Proxy Blade Zero

Proxy Blade Zero

I find this game really really hard. But I think it’s good.

For me the experience of this game was as described, the difficulty is pretty hardcore. You have to be able to react instantly in order to block attacks, with certain enemies there is only a specific window of opportunity during which you are able to damage them. You only have a relatively small amount of health which does not regenerate and you seldom come across extra health. The first boss encounter was hard for me, but it’s sequence of attacks appeared to be very scripted. So you can basically learn when to parry and when to attack by rote, but that obviously can take a lot of trial and error which it did for me. I died a lot using that method lol. Another reason that this game was hard for me was simply because I kept pressing parry instead of attack and vice versa. I need to play more to get used to the controls and I’m also probably just not used to the Xbox 360 control. As well as that this is not a game that’s ideally played when you aren’t fully alert e.g. not after just getting up like I was when I first played. I don’t think it helped that I extra slow witted instead of my regular slow witted today lol. Anyway I’ve actually kept playing and now I’ve got the hang of the game, it helped to put it on easy difficulty. I got to the last boss which is pretty damn hard. I got him down to like 25% health but then it became even more difficult! I came close to the end but I think it’ll take me another full session just to beat the last part of the game! And that is in easy difficulty… One little thing to mention I think that boss is supposed to be able to know you off the platform where the battle takes place. However when my character was knocked out of it he just stood in midair instead of falling. It was an amusing moment =)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Beat 'em up Games.

Proxy Blade Zero is a character action game (or hack n slash) which puts you in control of a humanoid robot named Fenrir a smaller version of Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders who can’t fly but can dash. Seriously if you’ve played Zone Of The Enders you will find the combat very similar, just on a smaller scale. In fact that combat is actually more fun that Zone Of The Enders because it doesn’t try too many things and keeps things simple.

Combat is the name of the game here. You have your parry button X (an odd choice) your attack button marked Y (Classic DMC style) and B is a delay which transforms your regular attacks with standard attacks. Using the right trigger allows you to dash and perform energy attacks.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Proxy Blade Zero on Steam

Charge Blade Hero

Charge Blade Hero

Charge Blade Hero tells a story of gods and heroes. Visit dangerous forests, ancient ruins, a city of mushrooms, and more. As you fight to end a war against a once undefeatable enemy.


  • Action-Packed Arena Battles - Charge Blade Hero is a fast paced hack and slash with tight controls and fluid combat. Attack, Dodge, and Charge up to maintain your weapon’s durability as you take on waves of enemies. Your reflexes, positioning, and strategies will determine your success or defeat in battle.

  • Equip Blessings - Purchase and equip various blessings to change the way you play. Mix and combine blessings to find a build that works for you.

  • Dynamic Soundtrack - A beautiful and energetic score composed by Jeremiah George, with vocals by Julia Henderson, will celebrate your mastery in combat as you fight towards a high combo streak.

  • Reactive Narrator - Be accompanied throughout your battles and journey with insightful and encouraging narration by Gianni Matragrano.

  • Beautiful Environments - Hand-painted levels that gives depth and story to every location.

  • Side Quest - Players can take on missions outside the main story to reveal a new side of the world.

  • Challenge Missions - For players looking for an extra challenge, you can visit the goddess for new challenges and greater rewards.

Read More: Best Character Action Game Action-Adventure Games.

Charge Blade Hero on Steam

The Legend of Tianding

The Legend of Tianding

As a Taiwanese, I can’t recommend The Legend of Tianding enough.

A 2D platformer beat’em up game, the platform stages & the combat system are the core aspect of the game. The combat system is responsive & flows very well, with a weapon-stealing mechanic that allows you to steal the weapon of virtually every normal enemy unit (tho the weapons are of limited use.) As you progress through the stage, you also learn special kung fu moves that complement your arsenal of skills. These special moves are not only useful in combat, but are often essential in traversing the platform stages as well, especially for the optional treasure part of the game. The grappling mechanic (using the same waist scarf you use to steal weapons) takes a bit of getting use to, but once perfected it is a lot of fun to play with as well.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Beat 'em up Games.

Played on the harder difficulty. A very solid 2D sidescrolling beatemup with a unique cultural presentation (Taiwanese folklore), superb art-style, great music/sound design and voiceover. The story while pretty straightforward overall, it does have a couple really nice twists, and I especially love the narrator’s style.

Overall The levels are edging on dragging over a bit longer than they should be (IMHO), but the jumping puzzles are good and varied enough to keep it flowing.

Combat-wise it feels really good to use the combos, just-dodges and projectile-deflections - the iconic weapon stealing move can be chained together with almost every move you make (and the enemy weapons are really useful at times) thus making this combat experience somewhat different from other great 2D side-beat’mups that came before it.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

The Legend of Tianding on Steam



Jogo do ganso.

Gráfico muito bom.

Música muito boa.

Jogo pequeno mas muito bom.

Só não vale 8 reais por ser pequeno mas muito bom.

Compre agora que está em promoção pois o jogo é muito bom.

Muito bom.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

GEESE vs CTHULHU is an extremely wacky game with a unique cartoon-y art style and surprisingly good electronic music. Some of the levels take a while to master, meaning that you’ll have to restart the level, but once you learn the gist of it, it’ll go smoothly. It may be a bit on the short side, taking approximately an hour to finish if you’re trying to get all of the achievements, but you’re getting a full hour worth of delightful content. If this is a game that interests you, I’m recommending that you pick it up, whether it’s on sale or not.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game


Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death is the equivalent of a B-movie from the 1980s and 1990s. It is so bad it is good. It is clearly a low budget game that is not a breakthrough for the game industry or the game’s genre. However, this game provides plenty of fun from the beginning. The gameplay feels varied enough as you traverse different settings in the same country and the action never lets up.

