魔装術師アカネ / Magic MechSuit Akane

魔装術師アカネ / Magic MechSuit Akane

I played 1vs1 Arena. and use guns, boosters and basic system something.

hmm..I think engine charge delay is very long Compared to the usage time.

how about increase the engine usage time and decrease engine charge delay time?

and Screen don’t work when I select color change system in garage.

I don’t know why. but it is doesn’t matter cause this problem can solve just shut down game and restart.

and.. I can’t aim to flying enemy cause moving aim is really difficult.(my mouse gamma can select to 8200. but, aiming is difficult too.)

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Character Customization Games.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

魔装術師アカネ / Magic MechSuit Akane on Steam

Mecha Destruction

Mecha Destruction

Mecha Destruction - (Beta) is a game where you do exactly what you’d expect - Destroy everything with a giant robot.

You can customize your Mecha to your liking and make it suit your personality or resemble your favorite characters from popular culture.

Then, simply take your Mech and wreak havoc with dynamic building destruction physics and all the fire, rubble and wreckage you could hope for!

Additionally, a simple graphics style allows for great performance and colorful personality in the world.

This game is currently in beta form and is an ongoing project. Currently, there is a single map, many different modifiable mechs and a military dispatched to stop you. Soon to come are a full campaign and story with Kaiju fights and an online Multiplayer mode.

Read More: Best Character Action Game Beat 'em up Games.

Mecha Destruction on Steam

Proxy Blade Zero

Proxy Blade Zero

I find this game really really hard. But I think it’s good.



For me the experience of this game was as described, the difficulty is pretty hardcore. You have to be able to react instantly in order to block attacks, with certain enemies there is only a specific window of opportunity during which you are able to damage them. You only have a relatively small amount of health which does not regenerate and you seldom come across extra health. The first boss encounter was hard for me, but it’s sequence of attacks appeared to be very scripted. So you can basically learn when to parry and when to attack by rote, but that obviously can take a lot of trial and error which it did for me. I died a lot using that method lol. Another reason that this game was hard for me was simply because I kept pressing parry instead of attack and vice versa. I need to play more to get used to the controls and I’m also probably just not used to the Xbox 360 control. As well as that this is not a game that’s ideally played when you aren’t fully alert e.g. not after just getting up like I was when I first played. I don’t think it helped that I extra slow witted instead of my regular slow witted today lol. Anyway I’ve actually kept playing and now I’ve got the hang of the game, it helped to put it on easy difficulty. I got to the last boss which is pretty damn hard. I got him down to like 25% health but then it became even more difficult! I came close to the end but I think it’ll take me another full session just to beat the last part of the game! And that is in easy difficulty… One little thing to mention I think that boss is supposed to be able to know you off the platform where the battle takes place. However when my character was knocked out of it he just stood in midair instead of falling. It was an amusing moment =)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

Proxy Blade Zero is a character action game (or hack n slash) which puts you in control of a humanoid robot named Fenrir a smaller version of Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders who can’t fly but can dash. Seriously if you’ve played Zone Of The Enders you will find the combat very similar, just on a smaller scale. In fact that combat is actually more fun that Zone Of The Enders because it doesn’t try too many things and keeps things simple.

Combat is the name of the game here. You have your parry button X (an odd choice) your attack button marked Y (Classic DMC style) and B is a delay which transforms your regular attacks with standard attacks. Using the right trigger allows you to dash and perform energy attacks.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Proxy Blade Zero on Steam



[the Game is not complete][if you are cocked about single developer developing the game you are in a wrong gamepage]and dont beg for keys. buy the game.

Mechone is a 3D Real time Strategy Game based on Four races. the Pyrolytes, the Semitrytes, the Hydrolytes and the Uncronytes. you have to use platforms to move and traversethe game. you can use and target your units in a strategical placement like chess. its not a management game. its not a diolouge driven game. its not even wa walk and start shooting game. this is a new genre of strategy game.

Strategic Ai

The oppnent of this game is a strategic Ai. there are four cults to choose from. the Enemies strategise their attack and a in a unique way they play against you. You will face a strategical tactical environment in this game. there are upto 3 enemies depending on the level maps. You will be playing against a computer rathar thna a human opponent as it is not a multiplayer game. the Multiplayer is not featured due to overuse of player to player interaction and the lack of building features in the games like most RTS.


