Easy to play, easy to get a hang of.


In this game, you are a plane shooting and dodging planes, bugs, and other wierd things. Random power-up items drop and they do different things. For example, one can make you shoot three bullets at a time instead of 1, or another power up can speed you up.

The bosses are pretty easy to defeat, since you dont really need to “kill it”, you just shoot it a few times and it will fly away (at least what I’ve seen so far).

The controls are easy, you just move your mouse to move your plane and mouse1 to shoot.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

SAMOLITOLOK… SIMILOTIKOK… SALITOLILOL… SUKALO… whatever the hell this thing is called, is a plane fly-y, shoot-y, weave-y, meme-y game that’s out for you to play on your computer machine contraption right now. Use the mouse to control a silhouetted plane as it flies upwards, while trying your best to either shoot or avoid various other silhouetted shapes moving downwards. Hit a certain amount to reach a boss, shoot it, move on to a different “stage”/background colour with different shapes coming at you, and don’t crash into anything or you’ll reset to the start. Do this over a small handful of stages, unlock all the achievements, have the game automatically shut down on you, move on with your life.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game


Save Jesus

Save Jesus

4k graphics, blown away by the sound quality, the voice acting is superb. personally, one of my favorite quotes is “ya think yu can stop me? look it, ah gawt a tahme macheen!” very intricate and thought-out dialogue is one of this game’s strongest points. in addition, the plot and lore of save jesus is so complex and designed so well that its almost like you are actually there in the game saving jesus! it is an experience similar to that of smoking weed, while dying and going to heaven but learning that jesus is in trouble so you save him and then wake up wondering… “what did i eat for dinner last night?” you look over to jesus in your bed and he stares back at you and then you wake up again to find that your entire existence was actually a dream in itself. anyway, every game has its downsides as well. save jesus is no exception. one of the worst parts about this game is the lack of an easy mode, as the difficulty rivals that of dark souls. another issue is the demanding system requirements. my macintosh computer at school has trouble running this game. constant crashes and it struggles to get even 10 fps. no problems on my coughcoughsuperiorcoughcough pc though. the game is magnificent, and the sheer quality is reflected in every possible aspect. the system requirements can easily be justified for such a masterpiece. in conclusion, save jesus is a fantastic AAA title that i recommend to any fans of the popular book series “the holy bible,” based on this very game. hope this review helps!

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Memes Games.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Real player with 163.9 hrs in game

Save Jesus on Steam



This game is worth the price of entry, and I have played it more than I have expected to.

It is simple (maybe excedingly simple) and some of the elements look a little rough around the edges. Specifically, the shading on the ball is a little too powerpoint gradient for me at times and the logo doesn’t play well with the games main font. These are tiny nitpicks sure, but for a game where there is not a lot going on, these extremely tiny flaws become much bigger.

But in the simplicity of the game is also where the fun is found. the main loop for this game is you try and get through a course with a specific amount of rooms. For example, level 20 has 20 rooms, etc. As you travel through the course, the room counter goes down, until it hits one and you see the level exit. The room count down is what makes the game exciting. There is not a lot of tension at the start of the course or halfway, but once that number is below the half, the tension builds, and that’s where it gets exciting as you make a dash to complete the level.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

A game as basic and unforgiving as this one has to do the few things it does very well. Unfortunately this is not the case here. Sometimes a level is generated in a way where after changing directions the wall is created behind your ball. That leaves you no chance of winning, which is infuriating to say the least and the reason why I can not recommend this game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Miniballist on Steam

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

So I have the belief that i’m a man of good taste when it comes down to vido gaymes And I can tell you right now that this game is a MASTER PEICE! 76 HOURS OF CLICKING 3 POORLY DRAWN ICONS IS THE EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAMING I mean just look at WoW… The Innovation is Insane I have never nor has anyone else ever played or heard of rock paper scissors and to top it all off THREE EXTREMLEY LIKEABLE WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS SUCH AS Rocky, A man with big ambitions trains hard to win a very important boxing mat- Wait a moment. I think. No. Ahem Rocky is.. Rocky almost looks like a rock! If you just imagine it to a very certain degree and maybe even flip it 90 Degrees clockwise? Anyway the next character Ripley! She’s a c u n t. Who else, Hmm that’s it. You can trust me I have Over 70 hours in this game. Anyway 10/51 Reccomended that you wear a tinfoil hat and something that can protect your dignity and/or soul. Enjoy Hell~ Riley.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t write reviews, but this game was such a hunk of sh*t that I just had to…

