Tyler: Model 005

Tyler: Model 005

I enjoyed this game and at its price felt it was worth the money.


*I liked the characters and the voice acting.

*The dynamics were interesting. Climbing, combat against bugs and wall walking. I do not usually play platform games but this one was so different than most, I decided to give it a shot and was very pleased.

*Graphics are amazing.


*I found limited information on the game and with no Controls menu, it was frustrating until I figured things out. Had to read patch notes to get some of the information and I doubt most gamers would go that far.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Customization Adventure Games.

Like the titular robot, scrappy but with a lot of heart

I was going to wait for the incoming update that will rework the combat, lighting, tutorial, climbing, and control among other things, but after a few months of waiting (now over half a year), I needed to get this up on Steam. I’ll update accordingly come any update dropping!

So that’s a veritable laundry list of significant aspects currently being redone. How does it currently hold up? Remarkably okay - particularly if you’ve got a strong stomach for a little mechanical jank. Immediate worrisome standouts include the aforementioned combat, which offers no feedback and has you whale away at the air in front of an assortment of the most aggressive insects the world’s ever seen to hit them; and the platforming and climbing, which is ultra-finicky at the best of times. Perhaps the bigger problem with the combat is that there’s just nothing to it. Currently, you hold down one of two buttons/triggers to hit with no evasion particularly necessary. Spiders, wasps and beetles make for pretty incidental, uncompelling adversaries too.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Tyler: Model 005 on Steam




Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Customization 3D Games.

At its core Elli is a puzzle game that is dressed in platforming. I very much enjoyed playing it all the way through the end which took me a little over 6.5 hours..

The puzzles in the beginning are pretty simple and there is next to no real platforming. But the further you progress into the story the more complex the puzzles get. Towards the end some puzzles span over multiple rooms which made it just the right amount of challenging for me. Yet the platforming difficulty, with a handful of exceptions, is only raised to a moderately challenging level throughout the game which I particularly liked because that way the platforming never really got into the way of solving the puzzles.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Elli on Steam

Isles of Pangaea

Isles of Pangaea

Pretty unique little dinosaur simulator as it has some choices not usually found in dinosaur sims.

Isles of Pangaea has dinosaurs such as dimetrodon, sarcosuchos, archelon, and compsognathus…yup, that’s right, the tiny lizards from Jurassic Park: Lost World…few dino games offer this dinosaur to play with.

In fact, you start off the game with a choice of either Compsognathus or Pteranodon…or Archelon or Oviraptor…and you earn evolution points by eating (DO YOU GET POINTS BY KILLING)…

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Customization Dinosaurs Games.

I have tried the other dinosaur games i have found on steam. Such as Saurian and prehistoric survivors. i don’t play multiplayer so i don’t know what those games are like. But if you want a single player dino game then get this one. Aquatic and flying dinosaurs are playable and you can be a stegosauras that alone is worth my money

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Isles of Pangaea on Steam

After School Murder Club!!

After School Murder Club!!

it may look a bit different but let me tell you: this was the most exciting and fun visual novel game I’ve played in a while and it’s 100% worth trying!

and yes, with 9 hours I’ve only got one ending so far (still gotta get the other one’s!) so.. if you take your time with reading the dialogues, you get a lot for a free (!!) game.

ps. Pain(t)-kun still haunts me in my dreams (and I ain’t complaining)

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

I wasn’t sure about this title at first, but I ended up enjoying it in the end.

Apparently this started out as a practice/joke visual novel, and it definitely shows, but it knows what it is: a satirical jab at anime tropes with an overall silly plotline. There are references to popculture and memes throughout. Heck, one of the first things the main character says is “Gotta go fast!”

