

This product is by Aerosoft who I have come across before being producers of payware for Microsoft Flight Simulator. All I can say about this constantly crashing game is that it lived up to my expectations and it’s performance limitations killed it stone dead - five crashes to desktop in the space of one hour. From what I understand the sequel to this game is also worth saving your money over for similar reasons. Avoid Avoid Avoid …

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Simulation Games.

Read the manual.

First, the default language is German, you need to change that in launch options before you start the game.

The game starts fairly intuitive, but not so much as you get further into the “missions”. I’ve already lost over an hour and even though it’s been frustrating at times, it’s well worth the price, at least when it is on sale.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Bridge! on Steam

Cecil Run

Cecil Run

Cecil Run is a Unity asset flip for a basic 2D retro pixel endless runner/platformer. Usually asset flips are really sufficient reason for any game to be classified immediately as a cheap nasty cash grab (and there’s no exception here), but there’s more, and it’s worse.

The “developer” decided to try cash in on the despicable acts conducted by Walter Palmer, disgraced American dentist, who tracked and killed a beloved wild Lion from a national park in Zimbabwe, by luring it from the park then shooting him. This horrific act is appalling, and I’m only relating it to provide context for this awful game. The developer making a sick joke of an atrocity is completely reprehensible, featuring Cecil and the disgraced dentist, Palmer, in the game. Imagine doing that just for a nasty cash grab on Steam.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

Asset flip apparently, so obviously dont' recommend it.

If the game dev were donating the proceeds of the game as part of “the message” he is trying to make with the game then maybe that’d get a pass, but as far as I’m aware this is still just a cash grab.

Music and sound affects are cool though.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Cecil Run on Steam

Keep the Balance

Keep the Balance

This a sad non recommendation for me. When I was growing up I used to use my dads computer everyday to play this,

I absolutely loved it growing up, but not anymore.

It doesn’t run well on a new computer but I guess it makes sense with the age of the game.

Do not spend your money on this.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Puzzle Games.

Keep the Balance on Steam

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

In my opinion, this is one of the best VR games I have ever played. It takes the classic formula of throwing birds at pigs, scales it up into a 3D environment and nails everything it has to.

I have played practically all of the Angry Birds games from when they initially came out, nearly an entire decade ago, and so when I saw this, I immediately had to give it a go. I was sceptical, since the original games were 2D and adding an additional dimension would, naturally, cause problems. However, this is actually one of the best parts of the game. The level design accommodates the additional 3D element by allowing most levels to have the option of taking your shots at different, predetermined locations/angles. I find this feature really well done because it continues the element of puzzles in the mobile games where it is about finding the right wood plank to destroy and analysing the structures from different viewpoints, looking for the weak-points is both engaging and satisfying when you get it right.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Angry Birds 3D

Baseline, This is Angry Birds but In full 3D with VR controls. If you are an avid player of Angry Birds on Mobile then this is a must play for you and a perfect translation of what you’d expect from a real life Angry Birds game.

You control the slingshot, Pull it back and fire to destroy the blocks and pigs, there are 4 sets of levels all with different themes just like the Mobile game as well as another Two sets of levels available after you finish the base game with a spooky night theme as well as two more coming in the future.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs on Steam

CROSS†CHANNEL: Steam Edition

CROSS†CHANNEL: Steam Edition

Cross Channel is a bit of an enigma. When it starts out, you’re intentionally confused. Scenes seem to occur completely arbitrarily, and you’re not sure if you’re in the past or the present. The MC narrator’s dialogue seems completely insane, and that’s not helped any by the spotty translation. It almost makes you want to throw your hands up and move on.

But eventually as you continue the story, things start to make more sense. The MC who initially seems like a typical VN perv to the nth degree starts to show a more dangerous side, and then even further depth from there. The scenes that take place in the past are now sepia toned, helping you piece together a timeline of past and present. Characters that seemed unpleasant and paranoid are now more easily understood. The underlying mystery of the time loop slowly reveals itself.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

I watched my mom get hit by a freight train when she was 10ft away from me. her broken body was launched laterally at the speed of a fighter jet. the doctors spent two full weeks picking pieces of her bone from my perforated body. I had to go in for a checkup recently and they found a small piece of her cranium still lodged in my lower torso.

the reason why I preface my review with this is that this was only the second worst moment of my life. the worst was spending upwards of fifteen hours reading Moenovel’s botched english translation of Cross Channel. Cross Channel is good, great even, but this translation is cheeks

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

CROSS†CHANNEL: Steam Edition on Steam

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

WOW I was shocked at how fun this was! I never played this as a kid but I was a massive fan of spongebob growing up. So naturally I picked this up for nostalgia reasons. the critics say this is a bad glitchy game but i never experienced one glitch and i had a fantastic time! difficulty is perfectly balanced, story is cute and fun (just what you would expect from spongebob :D) and it was extremely creative! I cant wait for the sequel!

