

This is a cool game. Mostly a puzzle. You can make things bigger or smaller and move them around to make things happen. Sometimes its easy like making pipes the right size and connecting them. Sometimes its unique, like changing the size of the sun and moon to change seasons or tide levels. The art is cute and the mechanics are fun. Its easy to play but some puzzles may take a while to work out. Each level has three objectives and you can work blind to figure them out, or there is a single picture that gives you a clue if you have that turned on. It was shorter than I liked, but the developers are adding content for free on updates. If you find a turtle on each level there is a secret puzzle, and after you complete all the levels when you go back there are some things that trigger secret puzzles. I bought it half price and it was well worth it. If you really like cool puzzles and have some money to burn full price is probably worth it too.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

Sizeable is a Puzzle/Hidden-Object Game arranged in small dioramas where your goal is to find 3 pillars to move on. The title of the game describes exactly what you have to do for much of the game, by making objects bigger and smaller to solve the on-screen puzzles. The game is currently rather short, but fortunately there are plans for some free content updates.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Sizeable on Steam



The mechanics of this game are so damn good. The simplicity combined with the gravity and multiple clear formations make it both easy to understand and endlessly satisfying to learn and master. Custom color palettes and a plethora of visibility options make Mixolumia very accessible, especially because they can be changed on the fly. That and the high contrast between game modes mean it’s as tryhard or laid-back as the player wants. The base game’s music and sound effects are amazing, but you’re seriously missing out without some fanmade tracks from itch, which are just as quality. Grunge by Lady Saytenn and freefall by LavenderAudio are my top picks. Overall, Mixolumia is my favorite arcade game, block-clearing puzzler, whatever other genres it’s in, and my #3 GOTY 2020.

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Music Games.

This game is a masterpiece. Easy to pick up and easy to play for hours. I waited until it went on sale, but I wish I had bought it sooner. It’s more than worth full price.

The graphics are great. The bloom, fireworks, and sound effects combine to make combos extremely satisfying to pull off. If you don’t like the effects you can turn them off. I had to turn off the screen shake, and I appreciate that the option exists.

I like that Relaxation Mode lets you take as much time as you want to place each piece, it makes it easier to learn the game. Playing Relaxation with the Summer Shower music is calming. The sound feedback as you play is genius and my favorite part of the game.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Mixolumia on Steam

Paint it Back

Paint it Back

If you both know what nonograms are and enjoy them, just stop reading this review and buy the game.

If you’re not familiar with the word, a nonogram is a puzzle similar in spirit to sudoku and other logic puzzles of that sort, except it’s pictographic. You fill in (or cross out) spaces in a pixel grid following a simple set of logic rules, and with that information, you fill in more spaces, etc. If your logic is impeccable every step of the way, you have a picture when you’re done. If not, well, you’ll probably have to start over. :) They’re a lot of fun, and serve as a great way to relax and unwind will still engaging your mind.

Real player with 153.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

Puzzle Lovers delight!

In the past I’ve only tried this type of puzzle on paper in puzzle books, but did not get very far with them because of having to erase mistakes, but there would still be some shading left from where I erased and it got confusing. But with this game I can paint and erase with the flick of a mouse. Much easier.

For those who have never encountered this type of puzzle before I’m gonna quote from wikipedia:

“Nonograms, also known as Hanjie, Picross or Griddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid must be colored or left blank according to numbers at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.”

Real player with 115.1 hrs in game

Paint it Back on Steam

Fossil Corner

Fossil Corner

Decided to pay for this one as I spent countless hours on Overfull Games previous game, “Plant Daddy”.

I do not regret the money I spent! And I am kind of stingy, especially when it comes to entertainment.

If you like breeding, if you like paleontology, if you like puzzles, if you like decorating, if you like making pretty things! I recommend this game. Fun, intuitive, calm or fast paced depending on your own mood, work as slowly or quickly as you like.

Simple controls.

Few bugs, as it is early release, very minor, sometimes fun/funny!

