Go Fight Fantastic!

Go Fight Fantastic!

Go Fight Fantastic! is a vibrant 1-3 player hack n' Slash game with heavy focus on teamwork and co-operation! Play as three unique characters Tank, Striker or Healer, each with his/her own set of unique abilities - both over the Internet and with friends at home (couch co-op).

Story Mode

Unfold the story of what the alien invaders want and do your best to stop people from getting taken from their homes. Explore for meteorite upgrades you can use in any game mode to modify your character and their abilities. Face enemies, bosses, challenges and events!

Horde Mode

Challenge yourselves and go for the high score as an onslaught of enemies try to take you and your team down! The longer you play, the harder it gets.

Customize your character

Exploring for and finding Meteorite upgrades allow you to upgrade your characters and their attacks. Meteorites are persistent between games and level up as you play, allowing you to build your own collection of upgrades and customize the characters to your specific play style and needs.

Want to build a DPS Healer or make a Striker that can take every hit to the face without being downed, meteorites are the way to go!

Join the community

Join our official Discord Server and let us know what you think of the game! Come hang out, join contests and get the latest news about the development.


Read More: Best Character Customization Co-op Games.

Go Fight Fantastic! on Steam



This review will be posted, while having DW5E in mind. Gonna be long.

DW8 Empire is first empire game that come to PC from the series.

You don’t need any of DLC to experience 100% of the game or complete 100% achievement run. Mostly, it’s just flavour.

Game outside of battle aspect got reworked entirely, You are not being considered always a ruler. You can play as Free Officer, Vagabond Unit (a party without a land), Officer under someone, their Lieutanant, Officer, Strategist or Marshal. The last two being almost as the ruler themselfs, but with the option of rebel/betrayal. To win the game, You don’t have to be a ruler, all You have to do, is to be inside the winning force. I lost only once so it’s hard to say if there’s even Game Over screen.

Real player with 171.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Customization RPG Games.

OMG still in shock with the release of empires on PC. I have long heard of it, but haven’t been able to play the “Empires” of a Dynasty Warriors game since it usually goes out on PS3 or XBox. And here it is, right on my doorstep, on steam. What better way than to test it out.

This review should be unbiased (Sort of), as I have been a dynasty warriors player of Dynasty Warriors 3, 4, 6 (5 skipped due to not being on PC), 7, and 8. I have experienced all the 1 vs 10000 army battles, while slaying down all that stands in my path (including gathering the courage to stand against the mighty Lu Bu, though mostly getting my blade handed back to me 10 times fold).

Real player with 128.9 hrs in game

DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 Empires on Steam

M.A.S.S. Builder

M.A.S.S. Builder

Summary: MASS Builder is a fairly fun game that could keep you busy for a few hours if you have little interest in mecha/robot customization, but many more hours if you like creating custom designs and trying them out. While its customization is deep, it isn’t…broad, and a general lack of content keeps this from being a hard recommend in general. That said, it actually gets the basics done with a lot of quality and polish and is by no means bad…just very narrow in its scope. It has a lot of potential and I’m excited to see new features added to the game.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Customization Third Person Games.

Mass Builder is a customizable mecha game with great customization, but some of the worst gameplay I have ever had to slog through. The fact that the game is unfinished as of this review doesn’t excuse the game’s issues though. Let’s start with the pros, because there are some elements that are done well:


  • Great character art. I won’t go into detail, but whoever did the 2d character sprites during story segments should be commended for a job well done.

  • Great customization for mechas. The parts all look great, and there’s obvious influence from several anime designs in certain parts. Colour switching is a bit awkward, but it’s functional.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

M.A.S.S. Builder on Steam

Rune Knights

Rune Knights

What can I say, I love the game, despite it’s early access flaws.

It’s worth more than the asking price already, so buy it.

A solid solo PVE experience but it really shines in multiplayer.

Combat is smooth, visceral and satisfying, the build options and talent trees are already quite varied and are going to get even more interesting as skills get added and level caps get raised and more points are available to allocate.

The game runs pretty smoothly, even on lower spec machines. (obviously not as pretty but the core gameplay is spot on and it still looks decent)

Real player with 689.9 hrs in game

When I first saw this game, I didn’t expect much from it. After reading the good reviews and looking up on Youtube for videos I was surprised to find a very short selection. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try, it’s only 10$ anyways. Launching the game, I noticed the character selection being pretty limited to only a few options and assumed the game wasn’t going to catch my attention for long, but thankfully when I started playing, I couldn’t stop. This game has been such a fun and exciting addition to my time and I loved every hour of it and I cannot wait to see it grow. I can’t seem to explain it but there’s just something about this game that brings nostalgia and a fresh breath of air to me.

Real player with 361.2 hrs in game

Rune Knights on Steam




Coming straight from Samurai Warriors 2, I expected nothing short of fluid and great gameplay and Koei has delivered

with Samurai Warriors 4-II. I’d always prefered the SW games compared to Dynasty Warriors or the

Warriors Orochi games which I played on the Xbox 360.

I’ll make many comparisons to Samurai Warriors 2 as that was the last SW game I played, back in 2007 and I recenly played again to get that ever so good Nostalgia feeling.

Warriors / Story

Real player with 212.2 hrs in game

Samurai Warriors 4-II is a sequel to Samurai Warriors 4, or it’s a remake, or it’s Xtreme legends. Or…. honestly exactly what it is, isn’t clear.

