Star Control®: Origins

Star Control®: Origins

I have broken this review into a few sections, because I feel like what you need to know depends on where you are coming from.

You played Star Control 2, and liked it a lot?

You should like this game. It basically follows the same formula in terms of story and gameplay, but with some welcome improvements, such as an automatic story log where you can review key details of past encounters, and a searchable star map with the ability to add your own bookmarks.

There are also some other subtle improvements. Enemy factions have more than one type of ship you will encounter, bringing added variety to combat. Your own allies will only provide one kind of ship, but your flagship can be equipped with a wide variety of different types of weapons and other abilities.

Real player with 79.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Funny Games.

tl;dr; A beautiful and very funny adventure which is drowning in grindy, under- or mis-developed mechanics. [Verdict: 2/5]


I have bought the game myself and completed it.

Let’s list all the positives first:

  • Very good art direction overall. Graphics, animations, aliens: all are very well done and a joy to look at.

  • Good story. Nothing super-original, but good enough with some minor twists and turns.

  • Interesting lore: using the main and also side quests there is a lot background information which enriches the world of this game.

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Star Control®: Origins on Steam

Life is sad

Life is sad


Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choices Matter Indie Games.

I play the game thinking it will be similar to When the Darkness Comes. As far as I know, this game is the size of one snippet of Sirhaian’s game, with a pricetag.

The controls are janky, no music or sounds can be heard, and the game can be completed in 15 minutes.

Because it isn’t too profound, I don’t think it’s worth the price.

…Nice design though.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Life is sad on Steam



Sur Le Fil or On The Wire (OTW for Friends) is a game focused on the electricity / electronics, in an interactive and fun way, with 3D animations.

The goal is simple: Have fun while learning to understand the electron, helped by Prof’Fil, your mentor. But, be careful, for a good understanding , Prof will also give you explanations of physics, mathematics, chemistry, mechanics and even history since the game tries to respect the chronology of knowledges.

Sometimes Kelhann, one of Prof’s students, falls asleep and travels through time. You will play it in more or less ancient universes where the villagers will give you missions to improve their daily lives. It’s funny, beautiful, and you will be able to apply your knowledge gained in previous levels. You will have to reinvent great discoveries such as the telegraph, the telephone, the water pump, the lightning rod, the radio and so many other great inventions before you get to contemporary technology.

Prof will also teach you to weld and you will be able, via an experiment mode as well as kits of parts, to manufacture in real what you learned about the game.

No basic knowledge is required and the recommended age for the player is from 13 years old.

For PC, Mac and Linux computers.

Language: French / English (to start)

Read More: Best Choices Matter Education Games.

OnTheWire on Steam

Casual Golf

Casual Golf

I do not mind ‘casual’. I DO mind non-predictable behavior.

The golf ball does not follow any reliable (game) ‘physics’. That would be fine, if the game would allow for more … ‘casual’ attempts to get it right, eventually. But every new try feels like RNG is at play, rather allowing the player to improve, getting better with each try. You are just hoping your first shot will allow you to have a chance with your second, eventually.

If this is intentional or ‘unpolished’ is not for me to say.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The physics in this game make me so angry. Why does the ball stick to walls?

This game is not like normal mini golf. A little more polishing and it could be great. At least it’s unique.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Casual Golf on Steam

D3L3T3.exe - Aplicativo do Mal a origem

D3L3T3.exe - Aplicativo do Mal a origem

Dont waste your time, wasnt expecting much since the game is free but it would be nice to actually be able to finish the game. Turning off fog was the only way to decently play the first portion and the end portion is unplayable like other reviews have pointed out.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Would Highly recommend! Great atmosphere, good story, and pretty spooky.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

D3L3T3.exe - Aplicativo do Mal a origem on Steam

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷

Avoid at all costs, and any price.

Maybe I am missing something, but it seems broken.

I have played with the easy map a bit, and gotten results that seem contradictory.

It is hard to explain without diagrams, but in one section of the map ‘adjacent’ seems to be defined differently than another section.

My guess is that instead of there being an algorithm to determine what is and isn’t a match, the designer filled in the grid manually, and got it wrong. Just a guess, of course.

On top of how hard it is too see, and the fact that the presentation does nothing to try and help you, it is a really mess. The complete lack of instructions doesn’t help.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Game mechanism is interesting

but it runs not so smooth,and i think i need a “seting” to set my windows size or my eyes will feel sick in the long term

Look forward to your future updates

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷 on Steam

Red Brick Hotel

Red Brick Hotel

Absolute trash, as you’d expect from your typical lazy 12 year old kid who got the almighty GameGuru software for his birthday! And if this trash was actually made by an adult, then that adult needs to be locked up for trying to SCAM Steam users for $17 USD. Unreal.

Another GameGuru trash game clogging up Steam, and another M.I.S.S. video on you channel. ..Some things never change.

NOT RECOMMENDED. This game isn’t even worth a quarter, much less $16.99 USD. Absurd.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Game Guru continues to be the worst development program.

This game is notable in that it has NPCs.

The enemies shoot through walls and the ever present heartbeat of game guru continues to be annoying as hell.

Definitely avoid this.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Red Brick Hotel on Steam

Shores Unknown

Shores Unknown

One of the best early access games on Steam!

