Visiting a celebrity

Visiting a celebrity


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

No point to this game. At all. You just click on the screen leveling up your money to buy so called perks which themselves are unending it looks like in how far you can level them each up. but you don’t get anything for this. not really. there are some odd little mini games, but there is no story going on, or point to the game. I bought it because it was ultra cheap and I was curious. All you do is click on a mode of transport and sometimes you can travel and the background changes. you don’t ask anything, you don’t do anything. It’s literally just click the middle of the screen, nine billion times until you realize there is no point and stop.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Visiting a celebrity on Steam

Beach Volleyball Competition

Beach Volleyball Competition

Beach volleyball simulator.


  • x2 game modes, 3D or 2.5D isometric projection;

  • easy game play controls;

  • realistic ball physics and speed;

  • several levels, with several music



  • styled characters;

  • internal control for vfx, sfx, music;

  • partner AI character behavior customization;

  • training mode for learning correct action execution;

  • story mode have progress for increasing team skills;

  • versus mode vs bots configured using net orders from other real users teams or teams of story mode;

  • multilingual translation for general settings



3D game mode.

Planned replacement of background stuff to use completely 3d stuff.

2.5D game mode.

Court projection is isometric, that increase playable area.

Easy game play controls.

You need one click per action, on right or left side of playable area, that control game play.

Click on upper screen area show/hide modal menu.

Styled characters.

Available skin color, hair style, clothes, customization inside “PLAYER” menu.

Change at least the color of the skin of the character, not to be confused where you are in the team.

Internal control for vfx, sfx, music.

Visual effects can be turned on/off using “?” menu, that decrease cpu load of slow devices.

Sound effects and music volume, can be controlled using “VOLUME” menu, and using match popup menu.

Partner AI character behavior customization.

AI behavior can be controlled using “PARTNER” menu.

Story mode have progress for increasing team skills.

Next story level unlocked - dope capacity increased.

Versus mode vs bots configured using net orders from other real users teams or teams of story mode.

“VERSUS”- “CREATE NETWORK AI ORDER” , when complete, your team simulation was added on server, and other real users can take order and play versus your bots. Behavior simulate your behavior, less or more.

“VERSUS”- “TAKE NETWORK AI ORDER” , when complete, you can play vs other user team simulation.

That start match vs network AI use “TRAINING”- “USER VS AI”. That observe match of your team simulation vs other user team simulation use “TRAINING”- “AI VS AI”.

Multilingual translation for general settings.

Visual effects setting description inside “?” translated to few languages.

Read More: Best Character Action Game 2.5D Games.

Beach Volleyball Competition on Steam

Mafia Gangster City

Mafia Gangster City

the game does not respond I do not reply to the e-mail I have played tens of hours and they do not care at least if they sent me an e-mail for technical support I also sent photos from my e-mail everything still no response. Well thank you

Real player with 223.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Wargame Games.

nice game i like it

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Mafia Gangster City on Steam

Zinuru The Great

Zinuru The Great

Just no.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

you play one room, mashin m1 on everythin, and then yer done

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Zinuru The Great on Steam