Pure Chess Grandmaster Edition

Pure Chess Grandmaster Edition

Absolute garbage game - no video options means widescreen users need to alter the PC graphics setting to play, otherwise you will be seeing marshmallow pieces stretched across the board. No ability to redo more than a single move means no ability to play out differing strategies within the same game. The levels 1 - 3 are bizarrely weighted to play sudden random nonsense moves such as a queen taking a guarded knight. On higher levels it can play a decent game, but it will still make odd moves that no human would think to play. Most of the piece sets and boards are so bad that seeing your actual pieces is difficult with most combinations. When you rotate the board it stays there and is hard to return to normal. The screen is half filled with windows indicating moves and pieces taken so that no real estate remains and there are no options to remove or alter the screen layout. Stay away from this game as many free downloadable internet chess programs trump it in every way.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Multiplayer Games.

really enjoy this game, but there was some trouble at the start, for sure;

the microsoft visual c++ files failed to load-in properly with the install. I noticed my ‘first time’ runner hung when installing, so I aborted it and started again. it seemed to complete, but then I got an error about a missing .dll after the ‘launch screen’ for the game.

–– this was a pretty easy fix. microsoft allows you to download these for free from their site, just look up the file it says is missing and look for a good microsoft link to the distro pack. there was a youtub video about PES game needing the same file, with a nice little tutorial on how to do this and links.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Pure Chess Grandmaster Edition on Steam

The Rooster’s Chess

The Rooster’s Chess

Not even worth the time to install.


No single player mode of any kind.

No players in the multiplayer que during prime time hours (2 days in a row).

Waited 4 hours a day on two different days and didn’t see a single other person logged into the game to even attempt playing against.

Also the menu interface is horrible and the in-game purchases are overpriced cosmetics for things like ugly background images.

While you are here, would you consider following my curator page?

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Turn-Based Strategy Games.

this game is now broken. it used to be cool but now it starts in a broken state which only lets you place with the ai opponent. i used to play this with my son and uncle, no more

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Rooster's Chess on Steam



After having played this game extensively since I acquired it, I am posting this review in the hopes of addressing the points made in the negative review above, as the reviewer clearly does not understand the purpose of this game. This is going to be somewhat lengthy, will try to summarize at the top.

TLDR; Pro’s and con’s below. If you came here expecting standalone chess look elsewhere, if you are interested in a sandbox experience where you can create your own units read on.

First and foremost I would like to point out something that I believe is the reason for said reviewers negative perception of this game, and that is that Wardens is NOT chess. If you go into Wardens expecting standalone chess, you will be disappointed. At present the only resemblance this game has to chess is the movement and arrangement of the pieces (for now), and that it is played on a chess board. However, despite one of the default game types being Capture the King, Wardens lacks practically all other basic chess rules, such as en passante, castling, and most importantly, check. As your goal in the aforementioned game mode is to KILL the king, not checkmate him. This was done so as to introduce the concept of the abilities in a familiar way without overwhelming the player. As for the abilities being boring, I admit that I myself do not care for the starting decks. That is because those decks are more useful as templates, to showcase possible abilities and help you to make your own. So the abilities are only as boring as you make them. Granted the amount of things you can do at the moment is a bit limited, but there is a surprising amount of versatility with what is already there. With the tools currently available, I have created over 4 pages worth of cards, with varied abilities including, but not limited to, things such as a unit that when they have sufficient mana they and surrounding allies cannot be frozen, a unit that has an ability that grants permanent attack immunity until next overtake (akin to stealth), and a unit that allows allies to cast their abilities for free provided they have sufficient mana for said ability, although this requires (for now) compatibility to be integrated into the other units in order to work, as does my most recent unit, which will allow nearby allies to cast their abilities for 3 mana less. The list goes on, and it will only improve with time as more things become available.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Chess Early Access Games.

As a chess player, this looked interesting, but I can’t recommend it. It’s basically just chess, but the pieces have boring abilities, their movement is unchanged. Board readability is terrible, all the pieces (both yours and your opponent’s) look too similar and so everything blends together until you can’t figure out what is happening anymore. There’s no tutorial, and the AI you can play against is terrible, if you’re decent at chess you will easily crush it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Wardens on Steam



Only played short while to get first impression, it seemed alright. Well worth 99 cents cheaper then candy bar. Well also actually helping someone even if just a little.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

回纹战棋 on Steam



Never play the same game of chess again! ChessCraft is a chess AI sandbox. Create your own chess boards, rules, and pieces. Play against the computer or your friends online, or win loot by playing one of 80 built-in chess boards in adventure mode.

Many chess games already exist, but only ChessCraft allows the player to create such wacky boards, pieces, and rules and immediately play a decent computer opponent.

