Combat Chess

Combat Chess

I cant believe this is even on steam. This is an old game i played when i was like 9 years old. I am so happy i found it and for 5 bucks on steam.

Its just a really fun animated chess :) Good for nostalgia.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess 3D Games.

A knock-off of Battle Chess for all intents and purposes. Cheaper, though. Worth a try.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Combat Chess on Steam

The Rooster’s Chess

The Rooster’s Chess

Not even worth the time to install.


No single player mode of any kind.

No players in the multiplayer que during prime time hours (2 days in a row).

Waited 4 hours a day on two different days and didn’t see a single other person logged into the game to even attempt playing against.

Also the menu interface is horrible and the in-game purchases are overpriced cosmetics for things like ugly background images.

While you are here, would you consider following my curator page?

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Turn-Based Strategy Games.

this game is now broken. it used to be cool but now it starts in a broken state which only lets you place with the ai opponent. i used to play this with my son and uncle, no more

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Rooster's Chess on Steam

Chessaria: The Tactical Adventure (Chess)

Chessaria: The Tactical Adventure (Chess)

TL;DR A game of chess and chess-puzzles, with an extremely high-cliché fantasy theme. Quite engaging, highly-polished and very enjoyable.

Full Review

I discovered this title by accident, but wow… what a surprise! I quite like chess, but it does tend to be a) quite clinical and b) too difficult. This game, however, fixes that! Chessaria comes with a quick-play mode against the computer with a few chess variants (standard chess, plus some asymmetric variants and other unusual scenarios). It also has a multiplayer mode, that lets you play against friends online. And then there is the “Adventure” (the single-player campaign). The Adventure takes you on a journey through the land, and presents 100 varied and engaging chess puzzles (and the occasional full game of chess).

Real player with 53.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Fantasy Games.

Disclaimer: I received this game for free, full disclosure on the full Review

Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

On Steam I was browsing and saw someone had a game called Chessaria on a wishlist or had just purchased it. I took a look because I’m a fan of chess. Maybe not the biggest fan but I’ve played over 100 games on (my profile page) and more elsewhere, so I know what I’m doing. Chessaria brought back memories of when I first got into computer chess and promised tactical puzzles with Chessaria: The Tactical Adventure. Alright, it had my attention.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Chessaria: The Tactical Adventure (Chess) on Steam

Lazy Chess

Lazy Chess

This is a great game. Just needs some UI tweaks to be amazing.

It’s worth its money.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

I hate the fact that you don’t have the option to just play regular chess. How hard would it be to add such option. Also it annoys me very much how you can’t just get rid of that stupid “You Won!” pop-up so you can just look at the board and go through the older moves. It HAS to analyze it online in a browser. Other than that, the game is a good way of learning chess for beginners.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Lazy Chess on Steam



I often feel like roguelike deckbuilders use a wide breadth of cards in their game to distract from the fact the core gameplay loop just isn’t all that satisfying. So, enter Pawnbarian, a game that doesn’t let you change your cards at all between characters, all you can do is add one of a few different upgrades. Strips away all the noise and gives you satisfying, thoughtful gameplay from the moment you start a run to its finish.

What it delivers is an experience that reminds me of Into the Breach, but with movement/attacks that vary from hand to hand. Calculating out the perfect route through the board to get a few pick offs and avoid damage is incredibly satisfying. Each turn feels like a tight geometric puzzle. The different characters really do feel like different beasts entirely. The titular Pawnbarian gains a lot from getting past the enemies to the final rank, the Knight Templar gets more actions by using more knights, and the Shogun uses pieces inspired by Shogi, which are often a little weaker, but he backs them up with an AoE ability he can power up by killing enemies.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

I was privileged to win a copy of this early via Esty’s Misfits giveaway on Twitch (@Esty8nine) - delighted, because I was salivating over this from the ads!

The game is very much as it appears: use your moves optimally, learn opponent moves, build your army, and try not to die of Blight. It’s one of those puzzle strategy games you could open, mess around with for a bit and close again. I’ve since found the 2019 free demo, and it’s true to that- though extra time & development has gone in to make user experience satisfying.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Pawnbarian on Steam

flChess 2

flChess 2

An insult to the game of Chess.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

flChess 2 on Steam

Eonica Chess Battle

Eonica Chess Battle

great auto battle game, good graphics

Real player with 507.4 hrs in game

This is the best chess game I’ve ever played. The amount of depth to the game, while still in early access, is impressive. I think that the game will only get better with time and will have more players to compete against as the game grows in popularity.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Eonica Chess Battle on Steam



After having played this game extensively since I acquired it, I am posting this review in the hopes of addressing the points made in the negative review above, as the reviewer clearly does not understand the purpose of this game. This is going to be somewhat lengthy, will try to summarize at the top.

