The Descendant

The Descendant

The Descendant is a futuristic point ’n click video story and somehow an adventure game. As a matter of fact The Descendant is more of an interactive movie.

General informations about the thumb down:

The Descendant is one of those games that would require a neutral mark. Sadly I reckon that the down sides outnumber the positive aspects of this alleged adventure game.

One should pay more attention to the story-rich tag, which often means not much of a real gameplay and lack of challenge.

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Point & Click Games.

If you liked the review and interested in completion and perfection time of games with additional useful information (for example: how difficult to get all achievements, is MP or DLC required and so on) or interested in reviews like this, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator.

I completed the game and earned all achievements in the game. I believe, that I experienced all the content and so I can share my experiences about this game.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

The Descendant on Steam



I really love this game’s art and music~❤❤❤. But this game is a little bit hard for me, maybe I should practice it in full day.😂😂 If you guys like rhythm game or anime, give it a try! You won’t be disappointed!

Real player with 96.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

it really feels like this game just got cut off? like there’s supposed to be a LOT more to it, but it just doesn’t exist. the achievements are glitchy and the timing for some notes is really awful…

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

SpaceTone on Steam



And finally, number three in the WEE series. The story here is another four years on from the previous episode (why four again? They seem to like the number four). This time, we are playing financial lecture with romantic subplot. Hal makes a big bet, wins big, things turn to crap and he chases after the girl he loves and we get a nice, happy, romantic ending. But, they really went full on this time with explaining how things work and even give definitions for some of the terms used. Why they didn’t do that from episode one, I will never know. On top of that, they even give diagrams to show how some things work. Diagrams that simplify or break down how some of these investments work. Diagrams. DIAGRAMS. To me, putting diagrams in was wholly unnecessary because reading this you need at least a basic understanding of how these things work and because this is number three in the series, and you have almost certainly read one and two, I feel like everyone reading this has that.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

World End Economica. An epic tale about greed, dreams, and moon stocks. Set four years after the second game this story concludes the series in one hell of beautiful finale.

First off, if you’re here to check out whether or not this trilogy is worth getting, YES. ABSOLUTELY. This series is great with each installment being an improvement over the previous which were already good and great games, respectively, in their own right. Be warned though, there’s a lot of economics terminology that may fly over your head, but even if you don’t understand a lot of the terms the underlying story is always easy enough to follow that it shouldn’t be a real issue. In fact, it may even interest you. At the very least you’re bound to learn something about stocks and the economy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03 on Steam



World End Economica 2. Even though my recommendation wasn’t exactly glowing for the previous one, I would definitely recommend this one if you made it through the first. In my honest opinion, it was definitely better than the first.

The story this time around is four years on from the end of WEE episode 1 and is still economics based but the plots shift a bit. He is no longer making money for the sake of some ludicrous dream. In fact, he is no longer making much money at all. He and some Swiss (?) noble attempt to fight the corrupt giants of the financial world and a romantic sub-plot creeps in. He is stuck in a love polygon between several girls (yes this is a visual novel) but, this being WEE you do not get a choice in the matter. Fighting for justice is not simple and Haru (this translation team changed his name from Hal) must learn this while walking the razor’s edge and not lose sight of what really matters.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Took five hours to burn through the entire thing in one shot.

If your think 13 bucks is worth five hours of reading, then buy this. ‘Cause it’s amazing. The game is full of references to the first game though, so if you haven’t played or read that, you’re probably going to be pretty lost for the first hour or so, upon which the information is reiterated so many times that you can probably piece together even if you didn’t know that yes, there was a WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.1 even though this is episode.2. Really, if you’ve played one, then you might find the constant reminders irritating. I sure did after, what, the twentieth time?