I got it for the achievements, and it became a rage-inducing, random waste of time. The “battles” are completely random and for some reason, you usually lose. On multiple occasions I’ve been about to win and then lose 5-6 in a row to lose the match. The game is short, thankfully, but the fact that you have to beat it twice is honestly stupid. The randomness is dumb and there should be at least some sort of algorithm so you don’t waste too much time. Moving on past that, the “combos” are pointless and don’t help at all - plus there’s no tutorial to show how to properly utilize the combos. Then on top of the gameplay you have to deal with the cancerous, 2001 Microsoft Paint looking graphics which is just… bad.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rock Paper Scissors Champion on Steam

Cube XL

Cube XL


Real player with 223.1 hrs in game

Terrible asset flip

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Cube XL on Steam

Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner

At first glance, this game may seem as if it was made by a child. The icon seems a bit abstract, but when you look closer, you’ll understand all the hidden meanings behind this game. What they are? That’s for you to find out. I can’t ruin this surprise for any one of you. But now, I must tell you the story; one of the absolute power this game actually contains. Some say that words can’t affect you, but these words can. My daughter once had cancer. Every breath, every step, every motion was painful for her, but she still clung on to life. She was determined to beat her cancer and live on, sitting in the flower forests that she always loved to visit whenever she played with her fidget spinner. Gosh, she loved those flowers. Even now I tear up when thinking about her. I remember the day she was told that she had a year left to live. She was shocked; she thought that her fighting was enough, but it seems that it wasn’t. The cancer was too strong. However, through it all, she still prevailed, and so did her love for the simplicity of a small hand held toy, basic but passes time in a unique way. Coming across this game was a large surprise to myself, saying that I have not heard of this artistically crafted video game beforehand. But, after buying this masterpiece, I feel ashamed for not holding the passionate story line like The last of us in my possession before this point. Never before in my life have I played such diligent and thoughtful storytelling spilled out upon these pixels.The cover of this game is a beautifully hand drawn masterpiece. It is a mind baffling precursor to the extreme design of such a game. I will tell you why. After you play this game, you experience your body being cleansed from head to toe. this is only the beginning. Your sadness will go into the yawning abyss, and an extreme amount of happiness will wash over you like a wave. This game is exquisitely well coded. I look back on our many memories from back then and cry. On that last, fateful day, I held her hand close. I held it tight. Her mother couldn’t be with her, but she’s alright with just me. She left us a while ago. I can’t blame her for it; our living situation is terrible. I couldn’t stand to see her in a situation like this, and I suppose that she couldn’t stand being in it. I remember her asking me to play this game with her, with a great big smile on her face. Her grin went from ear to ear; something I barely saw anymore. I do remember tearing up. But her heart rate was slowing down. I had played it before she left me. Each level, each spinner, each breath I took gave her a smile. I remember her always wanting to play this but never getting the chance to, so I got it for her. She closed her eyes with a smile after I unlock the final spinner and closed the closed the game. A final beep, then nothing. But her heart rate decided to come back. I practically jumped out of my seat; I was surprised. I alerted the doctors right away. Was it this game? Was it this game that had brought her back? Fast forwarding to now; my daughter’s in college. She has left fidget spinner behind, but still visits it from time to time. This is her favorite game. Thank you, dear developer, for putting such care and effort into this wonderful game. I hope it continues to spread its blessings throughout time, lovingly teaching kids about the joys of a toy. I hope this game gets to those in need, and I hope the meaning behind the story will inspire them as well. And again, thank you. 3

Real player with 4003.7 hrs in game

Ok how do I even start this review. Ok so im a EPIC DESPACITO GAMER and I gotta say after playing 24+ hours of this game I acheived true immortality. This game has completely set a new standard on how future games should look and feel. Comparing this to Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto V should not even be a discussion. This game is far superior than all of these other AAA games that are currently being released. This game is far tooooo under priced for a game on this level.

This game features revolutionary game mechanics. The atmosphere is incredibly deep to the point where it ACTUALLY makes you feel like batman. The music in this game is also top notch and I cant wait for a soundtrack to be released for this masterpeice. Another thing that makes this such a perfect game is that the graphics surpass that of Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, ETC.

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner on Steam

GabeN: The Final Decision

GabeN: The Final Decision


GabeN has finally finished and is about to launch, the long anticipated release of Half-Life 3, Portal 3 and Team Fortress 3. All for the big Triple Steam Summer Sale of the Century but all of a sudden his computer gets sabotaged and all traces of “The Big 3” are lost. Join GabeN and Mike on their quest to investigate who is responsible for this. Is it the Illuminati that are behind this and trying to destroy Valve? Gladdos, The Administrator, Wallace Breen, Hihilanth and Gordon are characters from HL2, Portal 2 and TF2.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game


-It’s short. 2-3 hours, tops.

-The writing is silly, and you encounter some cameos that are kinda entertaining.


-Only 2 ‘pros’

-Boring level layouts

-Boring enemies

-“Bash Enter to Win” gameplay.

-NO DIFFICULTY CURVE–until the very last boss, when it suddenly skyrockets and makes you pay attention for some reason. Why not this for the whole game?

