Gado Fight

Gado Fight

This game is TOO GOOD!!! Crazy that this is a mobile game but it is ported so nice to PC. The combo system is very similar to Blade Strangers but instead getting of less damage for using the same moves in a combo, you cannot use the same attacks in a single juggle. This allows players to get creative in order to do the most damage possible! I will definitely be playing much much MUCH more often!

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game 3D Fighter Games.

tl;dr: The gameplay is solid. The UX,Eng translations, and lack of control remapping? Not so much.

A Fighting Gamer’s Perspective:

For context, I like playing fighting games but find the mainstream ones to have too high of a skill floor to have fun with them. I’m not wholly dedicated to them but still enjoy playing matches on occasion. Blasphemy I know.


Gado Fight , from the very short time I’ve played it, seems like an ambitious fighting game. Since it’s a port of a mobile game it has rather simplified base mechanics, with the depth that fgc heads will like. You can look up combo videos and see for yourself. If you like BFTG, or Metal Revolution, you’ll like Gado Fight.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Gado Fight on Steam



A kinda hectic run-around-but-think game, nicely themed around quasi-Soviet missile intercept site. Be prepared to value every second of your time. Missions are around seven minutes each, so this is also a “just another bite” thing. I picture this in the evening, a mission or two every now and then. Then again, I love the setting too : )

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Survival Games.

This game is sort of Papers, Please.

During game you need to shoot down all incoming rockets. But task is not easy. You must properly configure every AA missile while trying to get enough resources to produce new missiles, or for upgrades. You alone in that base so must run on foot to every point of interest.

Actually I like games like Paper, please, so this game is my type of games, and I recommend it to buy. Its cheap enough.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game


Defense corp - Earth

Defense corp - Earth

Defense corp - Earth is a skill-based, fast-paced first-person shooter.

Choose one of the initial 6 characters and one of the 16 initial skills and start playing without the hassle of a grind.

The game will be focused on fast paced but strategical game-play. Each character has access to any of the skill-sets the game will have.

With our classic game-modes, action-packed matches are ensured!

Each character spawns with a Drumrifle in hand, this is the go-to weapon for every seasoned fps player. Players can pick up more powerful guns which spawn on various locations on the map. Skilled players will learn these places by heart and the timers of each spawn-point. Power-Weapons are a “1-time-use”. Once the ammo runs out they are automatically de-spawned from the player. Power-Weapons will have limited ammo, they are meant to reward players who control the map but not be overly overpowered so that a player can use one for the whole match.

Early access features:


  • Team Deathmatch - Players fight each other in two teams, the first team to reach the score limit wins or the team with the highest score when the time limit has been reached

  • Instagib - Players spawn with a sniper rifle in hand which a one-shot-one-kill weapon to engage each other in a Free for all game-mode. The first player to reach the score limit or the player with the highest score when the time limit has been reached wins the match.

  • Deathmatch - Players fight each other in a Free for all game-mode with access to Power-weapons which spawn at various places on the map. The first player to reach the score limit or the player with the highest score when the time limit has been reached wins the match.

  • Showdown - Players fight each other in two teams and try to capture a flag. A flag is spawned in the middle of the map, a point is awarded when a team picks up the flag and drops it at the enemy base. Once a team scores, the round gets reset and players start with a 5-second countdown from their initial spawn again. The first team to reach the score limit wins.


  • Cairo

  • Busan

  • Sagada

  • Favela

  • HQ

  • Bazaar

  • Artic


  • Drumrifle

  • CoilSniper

  • Sniper Rifle

  • Machinegun

  • Nailgun

  • Plasmablaster

  • Grenade launcher

  • Auto Rifle

No loot boxes! No ingame currency!

Read More: Best Character Action Game Shooter Games.

Defense corp - Earth on Steam



I would have been happy with a bad game tbh. This isn’t a bad game, it doesn’t work. 3 out of 4 of the game modes don’t actually do anything. As you can’t click on them, went into an online room bought some friends the game. I don’t know if it was supposed to be a battle royal definitely wasn’t. Maybe it was a hide and seek don’t know didn’t work. Alot of the characters you can choose dont have jump animations so you just get stuck in a canal. Other players glitch into the ground. I don’t like to refund games but, if the only game mode doesn’t work what can you do.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game


They changed the gamefiles again and now it is a strange multiplayer game which is not playable as singleplayer. because of that, i can not say much about the game because no one plays the game. i just show you a small video, so you can see how the game looks.

