

Nice little Game.

Fun to play. Good for short sessions, when you don’t know what else to do.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Action Games.

After playing this, I just want to put on a Member’s Only jacket and go to Flynn’s Arcade.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

ClusterDisaster on Steam

Freelancer Life Simulator

Freelancer Life Simulator

Even though this game has the potential to become quite fun to play its is way to buggy.

If your car gets stuck there is no way to get it to not be stuck. Items disappear after loading your game save.

Shops will be empty sometimes. On the computer when you have a company and are trying to make a project the GUI is messed up, You can’t manage your employees. Controls are very clunky and weird.

Very buggy game do not buy.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Simulation Games.

to much bugs in this game i hope develop can fix this game ASAP thanks man


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Freelancer Life Simulator on Steam



play and improve your typing skill. I went from 50wpm to 70wpm since buying it.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Sports Games.

I just want to press a lot of buttons.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Typed82 on Steam

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue

Lots of potential, but for now, seems quite repetitive. Also, the way it works with the Hunger bar is so annoying, especially because the shop is a few miles away. Even by car it takes a while but, guess what? Some guy that you own money to takes your car, so it’s even more frustrating.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

pull up the programming socks and enjoy

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue on Steam

Passcode Breaker: The Day Before

Passcode Breaker: The Day Before

Literally just guessing random patterns. There is almost no story.

Not worth it even if it was free.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Passcode Breaker: The Day Before on Steam

The Help Desk

The Help Desk

My play through here:


I’m only recommending this game, because I think there is a group of people that will enjoy this game. I did not enjoy this game there’s ZERO percent chance you can outplay everything you’re forced to take mandatory hits and depending on the AI’s erratic behavior if you do try to actually out maneuver your co workers because they’re camping a spot you’re going to run out of time. I’m such a nice guy though I’ll explain some things that aren’t explained in the control scheme it gives you so you don’t have to get gaped trying to figure it out there’s some neat intricacies. For CONFIG you need absolutely nothing swaps you need one computer you can only carry one. 5 discs= 1 life so this is where the game is playable and gives you a chance to win this is a life management/calculated hit type game. This is not a stealth game it’s not a skill game, it’s a strategy game and requires a pretty good amount of RNG. The enemies CAN HIT YOU MULTIPLE TIMES there’s no I frames if there’s 5 enemies sitting in a cramped hallway BETTER believe you’re taking 5 damage. There’s not enough space to outplay shit a lot of the time. I like games where If i play it well enough I can win and not take damage this game you can understand what to do do it and get gaped by the AI the AI I’m not sure if it’s smart or the fact it easily gets trapped in small areas, but they camp it and with your hit box in a 2 square room you’re not dodging. So it’s a NO for me, but if you want a really hard strategy risk management game this is for you. I also love the concept of being an IT worker being frustrated by dum dums.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Help Desk on Steam

CyberRebeat -The Fifth Domain of Warfare-

CyberRebeat -The Fifth Domain of Warfare-

I’m a huge enthusiast for the cyperpunk genre, and a premise this unique at $5 was hard to pass up. I definitely enjoyed my time with CyberRebeat and would recommend it to anyone who find its premise or subject matter interesting, especially if you find it on sale like I did. However, it’s also important to note that, as a VN itself, its production quality is considerably underwhelming (though it thankfully did not deter my enjoyment as much as it may others).

Let’s start with the good though: The story is lengthy and very engaging. I found myself hooked from beginning to end and wanting more after the credits rolled. The characters and their designs are also a plus: I felt the characters were very well-rounded, not pulling too much (or too little) from their personality traits or backstories to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Background art doesn’t wow much but gets the job done and, similarly, the BGM is also enjoyable despite a relatively short track list (an OST release would be a nice bonus).

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Video review (including score):

The rundown:


  • Good character designs

  • Language-switching feature


  • Barebones settings menu

  • Lack of keyboard controls

  • Text issues

This visual novel is a rather odd release. On one hand, it is a VN about hackers and the world they live in, a concept rarely touched on in VNs. On the other, it is a freeware title that is still available to download on the developer’s website, although without the English translation. The game may have some good art, but it definitely shows signs of being a freeware title, and not in a good way.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

CyberRebeat -The Fifth Domain of Warfare- on Steam



Redirect, reflect, and split your signal to reach the target in well over 100 levels, plus an ever-expanding collection of user-created challenges, all while enjoying a rich, unique soundtrack.


Craft your own level packs in the fully featured, Workshop-integrated level editor!




i think the most positive thing i can say about this game is that i don’t have to play it anymore. ever. if you wanted to build a prison where you’d want to exclusively punish hackers for their crimes, i would put this game there and make them play it for an hour every day for like…a day…because honestly…anything more would be against the geneva convention..if you had to complete this game before you could receive bitcoin cybercrime would end tomorrow..

i wonder what dan, the credited developer of this game, was thinking when he built this. honestly, i was thinking about the various boring sequences and what it would be like to “test” this game..did he have some “speed” mode? did he maybe write a whole scripted subsystem that dynamically generates this game so he doesn’t have to actually run it ever?

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

This game does not give an accurate picture of the skills that are required to hack.

I myself am a Hacker, and not once did I see a Ping, DDOS or Kracker accuratly carry out an attack.

Hacking can be broken down in to three catigories;

Black Hat Hackers

Grey Hat Hackers (me)

White Hat Hacker

Black Hat Hackers hack in to computer systems for illegal purposes, aka, to steal money.

Grey Hat Hackers are freelance, we hack in to websites to expose security threats, and report them to the website administrator. We also offer to help resolve security threats that we find.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

HACK_IT on Steam



The idea is cool but the game was poorly made, weird controls, almost no explanations, you can get stuck on a single mission because they expect you to do something that you didn’t know was possible.

Do yourself a favor, if you want a this type of “hacking” game, get hacknet or uplink, they are much better games.

I am honestly disappointed in myself for buying this, I also spent 2 fucking hours trying to figure out how everything works so now I cannot get a refund.

! The game also has a lot of bugs, of course.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

I really like this game it is one of the better hacking games on steam at the moment, the story line is really good i will be trying to complete the game soon after playing, on another plus side the dev is really nice and very responsive to any changes you might suggest and to fix any bugs you might find. you got to give this game a go i would give it a big 8/10, a must buy for anybody into hacking games like myself, and even if your not give it a go you might be surprised.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Hacker.exe on Steam