-Pointless weapons

-Pointless items

-Too much money

-Generally, just balanced really poorly.

-Broken Achievements (I did nearly everything in the entire game as far as I know…but somehow only the final 4 achievements unlocked? How is it the game recognizes I beat the entire game, but didn’t recognize that I started it to begin with? You’re literally supposed to get a trophy for just starting it! I didn’t, though. But I got them for defeating the bosses? Pretty weak…)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

GabeN: The Final Decision on Steam

MesetaMiner (CodeName)

MesetaMiner (CodeName)

If you had a million dollars would the world be yours? Or what if you have a hundred million? Or what about a Billion? This is old fools power. This will not give you complete power over the world. The goal is not to make a lot of money - the goal is to get control of the money. CREATE THE MONEY and give it value. Play the game like the Federal Reserve and Artist.

Have you always dreamed of achieving international influence and making infinite money? Now you can achieve the dream of billions and earn influence, wealth and respect. Earn your billions during the crypto era.

MesetaMiner(codename) is an crypto simulator in which you can become the most successful “Business Man/Woman” in the world.

Create and buy new technologies, expand production, fund wars for profit, buy and build real estate.

MesetaMiner(codename) Features:

  • thought provoking questions

  • detailed constant changing economy

  • the elaborated logic of changing relations between business and security

  • the possibility of organizing the production of millions, billions, trillions of crypto currency

  • investments, giving out loans and development of real-estate

  • a dynamically changing exchange for trading/business

MesetaMiner (CodeName) on Steam

SCP-970 The Recursive Room

SCP-970 The Recursive Room

This game will interact you in SCP-970 EXP. PROTOCOLS and not only in it…

Explore the endless room and try to understand what’s going on in the Recursive Room of SCP-970-1

This puzzle and detictive game will plunge you headlong into the story of SCP-970 story and riddles.

As a class-D personal try to understand what’s going in The Recursive room and try to escape from this endless dimension

SCP - 970 is a game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community.

The SCP Foundation is a non-governmental organization with a high reign of the prosperity of humanity — while remaining in total secrecy. They were once dedicated to containing and researching anomalous entities of our world, protecting humanity under a shade of moral grey.

The directive of the SCP Foundation made a complete shift upon the discovery of a foreign entity that has infected every human’s psyche. The O5 Council, the leaders of the SCP Foundation, initiated a directive to exterminate the human race in an attempt to stop the nefarious entity from reaching its true potential, undertaking the belief that doing so would be a mercy.

Additional SCP-970 The Reursive Room features include:

Original SCP-970 interractive story

Puzzle levels

The Author’s endings

Original SCP-970 document excerpt:

SCP-970 is a spatial phenomenon wherein a collection of rooms are looped on themselves. In all cases found, this is by means of a series of doors appearing in the walls, all in a straight line, such that it is possible to walk forwards and end up at the starting position. The alteration to the rooms does not affect neighbouring rooms and floors. There is as of yet no known explanation for the appearance of this phenomenon.

SCP-970-01 is a cell-block within Sector 19, and the first example of the SCP-970 phenomenon encountered by the Foundation. It was constructed with the intent of housing class-D personnel, and fulfilled that purpose until ██/██/████, when several D-classes breached containment in an escape attempt. The investigation into the incident led to the discovery that a series of doors had appeared in the cell-block, leading into rooms on the opposite side of the corridor. It was quickly established that the layout of the building did not support this addition, and that the rooms were following a non-standard geometry.

SCP-970 The Recursive Room on Steam

Uriel’s Chasm

Uriel’s Chasm

(The description for this game flat out lies. There’s no metaphysics here, and VERY little “rich context” that in NO WAY can be investigated.)

I greatly enjoyed this game, but I would not reccomend it to most people. You have to have a very specific taste in these kinds of psychedelic games in order to appreciate it. Oh, and it takes 15-30 minutes to complete the game.

Uriel’s Chasm is a very complex enigma. First off, I would like to say that there is no “Shovelware Queens” as the description would have you beleive. I wanted to see their playthrough, so I googled it and searched for around 4 hours, and literally nothing even mentioning them popped up. This game is not based off an unliscened bible game, this is a game entirely handmade, not a revamp of a game from the 90’s.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

I bought this game just to see how bad it was. I mean, ‘overwhelmingly negative’ is not a rating I see very often. Here are my thoughts.

Here’s what you’re getting into if you play it:

  • A dystopian space voyage through vaguely H.R. Giger-themed terrain.

  • A loop of 80’s synth that will quickly begin to rot your soul.

  • Neon-colored, hard to read text with very amateurish voice acting.

  • A story of a nun on a mission to uncover the reason behind a galactic monastery’s disappearance.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Uriel's Chasm on Steam