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02 on Steam

National Park Girls

National Park Girls

From my review on follow for more news, reviews, and media around LGBTQ+ women media

Studio Coattails delivers cute girls, the beautify of the American outdoors, and a distinct whiff of homosexuality in their new visual novel National Park Girls. First things first, this is NOT A ROMANCE, while there are definitely hints of yuri, that is not the focus of the game, so, if you are seeking high-octane lesbianism, look elsewhere. That being said, variety is the spice of life, so I jumped when I had the opportunity to play the first episode.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

~Minor spoilers~

Also me am big sad that it’s not big gay cuz i wan (female) national park to give (female) hooman de smooch. (I has humanoid BIIIIIG obsession)

Watched episode 1 and already knew this would be an outstanding novel. It has a similar taste to Highway Blossoms but has a different texture. Overall the characters are great and the names of a select few are laughable. Noticed a few typos in there but with that aside, I can see the game causing me to shed a few tears in the end. I’m 14 and my favorite character just so happens to be Yellowstone. She’s quite relatable when it comes to working and getting thrown around the house but her slang speech can sometimes get a little bit annoying. Yosemite’s character model is outstanding from the rest and her defensive personality made me chuckle a few times but under that she’s a sweet character and will open up to those kind to her. Zion is incredibly adorable, innocent, and fearful of any threats. Every way I look at her, I just can’t find any cons. Eve is a complex character who tries protecting the parks but ends up fighting people for supposedly not caring about their jobs. I find her violence to be kind of adorable in a way. The way she went as far as to squaring up against a drunk man who I think was taller in order to protect Yosemite honestly made my heart melt. She hides her sadness with anger (as seen towards the end of episode one) and slowly starts accepting the park trio into her home. A small con is that she get’s angry a little too often but that’s about it. my overall thoughts on this game’s first episode are a 9/10, I love it and can’t wait for the second episode.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

National Park Girls on Steam

Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos

Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos


Juniper’s Knot is another game created by the same people that made Dysfunctional Systems, and is legally free to download for Windows, Mac, Linux, and iOS at Dischan’s website . It’s pretty short, and should give you a good idea whether or not you’ll actually enjoy this game.

You’ll probably notice that there was no sort of interactivity involved in playing Juniper’s Knot, aside from clicking to progress to the next line of text. This is more or less how Dysfunctional Systems plays, except this game actually has moments where you get to choose from a short list of options what you (Winter) should do. However, there aren’t many times you actually get to do this, and it is actually possible to play through the entire story by only making a single decision. All of the choice moments in the game are placed together around half-way through the game, and they only lead to two endings. The ending you get is determined entirely by whether or not you can convince your mentor (Cyrus) to listen to what you have to say, and not do what he initially decides he should do in order to solve the problem he’s given. I wouldn’t consider either ending to be a “good ending”, but I suppose that’s why this is only the first episode in the series.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The sad irony of Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos, is it comes so very close to standing alone but in a last minute effort, fully commits to setting up more episodes we’re all but certain never to see.

Let’s back up for a moment though. Dysfunctional Systems is a visual novel following Winter and Cyrus, who play the part of mediators: peace keepers of sorts to the different distant worlds surrounding their own. It’s their job to step in when things become too extreme, and ensure a world doesn’t destroy itself in acts of war.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos on Steam

The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed

WOW! This is why I bought a Vive! Full Immersion into a great story.

I would highly recommend this game to anyone who values the art of the medium that is video games. Is it a game where you shoot people’s heads off and blow up building for hours? No. But the Gallery is incredibly well crafted, thought through, and engaging by its own merit.

More than any other vr game thus far, I was struck with mystery and wonder.

A must have for you VR library.

As far as the negative views because of the price: please remember that these guys aren’t billion dollar production companies. Yes, the original price of $30 was pretty steep but I doubt these guys are pricing it that way just to screw us over or be greedy. They spent countless hours with a small team of creators (not a hundred of hired hands) and created something beautiful for us to enjoy. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want something back for that effort (so that they can keep working on more products!). You won’t find a good painting being sold for less than a $100, so why not support these artists with $30? I’m just so tired of people complaining about artist’s high prices because they are comparing those prices to mass production goods. They can’t compete with those prices! This is why good artists starve while we complain about “nothing good/original coming out.” Invest in what you want to see more of. That’s the only way they are going to be able to keep making good products.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

The game is really well put together and is one of the most compelling experiences on the Vive so far.

