ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue

ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue

Combat and movement are far too slow for a mouse and keyboard control scheme like this. I understand you can upgrade your equipment and become faster, but that still doesn’t mean anything when both you and your enemies have to come to a complete stop to attack. Honestly, the slow combat and movement feel forced to just to make it more of a grind. I don;t expect a lot of people are going to want to download or buy the full version if the combat is this slow.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cats Hack and Slash Games.

ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue on Steam



You are a cat with magic powers, stranded on a cursed island. Spiteful dogs are lurking in every corner and a fateful evil is about to emerge from the darkness. ZpellCatz is a magical Action RPG set in a colorful fantasy world.

Play it your way

The best way to fight evil? Your way! Choose a combination of hero class and guild class to best match your favored style of combat. Let your cat look the way you want to by picking from a wide selection of colors and garments.

Build your hero

Enjoy a multitude of ways to increase the power of your cat hero. Manage two skill trees, loot items, craft items, enchant items, refine gems, find permanent stat bonuses and more.

Help the townsfolk

The residents of the Greencat Village have lots of problems that need to be solved. Do you prefer rushing through the story by completing main quests only, or do you take the extra mile to gain impactful rewards from optional quests? Your choice.

Read More: Best Cats Hack and Slash Games.

ZpellCatz on Steam

Cat Quest

Cat Quest

Tl;dr, Cat Quest is scrumptiously pawsome. Unless you don’t particularly like cats.

In this sexy kitty dancing…no, wait, wrong game, scratch that. In this furry…aaargh…scratch three. In this bright, colorful, light action RPG you play as an unnamed cat Dragonborn, erm, I mean Dragonblood, the only cat species capable of slaying dragons and saving the world of Felingard from destruction.

Visuals, sounds, music, even the combat sounds are all cute, charming, fuzzy, warm and simply cattastic. All the animations are very fluid, character designs are smooth and imaginative and the overland map is adorable and a joy to traverse. Catnap animation melts the coldest of hearts.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cats Cute Games.

Okay so I wanna take a minute and seriously talk about the mechanics of Cat Quest because the Gentlebros really put together a very sweet and silky setup.

The inventory system is clean and to the point, and I love it. There’s no trash to pick up, just gear. And you’ll never clutter your bag with six different Longswords – you have one longsword, and if you pick up a second, the first one just gets stronger. The same with armour.

You have three slots for gear: head, chest, and weapon. When you sort your inventory by these three slots, the sorting puts the best piece at the very front so you immediately know what gives you the most benefit. This isn’t perfect, though – say you’re more interested in hitting heavy with magic, or you want to build up your armour. You’ll need to peruse and compair for yourself, but the best well-rounded piece is always right at the top of the list.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Cat Quest on Steam

One Gun: Cat

One Gun: Cat

Nice game to relax to,,, a good medium of idol gaming, “cartoony”, with a dash of RPG. Kinda reminds me a little bit of Castle Crashers. Graphics are eye friendly, as I get motion sickness, and have epilepsy, and legally blind. No issues with this game. Just an all around silly game that I’ve gotten a few ppl into, as it really is a fantastic game. One of my go to’s. As a Psychologist, its a great therapy game that promotes natural EMDR. Just put on your headset, play some good tunes, and get lost in it all ^_^ Hoping they turn it into a multi-player option soon. Highly recommended.

Real player with 1000.6 hrs in game

TL;DR: A an amusing, if very flawed and at times quite buggy 2D shooter with reasonably deep upgrade mechanics and loot system. Not worth the full price. Definitely worth it on sale for some mindless entertainment.

One Gun: Cat has simple but but decent 2D shooter mechanics. Character movement and shooting both feel reasonably good. Sometime dodging attacks (especially from bosses) are based more on luck than skill. There’s a fairly deep but not terribly interesting loot system. There’s a fairly large overworld map with dozens of areas that have a massive progression of difficulty. Each map area has a series of bosses with difficulty ratings. The starting boss is difficulty 5. I unlocked a boss at difficulty 100,000 before I gave up on the game.

Real player with 89.2 hrs in game

One Gun: Cat on Steam

Watch Your Helmet

Watch Your Helmet

You still could not even imagine how difficult it is to control a spacesuit with a jet engine in space. Thanks to this game, you will realize how interesting and exciting it is, especially if you need to escape from moving asteroids, dodge moving planets, collect fuel and minerals, and complete a rescue mission.

Test and then improve your spatial awareness and rocket management skills in zero gravity at 45 levels full of minerals, dangerous asteroids, planets and abandoned cats in space that need rescue.

Watch Your Helmet on Steam

Kitty Rainbow

Kitty Rainbow

Kitty Rainbow is the 2D platformer where rainbows are your platforms, weapons and shields.

You play as a rainbow-wielding cat on a mission to spread brightly coloured joy by removing bumble bees, off-beat music, and other unpleasant things. Your rainbows protect you from the bad things that can kill you and also provide you with platforms to walk and jump on.

Cat on a rainbow

Chasing you is the misery ghost who lurks near you at the start of every level. Initially stunned for several seconds the misery ghost wants to keep everything dull, grey and joyless. Spend too long shooting rainbows and jumping on rainbows and the ghost hunts you with increasing ferocity.