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Super relaxing, super satisfying, super adorable game about completing fossil puzzles and adding them to your ever-expanding fossil collection. It’s the fun kind of addictive!

Initially I was a little hesitant to try it, since in my experience random-generated content tends to be pretty samey, and I wasn’t sure if generated puzzles was something that could even be pulled off. I was pleasantly proved quite wrong, though - the puzzles usually aren’t major brainteasers, but they are enough to keep your attention, and at the end you get to add a new item to your collection to display, which gives the game this well-built, satisfying feedback loop; doing chill puzzles, earning money and fossils, spending money to decorate your room and put more of your cute little fossils on display. Something I especially like is how the game takes something that actual paleontologists do - sort fossils by minimum changes each generation to find their evolutionary paths - and turns it into a puzzle game! A few seemingly simple mechanics make for a surprisingly fun and engrossing game. I’m very excited to see the content updates the developer is adding soon, too. :

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Fossil Corner on Steam

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic

While the puzzles have some very good underlying logic the delivery as a game leaves a fair bit to desire.

The game crashes withing about 15 seconds of minimizing it for me.

There are a lot of quality of life parts of the puzzles that could be improved. Other puzzle games I have enjoyed reduce the menial manual interactions by having an option to auto-solve things tha have only one possibility left. That would help immensely.

Painting regions could be improved immensely by not having to click on the color after every cell is painted.

Real player with 860.1 hrs in game

I’m normally not one to write a recommendation for a particular game in my library; my tastes are quite diverse and everyone else’s tastes are different. However, Square Logic is a unique game with a unique place in my gaming heart. It is a puzzle game in its purest form: no animated characters, no falling objects, no globs of goo, no skeletons in the closet, and no laws of physics… but most definitely rules of math. If you don’t know how to add, subtract, multiply or divide, you will have trouble with this game. (If you can’t count to 9, you’ll have even more trouble, but for that you can watch Sesame Street.) Square Logic is a perfect game to give your brain a daily dose of exercise, a mental twice-around-the-block if you will. Some people will argue such a workout will help you think better in all aspects of your life. To me, it’s just fun.

Real player with 667.2 hrs in game

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic on Steam

Hexcells Infinite

Hexcells Infinite

The Hexcells series (Hexcells, Hexcells Plus and now Hexcells Infinite) has been an incremental polishing of a strong concept. The game base mechanics feel like a mix between Sudoku and the old Microsoft Minesweeper.

One difference should be pointed out, though: Sometimes in Minesweeper, you would end up having to guess, because with the information available to you, there were more than one possible solution. Not so in Hexcells. There’s always enough info to get you one step further. You just have to be able to process the information properly. Don’t get me wrong - there are times when I’ve been completely stuck. Some of the later pre-made levels are monstrously tough to do flawlessly. The fact that you know it’s all down to you and your abilities though, makes it more of a challenge and less frustrating.

Real player with 558.9 hrs in game

After 20 (oops, 100 now) hours of gameplay, I have completed the game, made more than 5 levels in the level editor, and won +100 randomly generated levels, and perfected every single level (the other hours are there because someone else is playing on slot 2), all I can say: this game is one of the best puzzle games i’ve played.

Remember when you thought that Hexcells Plus was hard? Ha, Hexcells Infinite just laughs at that.

The puzzles are so well made and most of the time you’ll stare at your screen for a good 10 minutes until you see what you have to do for the next step, and often it turns out to be the most simple thing, the game hides its clues very well in the least obvious way possible, so I really recommend playing the first two games before this one to get you ready, but before you do that, i’ll let you know, that no matter what, there is no need to guess in all of the Hexcells games at all, so try to think twice before you make your next move!

Real player with 263.0 hrs in game

Hexcells Infinite on Steam



While a lot of puzzle games consist of moving parts to get something to someplace else in particular, Naboki is a disassembling game. You have to take three-dimensional puzzles apart.

A fresh idea, lots of levels, a quite nice variety of mechanics and somewhat surprisingly high difficulty make this game not only exceptionally cheap, but also give it exceptionally good value.