The artstyle isn’t really anything to write home about. The characters seem to have been made with some kind of anime dress up doll programs, which causes a bit of whiplash when the actually drawn scenes show up thanks to how different they look.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

After School Murder Club!! on Steam

Atlas Rogues

Atlas Rogues

I was a big fan of Atlas Reactor and plugged in almost 2000 hours into it having only played it between 2016 and 2019. I have nothing but fond memories of grouping up with my friends and if not achieving a consistent streak of victories, we always at least experienced some epic moments and mostly respectful and respectable opponents we could congratulate in the general chat after a match. The world, mechanics, and the vibe was so unique and I couldn’t get enough of it.

And then the servers were shutdown and I was left feeling a huge void in my gaming life not having a team based game to play with others. Nothing against Overwatch or Awesomenauts, as I played those to fill the void for a year, but they could never compare to this brilliant and unique experience. All of mid 2019 and mid 2020, I was wishing and hoping Atlas Reactor could somehow come back. Maybe Gamigo could give the former Trions staff another chance to revitalize the game with new content and a paid for model to afford the servers required to run it. Or maybe a group of dedicated fans can make a spiritual successor with similar mechanics but with a whole new set of characters in a brand new world.

Real player with 433.0 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues, like most rogueish games of its kind, aims to have a solid mix of RNG, strategy, and skill all bundled together to create an experience that can prove reliably challenging while allowing to new flavours to spark up throughout each and every run as you unlock new characters, new abilities, and new questlines throughout your gameplay. It should be noted, that those seeking the time limited phase by phase PVP chess like arena experience of Atlas Reactor will likely not find it here as this game sits in a different genre using the same universe.

Real player with 90.7 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues on Steam

Time Break Chronicles

Time Break Chronicles

Greetings one and All,

For those interested in this game here is my review on it.

Time Break Chronicles plays like an old school rpg game. Those who have played older rpgs would enjoy it but it’s not your typically rpg. Those fans of Final Fantasy VII or VII New Threat mods or Final Fantasy VI Brave New world would find great enjoyment in the challenges of this game. Most fights are about thinking. The balance of the game is rather well done despite how many characters you can choose from. As writing this review we are at 48 characters available. My highest loop on my best save is loop 20. This game is about planning stuff out. Learning enemies and bosses strategy and how they react to certain attacks.

Real player with 194.0 hrs in game

Excellent game even in early access

It’s basically a JRPG meets rogue lite. You’re stuck in an endless dimensional loop and travel from node to node towards the end boss. Think Slay the spire map layout except horizontal instead of vertical. Entering a node drains stamina from each character in your party and lower stamina equals lower character stats

Your main character Claire is stuck in an endless loop in a strange dimension. From her own little pocket in this dimension, she travels the map, rescuing characters to strengthen her party while fighting a nefarious cult. There are 24 characters at present with more to come. While there is some overlap between characters, each offers unique abilities and you’re free to form your party in any way you like with the only requirement being that Claire is present. Claire has 3 forms, tank, dps and healer and while she is not as good in each role as more specialized characters, her jack of all trades and her ability to switch form at will even during combat, makes her very valuable

Real player with 114.1 hrs in game

Time Break Chronicles on Steam

Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space

Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space

It’s alright, but, maybe wait for the devs to fix the billion crashes in Citizens of Space before you buy.

Real player with 84.4 hrs in game

This is very good.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space on Steam

Lemnis Gate

Lemnis Gate

After playing this game on release, I said this about the title:

“Unique time travel elements make Lemnis Gate the most intriguing competitive shooter. The struggle to outmaneuver your opponent with mindful planning and skillful execution is exhilarating.”

Now that the game has been out for almost two months, I still agree with this statement. However, there are still some issues with the game. I’ll list some positives and negatives, ordered by how important/impactful I find them. Keep in mind that I have only played and am only interested in 1v1 turn-based. Some of my points probably apply to other modes as well, but in my mind, Lemnis Gate = Competitive 1v1 turn-based.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Lemnis gate has amazing potential. I know some players have experienced game breaking bugs. But thats not my experience, it can be buggy, the server does crash every so often. But I believe the devs can fix this later.

