Sole Iron Tail

Sole Iron Tail

I loved this! The movement feels fast and fluid, similar to Sonic or Freedom Planet, but with its own twists with charging and sliding. When you start building up momentum and racing through the level, it just feels great. The art is adorable and the soundtrack is a legit banger. For the price, this is a steal, especially if you like classic platformers with an emphasis on collecting and speedrunning!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Platformer Games.

Had a great time running and bouncing around this cute story. Mechanics are a blast and the music is great. The game is quite charming! I would recommend it to fans of Sonic games for sure.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Sole Iron Tail on Steam



So overall this game have very great potenial, but still has a few bugs that need to worked out. Like when I faced the first boss( which took me like 100 tried to beat on hero diff) I got it to one of its health stops when it goes invisible, and it was stuck in invulnerable state until I died which sucked because I was close to beating it. 2nd: There could be some kind of combo list. I noticed that there were times when my melees would turn red then purple ( I came to understand that purple stuns thing) but I had no clue how I performed said combo. 3rd: I feel there should be an option to what weapons I pick up. Sometimes I like using 4 rocket launchers or 4 assault rifles. 4th: Materials should be a bit easier to understand how to get them, I think I ran around the 1st open area for about an hour trying to figure out where to get the Mats to make a fusion key or scanner. 5th: I find it almost impossible to dodge enemies that spawn right above you and they use an attack and next thing you know you have to restart your combo (this happens even though I am constantly on the move). Above all I love the difficulty of the game, the back story could use some work but over all enjoyable. I really look foward to seeing the full release of this game. It has my support. When I showed some of my friends at work they were mind blown in a sense. But I dont like how people compare it to warframe. I see the simiularities but I think they are on 2 totally different levels.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Cyberpunk Games.

Backed on Kickstarter

This game was tailored for people that 1. do not have epilepsy. 2. can handle sensory overload: the bullet hell junkies, the DMC and Nier: Automata fans, the Touhou addicts.

  • The screen will fill with enemies, your decisions within seconds will either result in the next wave of enemies or result in your death.

  • You must be mobile; yes, Nelo is fast, but the Nightsithe are just as fast.

  • Your enemies will reflect your damage back at you, dodge your attacks, teleport away or towards you, and even bullrush you.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Nelo on Steam

Speedrun Squad

Speedrun Squad

Good game and nice speedrun community :)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Pixel Graphics Games.


Super fun platformer with a whole lot of room for replays.

Reminds me a ton of the old flash games back in the day or even of some of the big name speed run games like super meat boy.

Keep making games!

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Speedrun Squad on Steam

Steven the Sperm

Steven the Sperm

very fun!

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

this showed me where babbies cum from (

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Steven the Sperm on Steam

Proxy Blade Zero

Proxy Blade Zero

I find this game really really hard. But I think it’s good.

For me the experience of this game was as described, the difficulty is pretty hardcore. You have to be able to react instantly in order to block attacks, with certain enemies there is only a specific window of opportunity during which you are able to damage them. You only have a relatively small amount of health which does not regenerate and you seldom come across extra health. The first boss encounter was hard for me, but it’s sequence of attacks appeared to be very scripted. So you can basically learn when to parry and when to attack by rote, but that obviously can take a lot of trial and error which it did for me. I died a lot using that method lol. Another reason that this game was hard for me was simply because I kept pressing parry instead of attack and vice versa. I need to play more to get used to the controls and I’m also probably just not used to the Xbox 360 control. As well as that this is not a game that’s ideally played when you aren’t fully alert e.g. not after just getting up like I was when I first played. I don’t think it helped that I extra slow witted instead of my regular slow witted today lol. Anyway I’ve actually kept playing and now I’ve got the hang of the game, it helped to put it on easy difficulty. I got to the last boss which is pretty damn hard. I got him down to like 25% health but then it became even more difficult! I came close to the end but I think it’ll take me another full session just to beat the last part of the game! And that is in easy difficulty… One little thing to mention I think that boss is supposed to be able to know you off the platform where the battle takes place. However when my character was knocked out of it he just stood in midair instead of falling. It was an amusing moment =)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Proxy Blade Zero is a character action game (or hack n slash) which puts you in control of a humanoid robot named Fenrir a smaller version of Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders who can’t fly but can dash. Seriously if you’ve played Zone Of The Enders you will find the combat very similar, just on a smaller scale. In fact that combat is actually more fun that Zone Of The Enders because it doesn’t try too many things and keeps things simple.

