Proxy Blade Zero

Proxy Blade Zero

I find this game really really hard. But I think it’s good.

For me the experience of this game was as described, the difficulty is pretty hardcore. You have to be able to react instantly in order to block attacks, with certain enemies there is only a specific window of opportunity during which you are able to damage them. You only have a relatively small amount of health which does not regenerate and you seldom come across extra health. The first boss encounter was hard for me, but it’s sequence of attacks appeared to be very scripted. So you can basically learn when to parry and when to attack by rote, but that obviously can take a lot of trial and error which it did for me. I died a lot using that method lol. Another reason that this game was hard for me was simply because I kept pressing parry instead of attack and vice versa. I need to play more to get used to the controls and I’m also probably just not used to the Xbox 360 control. As well as that this is not a game that’s ideally played when you aren’t fully alert e.g. not after just getting up like I was when I first played. I don’t think it helped that I extra slow witted instead of my regular slow witted today lol. Anyway I’ve actually kept playing and now I’ve got the hang of the game, it helped to put it on easy difficulty. I got to the last boss which is pretty damn hard. I got him down to like 25% health but then it became even more difficult! I came close to the end but I think it’ll take me another full session just to beat the last part of the game! And that is in easy difficulty… One little thing to mention I think that boss is supposed to be able to know you off the platform where the battle takes place. However when my character was knocked out of it he just stood in midair instead of falling. It was an amusing moment =)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

Proxy Blade Zero is a character action game (or hack n slash) which puts you in control of a humanoid robot named Fenrir a smaller version of Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders who can’t fly but can dash. Seriously if you’ve played Zone Of The Enders you will find the combat very similar, just on a smaller scale. In fact that combat is actually more fun that Zone Of The Enders because it doesn’t try too many things and keeps things simple.

Combat is the name of the game here. You have your parry button X (an odd choice) your attack button marked Y (Classic DMC style) and B is a delay which transforms your regular attacks with standard attacks. Using the right trigger allows you to dash and perform energy attacks.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Proxy Blade Zero on Steam



One of my favourite games of all time because:

  • Played the game on 360 years ago and recently managed to get 100% on PC

  • Guaranteed to make you feel like a badass

  • Offers easy to learn and hard to master gameplay

  • Amazing OST that I listen to mostly daily

  • Fun dialogue, bonuses and secrets

  • Memes, memes and yes more memes

  • Small and amazing community

  • Somewhat short but sweet story

  • 2 neat DLC side stories

  • Jetstream Sam is sexy

Yeah that about summarises it, oh and PLEASE use a controller. :)

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Great Soundtrack Games.

Ну что можно сказать. Твёрдый слешер, который ещё доступен на ПК.

Игра, в которую я влюбился. После стольких лет, всегда.

Слешер в сеттинге киберпанка (а они обычно в фэнтези). Технически, игра не требовательна к системе, можно запускать на старом ПК. Порт получился отличный, включает все дополнения, а также бонусы после прохождения. Обычно, это доступ отдельно к катсценам, диалоги по кодекам, а также отдельные битвы с глав боссами. Последнее, ну прям топовая вещь.

Правда есть одна странная особенность этой игры. Она весит 24,6 гигов, 21,3 из которых - ролики в FullHD 0_0

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game




SUMMARY: Although ELDERBORN bills itself as a “Souls-like FPS”, a lot of the videos show the player frantically slashing and smashing; this might give the impression of a more straightforward heavy metal “Doom with Swords” experience (with all of the high-ledge kicking action of a Dark Messiah of Might and Magic). In reality, what I got was a fairly thoughtful and measured experience consisting of dodging, parrying, blocking, and outmaneuvering dangerous enemies; survival, particularly at higher difficulties, was about fighting intelligently and limiting the number of opponents who could bash your head in at any given time. And to be honest, I think I like it more than the game I imagined I was getting in the trailers. An easy recommendation for anybody who has a craving for some FPS-melee action.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game First-Person Games.

Elderborn is a great murder simulator. The combat is challenging and satisfying, but usually not so hard that it made me frustrated (Except on the hardest difficulty that can be pretty frustrating.). The visuals are kind of whatever, nothing particularly great, but nothing that bothered me either, and the variety of enemies, environments and murdertools is more than passable.

