Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Quick Summary

Devil may Cry 4 (DMC4) is a wonderful addition to the DMC series. Introducing new style switching for Dante, a whole cast of vibrant bosses, a mediocre story,

and a new main character called Nero!


  • Nero is a really cool character with one hell of an arm!

  • Dante is much more in depth, opening up a wider range of skills and styles

  • Variety of enemies that really stand out visually and physically

Real player with 91.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

Really a big fan of the series, but I’ll try to keep this from influencing this review.

DMC4:SE added three very enjoyable characters, costumes and Legendary Dark knight Mode (Legendary DKM mode is only new for console).


+Moves and skills from DMC3:SE and teleporting trick from DmC are mixed with this character along with moves unrelated.

+Three weapons to choose from- Beowulf, Yamato, Force Edge.

+Concentration gauge. Gauge raised by standing still in combat and making hits, losing gauge by missing and running around.

Real player with 53.8 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition on Steam

Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5

This game is short, but it’s a gem for sure

between the stylish gameplay that puts all other spectacle fighters to shame, and the variety of really fun characters that are all really fun and compliment a different playstyle, and the… subpar but still really good multiplayer aspect of the some sections of the game (there’s a mod that let’s you use the co-op on all missions btw, see Nexusmods)

Once you finally get good at the game and unlock all of the moves, you can pull off some REALLY stylish combos, even I’ve managed a few

Real player with 542.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Demons Games.

I literally hate this game so much I swear to god level 10 on HaH is not even possible I have spent over 20 Hours trying to do it and if you even make one mistake you lose I hate it so much I hate this game

Real player with 120.5 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 5 on Steam



One of my favourite games of all time because:

  • Played the game on 360 years ago and recently managed to get 100% on PC

  • Guaranteed to make you feel like a badass

  • Offers easy to learn and hard to master gameplay

  • Amazing OST that I listen to mostly daily

  • Fun dialogue, bonuses and secrets

  • Memes, memes and yes more memes

  • Small and amazing community

  • Somewhat short but sweet story

  • 2 neat DLC side stories

  • Jetstream Sam is sexy

Yeah that about summarises it, oh and PLEASE use a controller. :)

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

Ну что можно сказать. Твёрдый слешер, который ещё доступен на ПК.

Игра, в которую я влюбился. После стольких лет, всегда.

Слешер в сеттинге киберпанка (а они обычно в фэнтези). Технически, игра не требовательна к системе, можно запускать на старом ПК. Порт получился отличный, включает все дополнения, а также бонусы после прохождения. Обычно, это доступ отдельно к катсценам, диалоги по кодекам, а также отдельные битвы с глав боссами. Последнее, ну прям топовая вещь.

Правда есть одна странная особенность этой игры. Она весит 24,6 гигов, 21,3 из которых - ролики в FullHD 0_0

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game


Devil May Cry HD Collection

Devil May Cry HD Collection

“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIGHT!!!!”

Amazing trilogy, older Action/Hack and Slash games can sometimes feel very clunky and slow in comparison to more recent games however these games hold their own and were definitely revolutionary to the genre for their time.

DMC was very enjoyable, a very solid introduction into the games. The puzzles and boss fights can be quite challenging even if you are playing on standard difficulty or even if this is your first DMC experience (like myself). Exploring the castle was very interesting as every area felt new and different without reprinting the same textures for different areas of the map which is what you tend to see in a lot of the older PS2 Games.

Real player with 94.1 hrs in game

2 amazing games with fun story and gameplay… except for dmc3’s mission 18…. and dmc2

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Devil May Cry HD Collection on Steam

Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4

The Special Edition (re-release/standalone expansion) is coming out on June 24th as a separate product. If you were considering this, I suggest you wait a few months.

Devil May Cry 4 is intended for a controller, playable with a keyboard (on the highest difficulties and for doing advanced combos)- but bizarre as the mouse is only for menus. In a lot of cases the game will require the player to press 3+ keys at the same time without ghosting (common in cheap keyboards made only for typing).

Real player with 745.4 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 is an amazing hack-and-slash game that is easy to learn and hard to master. The combat system is very in depth and there is always more room for improvement, even for the greatest masters of the game. It also has many different difficulty levels that will keep you busy for HOURS. You get to play as either Nero, who has a very interesting combat system because of his grab ability, and Dante, who has a variety of weapons and fighting styles to choose from while in game, giving an indefinite number of possibilities for combos. Plus, the game is very pretty, even on the lowest graphics settings, and for a PC port, it is not that bad.

Real player with 143.2 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 on Steam

Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition

Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition

Most of the negative reviews here are because of technical issues that are solvable on most systems. Fullscreen works by pressing ALT+Enter (maybe not while in the menu or title screen or cutscene, but ingame), widescreen support is available via a hack. On some systems, the resolution may be limited to 640x480 or 800x600, but that is not the normal behaviour. You should get the highest 4:3 resolution closest to your native resolution without a patch. XBox controllers are not officially supported because this game uses directinput for controller support, which is the predecessor to xinput. If you have one of the recent Logitech gamepads (F310 for example), you can choose between directinput and xinput via a hardware switch on the controller, then map the controller keys correctly (setup controller) and the game works out of the box. If you have to use an xbox compatible controller, you have to fiddle around to get the trigger keys working. This is because the trigger keys are analog and on the same axis on the xbox compatible controllers, but are two seperate digital keys on the older standard. Please note that this game was developed before the xbox compatible controllers had been invented! It would have been nice of Capcom to have this version revamped like they did for PS3 and XBox, but they have not. It is not optimized for the PC and it is an old game, but I still think it is awesome.

