Night: Silent Killer

Night: Silent Killer

The story takes place in the overhead dimension [network]. You are night, a robot created by the master. The master gives you the power to protect the master who convenes the Ceremony. In the process of following the procedure, you know more and more about the host and the enemy. When the enemy of the master tells you what happened before you were “created”, which side will you choose when you get closer to the truth? You have a choice.

Main features

the truth

Each side has its own stand and different views on the same matter. Which side would you choose?

Play the role of a defender in a routine ceremony, or an enemy who brings chaos?

Learn from the words of the host and the enemy, travel in the bluebird battlefield, and make a decision.


The enemy was disguised like our friends.

The most important thing is whether we can find the difference between them.

The spirit of the host does not seem to be very good. Under the heavy pressure, the confused words, together with the vague message of the enemy, cover up the truth.


The master gives you the power to attack in different ways.

Use energy and strength, wield a heavy wrench, and use extremely fast missiles to clear your target.

High-level being gives you [Power]. With the help of power and program modification brought by past choices, you can gain the power of angel and ghost, and control extremely powerful destructive power.


There are also some puzzles that need to be solved in [Cyberspace].

If you can’t go through it, someone is helping you.


Is the purpose really to protect the owner?

What should be done in the ceremony?

The content of the second week’s is being produced:

Or do you follow the advice and free yourself from all this?

More powerful Light and Darkness.

Here is the strategy for the confused players after passing several levels:

After the second chapter, you can stick to help the enemy “Spams”.

At each level (ceremony), find the cars that launch no red shells or with unexplained loss of life, and destroyed them.

After the third chapter, you can use the light transformation to distinguish them.

Description of game development progress:

At present, all the contents of the first Reincarnation have been completed, meeting the release conditions.

The content of the second Reincarnation of the subsequent update mainly includes:

Control various units, not just Night.

Night’s light form and dark form are strengthened, which are more powerful and lasting longer.

The free transformation of Night, go towards the true ending.

Control Wheel to fight in BlueBird Battlefield.

Read More: Best Character Action Game Drama Games.

Night: Silent Killer on Steam





This is the first game on Steam I am writing a review for. The game is SOOO meta! I absolutely LOVED it, incredibly fun and challenging! The music is great, the art style is simple but awesome! I started with the demo before the release and played through as Lord Snicklefritz because obviously he’s got the best name in the game! I jumped straight into Nightmare Mode and struggled on the first boss a little until I got used to the controls (I used Xbox controller, but I did remap some of the buttons).

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Action RPG Games.

I highly recommend giving this game a try if you enjoy 2D games or boss fights. The devs have been a pleasure to work with and have promptly fixed any bugs that were found. Each boss fight features unique mechanics and patterns that you have to learn and each character has their own set of attacks and abilities making each playthrough a new experience. The soundtrack is very well done and compliments the game and characters without being overbearing. The writing can be a bit cringe, but often in a hilarious way as long as you don’t take it too seriously (and you shouldn’t, because it doesn’t take itself very seriously either) and the modern culture references are very amusing. All in all, a very entertaining and well done first game release by MiSou Games. I’ve had a blast playing and my viewers and I have had some great laughs with this game. It’s an amazing value at this price and I’ll be picking up a copy for my girlfriend as well.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Towertale on Steam



Review for English Speakers

To begin with I would like to mention that the previous game from this developer was a real revelation for me. I didn’t expect anything special, and yet Catmaze sunk into my soul and was beaten several times. Therefore, when Redblack Spade announced the beginning of the development of a new game and said that it would be a Metroidvania again, I followed the news and expected something unusual and interesting. And when I was finally lucky enough to play it, I wasn’t disappointed.

Real player with 78.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Action-Adventure Games.

Teenager Max isn’t having a very good life right now. He’s facing bullies at school, his grandfather recently passed away, and this brings his mother and the abusive step-father back into his life. That’s enough to leave anyone unstable already, but Max also happens to visit a fair, and have an unpleasant encounter with a clown. The memory of this encounter lands in his unconscious mind, and sets off to become more than just a memory- to become a phobia.

“Fearmonium” is a pretty typical Metroidvania: explore the beautifully hand-drawn interconnected levels, bash enemies with your clown hammer, defeat various bosses to gain extra traversal abilities, go to places you couldn’t before. All of these core elements are done well-enough, so what makes the game stand out and be worth the attention?

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Fearmonium on Steam



Okay, Catmaze, Catmaze. Pretty hard to write about the game. It is a Metroidvania by all means. However, there are really two distinct types of Metroidvanias out there and this is pretty important. Long story short:

  • If you like exploring and finding secrets then by all means give the game a go. It took me 11 hours to 100% it but I am a pretty seasoned player and I bet it will be like 13-15 for an usual player. The secrets were not something to write home about but the overall exploration and level layout are pretty solid. The movement is very enjoyable although most of the jumps are very precise (and that comes, again, from a seasoned player)

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

This review was brought to you on behalf of Abyssal Ascent Reviews in collaboration with its developer(s). If you liked it, please Follow the Curator and Join its group. Thanks!