The game play of this game is to choose turn based startegical placement of your character. you can do one thing at a time and wait for he opponent to make its move. the game is dependeded on the resources and the battles effect he player ability. you can call in your other corporals in this game though the hub and upto 13 players you can play against a enemy. its not in the number but how you play the game. there are 4 players of this game depending on the map.

You can make allies with two of them and ensure your victory.


the characters of this game are all uniquely designed and you won’t find it on any other game. the game is based on year 0000 and it is unknown what tech it folowes.

But as the game design is it is a super tech highprofile miltary strategical chess game. once you make the move, it is like the turn of fate what happens as a result. so you have to be aware of your moves. the characcters of this game are designed none like beforehand. and there are no refrences. but yes. they are all bugs.

Level Design

The level design of this game is unique in its own way. its a new genre of level design. designing this game i was faced with the trendy designs thatim making a game. rathe it is a graphic design oriented game. You won’t find trees and mud and grass and temples of ancients or a mechanical unit or a machine but MEchone is a game that is about the inside of things the mechanics or the machine within the organic design.so the levels are or platformed and designed as a machine. the levels are adaptive. and non repeating. meaning depending on your moves the gameplay will be diffrent each time you play. so you can play the same level over and over again to enjoy the most of it. it could have been a simple to complicated task base level design to guide you through the story. but im giving you the gest of the gameplay without fussing over a separate intro video to waste time. the story is simple. they have conflict. you play.

The Players

Get to kow the characters. which ones are more effective. they all fucntion the same way but it is upto you to choose your character to play with. do you want oyur first Lt. to do all the job or you want to aid him with maruder.

The Ammos

The ammos of theis games are semi unique meaning they have bullets but as blades and electric charges and power surges. the ammos are not the usuall blow up king kong but they have been thoughfully organised to go with the mechanical theme of the solo miltaray startegy.

Mechone on Steam

CosmicBreak Universal

CosmicBreak Universal

Imagine a company so oblivious to the health of their game. It’s CyberStep. Save yourself the time, the money, and mental state. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS GAME OR COMPANY.

No optimization for servers/ No registration on shots/ Lagging is quite literally a mechanic in this game. It is laughable the ignorance this company and dev team has. Their is a feedback thread under discussions, but it heavily falls on deaf ears.

The prices are still unreasonable after..12+ years? Hackers & cheaters flood the game’s economy and instead of directly addressing the problem, the devs took away the only way to trade among other players. Hackers & cheaters simply come back with a new account once banned, and devs turn a blind eye.

Real player with 650.5 hrs in game

TLDR: Yes I would recommend this game to anyone who likes or is interested in this genre, but do not waste more on it than you would regret flushing down the toilet. Just enjoy it while it lasts and dont get too attached in case the devs decide to throw balance out the window and monetize like a mobile idle gacha and drive it into the ground like they did the last 2 times…

PVP/BALANCE: For now it is very much playable for f2p and the overall pvp balance is tolerable, but the developer has a proven track record of running this into the ground twice already so I wouldnt take them at their word that they learned their lesson this time, especially since the 3 times they did try balancing before concurrent players dipped to low double digits all either failed miserably (beam lasers), were blatant whale appeasement with heavy nerfs to f2p viable builds and slaps on the wrist for gacha bots (hd seraph crim and the initium duo), or ways to enforce planned obsolescence, hitting gacha bots that despite their(the dev’s) best efforts managed to remain viable in the meta for more than a few months and make way for the new wave of meta defining op (ivis and the crimson veil mechanic).

Real player with 435.4 hrs in game

CosmicBreak Universal on Steam



(Got this for free thanks to the developer’s submission to OMEGA Trade - G. Thanks!)

NO ITEMS! FOX ONLY! FoxVoltex!!!!

Okay, so…kinda' a mixed experience here, but I’ll try to explain where I can. FoxVoltex is a speedrunner game where you boost to jump, boost to evade traps, boost boost boost boost boost! Your goal is to get to teleporters and…optionally turn on generators to get new skins (thank goodness there’s not an achievement for unlocking all generators/skins). Fortunately, most stages have checkpoints reasonably placed…but not all levels.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Play this game if you want a short, super janky little platformer. Dashing is the only way of aerial mobility and there are a variety of ways to refresh it in later levels, resulting in potentially going hyperspeed, clipping through walls quite by accident, and resulting in a totally chaotic but super fun sort of platforming/zipping experience. The later levels aren’t really a fun time because of how much precision is asked for with what feels like so little control of the character, unfortunately. Fun music design, quirky characters, optional bonuses to unlock, a bit of speedrunning emphasis thanks to the timer.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

FoxVoltex on Steam



One of my favourite games of all time because:

  • Played the game on 360 years ago and recently managed to get 100% on PC

  • Guaranteed to make you feel like a badass

  • Offers easy to learn and hard to master gameplay

  • Amazing OST that I listen to mostly daily

  • Fun dialogue, bonuses and secrets

  • Memes, memes and yes more memes

  • Small and amazing community

  • Somewhat short but sweet story

  • 2 neat DLC side stories

  • Jetstream Sam is sexy

Yeah that about summarises it, oh and PLEASE use a controller. :)

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

Ну что можно сказать. Твёрдый слешер, который ещё доступен на ПК.

