CosmicBreak Universal

CosmicBreak Universal

Imagine a company so oblivious to the health of their game. It’s CyberStep. Save yourself the time, the money, and mental state. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS GAME OR COMPANY.

No optimization for servers/ No registration on shots/ Lagging is quite literally a mechanic in this game. It is laughable the ignorance this company and dev team has. Their is a feedback thread under discussions, but it heavily falls on deaf ears.

The prices are still unreasonable after..12+ years? Hackers & cheaters flood the game’s economy and instead of directly addressing the problem, the devs took away the only way to trade among other players. Hackers & cheaters simply come back with a new account once banned, and devs turn a blind eye.

Real player with 650.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Shooter Games.

TLDR: Yes I would recommend this game to anyone who likes or is interested in this genre, but do not waste more on it than you would regret flushing down the toilet. Just enjoy it while it lasts and dont get too attached in case the devs decide to throw balance out the window and monetize like a mobile idle gacha and drive it into the ground like they did the last 2 times…

PVP/BALANCE: For now it is very much playable for f2p and the overall pvp balance is tolerable, but the developer has a proven track record of running this into the ground twice already so I wouldnt take them at their word that they learned their lesson this time, especially since the 3 times they did try balancing before concurrent players dipped to low double digits all either failed miserably (beam lasers), were blatant whale appeasement with heavy nerfs to f2p viable builds and slaps on the wrist for gacha bots (hd seraph crim and the initium duo), or ways to enforce planned obsolescence, hitting gacha bots that despite their(the dev’s) best efforts managed to remain viable in the meta for more than a few months and make way for the new wave of meta defining op (ivis and the crimson veil mechanic).

Real player with 435.4 hrs in game

CosmicBreak Universal on Steam

Don Flatus: Poop Hunter

Don Flatus: Poop Hunter


☑ Try not to get addicted

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Ehh

☐ Bad

☐ Just dont


☐ You forget reality

☐ Masterpiece

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Everyone

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☑ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 91.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Funny Games.

This is not just a game it is an experience. From the moment of hitting the play button I was entranced by the baroque storytelling. When I first stumbled upon this gem I had thought it would be just another boring free to play game but I was terribly mistaken. If there is one thing I would recommend to people to do in their life it would be to play this experience. Just give this one chance and you will not be disappointed.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Don Flatus: Poop Hunter on Steam

Fadeout: Underground

Fadeout: Underground

A Diamond in the Rough

If you long for the days of old classic shooting and movement, Fadeout delivers with great potential for more. The game emphasizes movement and combat with technical skill you hardly find in modern shooters. Movement consists of basic roll-jumping and rocket jumping to more complex wall bounces and surfing with each character having their own mechanics. Weapons and health are collected on the ground emphasizing good map knowledge and rotation skills. It’s a hero shooter with the heart of Quake.

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Shooter Games.

The game’s in Early Access, it’s in testing and I’ve even helped playtest it so expect this review to change. Hell, comment on it if I forget to update it when the game’s released. The game is receiving updates regularly, with major improvements to gameplay, updates to maps and graphics.

Fadeout is incredibly fun with full teams. Movement is fun and satisfying; you can dodge-roll, and jumping out of this roll has you keep momentum mid-air allowing all characters to move fairly fast. The weapons feel good to use. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d like the mechanic of picking up weapons off the ground, but part of why it works is each character has enough uniqueness that they remain distinct in spite of the weapons they grab. In fact, a lot of them have weapons so tailored to their style that you will typically want to keep that weapon and pick up extra ones depending on your strategy.

Real player with 169.7 hrs in game

Fadeout: Underground on Steam



TideTurn is a dynamic third person shooter where diverse characters and water-based weapons clash in a fight over the world’s oceans. Submerge into any water your team’s weapons splash onto the map, using the path to move seamlessly across any surface. Fight the enemy with jaw dropping movements and abilities limited only by your creativity! Free to play and designed for all age groups.

Be Like Water

The entire map is your canvas; submerge and move anywhere your guns can reach! Free-form movement mechanics make combat a fast-paced dance of dodging, weaving, and split-second decision making. Swim up walls and leap off buildings to keep your movement unpredictable and your enemies struggling to keep up!


Every character in TideTurn has a set of powerful killstreak abilities earned over the course of a game. Hunt down enemies and chase killstreaks to unlock increasingly powerful abilities. Sometimes you just need a giant sea monster on your side. Ride the high of your total domination headshot after headshot — no cool-downs needed.

Weapons Worth Fighting For

Every map in TideTurn has powerful weapons you can use to turn the tides of battle, from sniper rifles, shotguns, and vehicles to incredibly destructive experimental weapons like remote controlled rockets, EMP guns, and liquid light beams— just make sure you get there first!

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

TideTurn’s MapMaker is designed for every player to make their vision of a playable world come to life — no coding or modeling skills or tools needed! Fight to save the ocean on your own turf, or visit someone else’s creation for inspiration and world domination!

Immersive Story Mode

Cinematic campaigns immerse you in TideTurn’s lore, as Atlantians and Humans battle to save the oceans. Find out what it means to be a Defender.

