘die’. I never found a situation that forced player death on me. No game over, no restart from level 1. There also were many times where the game allowed me to make purchases I didn’t have gold for, and instead left me with a negative gold value.

Another lack luster portion of the game is the risk and reward card game, may have just been my RNG but in the full time I spent playing I never had any ‘Huge Success’ outcomes and had several ‘Huge Failure’ outcomes. Personally, it might be nice to see the hero with two stats which could develop over the course of the adventure. One for combat, one for non-combat instead of using a card based minigame.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Who Needs a Hero? on Steam



I fell in love with this game. It’s cute, it’s emotional - a slightly more colourful and bright version of the Darkest Dungeon - here also your heroes can get hurt and die in a fight, so you need to be careful.

There is a lot of possibility to customize your characters - you can make them the way you want, customize each character’s looks, clothing colours and name. There is the mechanics of progress for your characters - their skills and gear - but also for your enemies, who get gradually stronger during each campaign!

Real player with 93.5 hrs in game

It’s like lovingly crafting dnd characters and then setting them loose like Sims to do quests, socialize, and die in horribly unpredictable ways.

In a particularly hairy situation my novice tank lost a leg and had to withdraw and I was left with one experienced mage, two apprentice mages and a new hunter. The wise elder mage and hunter were pinned by two gigantic automatons which had barreled through them, nearly killing the hunter and pinning the mage to a wall. Meanwhile my other two mages faced an onslaught of weaker mechs being churned out by another bot. My hunter entered grayplane and hid in the back of the room they had been jettisoned into. The pinned mage was, luckily, a stone mage that gained armor by interfusing with stone objects and was able to fend off attacks whilst whiltling down the automatons health enough for the hunter to bring them down. Meanwhile the nature and fire mage were working in tandem to block the onslaught of mechs with a wall of foliage that would then be set ablaze. The stone mage rallied and soon they were pushing a wall of debris and fire toward the last automaton as it feverishly churned bots into the ever-encompassing flames.

Real player with 63.5 hrs in game

Wildermyth on Steam

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

So what can I say about this game? Well, it’s definitely not what I was expecting. I’m a first time player of the series, so this was all brand new to me. I will list all the good and bad things about the game and then let you decide if you want to try it out or not.

The Ugly:

Here’s where some backstory is needed. The game was originally set to release in 2011, but got canceled due to the tsunami that hit Japan at the time. The person in charge of the project left the original company that had been working on the game and for a long time tried to get the rights to the game. Eventually, Kazuma Kujo’s patience paid off and Grandzella (the name of the new gaming company he founded) was able to pick up from where the original company left off (which had pretty much completed it. )

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Now, I’m gonna be honest. When I first got this game I didn’t really care one way or the other about it, as it was given to me by a friend. I tried it mainly just to make them happy by trying it out. After playing it for a little while, I realized that I liked it and I kept going through it. I suppose my liking disaster related movies had some part to do with it, but I think it was more the realism of what could happen in a disaster that drew me in. Now, for the realism there’s also the comical parts and the 4th wall breaking parts which was more intended to advertise some hints about the game itself and why it was delayed for so long. The graphics are definitely something you’d expect from a low budget game, because hey, it was…is it worth the same price as a AAA game? Not quite, considering that they only doubled the price for the localized version. There’s a few glitches in the game too, missing faces or entire bodies, and sometimes some clipping where bodies are in the ground, at least until they can get all that patched up for us and caught up to the Japanese version. These don’t really impact the game itself, more just funny. There was one glitch I did notice however, that CAN break the game, and that’s when you get to day 5. If you want to get someone with you

! like Yayoi, who gets sexually assaulted as you try to rescue her in the jewelry story do not save your progress after the starting sequence and quit to do it some other time. If you reload the game after that sequence has started, then you may find your way barred and you cannot progress the game. There’s also the chance of the game crashing for some people, mostly those with AMD graphics cards. It happened to me once per play-through, but I did some looking and some have it worse. On the other hand, you get to collect a lot of outfits and compasses and backpacks….but the only thing that carries over to the next play-through or alternate saves is the compasses…and while there are a lot of different outfits, the females tend to get way way more options which I think that isn’t quite fair for those who want male characters. I think some of what they could do to improve upon the game is to allow people to collect the outfits they want and have them carry over into the next play-through so they don’t have to search for them again. You get to customize your characters some but it is more limited. They didn’t change it as much as they did the previous games, left it all with Asian characters, but I think they should have added a few more options for foreign tourists who could have been visiting the city. So to sum it all up, the game is enjoyable, teaches you what can happen in a disaster like this and how you can avoid the worst of some of those situations while also showing that some things you can do nothing about. If you’re interested in the game, try the demo first before buying to see if its really a right fit for you.

Real player with 54.7 hrs in game

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories on Steam