Lakeview Cabin Collection

Lakeview Cabin Collection

get Naked

grab gasoline

Soak balcony with gasoline

grab matches

get drunk and puke on floor

Killer shows up

He slips on the puke

Light him up like a christmas tree

Get on zipline saying “TALLY-HO LADS!”

land in woodchipper which I forgot to turn off

10/10, would die with my pixels hanging out again


Okay, let’s get serious. This game is amazing for it’s price. It’s a complex puzzle box from the depths of hell! It’s filled with all kinds of secrets, changing gameplay, gratuitous violence, sex, human sacrafice and amazing atmosphere for something that just uses the pixel graphics!

Real player with 51.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Survival Horror Games.

I HIGHLY recommend this lovingly-constructed tribute to the ’80s' most iconic horror films. It has the puzzle-solving feel of old Sierra On-Line adventure games (e.g. King’s Quest and Quest for Glory), in that there are several well-defined obstacles, which can be overcome in a variety of ways, limited mostly–but not entirely–by the player’s creativity.

The “collection” features four full games, each one a tribute to a set of horror films from the ’80s. Respectively, the games pay tribute to the Friday the 13th series; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes; Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street; and finally Alien and The Thing. The game’s own lore recapitulates some major themes from these films as well, besides that of masked, blade-wielding serial killers: there are twisted family relations, backwoods satanic cults, revenge from beyond the grave, haunted video games, plus references to an in-game “true story” on which the Lakeview Cabin “movies” are based. It’s tempting to say more, but I don’t want to spoil anything!

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Lakeview Cabin Collection on Steam

Masked Vale

Masked Vale

This is a new type of game for me as I don’t normally play Perma Death things and I enjoyed the fast paced combat. I played about 60 minutes so far on a keyboard and got used to the controls fairly quickly.

Regular enemies can easily kill you if you do not dodge/block attacks. Challenging game for sure, I was able to beat 5 levels in a row without dying. Beating the 5th level I unlocked a faster character who has more dodges but less health. Going to try and play a bunch with her now.

The levels have a cool design that is other worldly and I really like the special attacks my character has. The flame stomp AOE attack (2 on keyboard) is pretty fun to use. The few times I faced bosses so far I lost each time as this game is quite hard. The new character I unlocked has a quick stab stab stab stab for her second attack that looks wonderfully murderous.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Action RPG Games.

This is a good game, however it has the potential to become great!

I wish there was a dodge mechanic to more consistently avoid damage because of the slow moveset and 1 or 2 levels are bad but this has alot of potential and can definitely go somewhere

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Masked Vale on Steam



Jogo do ganso.

Gráfico muito bom.

Música muito boa.

Jogo pequeno mas muito bom.

Só não vale 8 reais por ser pequeno mas muito bom.

Compre agora que está em promoção pois o jogo é muito bom.

Muito bom.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

GEESE vs CTHULHU is an extremely wacky game with a unique cartoon-y art style and surprisingly good electronic music. Some of the levels take a while to master, meaning that you’ll have to restart the level, but once you learn the gist of it, it’ll go smoothly. It may be a bit on the short side, taking approximately an hour to finish if you’re trying to get all of the achievements, but you’re getting a full hour worth of delightful content. If this is a game that interests you, I’m recommending that you pick it up, whether it’s on sale or not.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game


For Sparta

For Sparta


  • A decent variety of enemies. There are about 3-4 different skins for each monster, but they each have varying attacks and behaviours to keep things interesting.

  • A large selection of craftable perks to potentially obtain.

  • The controls handle well. Dodging and attacking feels responsive and enjoyable.

  • Action-packed generally speaking. Enemies spawn in waves throughout a day, but if you take too long, the next wave will spawn in to keep you on your toes.

  • Satisfying and appropriate sound effects.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Great little arcade game. It’s difficult and has a lot of random elements that can make it anywhere from challenging to near impossible, but with games being so fast/short and the ability to restart in a couple of seconds it’s not normally frustrating.

If you like old school keyboard bashing this is for you.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

For Sparta on Steam



Fantastic old school twin sticker. Quick to pick up and a ton of fun to watch those meters go up.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

This is probably my new favorite game, and I’ve played a lot of titles in the “twin stick action” genre. The style and visuals are great, hitboxes are where they should be, and the difficulty scaling is appropriate, although I can see the first few levels being really annoying; I hope there’s a Glitch to skip the first 10 levels or increase difficulty from the start. The beginning ramp-up in these games is what gets me and others to lose interest.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Glitchangels on Steam

Ergastulum: Dungeon Nightmares III

Ergastulum: Dungeon Nightmares III

A very terrorfull game. Never imagined the dungeon nightmares games would get even more terrifying! I’m currently in the chamber of the damned… so intense!!! So far I’ve been cornered by bloody marry and the sniffing lady (don’t know her name yet, sorry lol), and found by the sniffing lady. I was just wandering around the dungeon and all of a sudden I heard this sniffing sound in my right ear. Turned to look and there she was! Was both kinda humorous and terrifying. Definitely DON’T recommend this game to the faint of heart. This dungeon I’m currently in is so intense I might not be able to finish it! lol Love the new abilities though. The ability to look around corners is great and the ability to hide when able is awesome! Thanks for making this game and can’t wait to see where else it may go. Keep it up 3

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

ERGASTULUM: DUNGEON NIGHTMARES III, awaken to a graveyard death world where only despair and damnation absolute saturate the living darkness. A place of inverted sanity reaching out disfigured and distorted into the jugular where madness awaits floating in time and space in eternal corners cursed, everywhere and nowhere taking hold of your existence in a vertigo vortex of never ending impossibility.

