The Montana Chronicles: Montana’s Croatoa

The Montana Chronicles: Montana’s Croatoa

I’m not normally into these types of games, however, I received the game for free and decided to give it a go.

The music tempo is fairly slow, but matches the “story” feel.

The game is pretty fast paced. It’s kind of like a survival game mixed with a puzzle game. I dig it.

Overall, it’s $1.99 normally, so i’d say it’s pretty legit.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

The Montana Chronicles: Montana's Croatoa on Steam

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory

There’s a serious lack of this kind of experiences on VR. One of the advantages of VR over regular games is that by putting you in the game/experience, you are not simply watching something, you are part of it and it triggers an emotional response you couldn’t have otherwise. I loved the idea of experiencing a WW1 documentary on VR, and I think it works very well… except for one thing:

Dan Carlin was NOT a good choice to narrate this. it’s like he’s trying to sound cool to a bunch of kids. Some of the things he says are just unappropriate. Talking about the dirty environment where battles took place, he says that to the soldiers, it was a strange landscape that looked “like the moon… but weirder”. Seriously? He doesn’t sound like he should narrate historical stuff, he sounds like he should narrate a WWE fight. Personally, his narration is to this documentary what pineapple is to pizza. Everything else works well, it’s a shame.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Gore Games.

If you like Hardcore History, this is an amazing telling. Dan Carlin has an incredible voice and way of wording that makes narration thought provoking, imaginative, and informative. Many narrators tell stories at you, where Dan immerses you. The telling, the quotes, and now the images together are likely the closest you’ll get to that sought after: ‘Is this what I would be thinking, or feeling, if I were there right now?’. Certainly so within the confines of your home.

This takes us one step closer to the ‘being there’, or downloading a memory and reliving someone else’s experience.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory on Steam

Beware of Trains

Beware of Trains

I really like this game. But, the best part of this game is chaos mode. You can use derailment properties, distractions, and explosives. To get a good score on chaos mode, you have to plan the crash out. Will you need explosive barrels? Ramps? Glue? Use your imagination to get a high score. If you get a good score (at least 1,000), nice job. If you didn’t, as the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.“I wish you good luck.

-CSX Nahunta Sub Tales Owner

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Action Games.

Super satisfying, great art style! Picked this up because I love destruction physics :)


  • Challenging levels that really got me thinking (love the market level)

  • Great art style (and really hilarious ragdolls)

  • Gif friendly and slow mo capabilities

  • Chaos mode!!!


Some lag on system

If the devs see this I REALLY REALLY HOPE you guys can include some features including:

  • Ability to rewind and go forward on a slider (it’d be awesome)

  • Destructable buildings and vehicles (visual damage!)

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Beware of Trains on Steam

Commando Fodder: War Dogs

Commando Fodder: War Dogs

This may be Fun for kids!

Real player with 201.7 hrs in game

I enjoyed that you can switch between each of the platoon members. It is a great puzzle/ strategy game. It is good to have think about your next move. I give this game a thumbs up.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Commando Fodder: War Dogs on Steam



This game has a nice aesthetic. The art is simple, but it’s charming and it suits the atmosphere of the game. The English can be a bit hard to figure out in some parts, which sometimes lends itself to the experience, but also makes things much harder in other places.

A lot of the puzzles were… well, I don’t know how you’re meant to actually figure them out. In at least one instance, this is simply due to odd placement of an item (the rust remover). In others, I’m not entirely sure if it’s a case of the answer being lost in translation or what, but I had to watch the guide video to accomplish several of them. Maybe if the English was clearer, the puzzles would make more sense, but I can’t say for sure.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

conNEcT01 on Steam



This is the worst game i’ve ever played in my entire life.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

DesertShootout on Steam

Ignis Avis Venatio

Ignis Avis Venatio

Ignis Avis Venatio includes many genre and is probably best described as supernatural/fantasy/slice of life Visual Novel. I’m honest with you guys, I played it just a few months ago, but I already can’t remember a single thing about the story, only that I felt like falling asleep out of boredom, and I’m sure I even did fall asleep for a few minutes. It’s always a bad sign if something simply fails to be rememberable after such a short time. That only happens with titles that are neither good nor bad enough to be actually remembered in any way. I don’t know about you, but that’s how it works for me, at least. So, if you expect to read a fleshed-out review, I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. I can’t tell you much about the story or characters anymore because I simply can’t recall anything except for the beautiful visuals and the fits of sole boredom that got a hold on me more often than not, but I would like to warn you that you probably won’t get anything out of reading this paper-thin story, except for admiring the gorgeous artwork. This is not a hidden gem, even if it may looks like it at first glance.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

It isn’t much, but I wrote a blog post about this game in formal review format here:

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Ignis Avis Venatio on Steam

Instinct Rush 本能冲撞

Instinct Rush 本能冲撞

10/10 would play 100 more hours.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

This is a fun and quick game. There is not anything special about it. I just enjoy it being simple and avoid stuff.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Instinct Rush 本能冲撞 on Steam



Honestly if this a is a first attempt at making a game it’s really good. It doesn’t look like it has a registered engine so if it was built from the ground up that’s even more impressive.

The premise is simple and the combat is barebones but it starts out in a good city environment where running around becomes the most fun you can have very quickly. This review is more directed at people who have the game but don’t like it. Give it another chance and you can actually challenge yourself. Someone worked hard on this game and it is absolutely possible to have a blast playing it. Once the maps start to open up it does get a little boring because you can shoot the enemies before they can shoot you, but as it tightens up in the last few maps it actually gets exciting and you start dying. The rocket launcher enemies are what make the game for sure, if you think the game is boring or too easy just play to level 13 and beat it. If you get past it first try no problem then alright the game is too easy for you, but that is where the difficulty spikes and it actually becomes a fun indie fps. Use this game to have some quick fun, if you can get it on sale or for free; then play, if you can’t; toss it aside. At the very least it’s good to toss around control amongst some friends or on a twitch stream to have some laughs. There really isn’t much technically wrong with the game, apart from loading times(about 20 seconds a level) that you get used to. I never saw a graphical or AI glitch though so it’s an A+ for effort in my opinion.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Ooo fuck NO! This is no game, it´s some kind a bloatware! I have MSI gaming laptop, but it´s still in slow-mo and all is white…..And black screen after loading save game….And OMG, 6 euros !?!?! Wtf…it’s not worth even 10 cents!

The only positive thing about this game is the “ABOUT THIS GAME” section on Store page xD .. I mean…REALLY!?! xD Is the dev 5 years old?

( By the way, the store page includes false advertising! : you can not load the “game” )

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

NaziShoot on Steam

Oops!!! Puzzles!!!

Oops!!! Puzzles!!!

Well. It isn’t something special just a puzzle.

But the fact that the achievements are broke in this game, sucks.

I feel no love in this game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Oops!!! Puzzles!!! on Steam