

I’ve been waiting for Ynglet to release for a long, long time. I was fortunate enough to be part of the beta test for it, and I have to say that it’s everything I hoped it would be. There’s many options for difficulty and accessibility, so you can enjoy the game however you want. Especially the bonus levels are a solid challenge on “Too Difficult”. Negative Mode (the alternate way to play the game with everything mirrored) definitely feels easier in most places, but it is certainly a novel way to experience the game and should make for a fun speedrun. In general I think this game is really fun for speedrunning, I can’t wait to see all the crazy strats (and hopefully find some on my own, too)!

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

As everyone else mentions, it’s short. You’ll get an hour or two of gameplay out of this.

That out of the way, this game is BRILLIANT. Every movement happens with an explosion of color and sound that just makes you feel good. Controlling your character as you swim from visually-pleasing block to block, bounce, dash, and zip through the air is just fantastic, and new mechanics are introduced often enough to keep it interesting. The game isn’t too difficult (I recommend starting on the hardest difficulty and lowering it if you’re having trouble), but there are definitely some spots that provide a good challenge, and there are some pretty nice options for gameplay speed, gravity, and movement control if it feels a bit too hard.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Ynglet on Steam



2D action platformer with 100 levels. The quality of level design is excellent and imaginative, along with tight, responsive controls. New mechanics are introduced regularly and it feels fresh and challenging throughout. It’s difficult but you always feel you can succeed with a few more attempts. Each time you die the level changes its colour theme, this doesn’t have any significance to the gameplay but it is a nice aesthetic touch. Pinkman is always pink, of course!

There is no settings menu but everything is already set up exactly as you would want it. Steam/Xbox controllers ‘just work’, the sound volume is set just right and it starts in fullscreen. Alt-Enter to switch to windowed and you can stretch it to any size you like. Controller X button to zoom the level view in/out, Y to toggle music (which is very good). The whole playing experience feels comfortable and satisfying. Other devs could learn a thing or two from this.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

This game is about Wilhelm ehh… Pinkman scream who jumps and farts until he reaches a certain door. It’s not real men® certified since each fart is limited.

TL;DR below, to make you click that expand button.

I’m gonna talk so much shit about one level that I’d rather decorate that little piece of shit with the big ass ribbon this game ultimately is. Which is to say I’m starting with the positive aspects:

One of the main aspects about this game that made certain areas get aroused was the price. You definitely can’t go wrong with that. On sale it’s only 0,49$. Which sure is better than chocolate but only because white chocolate got 6 cents more expensive than it at my local store in the last year.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Pinkman on Steam

Ding Dong XL

Ding Dong XL

Edit : Mission accomplished! The game isn’t “Profile features limited” anymore. And on top of that it just received a big update, making it even better than before. With how low the price is, you really have no excuse to take it out for a spin and have a lot of fun.

I’m mostly leaving this review to help the game go through Steam’s new algorithm as it’s unacceptable that it’s still swimming in the pool of trash that gets released on Steam everyday.

But also because every game this dev puts out is great. The fact that he supports all of them with regular updates is even better and, to top it all off, that he releases them on and supports Linux is just the cherry on top that convinced me to write this review.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Casual Indie Games.

Wow! If you are thinking that the small price for this game can’t deliver a fantastic game, THINK AGAIN!

I have every game on Steam developed by “Nickervision Studios” and every single one of them is a real gem, but Ding Dong XL is my instant favorite of them all! Bought it when it launched on Friday, and over a single weekend.. my family and I already have logged almost 6 hours into it! ..How’s THAT for “value”?

If that doesn’t convince you, here’s my first impressions review video showing you some gameplay and me talking about the game, how much fun it is, and scoring this one at a whopping 95%!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Ding Dong XL on Steam

Floppy Heroes

Floppy Heroes

A smashing evolution of an old formula. People who’ve played and enjoyed Ragdoll Masters, Ragdoll Kung Fu, Hammerfall, and other turn-of-the-century physics-based beat-em-ups will recognize the excellence of this title immediately.