If you have played any of the other games of the developer, you’re going to love this as well. These series are a lot better than the likes of ZUP, gameplay wise.

Real player with 410.2 hrs in game

The Relent Composition is a fractional lock puzzle or puzzle box appearing in the game Naboki by Maciej Targoni. This lock puzzle is a mystical/mechanical device that acts as a door—or a key to a door—to another dimension or plane of existence. The solution of the puzzle creates a bridge through which beings may travel in either direction across this “Schism”. The inhabitants of these other realms may seem angelic to humans. An ongoing debate with the game is whether the realm accessed by the Relent Composition is intended to be the Christian version of Heaven, or some other dimension of endless pleasure and comfort.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

NABOKI on Steam



Great visual puzzles.

And not only visual.

Admirably crafted, Moncage really makes you think inside the box, and is challenging enough that I had to take a couple of breaks to figure out solutions.

Some reviewers might confuse you by claiming, in the same sentence, that the game is too short and that they used the hint system.

Unsurprisingly, if you solve all puzzles by yourself, i.e., if you play the game, the playing time doubles.

The only missing feature is a post-game chapter selector.

It would let us hunt for our missed secrets without the need to replay the entire game.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Masterfully crafted puzzle game that takes place on five sides of a cube as you piece together the story through interconnecting scenes. Moncage is a relaxing perspective-based puzzle game with pleasant visuals, touching story told without words, and relaxing soundtrack. There is an alternate ending that requires players to find all hidden photos and replay the story a second time while keeping an eye out for ways “to think outside the cube”. About 2 to 5 hours to complete depending on how often you use the hint system or unlocking achievements. A must try for puzzle enthusiast [10/10]

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Moncage on Steam



Hexcells could be considered a spiritual successor to the classic game Minesweeper. Your goal is to determine which of the hexagonal cells on each grid should be marked blue, and which should be eliminated from the game, using the various clues given to you for each puzzle.

Unlike that classic, however, there is always a way to logically determine how to solve the puzzles in Hexcells without making a mistake. This sets it apart from games which use trial and error as a mechanic; while there is nothing wrong with trial and error, it’s nice to see game that is designed thoughtfully enough to allow each level to be solved the first time without making a mistake for the observant.

Real player with 109.9 hrs in game

Hexcells is a complicated puzzle game presented with minimalist aesthetics that will have you absorbed for hours.

Much like its predecessor Minesweeper, Hexcells is very much a game about the relationships between objects when placed upon a grid. These relationships are defined by sets of numbers, whether it’s the quantity in the line, the numbers surrounding one position or even numbers occurring in consecutive positions or with gaps between. As the player, its up to you to deduce the correct layout of the entire grid using the contextual clues you uncover as you progress and attempt not to make any mistakes.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Hexcells on Steam

Peggle Deluxe

Peggle Deluxe

Dear Peggle,

We had been friends for quite a long time before i got to know you really well. We grew up together, we played xbox together. It was fun! But when we started to race that’s when things got serious. You have made me laugh, you have made me cry. Sometimes I wanted to punch you in the head, but I could never do that to you, you were always so nice and fair to me. Even after one-hundred (100) HOURS of playing peggle, I have realized that there is nothing else in this life that is more important than this game. Peggle, without you, I am nothing. I am so thankful you came into my life and I hope that we never have to part ways.

Real player with 228.3 hrs in game

highly recommend. every gamer should play.

EDIT: I have now 100% completed this game, finished a couple of months ago. The story line that goes through the period of time in your life while playing this for the 100% kind of becomes the peggle story line, somehow. I saw myself getting over life hurdles the day after peggle hurdles, not sure how they do that, but when I completed the game, I was suddenly done with school- minus a few ceremonies and tests.

The mechanics of this game are beyond good, the physics simulation lets you make the coolest shots with just basic knowledge of geometry, such as the tangent line approximation formula and implicit differentiation, and makes you feel extremely good when you hit a really good opener that clears half the board in one turn.

Real player with 192.4 hrs in game

Peggle Deluxe on Steam