Dragon Simulator Multiplayer

Dragon Simulator Multiplayer

Entered a death match, hovered in the middle of the map, and proceeded to kill the same 3 clueless newbies 20 times in a row each. Used the same attacks and tactics the entire time and they never learned. Cackled loudly. Fireball/10

PS: If you press T you can chat, but it locks other controls. The game is full of cancerous roleplayers and girls looking to tell you details of their life to get attention instead of actually playing the game. Get them talking for easy headshots/XP.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Action-Adventure Games.

I have always been into fantasy games, even the most simplified of them all such as this one. The concept is simple, attack and kill opponents, level up, unlock the next skin. Not too shabby. I’ve managed to convince several of my gamer friends to give this game a try and majority of them have had a positive outlook on it. It’s a real shame that this was all that I could possibly find as a recently-created simulator for the PC, that allows you to experience gameplay as the dragon itself. As much as I would like to glorify this game for more than it really is; there are many downsides that should be addressed as well.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Dragon Simulator Multiplayer on Steam

Mythlands: Flappy Dragon

Mythlands: Flappy Dragon

Orange dragons - FTW!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Flight Games.

Mythlands: Flappy Dragon on Steam

Elmarion: Dragon’s Princess

Elmarion: Dragon’s Princess

One lonely day in a Lair…… somewhere.

“Hello? Mr. Wyvern? Are you there?”

“WHAT? Who is disturbing me?”

“Excuse me, Mr. Wyvern. Im Ellina and i need your help!”

“Wrong Lair!”

“I´m a Princess.”

“Uh…. what??? You have my attention!”

“Thank you, mighty Dragon.”

“Anytime, Mylady.”

“So, let me ask….”

“Just a Moment. Time for my Introduction!”



“So, why are you here?”

“Ehm…. okay. I´m Princess Ellina and i … no … the whole Kingdom Elmarion needs your help!”

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Flight Games.

Information / Review English

Elmarion: Dragon’s Princess is an RPG adventure developed by Fleon Games.


Gameplay / Story

You always wanted to be a terrible beast that everyone trembles before or a prince that is haunted by a curse? Then please read on, because then this game could be just right for you.

Not every dragon is evil, because everyone is only as evil as humanity perceives or what deeds are committed. This time you experience the adventure from the perspective of a female kite and fly over the large map. You will discover secrets, solve puzzles and help people or other living beings out of trouble if you want or destroy them.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Elmarion: Dragon's Princess on Steam



I found QUESTR to be very entertaining. It is not much as a game, but what it lacks in gaming substance it makes up in content.

You start by inviting people to join your quest party. Many of the people lie on their profiles and some characters hate your other members so much that they quit right away.

Every quest has multiple events in which you need to select one characters idea how to solve them. For example you encounter a vampire. Will you send a) the Vegan to talk to him about being vegan b) the drunk to talk about drinking c) or the bro who says he got this as he had to watch vampire movies with his ex. Results might not be what you expect.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Questr is an RPG parody of dating apps similar to Tinder.

In a similar fashion, you swipe left and right to build the perfect RPG team. Every potential party member has likes and dislikes, levels, costs to hire, and personality traits as well as their own class, guild, and ancestry.

Personality traits determine the outcome of encounters throughout each quest. Beating an encounter raises morale, while failing lowers it. Party members also interact with one another between encounters, further raising or lowering morale depending on how well personality types get along and whether or not you paid attention to likes and dislikes. At the end of a quest, the morale level determines if you successfully complete it, giving you a reward and the possibility of having party members continue to quest with you.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Questr on Steam

Dragon Rage

Dragon Rage

Great game for what it is, small game but reasonably priced. Such satisfaction in slaming into everything and getting those power ups to easily stay ahead and achievements that aren’t complicated/cryptic as ****.

When I first saw the negative reviews for this game, I hated what they put into the reviews because all they said was its too short or I paid too much for so little content. How about they try to make a game all by themselves?! It’s not easy. Give these people some slack because I’m pretty sure those negative review people don’t even think about how hard it is to make a game.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

I myself enjoy the game even though most people seem to dislike it. I feel the reason people do dislike it is this its very very short for the price of 7$ and even though i got it for 15% of it still seemed short for the price. If they were to maybe add some new levels, more customization and possibly even some story to the rampage plot, or at least make it an option to change the background. Customization could be like which power up you like more and want to drop on your 100ks drop, or even more exciting giving dragons clothes and hats! But all in all its a great stress releasing game and definetly reminds me of the old rampage games. Also I feel like I’d really enjoy the creators should slowly releasing updates and adding little bits here and there and that will surely keep me happy and probably the rest of this games small fanbase.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Dragon Rage on Steam

VoxStory - The Cinematic TTRPG

VoxStory - The Cinematic TTRPG

What is VoxStory?

VoxStory is the cinematic way to experience tabletop roleplaying. Keeping all of your favourite aspects of TTPRG’s and bringing them to the big screen, VoxStory is the modern way to roleplaying.

VoxStory remains true to the tabletop style of gaming, the gamemaster will set the scene while the roll of the dice determines your actions. But with VoxStory you can see the story play out on screen.

For the Gamemaster

World generation. Auto building. Climate management

World building is made easy with VoxStory. Each world is made up of a series of tiles that are generated from parameters you set. With multiple biomes, dimensions, and terrain options your base landscape can be generated instantly.

Once the Tile has been generated you can edit the landscape in more detail and begin adding buildings and objects. The Autobuild feature allows you to rapidly generate structures without the hassle of repetition, perfect for large settlements or less important buildings

You can control every detail, even down to the density of the fog or colour of the rain

For the Player

Character creation. Choices made easy. Inventory management. Control it from your phone

Character creation can be done on the free mobile companion app or in-game. 10 races and 12 classes at launch allows for plenty of choice for the player. After selecting the basics of your character like race and class, you can customise your character from their armour colour down to their eyes.

The gameplay itself is similar to traditional TTRPGs. Once the GM has set the scene, the players take it in turns to make actions, the results of which are determined by the roll of dice.

When entering a battle the players and enemies initiate turn-based combat. The turn order is based on several things including skills, spells and other actions.

VoxStory - The Cinematic TTRPG on Steam

Last Memory

Last Memory

Nice platformer. Reminds me of INSIDE.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Graphics ✅

Gameplay ✅

Memories to Access last level ❌

Overall score: 6.9 / 10

Thank you for reading this review

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Last Memory on Steam

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt is an action RPG with fast-paced combat requiring use of strong offensive and defensive mechanics across multiple modes (Story Mode, Endless Dungeon, Onslaught, Conquest, Heist). Fight your enemies up close, use buffs/debuffs/status ailments to gain an advantage or place effects like tornados, fire, water, death forests, black holes and more onto the battlefield.

The Mittu star system enjoyed a long period of prosperity, and was watched over by three powerful beings who shared their unique skillsets and technologies across three worlds for millenia. From out of nowhere, a Demon Army of immense power appeared suddenly and began invading these planets, slaughtering countless innocents and causing fear and paranoia in the godlike rulers of each world. On the planet of Altair, the first spacecraft in Mittu’s history has been constructed, with the hopes that its crew can find something in the Mittu star system to end the war against the Demon Army.

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt on Steam

Apprentice Arriving

Apprentice Arriving

I am going to have to say….wait. I am not even sure what this is. I beat the EA content already and there was honestly very little to do or explore.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

This game has great potential !!! But for now … see more in the review

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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Apprentice Arriving on Steam