For the uninitiated, you control a ragdoll character in a puppet fashion, flailing their weapons toward enemy weak points. In this game, armor provides some resistance to damage before falling off entirely, and further damage to un-armored limbs will result in dismemberment. Armor can provide offensive capabilities as well, which one-ups previous titles of this kind. An armored boot beats a bare skull, and even limbs holding weapons can be lopped off for proper disarming. Ranged weapons are included, and seem pretty fairly balanced with their limitations of reload speed and aiming precision. You can block with your weapons, as well as equip shields in your off-hand.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Let me start this off by saying I liked the game so much on my friends computer that I bought it to play on my own. I would have been willing to pay about 3-7$ for this game, if it works.

Now the real reason I put the “do not recommend:” the game refuses to open. I can get to the page where I can select resolution and whether it is windowed or not (I cannot change resolution or anything except for the windowed or not part), but this makes no difference. I can select windowed, hit play, and the game will proceed to open, play the (amazing) music, but just shows a black screen when I hover over the icon in the taskbar. If I click this icon, nothing happens. I have tried restarting my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling, verifying cache integrity, and looking online for something I might have missed. I DO want to play this game, badly, but without being able to play it I cannot give a good review. I feel these issues might have to do with windows 10, but I’m not sure. If you have a solution or an update that would fix this, I am watching for updates and am waiting for a response to this review.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Floppy Heroes on Steam

Tree Simulator 2022

Tree Simulator 2022

Firstly, I would like to preface this review with this:

To all the other reviewers out there giving this game a positive rating, trying to make funny jokes about how good the gameplay is, they’re just trying to farm points. If you look at their playtime, most of them have less than an hour! You cannot truly experience the greatness of this game in a few minutes, an hour, or even 10. I have only just scratched the surface with my 100 hours, so I will be making constant updates as I play this game

Real player with 2179.5 hrs in game

This game saved my life.

I am 25.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tree Simulator 2022 on Steam

Chicken Invaders 5

Chicken Invaders 5


You forget what reality is

  • Beautiful




Don‘t look too long at it



  • Very good


It‘s just gameplay


Starring at walls is better

Just don‘t



  • Very good


Not too bad




  • Kids

  • Teens

  • Adults

  • Human

  • Lizards

—{PC Requirements}—

Check if you can run paint

  • Potato



Rich boiiiiii

Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Just press ‚A‘

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

The best Chicken Invaders game from the franchise so far, though my favorite one is Chicken Inaders 4. This game brings unique things to the serie like chapters that take place on a planet, through various caves and water ravines. If you want to unlock all the achievements, I wish you good luck because there is an extremely hard achievement, you have to complete an entire mission without dying and it’s really hard. I almost unlocked this achievement, but I died in the last chapter, at the last levels.. but even if I got upset about that, I still recommend this game to everyone who wants to play it. Also, this is the first Chicken Invaders game where you can customize your spaceship and this is very cool. Enjoy blastin' those chickens!

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Chicken Invaders 5 on Steam



Awesome game where a huge skilltree can give many possible builds. Shame on me for buying it on sale… _

The real deal in the game is how you build your ship, not how you drive it. Because classes and skills you’ll take will do nearly everything when you start a fight.

There’s so many nodes in the skilltree, you could be anything… except there’s still limits to how many points you can attribute. And when you want to make high scores, you have to learn how the game works. And “escaping”, your ultimate goal, isn’t that hard when you master the system.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

This was more fun than i anticipated.

you have several different " device" ships, a gigantic skill tree thats the honey-comb looking thing you see in the screenshots, it’s HUGE.

you also have " classes " each tier has several to choose from, all have positive and negatives - huge customization, each level brings more classes and the cost goes up/

And all of these things, can be re-rolled, and done again.

It’s almost endlessly replayable in this way.

The main game is a simple Asteroids - type game. You rotate the ship, it propels at it’s own velocity (depending on what device type it is, and all the passives you have applied, plue class benefits ) and it auto fires as well under the same rules.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game




This title reminds me a tiny bit of the game Fat Princess, including how carrying the commanders back to base in a group is faster. I look forward to future updates. There is potential here. I will review this game properly once the game is more fleshed out.