TideTurn on Steam



Bruh the game isnt even done? Wtf

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This is not a game. This is not even an artsy non-game. This is just… nothing. There’s nothing here, nothing to do.

If this were early access and still a work in progress, I would not mind, but there’s no indication on the store page that this isn’t a compete game. I have no idea whether or not more will be added in the future, but for now, I advise against wasting your time. There is no enjoyment of any kind to be had from this title.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

nightshift on Steam



Too all the cucks that think this game is Bad

You need to learn to get gud

If you manage to beat this god of a game

you get not only a beautiful sexy costume (and sex scene), but you truly get a deeper look into what life really is.

69/10 Would smash again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Terrible voice acting, just some dude with a terrible voice changer. Very repetitive stages. I will admit it’s fun, to an extent. It’s not really something new every stage. Plus it’s a bit glitchy at times. For example, when jumping it doesn’t always get you up to the platform you wanna be on. I’m not saying it’s one of the worst games out there but it’s FAR from the best. Even as a f2p game, it’s very disappointing. Get this game if you want, but I’m just trying to save you from the cringe and overall torture this game is.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Clown2Beat on Steam



I played on Gameforge version before this one, I even tried some privacy server (Burning) and tried the Japan version too, I must have like 3000/4000 hours at least on Soulworker, and close to 1000 here, so time to review the game shall we ?

Is this game good and worth it ? Yes and no.

Good it is indeed, there is a great universe with good and enjoyable characters (playable or npcs), you will certainly enjoy this, especially if you are a “otaku” or a anime girl/boy if I can say it like that. The world is doomed, young people (many girls btw, even a loli) appears to be the only who are able to save it before it’s too late, take your weapon, take your gear, level up into dungeons alone and raids later with people, it’s your destiny awaiting for you !

Real player with 1557.5 hrs in game

It’s a typical cashgrab dps game.

(There’s a full breakdown of just how much predatory rng crap is in the game somewhere in the comments if you want)

The combat tickles the “ooh! shiny!” part of your brain and the story can be engaging at times but that’s about it, it’s a fun one-and-done single player experience.

Right out the gate the same will spam your suspiciously limited unlockable inventory with a half a dozen tiered crafting materials, most of which you will never need but will trigger fomo something gruesome.

Real player with 866.8 hrs in game

Soulworker on Steam

Six Paths

Six Paths

To say this game has changed my life would be an understatement. There isn’t a day in my life where I don’t use the lessons this game has taught me. It only took about 150 hours for me to truly understand the value of what I was doing. This is a must have for every single man woman and child alike. You will see everything you once knew in a different light. You will fear nothing.

Real player with 164.2 hrs in game

This game will make your soul balanced. By following the methods and virtues presented in this artistic creation called a “game” I’ve achieved spiritual enlightenment. This game will transend your soul multiple dimensions that you’ll see biblically accurate angels as normal human beings. If you’re struggling with mental illness I reccomend this game!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Six Paths on Steam



server kinda funky to setup.

game itself kinda boring. i dont see it being thrilling even when the player base grows, unless things change.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Best game ever!

Accidentally uninstalled due to lack of servers.

Highly recommend!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Blackstorm on Steam

The Panic Room. House of secrets

The Panic Room. House of secrets

I love this game. It is very interesting and there are new events constantly to keep things fresh and new. The storyline is interesting, most of the characters are engaging and I love the fact that you can interact with your friends who play by way of gifts and groups for various tasks. This is one of two games I have played since I started on Steam and I just don’t see giving them up.

That being said, there are a few drawbacks as well. First, while the game is free to play, AND, contrary to what a few will say, you can play and do everything anyone else can do, however, the developers constantly put pop-ups in game trying to sell you stuff. I am even okay with that, they made a good product, they deserve compensation for it, my objection is to the frequency and the way they go about it. You will get a pop-up that advertises items to help you with the game (health potions, luck charms etc…) for a certain price, if you don’t purchase, frequently, another character in the game will pop up and “encourage” you to purchase to help win your freedom. I just think it is a little much. I have spent money on the game, like I said, I love playing, I just prefer not to be manipulated into it. That leads into my 2nd objection; the developers mostly ignore the Steam platform game. Panic Room is also on Facebook, the developers are very active, constantly posting news, apologies and explanations for glitches, etc. Here, we get nothing. Never an explanation and they very rarely respond to anything in the Panic Room group. I feel that if you are going to ask for money, you should be responsive to your players. At Christmas, the game was down for a couple weeks. There was never any explanation and most of us were unable to finish a large event because they didn’t extend the time. A few words would make a difference.

Real player with 1661.0 hrs in game

As I cdnt reply to Monique’s recent Review, I thought I wd post this to support her views.

I agree totally with everything she has said, so have a read of hers too.

This is a well stuctured and creative game. As a writer, I find the storyline interesting, considering its a Hidden Object Game. It also creates a unique environment with the interactive components among other players, while still being a solo game.

If u choose this u may have a moral dilema with activating “Bad Karma” function.

Most of us did, lol.

Real player with 213.5 hrs in game

The Panic Room. House of secrets on Steam