The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, and you have lots of tools and abilities to work with. You have 10 (I think, I feel like I may be forgetting one

! , and no the power mace doesn’t count) weapons that you collect throughout the short ~5 hour campaign and a couple of other special abilities that you can unlock through a skill tree, the most notable ones being deflect, where you reflect a projectile back at an enemy, and a charge move, which sends you flying in one direction and knocks down whatever you hit. You are often fighting several enemies at once, making you dodge all around the nice environments and your reflexes will be pushed quite hard.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game


Child Arms

Child Arms

Inspired by the popular Punch-Out!! and the obscure Neo Geo series Crossed Swords, the arcade-style Child Arms is a game in which you can fight all foes to reach each character’s personalized ending, or you can duke it out in online or local battles. You can also play mini-games and even alter characters' appearances and behaviours in the color and AI editors.

Child Arms takes place in a 16th century unlike our own, wherein humankind remains youthful far longer, and have accordingly shaped their world differently from ours. As a player, you can select one of 8 fighters from varied backgrounds as they explore their previously-undiscovered world, rising to the challenge of combatants along the way.


  • Large and beautiful 2D hand-drawn sprites and backdrops

  • Arcade ladder with individual endings for all characters

  • Versus mode for both online and local play modes

  • Training modes including practice, tutorials, and character-specific information

  • Various mini-games

  • User-friendly editors for custom color palettes and AI opponents

  • Keyboard and gamepad support

Child Arms on Steam

Infinite Dungeon Crawler

Infinite Dungeon Crawler

This “review” summarises my early impressions after having played this game for about 6 or 7 hours. I may update it when I learn something worth adding or changing.

Edit: Having played more than 30 hours, I find the game more interesting than before. I’ve updated my review, but decided to put the update in a forum post.

My original review:

In a nutshell: I recommend this game wholeheartedly to all players who are willing to adjust to somewhat unusual game mechanics and to cope with sometimes lengthy turn-based fights. And I recommend to try the free-to-play version first. Go through a few fights, and then make up your mind. Be prepared for some initial frustration, because fights can be lengthy, with both you and your opponent missing most of the time. You may decide that this is too boring and not worth your time. But you may also take it as a motivation to find out why there are so many misses and what you can do to hit more often - which is not so difficult once you understand the game mechanics and rules better. You can experiment (the fighting log tells you exactly what is going on), or you can read the great guide which you can access via the Steam Guides section of the game. There is also an interactive tutorial, which focusses mainly on the fighting system, but may be a bit too abstract to be used for your very first fight(s). It may be better to start playing without the tutorial, and to play it after your first, say, two or three fights, or in conjunction with reading the guide.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

love the game hours of fun keep up the good work you have me for life need in play cave Dungeons please!!!

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Infinite Dungeon Crawler on Steam

Barbarian Souls

Barbarian Souls

This game is an absolute masterpiece. I wish the dev would have charged more than $14.99! I would have happily paid up to $70 for this game. Barbarian Soul’s beutiful scenery will go down in history. The graphics in this game could go head to head with mainstream games like The Last of Us and Cyberpunk 2077 and I 100% believe it could win. I was absolutely DUMBFOUNDED when this game wasn’t nominated for GOTY 2019. The gameplay mechanics are on par with souls like games such as Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls 2 Remastered, and Crash Bandicoot. The ambient sounds like the rain and thunder are so beautiful that I could listen to them to fall asleep. I wish steam would allow me to buy multiple copies of this game so i could have a steam library FULL with Barbarian Souls. I love this game so much and would recommend it to anyone and I mean ANYONE that loves story driven and absolutely beautiful games!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Ok, so the only positive thing I can say about this game is that the visuals are pretty decent.

For the rest I did not play much, I found the combat and AI to be extremely unpolished. Also the game could do with more weapons.

At this time I cannot recommend this game, gonna need alot of work.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Barbarian Souls on Steam

City of Brass

City of Brass

I thought long and hard on whether I should recommend City of Brass or not and ultimately decide to recommend it despite all its flaws. Make sure you pick it up during a sale because the game has certain features that you will either love or hate.

The Good

Lets start with what City of Brass gets right. It’s a good looking game that runs well on low spec computers. I could consistently get 60 fps on my PC which is older than the earth itself. During my 17 or so hours with the game I’ve only encountered one bug which was more comedic than annoying.

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

I don’t like to use the word “promising” very much. Plenty of Early Access-titles can be described as “promising”, as in “The concept is solid, but plenty of things are missing, and when / if those things are put in, it might be fun”.

This game, however, is different. You can tell a lot of content is missing, yes, but what’s already in the game feels really rewarding. The artstyle is charming, the gameplay is solid and already feels really satisfying.