Combat is the name of the game here. You have your parry button X (an odd choice) your attack button marked Y (Classic DMC style) and B is a delay which transforms your regular attacks with standard attacks. Using the right trigger allows you to dash and perform energy attacks.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Proxy Blade Zero on Steam

For Sparta

For Sparta


  • A decent variety of enemies. There are about 3-4 different skins for each monster, but they each have varying attacks and behaviours to keep things interesting.

  • A large selection of craftable perks to potentially obtain.

  • The controls handle well. Dodging and attacking feels responsive and enjoyable.

  • Action-packed generally speaking. Enemies spawn in waves throughout a day, but if you take too long, the next wave will spawn in to keep you on your toes.

  • Satisfying and appropriate sound effects.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Great little arcade game. It’s difficult and has a lot of random elements that can make it anywhere from challenging to near impossible, but with games being so fast/short and the ability to restart in a couple of seconds it’s not normally frustrating.

If you like old school keyboard bashing this is for you.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

For Sparta on Steam



Not a bad game, interesting and exciting, I recommend it for passing.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

this is the game that will get me to stop buying obvious trash, thank you for helping me

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Crazzers on Steam



One of my favourite games of all time because:

  • Played the game on 360 years ago and recently managed to get 100% on PC

  • Guaranteed to make you feel like a badass

  • Offers easy to learn and hard to master gameplay

  • Amazing OST that I listen to mostly daily

  • Fun dialogue, bonuses and secrets

  • Memes, memes and yes more memes

  • Small and amazing community

  • Somewhat short but sweet story

  • 2 neat DLC side stories

  • Jetstream Sam is sexy

Yeah that about summarises it, oh and PLEASE use a controller. :)

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

Ну что можно сказать. Твёрдый слешер, который ещё доступен на ПК.

Игра, в которую я влюбился. После стольких лет, всегда.

Слешер в сеттинге киберпанка (а они обычно в фэнтези). Технически, игра не требовательна к системе, можно запускать на старом ПК. Порт получился отличный, включает все дополнения, а также бонусы после прохождения. Обычно, это доступ отдельно к катсценам, диалоги по кодекам, а также отдельные битвы с глав боссами. Последнее, ну прям топовая вещь.

Правда есть одна странная особенность этой игры. Она весит 24,6 гигов, 21,3 из которых - ролики в FullHD 0_0

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game




Great things about this game:

  • nice fast-paced feel

  • IMO the gaming market really needs more “dash and slash” games like these

  • isometric viewpoint but doesn’t make bullets hard to see (something not many similar games achieve)

  • well-balanced mob design, reload on the gunners is quite a witty gimmick

  • runes are alright, could be more balanced but they’re fun to play around with and that’s the important thing


  • if you miss a rune you can’t go back to retrieve it

  • hitbox of the stomp attacks feels wonky, can’t dash through them consistently

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Despite looking and sounding great, Hellheim is rather repetitive and very frustrating to play. You’re moving from one arena battle to another during the whole game, with a limited amout of different enemies spawning out of thin air. Beating them is too often based on button mashing and luck instead of skill, and the one-hit-kill shotguns are very annoying.

Being able to deflect bullets by attacking them is a nice feature tho, and unlocking new runes is supposed to keep the gameplay fresh. Sadly, I only found the rune that delays time useful. The battles are so fast and hectic that I couldn’t find any use for the other runes. Luckily, the game can be beaten little over two hours.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Helheim on Steam




Title: Vanquish

Developer(s): Platinum Games

Publisher(s): Sega

Genre(s): Action, third-person shooter

Game Engine: Havok

Release Date: 25 May, 2017

Mode(s): Single-player


+ Merits:

If you are in a hurry and want to play a video game expeditiously, then I recommend Vanquish. It’s a relentless, fast-paced game that will fill-up your adrenaline to the maximum level with its intensive gameplay. Combine Bayonetta with Gears of War, and you will have something that resembles Vanquish, a fast-moving, cover-based shooter with some QTEs. From the third-person perspective, you control Sam Gideon, a guy augmented with a cool battle suit that’s powered by a portable reactor. It gives him post-human capabilities and grants us a stupendous warfare experience with its boosted slide and slow-motion mechanism.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

At first blush, Vanquish is another third person cover-based shooter. But if you’re familiar with those deranged perverts over at Platinum Games, you should be instantly suspicious. This is a studio who is concerned primarily with making new IPs with new gameplay paradigms, and Vanquish is no exception.

Many reviewers have already discussed the general premise of the game, so I will spare you those details except to remind you that Vanquish is about Big Boss fighting robots in space using a rocket-powered mecha suit; he shoots, he slides on the floor like an idiot, he slows down time. Instead, I want to address the core philosophy behind this game (as I see it) and explain why I find it fun.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Vanquish on Steam