Игра, в которую я влюбился. После стольких лет, всегда.

Слешер в сеттинге киберпанка (а они обычно в фэнтези). Технически, игра не требовательна к системе, можно запускать на старом ПК. Порт получился отличный, включает все дополнения, а также бонусы после прохождения. Обычно, это доступ отдельно к катсценам, диалоги по кодекам, а также отдельные битвы с глав боссами. Последнее, ну прям топовая вещь.

Правда есть одна странная особенность этой игры. Она весит 24,6 гигов, 21,3 из которых - ролики в FullHD 0_0

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game





Title: Vanquish

Developer(s): Platinum Games

Publisher(s): Sega

Genre(s): Action, third-person shooter

Game Engine: Havok

Release Date: 25 May, 2017

Mode(s): Single-player


+ Merits:

If you are in a hurry and want to play a video game expeditiously, then I recommend Vanquish. It’s a relentless, fast-paced game that will fill-up your adrenaline to the maximum level with its intensive gameplay. Combine Bayonetta with Gears of War, and you will have something that resembles Vanquish, a fast-moving, cover-based shooter with some QTEs. From the third-person perspective, you control Sam Gideon, a guy augmented with a cool battle suit that’s powered by a portable reactor. It gives him post-human capabilities and grants us a stupendous warfare experience with its boosted slide and slow-motion mechanism.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

At first blush, Vanquish is another third person cover-based shooter. But if you’re familiar with those deranged perverts over at Platinum Games, you should be instantly suspicious. This is a studio who is concerned primarily with making new IPs with new gameplay paradigms, and Vanquish is no exception.

Many reviewers have already discussed the general premise of the game, so I will spare you those details except to remind you that Vanquish is about Big Boss fighting robots in space using a rocket-powered mecha suit; he shoots, he slides on the floor like an idiot, he slows down time. Instead, I want to address the core philosophy behind this game (as I see it) and explain why I find it fun.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Vanquish on Steam

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose is a godsend. The current epitome of love letters to Metal Slug with some other on the sleeve nods thrown in. Megaman X to name one & more. None of it feels forced though & I need to stress that. Inspirations are obvious but Mighty Goose is wholeheartedly it’s own thing. Familiar throwbacks are implemented in a fresh way that work for this game first & foremost & it certainly isn’t at all riding on nostalgia. It’s a great & original game because they’ve designed a great & original game. The references aren’t overbearing & are just welcomed gravy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

It’s a titled goose game and they got guns for hands. Short and sweet, Mighty Goose knows exactly what it wants to be and that is an intergalactic arcade-like action romp with anthropomorphic friends causing a bunch of beautifully satisfying chaos. The particle effects and wonderfully detailed bombast recalls the aesthetic of Metal Slug, which is impressive for seemingly a team of 3 main developers (Richard Lems, Diane De Wilde, and Mathias Kaertev).

On top of the generous checkpointing, variety of Star Fox-like buddies that can tag along, breezy yet varied levels, the freedom to buy weapons and vehicles on the fly makes for some silly scenarios where I can be on a bike with my buddies taking down a whole boss. It reminds me of my favourite moments in Halo where I’m trying to squeeze the warthog into every space and the game respects my player agency. Is it overpowered? Who cares, I got the money for it! The movement options help you be very nimble such as crouch sprint jumps that fling you out of tough situations or being able to hover longer if you keep shooting downwards. It’s a very offensive game so even the defensive ability of honking giving you a shield didn’t seem necessary with how easily you can get out of a pickle. The weapons pack a punch and any game that has a good shotgun is a winner in my books. The game can automatically go into slow-mo when cool shit is popping off much like a Max Payne. When you get the ability to slow down time at your own will, you can enact a screen-filling ballet of carnage that’s as satisfying to carry out as it is to just watch.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mighty Goose on Steam