Mysterache is your magical feline friend

At the top of every level the Persian cat Mysterache is there to greet you. In his palace he offers you a random choice of three powerful permanent rewards to aid you on your rainbow mission. Touching his face removes all remaining enemies in play with his magic words and vanquishes the misery ghost.

Gems and goodies

To help you there are items to collect that appear when an enemy dies. Collect 7 gems of each rainbow colour and Mysterache automatically grants you another run at a level if you die - very handy since you only start with one life! Collect a powerup and enjoy a temporary freeze of time or witness the power of giant rainbows!

Lots of Levels

  • Many game modes from casual to hardcore, structured to random.

  • Extra weird ??? levels every 7th level.

  • Procedurally generated - but it’s not a roguelike.

  • Levels can be very small to very large where your platforming skill is tested.

  • Can you reach the 49th level?


Enjoy a smooth 60fps game. Yes really.

Kitty Rainbow was built for super smooth platforming.

30fps platformers are the new retro!

Kitty Rainbow has controller support ready and waiting.

Kitty Rainbow on Steam

Hyper Treasure - The Legend of Macaron

Hyper Treasure - The Legend of Macaron

I always appreciate a good game that is different than others, which this was.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Very fun to play through

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Hyper Treasure - The Legend of Macaron on Steam

Tallowmere 2: Curse of the Kittens

Tallowmere 2: Curse of the Kittens

THIS IS THE BEST. GAME. EVER. No hyperbole, no exaggeration, no lie. I would have said that for Developer Chris McFarland’s first Tallowmere, where I have over 1300 hours playing, by far the most of the nearly 2000 Games I own on Steam…but his Tallowmere 2 scratched every itch for a second game I didn’t even realize I itched for. Not only masterful, and a perfect improvement on the Original, IMHO, but you get to a point where you can play reflexively; eliminates stress, pain and any downfall while making for a challenging, exhilarating second outing. Pandemic? Tallowmere 2. Bonkers US Election? Tallowmere 2. Worst Year ever? Best Game ever. I’d gained 200 hours playing the Tallowmere 2 Demo, prior to the long-awaited E.A. Release Dec. 4th…and it STILL feels like new. I suppose it could be worse that the biggest shining, glowing Event of the Year is the release of a Game, rather than some personal accomplishment…but then…this Game really is THAT good! Too bad I couldn’t Nominate THIS game a week prior to its' release. IT’S. REALLY. THAT. GOOD. (UPDATE- NOV 2021- I DID NOMINATE THIS GAME FOR 2021 GAME OF THE YEAR!! So, I DID get my chance to Nominate what I STILL adamantly maintain is the BEST. GAME. EVER.!!!! My play-time since I wrote this review should speak for itself, too :) I hope y’all have found as much enjoyment with Tallowmere 2 as I have :) )

Real player with 283.7 hrs in game

I’ve wrenched myself away from Tallowmere 2: Curse of the Kittens in order to proclaim it a bloody triumph. “Wrenched” is both completely honest & a total lie: I’d’ve played for another three hours straight with nary a pause for any reason – mind-blowing sex included – if I’d not been brutally murdered the second I thought, “I am now an unstoppable god.”

I’m already itching to duel katanas again, so I’ll make this as quick as I am in bed & hopefully return for a more thorough review at a later date. Suffice it (for now) to say that fans of clever quick roguelikes are in for a treat. Fans of beautiful pixel art are also in for a treat. Fans of violence & gore are similarly in for a chunky, oozing treat.

Real player with 112.3 hrs in game

Tallowmere 2: Curse of the Kittens on Steam

Cat Quest II

Cat Quest II

[Disclaimer: This review covers both Cat Quest 1 and 2 as I bought the first game while I received a review-copy from the developers through Save or Quit. You can read the full 4.1K word (20K character) review down below with visual aids and a (soon to be done) video.]

Cat Quest: Back to Where It All Furst Began

With the release of Cat Quest 2, it’s difficult to share the same adoration for its predecessor after having played something that takes everything the previous game did so well, yet simply does the same concept so much better. Thankfully, with the release of the Cat Quest 1 & 2 bundle at a reasonable price, I can happily recommend the original as much as the sequel—but it’s quite clear which game is superior. (Psst, Gentlebros, if you were to recreate Cat Quest in the sequel as DLC with reworked dungeons and the same quests and story, I would happily buy that day one.)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Sometimes you will play a game that catches you completely by surprise. Cat Quest 2 was one of those games for me. Sure I could tell it had nice graphics and art style. I had seen the announcement trailers and stuff. But I never played the first one, so how fun could an RPG Lite with a cat and dog actually be? Well, let me just tell you upfront…Gentlebros has delivered an amazing game that I truly enjoyed from the very moment I picked the controller. Honestly its a Purrfect recipe for success. Let’s look at the story first.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Cat Quest II on Steam

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth

Treasure hunters, Noracam and Macarsha were returning from an exploration of a ruin. Suddenly, a mysterious hole appeared in the air, and they’ve been sucked in !!

Beyond that, they arrived at a mysterious world …… Can Noracam and Macarsha meet again, and go home save and sound?

This is a Point & Click “mystery game”

Only the mouse is needed

When you click on something on the screen, something will happen

Repeat the clicks and find the hidden items and your friend

All actions have an animation. When something is happening, just watch silently

Sometimes there are things that will hurt you. Pay attention to the remaining life

Keep making the best decisions and escape from this weird world

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth on Steam