BOT.vinnik Chess: Combination Lessons

BOT.vinnik Chess: Combination Lessons

tldr; If you play Chess, get this.

To start, I don’t think anyone will play this for 34 hours unless you leave your PC on with this up like I did–but I still highly recommend it for new-to-okayish players looking for insight. I’ve ran through it a couple times & if it hasn’t improved my Chess game, it’s at least given me some new angles and strategies to think about. The aesthetic and presentation are perfect and make the techniques easier to digest, and it’s the price of a cup of coffee. All considered, it makes grabbing this the easiest decision you can make in Chess.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Psychological Horror Games.

If you are a beginner (like me), you will probably like it. It teaches you some basic and easy chess tactics, and I’m sure you’ll have fun with the mostache guy. But something that perhaps some people will not like is that the mustache guy wom’t explain why your wrong movements are wrong, if you want to know what you shouldn’t do that, you will have to think about it for yourself.

Anyway, even if it’s a short game, it is really cheap and you will probably learn something useful from it, so I recommend it.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

BOT.vinnik Chess: Combination Lessons on Steam

BOT.vinnik Chess: Opening Traps

BOT.vinnik Chess: Opening Traps

Moves a bunch of pieces around the board very quickly without giving you much time to take in what is happening on the board, nor explaining why, tells you it’s a popular move (which one? all of them? black or white?). Then demands you “Find the BEST move!”. Well that depends doesn’t it? What am I trying to achieve? So I start moving what ‘I think’ is the best move. Nope, that was wrong and it doesn’t mind telling you in no uncertain terms. I try another. Wrong again! Only this time i’m being patronised. WTH?! Instead of berating me for getting it wrong, tell me what my objective is and explain why moving a certain piece is preferable over moving another. I might actually learn something useful within Chess and not what a waste of oxygen I am.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Artificial Intelligence Games.

Cool game !

It is a great way to test your chess knowledge,

in my case it was a fun way to learn all the opening traps!

If you like chess this is a must have,

Very recommended!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

BOT.vinnik Chess: Opening Traps on Steam

BOT.vinnik Chess: Late USSR Championships

BOT.vinnik Chess: Late USSR Championships

Improve your chess knowledge and learn some history with commented puzzles out of anthological matches from the late USSR Chess Championships (1970s, and 80s)

■ Learn the theory behind the strategy

■ 150+ theory backed “best-move” chess puzzles

■ Famous matches organized by chess Masters in 16 chapters to elevate your knowledge

■ Made for chess enthusiasts by chess enthusiast

■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik’s peculiar sense of humor!

Read More: Best Chess Artificial Intelligence Games.

BOT.vinnik Chess: Late USSR Championships on Steam

BOT.vinnik Chess: Winning Patterns

BOT.vinnik Chess: Winning Patterns

I didn’t like this quite as much as Combination Lessons. Some of it felt too similar to the material already covered. That said, is it worth the time & money to buy and play this one? Oh absolutely heck yes. You definitely want to get and play both if you play Chess.

What would I like to see more of? Bot.vinnik opening moves & mid-game strategies. I need these to exist.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Prof.Vaharrak’s Curator Group - Almost 30 years of gaming experience at your service

Not gonna lie here: presentation is awful, but hell if this isn’t a GREAT game to learn more about chess. I was seriously and very pleasantly caught off guard by this one.

VERY recommended for chess amateurs and veterans alike, it’ll teach you some chess concepts and present you with situations that’ll help you think 2-3 moves in advance and hopefully improve your board vision and playstyle, definitely the kind of thing every chess enthusiast should look into.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

BOT.vinnik Chess: Winning Patterns on Steam

BOT.vinnik Chess: Early USSR Championships

BOT.vinnik Chess: Early USSR Championships

“When im white i win because im white, when im black i win because im Bogoljubov” Very nice and instructive Puzzles. Congrats Devs!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

It was interesting to learn about real championship matches and play out why the losing player resigned.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

BOT.vinnik Chess: Early USSR Championships on Steam

BOT.vinnik Chess: Mid-Century USSR Championships

BOT.vinnik Chess: Mid-Century USSR Championships

For the price, it’s a nice Chess game with a charming personality and nice music and aesthetics. I feel like the tune will be stuck in my head tomorrow. Lots of cool fun facts about the games you’re solving. I only encountered one bug where the text glitched out, but it wasn’t a big problem.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

enjoy the brain

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

BOT.vinnik Chess: Mid-Century USSR Championships on Steam

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike

A fun shoot em up, I quite enjoyed this game. Simple to play :)

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

a very frantic game, and a great warm-up to play an FPS

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike on Steam