Mori’s Nightmare : Hide and seek

Mori’s Nightmare : Hide and seek

not so good

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game Horror Games.

Mori's Nightmare : Hide and seek on Steam



Clapbomb from the blue line eh bud

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game 3D Fighter Games.

great game

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

MBHL20 on Steam

Beat ‘Em Up

Beat ‘Em Up

Old style beat em up game in story mode. Nice graphics and easy to control. Makes really fun!

Would like to see more characters and not just different clothing. And a 2 Player mode. This one could be cooperative or in an arena.

Until now, a good work.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Character Action Game 3D Fighter Games.

Nice game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Beat 'Em Up on Steam



[the Game is not complete][if you are cocked about single developer developing the game you are in a wrong gamepage]and dont beg for keys. buy the game.

Mechone is a 3D Real time Strategy Game based on Four races. the Pyrolytes, the Semitrytes, the Hydrolytes and the Uncronytes. you have to use platforms to move and traversethe game. you can use and target your units in a strategical placement like chess. its not a management game. its not a diolouge driven game. its not even wa walk and start shooting game. this is a new genre of strategy game.

Strategic Ai

The oppnent of this game is a strategic Ai. there are four cults to choose from. the Enemies strategise their attack and a in a unique way they play against you. You will face a strategical tactical environment in this game. there are upto 3 enemies depending on the level maps. You will be playing against a computer rathar thna a human opponent as it is not a multiplayer game. the Multiplayer is not featured due to overuse of player to player interaction and the lack of building features in the games like most RTS.


The game play of this game is to choose turn based startegical placement of your character. you can do one thing at a time and wait for he opponent to make its move. the game is dependeded on the resources and the battles effect he player ability. you can call in your other corporals in this game though the hub and upto 13 players you can play against a enemy. its not in the number but how you play the game. there are 4 players of this game depending on the map.

You can make allies with two of them and ensure your victory.


the characters of this game are all uniquely designed and you won’t find it on any other game. the game is based on year 0000 and it is unknown what tech it folowes.

But as the game design is it is a super tech highprofile miltary strategical chess game. once you make the move, it is like the turn of fate what happens as a result. so you have to be aware of your moves. the characcters of this game are designed none like beforehand. and there are no refrences. but yes. they are all bugs.

Level Design

The level design of this game is unique in its own way. its a new genre of level design. designing this game i was faced with the trendy designs thatim making a game. rathe it is a graphic design oriented game. You won’t find trees and mud and grass and temples of ancients or a mechanical unit or a machine but MEchone is a game that is about the inside of things the mechanics or the machine within the organic the levels are or platformed and designed as a machine. the levels are adaptive. and non repeating. meaning depending on your moves the gameplay will be diffrent each time you play. so you can play the same level over and over again to enjoy the most of it. it could have been a simple to complicated task base level design to guide you through the story. but im giving you the gest of the gameplay without fussing over a separate intro video to waste time. the story is simple. they have conflict. you play.

The Players

Get to kow the characters. which ones are more effective. they all fucntion the same way but it is upto you to choose your character to play with. do you want oyur first Lt. to do all the job or you want to aid him with maruder.

The Ammos

The ammos of theis games are semi unique meaning they have bullets but as blades and electric charges and power surges. the ammos are not the usuall blow up king kong but they have been thoughfully organised to go with the mechanical theme of the solo miltaray startegy.

Mechone on Steam

Beach Volleyball Competition

Beach Volleyball Competition

Beach volleyball simulator.


  • x2 game modes, 3D or 2.5D isometric projection;

  • easy game play controls;

  • realistic ball physics and speed;

  • several levels, with several music



  • styled characters;

  • internal control for vfx, sfx, music;

  • partner AI character behavior customization;

  • training mode for learning correct action execution;

  • story mode have progress for increasing team skills;

  • versus mode vs bots configured using net orders from other real users teams or teams of story mode;

  • multilingual translation for general settings



3D game mode.

Planned replacement of background stuff to use completely 3d stuff.

2.5D game mode.

Court projection is isometric, that increase playable area.

Easy game play controls.

You need one click per action, on right or left side of playable area, that control game play.

Click on upper screen area show/hide modal menu.

Styled characters.

Available skin color, hair style, clothes, customization inside “PLAYER” menu.