Edit: I didn’t know it initially but the Fat Princess connection ran deeper than I thought, having Devs from that game. They are very friendly, inviting to play, and responsive to the small community that exists here. I really want this game to do well. It is a shame that it is buried under lackluster AAA titles and throngs of cookie cutter indie games and asset flips. Some of the criticisms starting to pop up are are understandable, to a point, from the average gamer’s standpoint. There is a server rotation that allows users to have better ping at different points in the day based on play time in a given region. Server costs are obviously an issue and this is the way that they decided to to do things with the current community size. From a technical standpoint this is an Early Access title, and there are bugs, but even still it is highly playable, and gorgeous to look at. I saw one review pointing out that a dev was in-game cheating, yet they were ignorant in the fact that the Dev was using something accessible to all players. Ignorance in itself is NOT inherently bad as that is simply the absence of knowledge. But, people are making snap judgements without further investigating a situation and making conclusions with willful ignorance which IS entirely bad. The game is coming along. It’s small, but that is also reflected in the price point. More people need to play this game, it is a gem in the rough and I would hate to see it go under. The bots are decent and my friends and I have been defeated by them one time or another, but you can start to learn their ways. As with most games, it is definitely a more challenging experience when played against other people and you will often see more people on during the weekends. When a full game gets going it is frantic and chaotic in all the good ways.

Real player with 87.5 hrs in game

Very fun game, even in early access! The devs are very in tune with the community and eager to improve the game, and I dont get the impression that’s going to change any time soon. Squids has elements of a MOBA, but has a quality to it that i think appeals to people who both like and dislike MOBAS. I personally am not a huge fan of them, but the gameplay in Squids is more fast paced than a typical MOBA, which to me makes it more fun. There are elements of map control and team levelling that will make seasoned MOBA players feel right at home as well. I’m excited to see how the game develops on a competitive level, especially as the devs continue to expand the game’s content. Definitely worth checking out!

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game


Super Bit Blaster XL

Super Bit Blaster XL

Updated review

I absolutely loved the original, a great little arcade game with fantastic gameplay and an amazing soundtrack. Super Bit Blaster XL is similar however adds a number of interesting new gameplay mechanics. I initially had issues with the new control scheme which, while I am sure will be the preferred option for newcomers, was incompatible with my muscle memory from the older game. The developer was great and swiftly added a classic control mode to the beta version which works great.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

Super Bit Blaster XL is the sequel to Bit Blaster XL , which is a game I thoroughly enjoyed. When I got Super Bit Blaster XL for free because I owned the original Bit Blaster XL , I didn’t know what to expect from this sequel. However, I was thoroughly surprised by what Super Bit Blaster XL has to offer. There are new spaceships, new enemies, and a lot of surprises along the way. Moreover, this game also features a co-op mode, which is another great addition. Overall, I’d highly recommend Super Bit Blaster XL, as it is a great sequel to the original Bit Blaster XL .

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Super Bit Blaster XL on Steam

Zuma’s Revenge!

Zuma’s Revenge!

Overall this is a great puzzle game! I highly reccomend this to anyone who likes puzzle games or anyone who likes casual games; because Zuma is one of those games that you play in order to relax after work or school.

If there were any complaints that I have about the game it would have to be the bosses. The problem with the bosses is the fact that you can’t lose any lives when fighting them so, because of that; there really is no fear in losing all your lives and starting from your last check point. In turn this is also be a good thing so, that you really don’t need to stress when fighting them.

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

Written: 2019.03.16. 18:18

Playtime: 21.7 hours

Compared to the first game this game has full widescreen mode, better graphics, more power-ups, new game modes, in-game statistics and steam achievements. This game also feels slightly easier than the first one but this is still a hard game. Not exactly a casual game as the store page says.

When you complete the Adventure mode you try out the Challenge maps and then try to ace them. Then you start the Heroic frog mode which after a while you want to finish. After all this you start up the Iron frog mode and try and try to get to the end. All this will make you very angry over the many many tries but so satisfied when you complete it.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Zuma's Revenge! on Steam