Now the gameplay, holy shit, its so good. This is the freshest game I’ve ever played, the concept hasn’t been done before and I love it. It feels like a game of chess with all the interaction and counter play. There is a pretty steep learning curve, more so then most FPS games. But once you get the basic idea of how the characters work, it all clicks together with how many options you have. Learning the ins and outs can be a little painful, but that feeling when you pull a massive 200 IQ play and completely blindside the enemy is worth every bad play you make along the way. its $20, great to play with friends. Give it a go, you wont regret it.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Lemnis Gate on Steam

Quantum League

Quantum League

If you read the synopses of the game and it sounds cool to you, you’d like it. It’s as simple as that. It takes this concept and executes it super well, with satisfying, fast paced gunplay to boot. All complaints are minor quality of life ones or from people misunderstanding how the game works.

The game plays seamlessly with this “time paradox” concept. Everything you do matters and in the future you have to consider what your past lives did, what your opponent did, and the timings of all those things. That can sound complex, but generally people are just playing 1 on 1, and you’ll get the concepts soon. You can win by being the best at shooting or you can win by outsmarting your opponent. Do both for a round or two and you’ll feel like an unstoppable genius. When someone kills you and pre-emptively outsmarts you, you’ll be impressed at how they cut you off at every turn. Other reviews complain about some strategies they feel is unfair - you can safely ignore them. This game’s strategy is deep and tactics that seem unstoppable can be punished brutally when you realize their weaknesses. Racing a health pack can seem an obvious good play - denying it to your opponent can’t be bad, right? - but now you have a large portion of the round that you are now vulnerable. And heading to the health packs puts you in the open - a future clone can kill you when you are there. And leaving a gunfight to grab a health pack can leave your past clones helpless.

Real player with 319.2 hrs in game

I love this game! I bought it the day it was released in Early Access (Around May 2020). I LOVE time travel and I like FPS games, so I was super hyped for this game! (It’s right up my alley!) There’s not many players that have the game, so a lot of the time you’ll be waiting in the queue for a while.

I strongly advise joining the Quantum League Discord server, and adding a few people from there to avoid the long queue problem. I put a tag next to a bunch of new friends and acquaintances on Steam saying “QL” So I can search for a match more easily. A general chat feature would be a good addition to the game, as well as a way to join people directly from Discord if possible. I’ll suggest that on the Official Discord, if either/both haven’t been suggested already.

Real player with 138.9 hrs in game

Quantum League on Steam

Last Epoch

Last Epoch

I am a longtime ARPG player.

I discovered Last Epoch while looking for a guide on Wolcen (yeah… i know…).

Since then I have been playing Last Epoch and I have given up on Wolcen.

Last Epoch is the best Early Access ARPG yet, and definitely one of the best ARPG, period!

The game feels incredible.

The story is great.

The itemization is solid.

There is a wide variety of builds.

Personally, I don’t do theorycraft, I usually rely on other’s build guide. But I manage to create fun skills combinations that work for me and are relatively viable or modify other’s build to my liking.

Real player with 336.6 hrs in game

There are two major things that draw me to this ARPG. The Skills, and the Masteries. I’ll go over both here.

Skills are typical fare. You can have 5 on your hotbar at a time. Where the skills really start to shine are in the trees/webs. Picture the runes from Diablo 3, but each one is placed somewhere on a web for that skill. You take lesser, but still valuable and build enabling nodes, such as adding a DoT, reducing mana cost, increasing base damage while you work your way to major nodes, like making the physical skill Javelin a lightning skill instead. You can also change it from a piercing line attack to a batch of 3 AoE targeted spears. Even further you can make those 3 spears into 1, increasing the damage and adding a banner to it that increases your damage and defenses. Further down that branch, the banner can cast a spell, Smite, for free at enemies near it. There are a lot of skills like this.

Real player with 267.0 hrs in game

Last Epoch on Steam