Catmaze is a very true and accurately labeled metroidvania-style platformer that simply fits the genre much better than many I have seen with the same label. I like a lot about it after playing through my single bad ending, which I will get into in a bit, but without any spoilage, as far as I can say from what I have played, it is really a great game. There are some flaws, and some things I dislike about it as well. I’ll get into both momentarily, but I do wish to mention once more that this was a really nice, almost reminiscent experience. I cannot really say why, but it reminded me a bit of something from another time, in a nice sort of way.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Catmaze on Steam

Super Nate Adventure

Super Nate Adventure

This game is very fun and challenging. The last levels were near impossible! Never having played a platformer before, this was a new experience for me. I’ve discovered a new genre of game I enjoy!

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Big fan of this game. i loved every level and this brings a challenge. i loved Cloudberry kingdom, one of my favourite of all times and as this game might be shorter this game brought back my frustration for plat-formers again and gotta say i loved the rage it brought out from within me. 12/10 would play again

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Super Nate Adventure on Steam

Sole Iron Tail

Sole Iron Tail

I loved this! The movement feels fast and fluid, similar to Sonic or Freedom Planet, but with its own twists with charging and sliding. When you start building up momentum and racing through the level, it just feels great. The art is adorable and the soundtrack is a legit banger. For the price, this is a steal, especially if you like classic platformers with an emphasis on collecting and speedrunning!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Had a great time running and bouncing around this cute story. Mechanics are a blast and the music is great. The game is quite charming! I would recommend it to fans of Sonic games for sure.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Sole Iron Tail on Steam

The Legend of Tianding

The Legend of Tianding

As a Taiwanese, I can’t recommend The Legend of Tianding enough.

A 2D platformer beat’em up game, the platform stages & the combat system are the core aspect of the game. The combat system is responsive & flows very well, with a weapon-stealing mechanic that allows you to steal the weapon of virtually every normal enemy unit (tho the weapons are of limited use.) As you progress through the stage, you also learn special kung fu moves that complement your arsenal of skills. These special moves are not only useful in combat, but are often essential in traversing the platform stages as well, especially for the optional treasure part of the game. The grappling mechanic (using the same waist scarf you use to steal weapons) takes a bit of getting use to, but once perfected it is a lot of fun to play with as well.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Played on the harder difficulty. A very solid 2D sidescrolling beatemup with a unique cultural presentation (Taiwanese folklore), superb art-style, great music/sound design and voiceover. The story while pretty straightforward overall, it does have a couple really nice twists, and I especially love the narrator’s style.

Overall The levels are edging on dragging over a bit longer than they should be (IMHO), but the jumping puzzles are good and varied enough to keep it flowing.

Combat-wise it feels really good to use the combos, just-dodges and projectile-deflections - the iconic weapon stealing move can be chained together with almost every move you make (and the enemy weapons are really useful at times) thus making this combat experience somewhat different from other great 2D side-beat’mups that came before it.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

The Legend of Tianding on Steam

The Perfect Shape

The Perfect Shape

Highly recommend this game to those who love a good challenge!

I played for a couple of hours, It really has a lot of funny moments and very intense challenges.

Definitely not a game for the faint-hearted.

It´s nice that you don´t have to kill all enemies to complete the level.

A unique approach of the fast paced action mixed with subtle puzzles to find your own way to the end of the journey.

Can’t wait to finish it!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

It is a very challenging and fun game, I highly recommend it!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

The Perfect Shape on Steam

Black Blade

Black Blade

This is a Metroidvania Game, main feature are :

A story about revenge and self redemption

a pair of lovers live in a peaceful village, until intruder come and take one of them. the other step on the journey of revenge. after many difficult challenge, beating the most powerful and the weakest enemy, the revenge is achieved, but revenge is not the answer.


there are different enemy standing between you and your goal , beat them so you can move on.


the enemy is not the only challenge, so is the environment.


to find the final answer, you will not only need muscle but also wisdom.

there are three part of this game: beginning of hatred, revenge, self redemption.

for now, only the beginning of hatred has completed, the play time is short. another chapters will be released later for free, with higher price

Black Blade on Steam

Low Story

Low Story

Fun platformer with some nice twists - like the red balls you need to rotate around yourself to the doors to open them. It kind of reminded me old school games with modern graphics. I think it was nice to have a camera changing the angle every once in a while. I died a lot but then again I managed to progress as well so I think it has a nice difficulty curve. Overall I think this is a nice platformer with some nice boss fights.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Great job. i love it.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Low Story on Steam