

I really like the idea of this game, confess your deepest, darkest, or just plain secrets. I think for other peopls sake though, I saw the trigger warning in the games description. But I think it would be ideal to present that in the menu screen too. Also I think that It would be a cool add-on would be to change the font of the text, for an example, in the preview, there is an eerie font. But in the app, its an Ariel font.

Love the game, would recommend if you want to get something off your chest, our you’re just interested in what other people are doing. Just know, that If you are a bit sensative, do not buy. It 100% will make you reconsider buying. But I overall give this a 9/10.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

DISCLAIMER: This is a first impressions review, and NOT a full review

Confessions is a game developed and published by Peace & Love Games

If you’re thinking this is a game, it isn’t

What it is is a software that is trying to copy what made Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to) so great and a once in a lifetime experience and change it into this platform where you can literally post your “confessions” which can be anything from harmless banter to some seriously fcked up sht

It tries to be an “interactive art installation”, but in my opinion, it’s just allowing anyone who even purchases this to write the most sadistic, twisted thoughts and views you could imagine

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Confessions on Steam

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations

Do you want to connect better with your friends, family, partners? This is the game for you. It opens the floor for conversation and getting to know one another. Having played this with some intimate friends, it left us spending hours discussing our lives, our pasts, and a lot of other things we never likely would have broached. Come to the metaphorical table with a mindset of vulnerability, and you’ll come out learning a lot about the people you’ve played with.

Could use some more questions, but I figure the developers will update over time and add more as time goes on. I don’t know if the questions repeat, but it’d be good to be able to mark questions as answered. Maybe have a mode where it’s a ‘saved game’, so it remembers what you’ve already answered and what you haven’t. Multiple save game slots would be good, to play it with different people/groups.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Conversation Games.

Really enjoyed it, actually and looking forward to seeing where this goes and if there’s any additional questions as time goes on with a patch or some sort. The guessing questions are good for losen up the mood if anyone doesnt feel like talking, etc. But the questions are really good prompts to reflect and chat with others. You might not play this game with strangers but its great to play with people you know and its good to sit and discuss these questions.

I Really love the concept actually.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations on Steam

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

Now one may be wondering how I could be reviewing this after 1175 hours of playtime. I realize this is simply not enough to fully appreciate this masterpiece, but at the very least it is now my most played game on steam. This is the least one can do to truly have delved deep enough into this game, to experience all it has to offer, to savor every last drop of this ambrosia. To say it was soul-changing is an insult, and is woefully inadequate in describing the magnificence of what can no longer be described as a mere game. My act of even attempting to use such inaccurate and insufficient terms to convey this unparalleled brilliance is wholly unacceptable and utterly blasphemous. This is easily humanity’s magnum opus.

Real player with 1302.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Relaxing Games.

This game has undoubtedly changed my life for the better.

A few months ago I was struck by the loss of my grandma whom I loved very much. She used take me down to the park near where I lived and watch me play. We always used to get ice cream right after too, our favorite flavor was sweet strawberry. As someone who has dealt with loss in the past I would assume this would be something I could get over easily. I was proved wrong

My mental and physical health was slowly deteriorating as I was mourning the loss of my grandma, my family tried to help me but their efforts where deemed futile. I was lost, no where to run to, nowhere to speak out, so out of desperation, I looked to the one person I could trust. The one that would always be there for me. The one who believes in me…

Real player with 69.1 hrs in game

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs on Steam

随风而逝/Story About Times

随风而逝/Story About Times

Good, Deep Game.

Requires patience due to objectives not being overly obvious and the gameplay being tedious. But I cant deny the hours I put in, the overall message is worth the buy in itself.

Thank you for all you’ve done, Thank you for accompanying me here

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Like walking through a novel. Loved every minute of it

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

随风而逝/Story About Times on Steam

Evergreen Blues

Evergreen Blues

Found this while looking for free horror games. I don’t play games like these but this…this does put a smile on my face.

I want more.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

This game is so beautiful and relaxing! It’s simple to play and doesnt take long to complete but is a game I’ve found soothing and 100% replayable

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Evergreen Blues on Steam

No Going Back

No Going Back

Fun puzzle game with a nice mechanic with fun challenges. Can’t wait for more levels.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

No Going Back on Steam

Summer Pockets

Summer Pockets

So to begin with, this is not a former review for Summer Pockets but rather my opinions and feelings for the game.

To start off, it’s been a year since I finished playing Summer Pockets (April 30th, 2020) and it was hella an emotional ride. I was reading the story with another friend of mine and we literally stayed up until late 3am for almost 4 days. Like hell, our eyes were so tired and almost shutting down by itself but the story keeps getting more and more interesting that we decided to finish a route before heading to bed, that was a really great experience during quarantine.

