Born Punk

Born Punk

A former combat hacker, a corporate CEO and a malfunctioning android get possessed by mysterious, otherworldly entities and must band together to save themselves and uncover the entities' origins. Talk, puzzle and explore your way through this (often humorous) cyberpunk thriller.

Bornholm. Today, a quaint island in the Baltic Sea. In 2155, a sprawling metropolis able to compete with major world powers. Thanks to the Space Elevator, a technological marvel built by Bornholm’s corporate consortium, The Conglomerate, few nations on the planet are more influential both in industrial matters and space exploration.

In Born Punk, the player slips into the role of three people (well, two people, depending on your stance on artificial lifeforms) living on the island: Eevi, a corporate combat hacker turned bartender down on her luck; Mariposa, the CEO of Bornholm’s biggest corporation; and a malfunctioning android who calls himself Grandmaster Flashdrive.

The three characters have one thing in common: they all, one after another, get possessed by strange entities of unknown origin and even less known intentions. They must work together - and sometimes against each other - to find out of the nature of those beings, what they want, and why they seem to think that their ‘mission’ is of vital importance for the future of humanity.

Key features:

  • A classic point-and-click adventure experience: we’re very proud to feature our own distinct style, but we are also definitely influenced by games like Monkey Island or Beneath a Steel Sky and try to please both veteran afficionados of the genre and newcomers alike with a traditional pixel-art appearance and a streamlined, modern approach to game design

  • Movement everywhere: you won’t feel like you’re walking through a still life painting; Born Punk’s world is alive and full of animation, soundscapes and small details to discover

  • Choices and consequences: often, it’s possible to approach dialogues and puzzles from different angles. As a result, interactions and dialogues with other characters, the difficulty to overcome certain obstacles, and the results of many actions will vary greatly depending on what the player chooses to do

  • Full voice-overs: every character in Born Punk and every line is voiced by professional voice actors. Yes, that includes the cat.

  • Bombastic music: the main theme and various other tracks are composed by Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of Wildstar and choral arranger of World of Warcraft. Jeff is joined by a merry band of synthwave musicians to create a genuine and emotional cyberpunk/sci-fi soundtrack with a Nordic twist

  • Let’s be serious, it’s funny: Born Punk is science-fiction with heavy cyberpunk influences; but we’re also boasting a hopeful, often humorous undertone. Point & click adventures without at least a bit of humour are unthinkable to us!

  • A comprehensive universe: there’s a slew of background info to read and experience, all of which becomes available in your PDA as you interact with the game world. Sometimes, in-game lore will also serve as an optional gameplay mechanic.

Read More: Best Cats Comedy Games.

Born Punk on Steam

Lucid Cycle

Lucid Cycle

As of finishing this game, I have played all of Tonguc Bodur’s games. I love these games and this one just may be my favorite. There is just the right amount of relaxation, using your noodle, and strategy in this one. I can’t wait for the next game. Would love to be a beta tester for future games.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cats Mystery Games.

I’ve been a fan of Tonguç Bodur now for quite a while. I find his slow-paced games relaxing and visually stimulating. His creations are often of an introspective nature, exploring life and the inner self. He is the meditating person’s game developer.

“Lucid Cycle” is described as a series of short dream-like experiences. Exploration with minor puzzle elements. It takes around two hours to play through the game, which saves after every dream scene. Apart from a cat, you share your small apartment with an AI that comments on your dream sessions every morning after you wake up.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Lucid Cycle on Steam



good game, very scary (do not play if you have a weak bladder), good voice acting, also i hold the WR speed run

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cats Psychological Horror Games.

Dr. Milo’s Revenge… what can I say.

Good game.


Favorite game of all time.

Dr. Milo’s Revenge is a low effort troll comedy horror game. The gameplay consists of… finding things, avoiding a slow moving doctor cat thing and running when said doctor cat thing spots you. Revolutionary game mechanics I know.