Change at least the color of the skin of the character, not to be confused where you are in the team.

Internal control for vfx, sfx, music.

Visual effects can be turned on/off using “?” menu, that decrease cpu load of slow devices.

Sound effects and music volume, can be controlled using “VOLUME” menu, and using match popup menu.

Partner AI character behavior customization.

AI behavior can be controlled using “PARTNER” menu.

Story mode have progress for increasing team skills.

Next story level unlocked - dope capacity increased.

Versus mode vs bots configured using net orders from other real users teams or teams of story mode.

“VERSUS”- “CREATE NETWORK AI ORDER” , when complete, your team simulation was added on server, and other real users can take order and play versus your bots. Behavior simulate your behavior, less or more.

“VERSUS”- “TAKE NETWORK AI ORDER” , when complete, you can play vs other user team simulation.

That start match vs network AI use “TRAINING”- “USER VS AI”. That observe match of your team simulation vs other user team simulation use “TRAINING”- “AI VS AI”.

Multilingual translation for general settings.

Visual effects setting description inside “?” translated to few languages.

Beach Volleyball Competition on Steam

Cyber Girl

Cyber Girl

I find this ’game’ very graceful. It’s a feast for the eyes. Anyone who enjoys feminine charisma will get their money’s worth here. Dear Developers: Be brave and develop the game further. A few other outfits (a skirt, a dress) would be an enrichment.

Ich finde dieses ‘Game’ sehr anmutig . Es ist ein Augenschmaus. Wer Freude an weiblicher Ausstrahlung hat, der kommt hier auf seine Kosten. Liebe Entwickler: seit mutig und entwickelt das Game weiter. Ein paar andere Outfits (ein Rock, ein Kleid) wären eine Bereicherung.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

video on store shows many abilities that are not in game. remained active as process after closing for weeks. now I can not get it to run after start. waste of money and time. still no improvement.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Cyber Girl on Steam

Rogue Bots

Rogue Bots


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rogue Bots on Steam

Desktop Man

Desktop Man

Im in love with this so fa. made my man dance to meltdown over 6 times now and im feeling a bit bad, lol

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

App is really cute. Hoping that the application gets more traction, especially from mod creators. Also hoping for an update to support monitoring youtube music too.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Desktop Man on Steam

Cyberforge: First Light

Cyberforge: First Light

EDIT 3 DEC 2020:

There was a game update yesterday and it seems like the developer is listening to input from his audience, which is awesome because this game does not need much in the way of mechanics and balance. The enemies are harder, the variety of enemies is greater, you can tell your characters to hold still, and here is a video of gameplay!


In my book, Cyberforge: First Light is a top notch example of what early access should look like. It’s very well polished and, depending on what other levels are added, very close to being 100% complete. The mechanics are smooth, although there needs to be some balancing, and gameplay is fluid with just a couple of bugs (that I found).

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

TLDR: Very good game for early access.

My only real critique is a bug report. At first I thought that more rooms haven’t been designed yet, but I’m on my third run so far and the same room keeps repeating, even though I know different ones exist that I’ve been in before, so there may be a small bug with rooms repeating.

In terms of what the game has to offer its a very good rogue like with good strategy and fun puzzles, and It’s very fun to get good at.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Cyberforge: First Light on Steam

Remnants of the Dawn

Remnants of the Dawn

Remnants of the Dawn is fun but frustrating. It’s functional but unpolished. It delivers action but not without headache. As I can be a bit obsessive and nit picky I’ll try to be summary in my critiques.

  • Character Stat Customization (Decent balance of upgrade ability and still fun in beginning)

  • Weapons That Actually Feel Different (melee and range have multiple types)

  • Functionally Sound (Menus, Saving, Loading, Player Prefs, etc)

  • Level Design (Good mix of maze like passages without overly complicated routes)

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

This is a pretty good first game, an bloody amazing achievement for 2 people in 4 months!

I know there are some things that need fixing, sure some of the voice acting could use work, there are textures that could do with being higher and the AI isn’t super complex but this game is a lotta fun!

I streamed this to my community and they all thought the games was a true testament to the passion and dedication of Developers and incredible achievement to deliver what they have in the time they have done it.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Remnants of the Dawn on Steam