The gameplay is fantastic, the dialogue is witty and funny, the lore of the game is pretty deep and it has super charming graphics. Very very few bugs, super smooth experience overall and most of the the little upgrades I thought the game could benefit from have been confirmed by the devs to be on their to-do list.

Game currently has 5-7 hours of gameplay with a final 20-30h planned. I should add that I’m 10hrs in and still have not finished the current Early Access content.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

This is hopefully only a tempoary rating. I do like this game but right now I can’t recommend it.

Its suppose to be a strategy game. Yet it actively works against stretegy.

1. Why do my RANGED attackers, move almost to melee range. The enemies have abilities like Cleave and even my ranged characters like to perfectly group up, and you have 0 control over positioning. They should be getting some distance, not Move closer.

2. Characters change their targets. One of the most common strategies is to focus fire down one enemy. Sometimes they attack the enemy nearby, This might be about engagment, but I have 0 control of where the enemey moves, and I can’tposition my own characters.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Shores Unknown on Steam

Tales of a Rabbit: The Story of Willie Hop

Tales of a Rabbit: The Story of Willie Hop

Pretty terrible game, as much as I hate to say it. The graphics are very simple which is totally fine and that’s not an issue at all. The biggest issue is the huge difficulty straight off the bat and the horrible, awful jumping momentum. Let me give some examples: When you jump while standing still and push a direction like forward, you have almost no momentum at all. This is a HUGE issue because if you want to jump over hazards like the spiked purple plants or whatever, you’re gonna land right on top of them if you don’t have enough momentum. However, if you have too much momentum, you’re just as much in trouble as with no momentum. This is because you have almost no control over your character in mid air. There’s also a big issue with getting flung around constantly if you don’t take your time. What I mean by this is that, for example, if you jump and accidentally bump your head against something like a roof of a house, you often get flung back and because of this, in my case, it pushed me RIGHT OFF THE STAGE multiple times. Keep in mind that I was not even pressing any directional buttons to move except for the jump key. The difficulty is absolutely insane. Now, I have nothing against challenging and difficult games but this game takes it WAY too far in my opinion. Like I said, you’re introduced to extreme difficulty right in the first stage. A great example is you have to travel across excruciatingly narrow platforms that are slimmer and smaller than a straw. On top of that, there are spiked plants EVERYWHERE on these narrow platforms. As for the really narrow platforms, I don’t know if this is a graphics issue on my end but I’m pretty sure it isn’t. I think it could be intentional but either way, the difficulty still stands, regardless of graphical issues or not. Another really bad thing is that if you get hit, you get chucked backwards or sideways, often making you fall to your death and losing a life, especially on those super narrow platforms. There’s also no breathing room/no few seconds of invincibility. Nope. If you get hit and get knocked back into another hazard, you take damage immediately. All this insane difficulty made me quit after really trying my best on the FIRST STAGE. I just kept dying and dying, over and over again. If you lose all your lives, you lose all your progress and you get warped back all the way to the beginning of the stage. At the time of writing this review, I didn’t get far at all. No matter how hard I tried. Like I said, I have nothing against difficult games. I like a good challenge but this game goes way over the top with its difficulty. I don’t recommend this game. It will definitely make you lose your sanity. It’s a big shame because I love 3D platformers where you collect a bunch of stuff like coins.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Tales of a Rabbit: The Story of Willie Hop on Steam

Be the Ruler: Britannia

Be the Ruler: Britannia


In this game, it’s up to you to create your own story. Be the Ruler is an RPG in which the player takes on the role of a king and leads his dynasty through the ages. Every decision has its implications in the living world. Similar events can have dramatically different consequences. What kind of king you are determines what you can do in the world. Whether you prefer diplomacy, intrigue, conquest - it’s up to you.

Living World

To make Be the Ruler a true Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game, we built a living world where events happen regardless of your decisions. Your actions can influence them - often in unexpected ways. The elements of a living world consist of:

  • Randomly created nobles and other NPCs before the start of each game, with different attributes affecting their actions. Noblemen will marry, build their dynasties, and have their own goals. How you respond to them (or not) will determine the consequences of your actions.

  • Other kings have their own policies - conquests, alliances, state expansion.

  • You have unique relationships with each character in the game. These relationships are affected by your history, as well as how you relate to a particular group (i.e. nobility, priesthood, family).

  • If you choose to take action, the consequences will be felt in every aspect of the game - your resources, your relationships, the consequences of your decisions, the options available to you.

You, as king and as dynasty - create your own history in the medieval era.


  • Start a family and create a dynasty - raise your descendants. Beware of your siblings, who are waiting to trip you up. Beware of romance.

  • Manage an early medieval kingdom based on personal relationships with your vassals. Solve their problems, judge them, punish them. Build relationships based on trust or power.

  • Create alliances, conquer provinces.


Welcome to the world of early medieval England. Many small kingdoms, which were formed on the ruins of the Roman Empire and the migration of the Saxons to Britain. You will be the king of one of them - Wessex. There are many castles to visit and conquer, towns which will pay you tributes. Mines that give you currency and farms that supply you with grain.

Be the Ruler: Britannia on Steam