The gameplay can be summed up rather quickly. You’re an adventurer raiding a mythical city brimming with treasures and the undead citizens and guards that used to populate the place. Because things can never be as simple as “A couple of skeletons chase you”, however, the nice people that lived in the titular City of Brass have kindly left enough traps to make Jigsaw jealous.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

City of Brass on Steam

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition

Don’t mind the almost 150 hours I have logged in this game. I’m just a dumb completionist who usually wants to finish most things in the game, specially achievements.

That being said, I’m fairly confident that I’ve played this game enough to say for certain that I wouldn’t recommend it, with the exception of it being on a good sale. This game is simply not worth full price.

Before Killer is Dead I didn’t know much about Suda51’s work. I read about killer7 but never played it. I do own it on Steam though. It seems to be much better than KiD, just from what I saw on the store page. But anyway, KiD apparently has much of Suda’s pure style. And it is a lot of style indeed, but this game doesn’t care to go much beyond excessive style.

Real player with 145.0 hrs in game

‘In this job you will come face to face with the darkness.[…] I’ve been enchanted by her beauty!’


‘We are executioners. Professional killers hired by the state and high ranked clients to do jobs that no one else should ever know about. Monsters, maniacs and creepy mutants – everything is real in this world and we try to keep it a secret. The ‚Dark Matter‘ curses everything it comes in contact with, transforming it piece by piece into the abominations called ‘Wires’. Do you know where this ‚Dark Matter‘ comes from? From the moon! The dark side of the moon to be more precise. It is ruled by a mysterious man and this person gathers the darkness to take over earth. Sounds like solving this problem is the perfect job for you Mondo, isn‘t it?‘

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition on Steam

Saber Fight VR

Saber Fight VR

I have absolutely loved this game. Playing this on my Index on Arch Linux, and it works amazingly with Proton! I’m excited to see what else will be added to the game, the options for customization is fun even if limited slightly. The mechanics are generally pretty good, however the ability to click with the extended lasers from the hands is a bit unpredictable on which hand it will be. I love the force abilities, thought I wish you could force push enemies even if its lowered for them in actual physical force. I would love to see some additional kinds of stages or environments, but what is there has given me so much joy and can’t wait to play more. Also you may fall through some of the rooms, when you walk into them. Also, I would like to see the ability to stab in addition to the slashing, also making it so you can hold the saber off to an enemy and turn it on to have it stab them.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

This is a pretty fun game, for starters, but I can see people saying it gets old quickly, and I kinda agree. There’s a few complaints to be had, however, so I’ll start with those, and then get to the positives.

First off, the biggest problem I see this game having is a rather stale game play loop. As far as I’ve seen there are 3 difficulties and 3 game play lengths. This is on a map that makes them randomly, with each one procedurally generated, and makes each facility(the maps you actually fight on) linked, with some of them offering their other facilities bonuses. You click on one, go to the facility, and fight in there. Pretty simple, and I think I have an appreciation for simple, so normally I’d be happy, but the game play does start to get annoying here. Your goal is to clear the facility, progressing linearly through it, and as you go room by room, you clear the drones, turrets, and very few robots as I’ve seen. Once you’ve got to the end or die tragically of laser fire, you are brought to a screen that awards you points based on what cool things you did, like passive laser deflection, active laser deflection, fancy kills, using The “Power”(force knockoff, but this is like 99% a jedi simulator, minus the branding and Disney overlords), and throwing your “laser sword” to kill enemies. Then, you’re given some in game currency to fix your damaged temple, and that’s it.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Saber Fight VR on Steam



Shing! is a mixed bag, and difficult to place a final rating on. It’s very much a borderline case.

Good: The story and characters, while simple, are done exceptionally well. There are just enough setting details to leave you craving more. Music and dialogue are also nice. The jokes are on point. You will come to care about these silly little characters. The game has tons of charm.

Bad: The game has difficulty issues. Easy feels like it should have been Medium. Some of the optional challenges are so unreasonably difficult that I’m not convinced they’re even possible on the high difficulties. There are also a couple of places where the game fails to provide sufficient guidance (the block puzzle, for example, offers no hints).

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Don’t let this comeback be for nothing

You see that? I’m using formatting here. That’s how hard I’m trying. Just get the game. It’s on a huge sale now. You’ve bought worse games for more money.

Shing! is a singleplayer and local co-op sidescrolling beat em’ up with a co-op lean, that has polished and flashy visuals utilizing a stylized aesthetic. It’s a charm and character powerhouse that goes in pretty heavy on the developers' nerdy humourous style. The polish here hits a surprising level for such an indie offering, resulting in a total package that is low on rough edges and high on fun. That is, now. I say now because the tale of Shing! is a tale of two Shings.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Shing! on Steam