TLDR; Pro’s and con’s below. If you came here expecting standalone chess look elsewhere, if you are interested in a sandbox experience where you can create your own units read on.

First and foremost I would like to point out something that I believe is the reason for said reviewers negative perception of this game, and that is that Wardens is NOT chess. If you go into Wardens expecting standalone chess, you will be disappointed. At present the only resemblance this game has to chess is the movement and arrangement of the pieces (for now), and that it is played on a chess board. However, despite one of the default game types being Capture the King, Wardens lacks practically all other basic chess rules, such as en passante, castling, and most importantly, check. As your goal in the aforementioned game mode is to KILL the king, not checkmate him. This was done so as to introduce the concept of the abilities in a familiar way without overwhelming the player. As for the abilities being boring, I admit that I myself do not care for the starting decks. That is because those decks are more useful as templates, to showcase possible abilities and help you to make your own. So the abilities are only as boring as you make them. Granted the amount of things you can do at the moment is a bit limited, but there is a surprising amount of versatility with what is already there. With the tools currently available, I have created over 4 pages worth of cards, with varied abilities including, but not limited to, things such as a unit that when they have sufficient mana they and surrounding allies cannot be frozen, a unit that has an ability that grants permanent attack immunity until next overtake (akin to stealth), and a unit that allows allies to cast their abilities for free provided they have sufficient mana for said ability, although this requires (for now) compatibility to be integrated into the other units in order to work, as does my most recent unit, which will allow nearby allies to cast their abilities for 3 mana less. The list goes on, and it will only improve with time as more things become available.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

As a chess player, this looked interesting, but I can’t recommend it. It’s basically just chess, but the pieces have boring abilities, their movement is unchanged. Board readability is terrible, all the pieces (both yours and your opponent’s) look too similar and so everything blends together until you can’t figure out what is happening anymore. There’s no tutorial, and the AI you can play against is terrible, if you’re decent at chess you will easily crush it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Wardens on Steam

Chess Evolved Online

Chess Evolved Online

The developer is clearly insane, and there are numerous horrific flaws that I assume will never be fixed ever. The good news is that it takes a while for the true gravity of those flaws to start affecting you, and until then you can enjoy this game a lot.

Here is a small sampling of some of the terrors of the past, although they may be gone*, they surely portend of more great sorrow in the future:

1. Turn one checkmate was once possible. Yes it is as bad as it sounds. Although it could be staved off by simply covering ever square within a 3 square radius of your king.

Real player with 752.7 hrs in game

Chess Evolved Online is an extremely frustrating game to play, and not for the right reasons. While it has an incredibly compelling base for a game and that is fun for a long time, you eventually get to a level where, at the highest rankings (I am currently in the top 50 as of this review, rank ~4400), you are forced to play only the most boring stally armies or lose a lot of rating because of effective RNG where other armies hard-counter your pieces.

So while I am giving this game a positive review out of support for being much better than most games out there, it still feels dreadful to play due to developer incompetence.

Real player with 565.3 hrs in game

Chess Evolved Online on Steam



Solid game. I wish that the menu music was an option out of the 3 during-game music options available, it’s the best of them all. Only con is the music, which can be turned off.

Fair warning to those excited to see a steam game related to chess: It’s more of a puzzle game than a chess game. Even still, fun game that can be picked up and played for 5 or 50 minutes at a time.


2nd review as of May 7th, 2017: More recommended

Props to Drixxel, the developer. I chose to come back and play this game a bit today, and there have been some significant amount of UI-friendly and (positive) gameplay changes. The game is more polished. Music/Audio options, more advanced rules (at least within endless mode). I’m surprised by how few people there are considering the fair amount of content and rewarded quality that was put into the game’s update.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game


Gigachess was developed and published by Gigatross Games. The game itself is interesting because it takes the rules of chess and makes it into a game of it’s own, which it being both challenging and fun to play.


This game is rather clever, with the way that it takes the game of chess and twists it in a way that makes it both fun yet challenging to play. The basics of the game are that your chess pieces can be either a Bishop, Rook or a knight. Your enemies are a number of pawns which you must take out before they reach the end of the chess board and take a life from you. That’s basically the whole game.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Gigachess on Steam