Real player with 132.3 hrs in game

Want to play DMC3? Get this mod: ?

It is to DMC3SE what DSfix is to Dark Souls. It fixes the performance, controller and sound issues, making the PC version as solid as its console counterparts.

Not only that, the mod has options for on-the-fly style-switching, weapon-switching for all weapons, Doppelganger and Quicksilver styles for Vergil, Air Hike for every weapon, graphical options, etc. DMC3 now has more moves and twice the number of weapons available at a time than DMC4.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition on Steam

DmC: Devil May Cry

DmC: Devil May Cry

DmC had a lot of unwarranted hate poised against it before it even before release. ‘Fans’ decried the new design, while thrashing the developers for describing the old look in blunt but apt ways. The verdict was in before anyone could get their hands on it, and even when people did, they would only look to reinforce their own idea of what the game is. Scenes meant to be tongue-in-cheek throwbacks and foreshadowing were perceived as slights against the vocal few, while actual flaws went overlooked.

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

I’ve been stuck in the bloody palace for 6 days now, i’m addicted. (help)

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

DmC: Devil May Cry on Steam

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!

A couple years back I was playing one of my favourite games: Street Fighter, with my friends, and I had a vision.

I saw a group of us playing a game with lots of colourful flashes, nice fast chip-tune style music, and even faster gameplay. We were all having tonnes of fun, and were really focused on the game, it looked awesome.

The image of the game was not apparent, all I saw was rainbows, and so I had no idea as to what this mystery game may be.

I searched and searched for a long time and found nothing.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

I playtested this, bought it on Humble Store, and now am playing and loving Aces Wild on Steam. Since its Humble Store release I’ve spent dozens and dozens of hours playing, and my time with this game is far from over.

The controls are easy to pickup but are incredibly precise. You can do crazy combos and fly around the screen with your aerial-powered fighter using a minimal amount of buttons.

The game is challenging but fair. Cliche statement, yes, but true in the case of Aces Wild. Nothing that the game throws at you is outside is unbeatable if you’ve got the skill.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action! on Steam

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition

Don’t mind the almost 150 hours I have logged in this game. I’m just a dumb completionist who usually wants to finish most things in the game, specially achievements.

That being said, I’m fairly confident that I’ve played this game enough to say for certain that I wouldn’t recommend it, with the exception of it being on a good sale. This game is simply not worth full price.

Before Killer is Dead I didn’t know much about Suda51’s work. I read about killer7 but never played it. I do own it on Steam though. It seems to be much better than KiD, just from what I saw on the store page. But anyway, KiD apparently has much of Suda’s pure style. And it is a lot of style indeed, but this game doesn’t care to go much beyond excessive style.

Real player with 145.0 hrs in game

‘In this job you will come face to face with the darkness.[…] I’ve been enchanted by her beauty!’


‘We are executioners. Professional killers hired by the state and high ranked clients to do jobs that no one else should ever know about. Monsters, maniacs and creepy mutants – everything is real in this world and we try to keep it a secret. The ‚Dark Matter‘ curses everything it comes in contact with, transforming it piece by piece into the abominations called ‘Wires’. Do you know where this ‚Dark Matter‘ comes from? From the moon! The dark side of the moon to be more precise. It is ruled by a mysterious man and this person gathers the darkness to take over earth. Sounds like solving this problem is the perfect job for you Mondo, isn‘t it?‘

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition on Steam

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

I’ve been playing this game for YEARS back when it released on the Wii U. I never thought in a million years that The Wonderful 101 would have an official PC release. And yet here we are. So how does it hold up?

Maybe I’m being biased here but I genuinely believe this is PlatinumGames and Hideki Kamiya’s magnum opus. The combat system is extremely intricate and complex but damn does it feel satisfying to master. This is NOT a cutesey wootsey Pikmin-style adventure game. This is very much an action game that ranks up there with games such as Devil May Cry and Bayonetta (2 other games Hideki Kamiya is responsible for. Go figure.). This is a game that does NOT hold your hand whatsoever nor does it do any spoonfeeding. You’re gonna get punished. You’re gonna get destroyed. You’re gonna get nothing but consolation prizes along the way. You’re probably also gonna get frustrated with the weapon switching gimmick and say the controls are bad and that it should’ve stayed on the Wii U where it belongs.

Real player with 308.1 hrs in game

At first this game can seem very inaccessible due to its abnormal controls and original home on the Wii U. Hopefully this review will clear up some misconceptions as well as highlight, in short, what makes this game so incredible.

TLDR: PLAY THE DEMO, it will give you a basic feel for the gameplay as well as a showcase of the game’s spectacle. Any fan of Bayonetta, DMC and the likes should play this game right now. This game is incredible and my favourite of all time. The controls are responsive (when played with a controller) and the combat is incredibly mechanically deep, combined with an immense level of spectacle through its 20 hr story. It is just Wonderful.

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

The Wonderful 101: Remastered on Steam