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game


The Atmosphere in this game is neat

Ladies and Gentlemen


Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated on Steam

Hyperplex 3D

Hyperplex 3D

Cool retro game. Used to play it when I was a kid and loved it.

It is pretty chill puzzle/arcade-like game. Some of the levels require planing, but that is part of the fun.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

The Supaplex remake in full 3D. Looks and feels quite different, but it’s still Supaplex, with its 111 levels.

There are quite a lot of remakes of this classic arcade/logic game, but adding an additional dimension to the graphics after so many years make it totally worth to replay at least some of the levels.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Hyperplex 3D on Steam

Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition

Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition

Very poor port of an old DOS game.


+Classic top-down shooter with currency system and upgrades.


-Some achievements have trouble working correctly. This requires you to do the achievement over and over again before it finally unlocks.

-Mouse function does not work very well at all. In windowed mode the curser can go outside the window and your ship will stop responding. The mouse also gets hung on imaginary objects at times requiring you to move it around real fast to free it.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Not great, not terrible

(applies to both original game and the port)

My young self first played this classic in ‘95 in shareware format (only 1st sector) and it left me in awe. How could it not when all my previous top-down scroller-shooter were the ones from ZX Spectrum. Raptor had great graphic, sounds, rocking music and a real plane (as opposed to shapes glued together forming a flying blob that I experienced earlier). I finally completed the full game in 2006 which was the last time I played it before now.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition on Steam



Being very similar to TTV2, my review seeks to identify the differences in TTV3, and decide if they’re compelling enough.

| TTV2 | TTV3 |

| Slow, methodical movement | Fast, quick movement |

| Moderate number of maps | More maps, but still moderate |

| Varied start points on maps | A stationary start point on maps |

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

TTV3 is MUCH more challenging than its predecessors (this is a good thing, I definitely still have hair). Aside from there being more things going on, everything is faster; including you. This will lead to many frustrating deaths stemming from holding a direction key too long and running face-first into an obstacle, or stopping just shy of the exit because your afraid of the former. That being said, if the first two gave you anxiety, this one will bring it so bad your blood will start hurting.

3/3 100%’d, though I can’t claim to want a fourth. It takes a toll.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

TTV3 on Steam

Garfield Kart

Garfield Kart

“I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life,” says one of the searchers through the warehouse of treasures left behind by Jonathan Arbuckle. Then we get the famous series of shots leading to the closeup of the word “Garfield” on a kart that has been tossed into a furnace, its paint curling in the flames. We remember that this was Arbuckle’s childhood kart, taken from him as he was torn from his family and sent east to boarding school.

Garfield is the emblem of the security, hope and innocence of childhood, which a man can spend his life seeking to regain. It is the green light at the end of Gatsby’s pier; the leopard atop Kilimanjaro, seeking nobody knows what; the bone tossed into the air in “2001.” It is that yearning after transience that adults learn to suppress. “Maybe Garfield was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost,” says Lyman, the reporter assigned to the puzzle of Arbuckle’s dying word. “Anyway, it wouldn’t have explained anything.” True, it explains nothing, but it is remarkably satisfactory as a demonstration that nothing can be explained. “Garfield Kart” likes playful paradoxes like that. Its surface is as much fun as any mascot kart racer ever made. Its depths surpass understanding. I have analyzed it a frame at a time with more than 30 groups, and together we have seen, I believe, pretty much everything that is there on the screen. The more clearly I can see its physical manifestation, the more I am stirred by its mystery.

Real player with 8108.5 hrs in game

When I was 18… 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life… I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip… a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me… changed my being, changed who I am… Made me who I am…

Enlightened me…

The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new… no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since… since coming into existence… and there it was before me in print, I saw it… a comic strip… What was it called?

Real player with 5068.5 hrs in game

Garfield Kart on Steam