But I simply cannot recommend the game based on the amount of content in the game. It took me a fair amount of time to solve the couple of (actually very simple) puzzles that are there, the time taken mostly by not noticing visual clues which lead to the solution of the puzzle. But even with this relatively slow problem solving the whole game lasted 90mins. Its like a single level of a game.

I fully understand the tiny market the developers are dealing with here and they would like to pay their own wages and invest in the future of the platform, but I have come away from this game feeling very impressed with the content that is there but unhappy with the amount of it.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed on Steam




Terrible repetitive gameplay with laughably unreliable controls. You’d think a bog-standard platformer would have the basics of running, jumping and “special moves” down to a science. Nope. Wonky, uncertain and many times completely unresponsive controls paired with a camera angle that will change to a fixed or limited range, making it impossible to see (or plan) ahead. It is frustrating to play.

The developers obviously knew the jumping was crap, as too many deaths (by falling, drowning, lava, etc.,) in any area will result in Grimm magically teleporting to the next safe area. Huh… Thanks? Grimm will pee if you stand still (but not always-especially when you most need it) to indicate where he will land if you jump. This mechanic rarely works as intended. A powerup changes this to flaming pee on a few levels, but getting the stream to hit “cleaners,” (generic name for enemies who undo your level progress) is almost impossible. In fact, all the powerup mechanics seem like an added afterthought and rarely appear, despite the constant tooltip reminders about their use.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Brief Synopsis:

Grimm is an episodic game that takes you through versions of different Fairy Tales. In this game, you play as Grimm, a gross little imp-like man who wants to turn all Fairy Tales back to their gruesome originals. To do this, you simply walk through each scene, dirtying up everything around you. Your main weapon is “butt-stomping”, which dirties up larger areas than simply walking. There are also special power ups such as “Flaming Pee” and “Sausage Stomp”, just to name two.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Grimm on Steam

Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher

Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher

My playtime: 31.2h (based on steam, 100% achievement)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (4+ achievements).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (28 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher is the second series of the Millennium series and a sequel to Millennium - A New Hope , a turn-based RPG Maker game. There is no difference between both games except new characters and areas to explore.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

I enjoyed the first part of this Millennium series a lot and I thought that this series might be as fun as Aveyond. Unfortunately part 2 of Millennium just isn’t as good at all and reading reviews of the rest of the series I see that the main issues I have with part 2 only gets worse as it progresses.

The main storyline was much shorter than the first game. Things felt more unbalanced and there wasn’t enough areas to explore to make all the traversing through the map feel anything but like a boring grind once I’d already visited a place.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher on Steam

Mirrored - Chapter 1

Mirrored - Chapter 1

Well, I guess I’m an idiot. Some of these puzzles absolutely required a walkthrough because I would never have guessed them. I can say with confidence that I would never have

! associated the positions on a map with the numeric keypad, especially when there was a card right there with a series of numbers on it. Also, the hint for the PC password was ambiguous. I kept thinking

! the order of knowledge referred to some sort of think tank or university because “order” also means “collective of people”, like an order of knights. And while I did manage to find the

! volume five clue, I had the expectation that I would need to actually

! click volume 5 to see inside of it because that’s what needed to be done before.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Mirrored is the first of a series of point and click adventure games. However I can’t recommend this game for a number of reasons.

It is common for games to be split into chapters so we don’t expect the story to be completed. . With achievements for completing chapters for this it appears to have more content. In reality this doesn’t have enough content to justify it as a chapter. It feels more like a demo or an introduction.

It’s nice to have an interactive 3D environment and the artwork is a good standard. Unfortunately as the whole game is set in an office there is no variety. When you combine a right item you complete a chapter, get a cut scene and you are back in the office again. You have to use and combine all the necessary items to finish the game but only certain items will trigger another chapter.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mirrored - Chapter 1 on Steam