You start off as a science person who is doing unknown research in a science facility in the middle of a snowy tundra. The power is off and it is up to you to turn on the generators to bring back power to your science facility. One of your fellow researchers “Dr. Milo” is also mysteriously missing. Dr. Milo being a cat doctor hybrid wielding a pipe? like weapon. Milo will try to stop you at each area where a generator is located. By stopping you, I mean, running at you very slowly while making a very loud earrape level sound, that is honestly the best thing about the game, it’s a fucking terrifying sound. When he catches you, Milo smacks you with his pipe. You can take multiple hits from his pipe so it’s not difficult to survive him.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game


Evil Cucumber

Evil Cucumber

Evil Cucumber is a first-person satirical horror movie in which you play the role of a cat. Your task is to face the possessed cucumbers that have haunted your home. Get out of the mansion as soon as possible. Defend yourself with claws, jump over enemies, use your cat’s agility to run away.

Evil Cucumber on Steam

A Rat’s life: the Cat Conspiracy

A Rat’s life: the Cat Conspiracy

Fast First-person Rat Gameplay

Get on your four legs to sprint and travel through a unique world. Use pipes to reach hidden area and find cheese.

Featured in this adventure:

  • Story rich arcs set in a unique world

  • Different stealth challenges

  • Skilled-based drills

  • frantic cat pursuits

  • Trashball against AI (a popular sport among rats)

  • Rat races

  • Exploration and cheese chasing

  • Great cinematics and soundtrack

Story Rich Arcs

Rats live in societies inside walls. Big corporate control the access to the outside world where cheese, the main currency and food can be found by cheese hunters. In order to find out what happened to your missing siblings, you will have to be employed as a cheese hunter to sneak your way to the outside world, far from home. Through this adventure the narrative deals with social themes related to inequality and conspiracies.

Hide from horrifying cats

The outside world is filled with traps and scary looking cats. Use your speed and small size to sneak your way through this mysterious world without getting caught.

More details to come, make sure to wishlist and follow to stay tuned.

A Rat's life: the Cat Conspiracy on Steam

Inspector Waffles

Inspector Waffles

I’ve been following Inspector Waffles over the past 3 years or so and was extremely happy to have the opportunity to help out in beta testing as well as drawing one of the Woolball cards. The demo version covers the (relatively short) first of five chapters and does a good job of getting you interested in the full game.

Personally, I love the colourful pixel art graphics as well as the hand drawn cutscenes and the quality is consistently good throughout the game, also helped by the atmospheric music and good sound effects. The characters have a lot of personality (not just gruff street smart protagonist Waffles and his adorable partner Spotty, but also the geeky Pixel, the shrewd owner of the antiques store to name but a few) and the story goes surprisingly deep with some intriguing twists, quite a few of which I did not see coming (or at least not very far in advance) but which all made sense given the facts of the case.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

Inspector Waffles is the cat’s meow, hitting the sweet spot for fun in point-and-click adventure games.

I love detective stories; I love point-and-click games, and since Inspector Waffles combines those with cat and dog characters, it was a no-brainer to give it a go. Calling back to genre classics like the Monkey Island franchise, the game hits its comedy notes for a fun adventure in a universe I’d be eager to visit again.

Game Universe

Inspector Waffles takes place in a universe populated by anthropomorphic animals, mostly cats and dogs, with common pet names (e.g., Spotty, Snowball). The player mainly takes on the role of the titular character himself, although there are a couple of scenes where the player acts as Waffles’ supervisor, Patches. Waffles as a character may be intended to be an old school cynical noir detective, but the game’s overall tone is one of humor. The game dialogue is replete with puns and jokes, particularly ones poking fun at cat and dog stereotypes, such as that cats love boxes and that cat booze is strong milk. There are also some humorous fourth wall breaks. The idiosyncrasies of point-and-click games are even sometimes written into the universe, such as the hilarious explanation for limited use magnets.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Inspector Waffles on Steam

Marcella Moon: Curse of the Black Cat

Marcella Moon: Curse of the Black Cat

This is certainly the best game in the series so far! It has more gameplay and puzzles than the others. This is the first game to have voice acting, and I think it did well. The story feels a bit more personal than the others, too, since Marcella’s mother and roommate are both present. If you liked the other games in the series, you’ll like this one.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

This was a really cute and enjoyable game! It’s fun to play and quick enough to finish in one afternoon.

The small town setting is very quaint and there’s a nice atmosphere. I really liked the story line. It was well paced and there are some touching emotional elements and (kind of comedic) surprises! The soundtrack especially stood out to me, since it set the mood very well and was very pretty at times. The voice acting quality is also pretty good considering that this is an indie/one person developed game (which is very impressive!).

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Marcella Moon: Curse of the Black Cat on Steam