Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose is a godsend. The current epitome of love letters to Metal Slug with some other on the sleeve nods thrown in. Megaman X to name one & more. None of it feels forced though & I need to stress that. Inspirations are obvious but Mighty Goose is wholeheartedly it’s own thing. Familiar throwbacks are implemented in a fresh way that work for this game first & foremost & it certainly isn’t at all riding on nostalgia. It’s a great & original game because they’ve designed a great & original game. The references aren’t overbearing & are just welcomed gravy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Co-op Games.

It’s a titled goose game and they got guns for hands. Short and sweet, Mighty Goose knows exactly what it wants to be and that is an intergalactic arcade-like action romp with anthropomorphic friends causing a bunch of beautifully satisfying chaos. The particle effects and wonderfully detailed bombast recalls the aesthetic of Metal Slug, which is impressive for seemingly a team of 3 main developers (Richard Lems, Diane De Wilde, and Mathias Kaertev).

On top of the generous checkpointing, variety of Star Fox-like buddies that can tag along, breezy yet varied levels, the freedom to buy weapons and vehicles on the fly makes for some silly scenarios where I can be on a bike with my buddies taking down a whole boss. It reminds me of my favourite moments in Halo where I’m trying to squeeze the warthog into every space and the game respects my player agency. Is it overpowered? Who cares, I got the money for it! The movement options help you be very nimble such as crouch sprint jumps that fling you out of tough situations or being able to hover longer if you keep shooting downwards. It’s a very offensive game so even the defensive ability of honking giving you a shield didn’t seem necessary with how easily you can get out of a pickle. The weapons pack a punch and any game that has a good shotgun is a winner in my books. The game can automatically go into slow-mo when cool shit is popping off much like a Max Payne. When you get the ability to slow down time at your own will, you can enact a screen-filling ballet of carnage that’s as satisfying to carry out as it is to just watch.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mighty Goose on Steam