Marlow Briggs is a smokejumper who goes on vacation outside the U.S. to a Spanish speaking country. I initially thought it was Mexico, but it could have been Central or South America based on the jungles and the rich history of the indigenous people. He is with his girlfriend, an archeologist who is kidnapped by an Asian madman, Heng Long, with godlike magical powers who seems bent on taking over the world. This madman kills Marlow Briggs with a mythical weapon, but he is reborn by a Mayan mask proclaiming him to be the sacred warrior who must save the sacred land. Long is backed up by an army of mercenaries of varying levels of difficulty. Marlow goes to fight to save the land for the Mayan mask and to save his girlfriend. It becomes apparent that this plot is formulaic and unoriginal but this game can get away with it because of its X factor: entertainment value.

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game


If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then “Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death” is one of the most flattering games in recent memory. Thankfully, unlike most B-grade ripoffs of more popular games, Marlow Briggs is actually an entertaining product, thanks to its more than competent imitation of the God of War formula, surprisingly fleshed-out combat mechanics, and a genuinely funny sense of humour. Marlow may not bring the same high-quality flash as Kratos, but at a very reasonable $5 price tag, this game is still worth checking out.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death on Steam



Save the last world in a solar system of living planets being consumed by an invading interstellar army, playing as the world’s champion and its goddess. Take on the epic full length campaign and competitive combat focused challenge mode that awaits you in this Sci-Fi spectacle fighter epic brought to you by Zenith Edge Studios.

With inspiration from your favorite fighting games and sci fi series.

  • Take back the planet - Traverse 13 levels from different biomes across the planet as you stop the Vile from destroying the world. Expected playtime between 10 to 20 hours (Unlock all trophies).

  • Challenge the Spiral Tower - 100 floors of non stop action. Do you have what it takes to make it to the top?

  • In depth skill tree - Customize and power up your arsenal to take on any challenge.

Key Features:

  • Action packed combat with the ability to switch up fighting styles and weapons on the fly, even mid attack.

  • With over 30 unique moves, a transformation, and 8 super attacks you will have the tools to take on a variety of enemies.

  • Defeat unique bosses and claim their powers as your own, all while customizing your play style by choosing which skills to unlock and power up.

Xenrai on Steam

Aerial Raver

Aerial Raver

Too many bugs man

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Aerial Raver on Steam

Defect Process

Defect Process

This game is addictive and fun to play. It is a good fighting game with a fair amount of strategy. The 2D environment is deceptively simple but there are a lot of complex moves and a good amount of weapon choices. Every time you die, you try to figure out a better way to utilize the weapon or use a more effective weapon.

It seems like there was a lot of thought that went into designing the weapons and enemies. It was a lot of fun figuring out how to handle each enemy’s specific attack patterns with the different weapons. For example, using the teleport to pass through the laser wall or trying to time the stone form correctly to reflect the regular laser attack.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Defect Process shines through its singular focus on satisfying combat. It’s relatively short (around 3 hours to my first boss kill) and straight-forward (combat arenas mixed with light platforming sections), so there is not much else on offer (though it looks like there is much to come). But that’s ok because the combat feels really good.

Each weapon is completely unique, and really requires a new play-style to get the most out of. For example, the staff initially felt like a wet noodle that was largely fun for its ability to let me hop around like a mad man. But once you get to used to spamming and recharging the whirlwind ability, you can unlock an incredible amount of DPS (while still hopping around like a mad man).

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Defect Process on Steam

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Quick Summary

Devil may Cry 4 (DMC4) is a wonderful addition to the DMC series. Introducing new style switching for Dante, a whole cast of vibrant bosses, a mediocre story,

and a new main character called Nero!


  • Nero is a really cool character with one hell of an arm!

  • Dante is much more in depth, opening up a wider range of skills and styles

  • Variety of enemies that really stand out visually and physically

Real player with 91.4 hrs in game

Really a big fan of the series, but I’ll try to keep this from influencing this review.

DMC4:SE added three very enjoyable characters, costumes and Legendary Dark knight Mode (Legendary DKM mode is only new for console).


+Moves and skills from DMC3:SE and teleporting trick from DmC are mixed with this character along with moves unrelated.

+Three weapons to choose from- Beowulf, Yamato, Force Edge.

+Concentration gauge. Gauge raised by standing still in combat and making hits, losing gauge by missing and running around.

Real player with 53.8 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition on Steam

Super Crush KO

Super Crush KO

It has been said that first impressions are very important. I bought Super Crush KO because it made a great one, and in fact, it does so (almost) all across the board. Before even playing the game, promotional materials demonstrate a cute heroine, an endearing plot about rescuing her cat, and a surreal, saccharine, Lisa Frank-lite visual style that’s so unusual for action games that it alone might make the game stand out from the crowd. Much of that initial impression continued as I began to play, as the game’s base mechanics are rock-solid. As it went on, however, Super Crush KO also demonstrated that first impressions aren’t everything. So while I’m giving this game a thumb up, that’s only because this quick binary rating is required in reviews; read on to determine whether Super Crush KO is for you.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Video review:

From the studios, Vertex Pop, comes Super Crush KO, a fast-paced, vibrant color brawler side scroller that takes place in a very lively and colorful city in the near future.

The story is not at all the main point of this adventure, however, saving the protagonist’s kitten, by its name Chubbz, can never pass next to anyone. Well, the player plays the role of Karen, an ordinary girl, who was resting in her room with her pet, when suddenly a big explosion echoes over her room. Here comes your rival, Ann. A being from another galaxy looking to find a friend to keep him company. The goal of the player will be to overcome about 20 levels full of enemy robots in search of retrieving their downy friend.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Super Crush KO on Steam