In the dark bowels beyond man’s dominion where no one can ever reach you wander you shall in uncontrollable trembling with flickering candle in hand as sinister shadows flicker and speed supernatural across walls ancient with unearthly inhuman screams screeching in blood thirsty soul ravaging hunger in the distance so disturbingly near.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Ergastulum: Dungeon Nightmares III on Steam

Sentimental K

Sentimental K

I’m enjoying the game and not regreting purchasing it, but damn I can really feel that its early access.

Let’s start with the pros: minimalistic, yet charming art and enviroment, combined with really satisfying attack animations and effects. So satisfying that sometimes i choose lower grade skills over epic and legendary skills just because I love how it looks. There are whole variety of skills, and you can choose between 4 different weapons, and go for several builds. Bosses are fairly balanced, and fun.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

얼리엑세스 이전에 키를 받아 플레이를 한 후, 솔직한 리뷰를 남겨봅니다.


  • 뛰어난 액션성: 2d 게임과는 다르게 3d 그래픽으로 인해 액션이 돋보입니다.

  • 다채로운 무기 선택과 무기 스킬:

개인적으로는 채찍과 권총을 선호합니다 (물론 권총의 타격판정 개선이 필요할 것 같지만요). 여러 무기 선택지로 인해 컨셉을 정해 플레이가 가능하여 재밌습니다.

  • 긴머리 캐릭터: 저는 장발 캐릭터 모에입니다. 그렇다구요 lol

  • 니어, 드래그온드라군과 비슷한 암울한 분의기:

정확한 스토리는 모르겠지만, 테러/러브 보스등 처럼 보스들에게 무언가 이야기가 담긴것 같습니다. 숨은 의미가 궁금하네요. 물론 테디베어는 넘나 귀엽습니다.


  • 반복적인 몇몇 엘리트 보스: 특정 보스가 너무 반복적으로 많이 나옵니다. 단순히 랜덤 문제는 아닌것 같네요.

  • 타격 판정 및 일부 조작: 이전 리뷰와 비슷한 내용이지만 대쉬 방향과 거리가 종종 예측 불가능합니다. 권총 무기의 타격 판정도 너무 좁아 잘 안맞는 것 같네요.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Sentimental K on Steam

Skeletal Avenger

Skeletal Avenger

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are well worth your time[/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 20h+

Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Is there a good guide available: I wrote an achievement guide. You can find it here

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

I’ve played this game about 2 hours now, and am totally having fun. I really like the different weapon behaviors, and perks you discover can give you some great effects.


It seems like each set of levels you play (kind of a campaign of 5 or so levels) you clear your perks and must discover them throughout the campaign. I had a perk for extra fire damage on primary swing, then another perk for 100% additional fire damage, it was crazy melee time at that point.

Another time I had hits causing “necrotic puddles” that would do damage over time to any monster in it, super cool!

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Skeletal Avenger on Steam

True Hate

True Hate

really love the art style and the soundtrack. its very addicting trying to get through each level. very unforgiving though. once you’re out of health thats it. right back to the beginning. really enjoyed this one.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The only True Hate I found while playing this game was for myself, after being unable to make the most simplistic jumps after dying several times to different traps. I do believe that another good name is True Pain. I tried so hard to get access to the exit, only for that to be the wrong exit. I’m a fool, I played myself. The game looks nice though and the music is very pleasant. It makes it much harder for me to genuinely get angry at myself.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

True Hate on Steam



SUMMARY: Although ELDERBORN bills itself as a “Souls-like FPS”, a lot of the videos show the player frantically slashing and smashing; this might give the impression of a more straightforward heavy metal “Doom with Swords” experience (with all of the high-ledge kicking action of a Dark Messiah of Might and Magic). In reality, what I got was a fairly thoughtful and measured experience consisting of dodging, parrying, blocking, and outmaneuvering dangerous enemies; survival, particularly at higher difficulties, was about fighting intelligently and limiting the number of opponents who could bash your head in at any given time. And to be honest, I think I like it more than the game I imagined I was getting in the trailers. An easy recommendation for anybody who has a craving for some FPS-melee action.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Elderborn is a great murder simulator. The combat is challenging and satisfying, but usually not so hard that it made me frustrated (Except on the hardest difficulty that can be pretty frustrating.). The visuals are kind of whatever, nothing particularly great, but nothing that bothered me either, and the variety of enemies, environments and murdertools is more than passable.

The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, and you have lots of tools and abilities to work with. You have 10 (I think, I feel like I may be forgetting one

! , and no the power mace doesn’t count) weapons that you collect throughout the short ~5 hour campaign and a couple of other special abilities that you can unlock through a skill tree, the most notable ones being deflect, where you reflect a projectile back at an enemy, and a charge move, which sends you flying in one direction and knocks down whatever you hit. You are often fighting several enemies at once, making you dodge all around the nice environments and your reflexes will be pushed quite hard.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game