Create new pieces with any combination of the 8 bishop or rook slides, plus a 7x7 grid of knight-like hops. Create new boards with any enabled or disabled tile up to 16x16. Place promotion rules for any piece, anywhere, or other special tile rules. Create pieces that cannot be captured, or with ranged attacks, or pieces that restrict other pieces from acting. The computer opponent then uses concepts from computer science and graph theory to understand your creations and play against you.

ChessCraft on Steam

Simply Chess

Simply Chess

This is a free game, which means it doesn’t really matter whether I “recommend” it or not. So I won’t recommend it, and you’re gonna get it anyway. Everybody wins. Unless you try the multiplayer, which is a fate worse than death. But we’ll get to that.

I guess it’s a decent enough chess simulator, but there are some glaring problems that leaves it an unsatisfactory experience.

The most absurd characteristic that you’ll soon notice is that computer black never, ever - EVER! - plays the Sicilian defense, the line which is statistically the most advantageous for black. I didn’t see it once, even after beating all 100 computer levels, with hundreds of games as white (I have no idea how many, as you can’t “resign” games against the computer, and losing games that you simply exit are not counted in the statistics). The engine does love the Scandinavian defense though. Get used to seeing that.

Real player with 68.7 hrs in game


I am only writing this review because this game does in fact deserve positive feedback. I am very disappointed at how the Steam community immediately give negative feedback to newly released games as if the game was already in its finalized form. This basically gives the developers no morale or reason to continue improving their game since the rating has already been decided by the sheer ignorance of the community.

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

Simply Chess on Steam

Battle Chess 4000

Battle Chess 4000

Battle Chess 4000 takes the classic game of chess and rushes it headlong into the future. Chess pieces become animated space-age characters, created from state-of-the-art digitized clay models; with the pieces animated moves being both intriguing and hilarious. Not only that but Battle Chess 4000 has a library of over 300,000 opening moves and an artificial intelligence that can handle any level of opponent.

Battle Chess 4000 features include:

  • State-of-the-art animation from digitized clay models
Battle Chess 4000 on Steam



If you like chess and want to blow your mind with new dimensions then Chess++ is the way. I like the fact it has a step by step tutorial and introduces a new piece- “The Unicorn”. It would be nice if you could see the computer evaluation of the position or ask for hints for the best move. It would also be nice to see it linked to an online vender/server like: chess.com, lichess.org, chess24.com or freechess.org. I can’t wait for a VR version! I got the game as an early release and stream games looking for best strategy and tactics at: https://www.twitch.tv/chessplayerb4 I definitely recommend it for hours of mind blowing fun.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

“Raumschach (German for Space Chess) is one of the first three-dimensional chess variants and the first to survive until present times. It was invented by Herr Doktor Ferdinand Maack in 1907. Maack first experimented with an 8x8x8 array but later determined that a 5x5x5 array yields a nicer game. Maack founded a Raumschach club in Hamburg in 1919, which remained active until the Second World War.”

Not bad, but needs better camera controls. After all, rotating the camera around the board is more important than rotating the camera itself or moving it in a plane.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Chess++ on Steam

Cooperative Chess

Cooperative Chess

When your friends win, you win.

Co-op Chess occurs in rounds, and in each round you must occupy all the “!” squares.

Achieve checkmate for either side and you both win!

If you’ve read this far, you must want some feature details

  • Customizable difficulty.

  • Single-player mode if you want to learn in a safe place (or if that’s just your thing).

  • Avatar customization unlocked by completing achievements.

  • Private games with friends.

  • Quality of life improvements beyond what’s normal for Chess apps

Cooperative Chess is part of what has retroactively been termed a “molasses jam” run by the Bay Area Dev Collective. The theme of the jam was to make a violent genre non-violent. Somehow the idea of co-op chess came up during a brainstorming session, and I knew immediately that I had to figure out how to make it work. And now you and a friend get to experience it yourselves.

The other molasses game jam games are also on steam:




Cooperative Chess on Steam

Kings Gauntlet: Chess Revolution

Kings Gauntlet: Chess Revolution

Kings Gauntlet: Chess Revolution is a 1v1 chess-inspired action game where you shoot at your opponent to summon pieces on the board.

Pieces can move as they would in chess, they will try to crush any opposing king or piece that crosses their path.

As the match goes on, stronger pieces will be available for summoning, until the queens bring chaos on the battlefield.

Real Time Battle!

Shooting the enemy king will fill your gauge. When the summon gauge is filled, you can deploy a chess piece on the board!

Place them strategically and quickly dash around the arena to dodge opponent pieces!

Rush for glory!

Crowns will spawn around the arena now and then, gather three of them to use your special ability.

Powerful abilities!

Use your special ability to fire a special bullet that converts every enemy piece on its path, turn the tides in your favor and checkmate your opponent!

Key Features

  • Online and local 1v1 multiplayer!

  • Unique customization possibilities!

  • Multiple characters with unique abilities!

  • Strategic and deep gameplay!

  • Powerful pickups!

  • A unique and fresh take on the oldest game in the world!

Kings Gauntlet: Chess Revolution on Steam