

Character action game with lightning fast action. Play as the badass femme fatale vampire queen, Lyss, and get ready to yell “This is not even my final form!”. Travel through time, destroy dinosaurs, aliens, robots and undeads with bloody stylish combos! Ride your motorcycle, manage your strip club!

Lyss, the Empress

Evil incarnate!

Lyss, the Demon

Master of demonic magic!

Lyss, the Vampire

Gorgeous, deadly!

Lyss, the Beast

Freak of nature!

Lyss, the Deadeye

Respected leader, dangerous gunslinger!

Lyss, the Slave

Burns with rage, insatiable lust for revenge!

Lyss, the Sacrifice

Poor little girl in a very dangerous situation!

Read More: Best Character Action Game Vampire Games.

Tentoria on Steam

Defect Process

Defect Process

This game is addictive and fun to play. It is a good fighting game with a fair amount of strategy. The 2D environment is deceptively simple but there are a lot of complex moves and a good amount of weapon choices. Every time you die, you try to figure out a better way to utilize the weapon or use a more effective weapon.

It seems like there was a lot of thought that went into designing the weapons and enemies. It was a lot of fun figuring out how to handle each enemy’s specific attack patterns with the different weapons. For example, using the teleport to pass through the laser wall or trying to time the stone form correctly to reflect the regular laser attack.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Beat 'em up Games.

Defect Process shines through its singular focus on satisfying combat. It’s relatively short (around 3 hours to my first boss kill) and straight-forward (combat arenas mixed with light platforming sections), so there is not much else on offer (though it looks like there is much to come). But that’s ok because the combat feels really good.

Each weapon is completely unique, and really requires a new play-style to get the most out of. For example, the staff initially felt like a wet noodle that was largely fun for its ability to let me hop around like a mad man. But once you get to used to spamming and recharging the whirlwind ability, you can unlock an incredible amount of DPS (while still hopping around like a mad man).

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Defect Process on Steam

Charge Blade Hero

Charge Blade Hero


Charge Blade Hero tells a story of gods and heroes. Visit dangerous forests, ancient ruins, a city of mushrooms, and more. As you fight to end a war against a once undefeatable enemy.


  • Action-Packed Arena Battles - Charge Blade Hero is a fast paced hack and slash with tight controls and fluid combat. Attack, Dodge, and Charge up to maintain your weapon’s durability as you take on waves of enemies. Your reflexes, positioning, and strategies will determine your success or defeat in battle.

  • Equip Blessings - Purchase and equip various blessings to change the way you play. Mix and combine blessings to find a build that works for you.

  • Dynamic Soundtrack - A beautiful and energetic score composed by Jeremiah George, with vocals by Julia Henderson, will celebrate your mastery in combat as you fight towards a high combo streak.

  • Reactive Narrator - Be accompanied throughout your battles and journey with insightful and encouraging narration by Gianni Matragrano.

  • Beautiful Environments - Hand-painted levels that gives depth and story to every location.

  • Side Quest - Players can take on missions outside the main story to reveal a new side of the world.

  • Challenge Missions - For players looking for an extra challenge, you can visit the goddess for new challenges and greater rewards.

Read More: Best Character Action Game Spectacle fighter Games.

Charge Blade Hero on Steam

Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4

The Special Edition (re-release/standalone expansion) is coming out on June 24th as a separate product. If you were considering this, I suggest you wait a few months.

Devil May Cry 4 is intended for a controller, playable with a keyboard (on the highest difficulties and for doing advanced combos)- but bizarre as the mouse is only for menus. In a lot of cases the game will require the player to press 3+ keys at the same time without ghosting (common in cheap keyboards made only for typing).

Real player with 745.4 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 is an amazing hack-and-slash game that is easy to learn and hard to master. The combat system is very in depth and there is always more room for improvement, even for the greatest masters of the game. It also has many different difficulty levels that will keep you busy for HOURS. You get to play as either Nero, who has a very interesting combat system because of his grab ability, and Dante, who has a variety of weapons and fighting styles to choose from while in game, giving an indefinite number of possibilities for combos. Plus, the game is very pretty, even on the lowest graphics settings, and for a PC port, it is not that bad.

Real player with 143.2 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 4 on Steam

Ghost Run 3D

Ghost Run 3D

I love these games with relatively repetitive gameplay. I have already completed 30 levels.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

The game is not bad, but it gets boring quickly

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Ghost Run 3D on Steam

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!