Real player with 751.2 hrs in game

A Really Great Story

(tl;dr at the bottom for a brief summary)

If you played Key games before, you probably know what to expect but for them who haven’t, its a good full length 50+ hours visual novel (even up to 100 or so hours if you don’t skip the additional playthroughs common route and complete the game fully). I wont go into details of what the game is about, it is however filled with amazing loveable characters, plot twists (several) and really well written story arcs. The stories cover many genre from Mystery to Adventure to drama to comedy, it has it all. There are 4 character routes and 2 unlockable routes which are both full length. As with all key games, the stories and very well written and with lots of depth, there are lots of sad moments throughout the game and the true endings will completly warp the way you have seen the story with lots of twists and unexpected events and as par for Key, expect some sad heart-wrenching twists throughout the game, you will get hooked and find it hard to stop for the night. Some of Keys best work right here.

Real player with 89.5 hrs in game

Summer Pockets on Steam

Tube Rolling

Tube Rolling

This is an arcade game about a ball rolling in a tube. You need to control it with the mouse and dodge oncoming obstacles that will move around, making it difficult to pass through them.

Roll as far as possible and leave all obstacles behind!


  • Endless generation of levels and obstacles.

  • Gradual increase in ball speed.

  • After the collision, the game will start over.

  • Saving your best progress. Come back to upgrade it.

  • In-game store. Buy skins for in-game currency.

Tube Rolling on Steam

Who dies first

Who dies first

The art assets of this game comes from the official assets “Dragon Crashers” of assetstore of Unity company.Unity’s attitude towards using this official asset to make games is that “All of the content in this demo can be added into your own creative projects”.And I had emailed them to confirm that.Then I would like to use this free asset.

The reason why it has such a name “Who dies first” is that the ending is related to which role dies first. There are multiple roles, so there will be multiple endings accordingly.

Who dies first on Steam




Aquadine is a story about friendship, family, finding hope in the hard times, and most of all, the secrets we keep and the manifold chaos they sometimes bring on us if we don’t reveal them to the right people, or if we don’t have said people in our lives. The store page description tells you that at least the main character of the story is hiding a big secret, but beware! He’s far from being the only person in this town with secrets! This VN is mostly billed as a comedy, but it really brings a roller coaster of emotions. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will probably gasp at multiple points. Aquadine is also a kinetic novel of sorts, which honestly is usually a turn-off for me because it usually means that you, the player, have no control over the direction and outcome of the story, and you are placing yourself solely in the hands of the writers and hanging on for the ride. This is probably also the reason why the game has no achievements, and why it has been so unjustly overlooked. But let me say a few things about why I think that was a good move for this game, and why I think that makes it better than the average VN. First, you won’t have to spend a long time with this game re-doing old parts of the story trying new decisions to try to get different endings. You just read through all the routes and you’re done. Second, you just read that right. Even though it’s a kinetic novel, there are still multiple routes! Once you finish the opening common route of the story, you will reach a character select screen that presents you with 4 routes, each of which focuses on the given character and imagines how things might go if Robin were to enter into a closer relationship with that character. Only one of these routes is canon (you’ll see), but they all serve to give you a lot of background info on those characters, and are where most of the world-building happens. And when you finish all 4, a new option will appear on the main menu, which is the final route to the true ending. Third, the ability to focus on telling the story the way they wanted to in each route, while not having to allow for different combinations of decisions, allowed this developer to create a story that was more consistently high quality than any of the indie VNs I have played before. So you won’t have to worry about parts of the story being given less attention or not being paced well. During my time with Aquadine, I went from seeing it’s potential but being skeptical, to seeing it come closer to my expectations, to having every expectation far surpassed in every way, to even being left speechless by the quality of parts of the story. I know you won’t be disappointed either.

! Actually, there is one thing I was disappointed by, and it’s the fact that I have some unanswered questions after the true ending. Maybe they’re leaving the door open for a sequel? I can only hope so.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

After finishing Aquadine I can say with the utmost sincerity: It’s not getting the award for Sound Design.

A long gameplay later I managed to finish the game, I had fun for about half the time while the rest felt either disappointing or not that much engaging. Unfortunately more things in this game drag it down than elevate. Sound side of this is pretty poor, voiced lines get irritating pretty fast (I wish Grandpa would just shut up) while background sound at times is just too loud (Elisabeth bike ride hurt my ears). Music was average but I played without any sound with my own music in the background, thanks to the game’s overall sound design that did not encourage listening to it. In the graphics department the game looks quite beautiful but I do wish it offered more “places to visit” because at times it really undermines the story (with Cameron route for example). I would take the voice budget and put it into more graphics and add more characters (Cameron route could use a few more visible characters). At different times we will see full-screen static images, those are well done.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Aquadine on Steam