Lucah: Born of a Dream

Lucah: Born of a Dream

So. Lucah: Born of a Dream is hands-down the best character action title I’ve ever played, and a game I will easily place near the top of my GotY list for 2018. Here’s why.


Lucah’s gameplay is absurdly polished, not much by indie standards, but for character action/action adventure standards period. The systems in place all feel incredible to use, and feel very meticulously crafted and refined to cater to a variety of different playstyles. Not only does it pay (incredibly good) homage to games like Bayonetta, Dark Souls and Hyper Light Drifter by means of it’s combat and general gameplay, I would happily say it gives them a run for their money.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game LGBTQ Games.

This is the only game I’ve ever backed on kickstarter using my own money so far. I told myself I’d wait until the game released to actually play it but when the developer sent me my beta key I immediately launched into playing it and kept going until I finished it. What you need to understand about this game going in is that it’s not the game you’re probably expecting from its packaging. You see a stamina bar, experience that doubles as currency, checkpoints that heal and allow levelling up, and you probably go to “oh this is a soulslike” but the reality here is that it’s more in line with a character action game. The soulslike mechanics are more like a flavoring to the bayonetta/DMC/metal gear rising sort of feeling you’re going to get from this game’s combat. The control scheme is even nearly identical to that of Bayonetta’s.

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Lucah: Born of a Dream on Steam

Son of Nor

Son of Nor

First it’s important to note, that this title is the result of a Kickstarter project with a rather small budget. The developers put a lot of effort to make the most out of it, so it can be easy to forget that it’s just a very small indie game and should be considered as such.

“Son of Nor” is a combination of adventure, action and puzzle game built around an unique combat mechanic: Instead of using normal (or abnormal) weapons, you command the world and the elements around you using your extraordinary telekinetic and elemental-magical powers.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Magic Games.

Ripping boulders out of walls and smashing your foes with them is soo much fun.

I have played the early access for a few hours now. The game has an original fantasy story and Zelda-like puzzle dungeons which I enjoy. But the game’s core experience is its physics based combat. You raise and lower the ground, you throw stuff at enemies, you throw enemies at enemies… you get the point. It’s a lot of fun and very rewarding. Combat can get out of hand in larger battles. But it hasn’t frustrated me yet. Simply reload and retry - I usually manage well the second time around.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Son of Nor on Steam