A couple years back I was playing one of my favourite games: Street Fighter, with my friends, and I had a vision.

I saw a group of us playing a game with lots of colourful flashes, nice fast chip-tune style music, and even faster gameplay. We were all having tonnes of fun, and were really focused on the game, it looked awesome.

The image of the game was not apparent, all I saw was rainbows, and so I had no idea as to what this mystery game may be.

I searched and searched for a long time and found nothing.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

I playtested this, bought it on Humble Store, and now am playing and loving Aces Wild on Steam. Since its Humble Store release I’ve spent dozens and dozens of hours playing, and my time with this game is far from over.

The controls are easy to pickup but are incredibly precise. You can do crazy combos and fly around the screen with your aerial-powered fighter using a minimal amount of buttons.

The game is challenging but fair. Cliche statement, yes, but true in the case of Aces Wild. Nothing that the game throws at you is outside is unbeatable if you’ve got the skill.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action! on Steam

Hieroglyph: Prologue

Hieroglyph: Prologue

It is actually a pretty good game with nice char-design and OST. It’s definitely worth the purchase

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Hieroglyph: Prologue is a 2D retro pixel platformer/brawler built by filling out templates in the godawful GameMaker Studio game construction kit.

While some modicum of effort went into filling out the templates here, as the game features some VN story elements and a surreal back story, at heart it’s still just a bad, clunky GameMaker Studio template flip. It’s impossible to build a great game from a terrible, flawed foundation, no matter how much effort goes into putting lipstick on the GameMaker pig.

Real player with 0.0 hrs in game

Hieroglyph: Prologue on Steam



Only in unplanned times and you do not have a good shooter game mode!

Real player with 244.7 hrs in game

Lanternium is a nice puzzle game that has potential but sadly fails in too many things.

The camera is awful and the main reason why Im giving it thumbs down-In a puzzle game such as this you should be able to see the whole map and use the mouse to move the camera but instead you have to constantly rotate the camera and the angles on the cam view are awful.

Second,the controls are clunky and slow when you need to be fast.

Graphics are awful and the whole game is so ugly your eyes will hurt.

Music is repetitive and boring.

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Lanternium on Steam





This is the first game on Steam I am writing a review for. The game is SOOO meta! I absolutely LOVED it, incredibly fun and challenging! The music is great, the art style is simple but awesome! I started with the demo before the release and played through as Lord Snicklefritz because obviously he’s got the best name in the game! I jumped straight into Nightmare Mode and struggled on the first boss a little until I got used to the controls (I used Xbox controller, but I did remap some of the buttons).

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

I highly recommend giving this game a try if you enjoy 2D games or boss fights. The devs have been a pleasure to work with and have promptly fixed any bugs that were found. Each boss fight features unique mechanics and patterns that you have to learn and each character has their own set of attacks and abilities making each playthrough a new experience. The soundtrack is very well done and compliments the game and characters without being overbearing. The writing can be a bit cringe, but often in a hilarious way as long as you don’t take it too seriously (and you shouldn’t, because it doesn’t take itself very seriously either) and the modern culture references are very amusing. All in all, a very entertaining and well done first game release by MiSou Games. I’ve had a blast playing and my viewers and I have had some great laughs with this game. It’s an amazing value at this price and I’ll be picking up a copy for my girlfriend as well.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Towertale on Steam

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

All the time I spent on this game was just hunting for achievements, side questing, exploring, and level grinding. But aside from that, the main story of this game is quite short, and it can be completed in about 2-3hrs. All in all, I think its a fun game and if not the first game that AT has with free roam and an open world setting. The turn-based battles are alright, with the game explaining how status debuffs work, elemental advantages, and buffs, it’s pretty easy to understand and master the game with just basic knowledge. You can pretty much destroy any boss you encounter by just playing against their weaknesses (every character has different elemental skills). But, the game’s pretty much over once you get BMO to join you, you’ll see what I mean when you play it. For the price it has right now, I think its worth it IMO, but better to wait for a sale to get it.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

This is a casual turn based RPG based on the Adventure Time world including many of the shows famed voice actors. The game plays out like an extended episode or even movie with a pirates theme that gives off a WindWaker vibe with the boat you use to travel from the strange worlds.

The game is poorly optimised for PC with chopy frames and clunky feel and very poor menus, but it does all work and if you can get past the games annoyances your likely to enjoy this immersive world. Theres enough detail to make you feel like you really are in the Adventure Time world as oposed to a game developers intepretation of it.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion on Steam