The Warrior series has a long history of doing Xtreme Legends which is their “complete” edition usually allowing someone to play both the original and extra levels in one with more characters. However, there’s only one new character, Naomasa II, who is interesting, but not enough for a whole new game. There’s also no way to play the old game, there are just new stories here. It’s not a remake either, as the stories are vastly different, and the characters are the same. The game claims to focus on the characters more in the stories, but honestly, the stories feel the same style as the original game, though the original Samurai Warrior 4 has better stories (At least characters you care about more), but I found the ones in 4-II to be more interesting on some levels. At least it’s not the same story we’ve heard three times already in this series, it’s a new character that the game wants to focus on, which is a good change.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game


Cat Quest II

Cat Quest II

[Disclaimer: This review covers both Cat Quest 1 and 2 as I bought the first game while I received a review-copy from the developers through Save or Quit. You can read the full 4.1K word (20K character) review down below with visual aids and a (soon to be done) video.]

Cat Quest: Back to Where It All Furst Began

With the release of Cat Quest 2, it’s difficult to share the same adoration for its predecessor after having played something that takes everything the previous game did so well, yet simply does the same concept so much better. Thankfully, with the release of the Cat Quest 1 & 2 bundle at a reasonable price, I can happily recommend the original as much as the sequel—but it’s quite clear which game is superior. (Psst, Gentlebros, if you were to recreate Cat Quest in the sequel as DLC with reworked dungeons and the same quests and story, I would happily buy that day one.)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Sometimes you will play a game that catches you completely by surprise. Cat Quest 2 was one of those games for me. Sure I could tell it had nice graphics and art style. I had seen the announcement trailers and stuff. But I never played the first one, so how fun could an RPG Lite with a cat and dog actually be? Well, let me just tell you upfront…Gentlebros has delivered an amazing game that I truly enjoyed from the very moment I picked the controller. Honestly its a Purrfect recipe for success. Let’s look at the story first.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Cat Quest II on Steam



This reminded me a bit of playing Sunken recently, I like the combat and mechanics alot better here, Sunken has nicer graphics but lacks dashing and combat speed. Wish they would team up to make the best of both worlds.^^

Played the first 2 levels and I must say the dodging, blocking and attacking feels great.

Downsides are on the sound design (not bad, but you can tell there are some free stock sounds in there), graphical detail (the head of your character looks a bit like a potato) and trashmob design (like 1-3 mobs per room instead of typical arpg hordes, bosses were fine tho)

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Can’t really recommend here’s why…

First off I bought this on sale. 66% off… what a Deal!

There is 4 chapters of play, with 4 levels in each chapter. Items are very bland and generic, and you can just upgrade them in the “outpost” and gold is so easy to get you will always have them maxed out, I’m pretty sure I used the same set of gear from my first run threw as I did up threw newgame+4…. Had a weapon with Bleed and Thundering, and a trinket with lifesteal it was over from there on everyone was smacked around like it was nothing, And there was no way for me to get weaker, I just had to stop at a outpost and upgrade my gear to my new max… I wish this was more then it is, because I kind of like it, but at the same time there is to much and to little going on at the same time..

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Dragonpath on Steam

In Darkness

In Darkness

I’m liking this game so far. I rarely do reviews but I thought I would on this game. I thinks it’s quite unique and being a Ratling is different kind of character that personally like. Most evrything seems to be wrapped up pretty tight and the fact that it’s early access means more on the way. Keep up the good work.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Camera feels very close to the ground and at a very steep angle, makes me feel like im staring at the dirt.

Please add an option for camera distance at least.

Also the first mission in the air ship is buggy as hell, keep getting stuck on nothing and dying.

Other than that, pretty good game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

In Darkness on Steam



Well, having played for a bit now, I am pleased to say, being a fan of the other two God Eaters, this one has not disappointed. Mouse and Keyboard works perfectly for me, I’ve had no problems with either one. It has better graphics and runs perfectly.

My computer doesn’t meet all the minimum requirements, but I’ve had no problems with it running smooth on high graphic settings. My graphics card is only a GTX 745 and the minimum suggested one is GTX 760. So there is something for those who meet the requirements but have problems. Your computer is the issue, not the game.

Real player with 208.0 hrs in game

After finishing the main storyline I believe it’s time to review this fantastic game.

This third entry adds a chunk of new stuff, such as:

  • Two weapon types: Biting Edges and Heavy Moons; the first one is basically a dual blade wielding style, which you can even combine to form a glaive and unleash a new set of combos, while the latter is a human sized chakram which can morph into a giant axe when charged or during some attacks;

  • Two new features called Engage and Acceleration Trigger: The first let’s you and your party members (be it AI or player controlled character) give yourselves some neat passive bonuses such as HP regen, faster movement or attack speed and so on, while the latter, while still gives you some passive bonuses, has a requirement (which differ for each Acceleration Trigger) that you must satisfy in order to have those buff granted (some example are to don’t get hit by an enemy for 20 seconds, do a ground combo for a total of 5 times, etcetera);

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

GOD EATER 3 on Steam

Neon Cyber Desert

Neon Cyber Desert

Humans have become extinct, and only robots and monsters roam through what remains of past civilization. Fueled by a mysterious substance in the sand all creatures, mechanical or organic, fight for survival in the vast desert wasteland.

As you reboot in the middle of the desert, your race for survival begins. Your memory backup is inaccessible and your energy level is depleting rapidly. Every creature in the desert is hostile. Are the obelisks gonna give the answer to what happened to you and the world?


Killing enemies will release some of their energy and it will recover your energy level. All enemies have their own attack patterns and group behavior. Face monsters that surround you, others that jump attack and scatter, and loners that will tear you apart.


The desert is harsh! Research forgotten knowledge and build upgrades from scrap metal to improve your robot and its equipment. You choose yourself if you want to prioritize offense or defense, or research to craft other equipment.


Once unlocked you can speed up travel across the desert and jump over the ruins. Ram enemies for extra damage!


In the vast desert you can still find a variety of different regions. Venturing into these areas are bound to turn up interesting discoveries, and you might even uncover the secret of the obelisks!

Neon Cyber Desert on Steam