Gameplay Video:

UPDATE: I did a re-check today and the Unit Z- Battlegrounds assett flip is gone. Now it is the game in the trailer. I played not much because the controls with the mouse are weird, but maybe the game is ok for some players.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

混乱使者 on Steam

Fadeout: Underground

Fadeout: Underground

A Diamond in the Rough

If you long for the days of old classic shooting and movement, Fadeout delivers with great potential for more. The game emphasizes movement and combat with technical skill you hardly find in modern shooters. Movement consists of basic roll-jumping and rocket jumping to more complex wall bounces and surfing with each character having their own mechanics. Weapons and health are collected on the ground emphasizing good map knowledge and rotation skills. It’s a hero shooter with the heart of Quake.

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

The game’s in Early Access, it’s in testing and I’ve even helped playtest it so expect this review to change. Hell, comment on it if I forget to update it when the game’s released. The game is receiving updates regularly, with major improvements to gameplay, updates to maps and graphics.

Fadeout is incredibly fun with full teams. Movement is fun and satisfying; you can dodge-roll, and jumping out of this roll has you keep momentum mid-air allowing all characters to move fairly fast. The weapons feel good to use. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d like the mechanic of picking up weapons off the ground, but part of why it works is each character has enough uniqueness that they remain distinct in spite of the weapons they grab. In fact, a lot of them have weapons so tailored to their style that you will typically want to keep that weapon and pick up extra ones depending on your strategy.

Real player with 169.7 hrs in game

Fadeout: Underground on Steam

Go All Out: Free To Play

Go All Out: Free To Play

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Listen, there is a lot going for this game. It has some serious potential. However, just playing the lite shows how bad this game really is. Immediately when you load the game, you get a boring loading screen and then it just cuts to a generic ui. But at-least with the UI here, you can click something. In the character and stage select screen, I need to use WASD and G And in order to pick a character I need to monover out of the roster and onto the character to press ready. This is really bad design. The roster is pretty lacking. The only character I enjoy the inclusion of is Zorro, but he’s in the public domain, making him not that special. Yandere is also pretty cool, but all these characters have the blandest move sets and it doesn’t help that the attack button is literally right next to the action button, making it super hard to control on a keyboard. The stages look nice, I guess. The only one I have a problem with is the 2D one, because while a game like Smash separated the foreground and background for their flat stages, but this is just an image for a set. The stage transitions are really cool to look at. It’s probably the only exciting part of the game. The animations for the cartoony characters are spot on, but then you look at Cole Black and see his lack of facial expressions or emotion and feel uneasy. Keep working on this, but this is unacceptable for a Steam game. 10 dollars at that. Not even the extra content can save this game.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Go All Out: Free To Play on Steam



whoever says this is P2W can go fuck themselves back to ESO if you want a pay gay game go back to fortnie nobody and NOBODY wants to hear it, in fact this isn’t pay to win It’s GAIN to win have any of you ever heard of somthing called a market? fr the last 3 insults towards this game are redirected towards themselves ALSO if any of you so much as once TRYS to defend ESO, let me put it in terms we both understand, As a completionist and 400 hours invested into ESO i’m pretty sure i have a say in this, it’s a fucking money well “hey if you wan’t ESO you can have it but pay 50 dollars and then a monthly 6 for eso plus " how is that fucking lenient and the crown store doesn’t help in the slightest can i tell you what my fkn wallet looked like after hunting apexes? for real that’s ESO Now hypothetically speaking IF your insults escalate any further as if you’d room to talk heres a tip, now listen closely okay? i want YOU to go to your local pharmacy and pick up something called viagra, and while you’re at it by all means pickup cyanide too, now what you wanna do is first of all down the viagra, secondly wait 5 min and make sure your PEEPEE is high up okay? okay. now after that cup your hands and rub it as fast as possible THEN last step take the cyanide tablet so no one has to see you again. PROBLEM SOLVED!

Real player with 937.5 hrs in game

This in an update to my previous review. In my previous review I did not recommend this game, due to the devs being greedy, since they locked half of the beta classes behind a paywall. They have recently made the game game, they are also currently working on fixing the rebirth system. Since by definition it is currently pay2win. Now we are still waiting to see how easy it will be to earn rebirths for new players and my review will change accordingly (ie If they make them free but they become an impossibly long grind to get a single rebirth).

Real player with 287.1 hrs in game

KurtzPel on Steam