Disney Universe

Disney Universe

This is a great game for little kids. Local Multiplayer! Unlimited lives, each level is really fun and lots of cool stuff to discover. Multiply player is great and some things require co-operation. One thing to note is that players can hit each other and steal gold, which can be frustrating if taken advantage of, but otherwise is really funny (pick up the player and throw him!). I have two remotes and play with my 3 and 4 year old. It seems like you can play up to 4 people. The game crashes (took down Windows too) if you disconnect or reconnect a remote with the game running, but has been stable other than that. The menus are a little hard for kids until they learn the pictures and then they’re off to the races. Tons of fun. If you’re looking for a kids game this is a good one.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Adventure Games.

Ok, So I of all the new Disney games that were recently released on Steam, I have to say that Disney Universe and Epic Mickey 2 are my favorite so far with Disney Universe on top.

You start off picking from a very generous choice of costumes for your character, from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Tron, A Bug’s Life, the Princess from Aladdin, Angelica from Pirates of the Caribbean and a bunch more. And you can find a ton more costumes throughout the game to add to your costume menu and use.

This game feels almost like your playing a LEGO video game but the amount of fun you will have here is intense.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

Disney Universe on Steam

The Great Menace

The Great Menace

Time to mobilize

In a world of looming terror from the threat of a clash of ideals, an unknown force even more determined to take out anything in its path emerges initiating an invasion on Earth, forcing rival ideologies to cooperate, as enemies become allies, a chance appears to take down the invasion force with

an combined allied strike and push them back into the unknown they came from, only the strongest powers shall prevail, you will lead their decisive

battles to weaken the enemy and to start the counter attack to retake Earth with the forces of the great powers:

**United states


British Commonwealth

Soviet Union



  • Fight for territory and resources to grow your army, sabotage the enemy and inflict heavy losses

  • Doctrines - use field commanders and their special abilities to help in the war effort

  • Technology - new innovations to help in the research gap between the two armies

  • Challenges

  • Achievements

  • Upgrades

  • Hidden secrets

Read More: Best Cartoony Aliens Games.

The Great Menace on Steam

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew is an action-packed singleplayer game that is all about leading your men to bring out the best in them in the field of battle. You’re given charge of a

PT boat, one of many, in the Pacific, and sent against the Imperial Japanese Navy in the forefront of the Pacific War.

Sometimes through bravery and sometimes through guile, you’ll take on ever stronger enemy forces and come out on top. Manage your people and your resources; beg, borrow, and steal, and equip yourself from a wide variety of tools available to bring your campaign to a victorious conclusion.

Prioritize your acquisitions, make connections, and customize your ship’s capabilities to your taste. Above all else, care for your crew; Experienced sailors are in short supply in the largest naval front in the history of mankind. Sometimes the best option is to live to fight another day.

Key Features

Crew Management: In Boat Crew, you are not the boat herself but her commander, with all the associated responsibilities and privileges. Most tasks will be delegated to your trusty crewmen, and it’s up to you to make sure they’re up to the task.

Jury-Rigged: With distances vast and ships spread thin, you’re afforded a substantial degree of autonomy. Anti-tank guns and light mortars are only some of the weapons you can add to your boat that would be considered unusual, and there is ample room for innovation. The only two rules are, make sure you are still floating, and get the job done!

Tested in Battle: Training teaches a man to keep his head down, but its experience that teaches him when he can start handing out the hurt. Crack troops are far more lethal than green recruits, and will be capable of abilities otherwise unavailable to less experienced crewmen.

Live and Teach: Beyond being good fighters, your veterans also have much to teach to their replacements. Experienced soldiers will set a baseline crew experience and will impart their lethality on any replacements given some time.

Fortunes of War: War has luck of its own, and industrialized total war is a different story entirely. Despite all caution and planning, some of your most trusted members will be lost at some point. It’s up to you and your skills as the commander to find appropriate replacements and train them in time for larger engagements.

Applied Science: Few things inspire innovation as much as war does, and sometimes you may find yourself pressed to be the first to employ a new technology in the field. Following the expansive tech tree will dramatically improve your crew’s combat prowess; just make sure to prioritize appropriately.

Grand Campaign: Fight numerous surface actions that range from night raids and coastal fire support to search and destroy. Your success in these battles will improve your clout and your crew’s experience, increasing the options available to you in future battles and providing more daring operations.

Trailer Music by Scott Buckley - ‘The Endurance’

Read More: Best Cartoony Naval Combat Games.

Boat Crew on Steam

Bomber Crew

Bomber Crew

Addictive! If you get all the DLC (you should) then you have two campaigns (with additional RAF missions added) plus sudden death competitive solo gameplay. In the RAF campaign you control a 7-person Lancaster bomber crew over Europe. In the USAAF campaign you control a 9-person B-17 crew (they left out the co-pilot as B-17s have 10 crew standard) in the Mediterranean. You don’t directly fly the plane but rather give orders to the various crew members. At the heart of BOMBER CREW is tagging, which involves using a sight to select objectives (planes, map points, ships, towns, airfields, factories, etc.), which causes your crew to steer the plane, shoot at enemy planes, land the plane, etc. Additionally, each crew member has various abilities, depending on training and experience, and each station in the plane has various controls. A campaign involves a series of missions, like recon, bombing, dropping supplies, clearing an area of enemy planes, etc. The difficulty is keeping your cool and making good decisions under pressure, while your plane is being attacked, blown to bits, running out of fuel, trying to find its way through clouds, etc. Some people won’t like it because there’s too much micro-managing, but that’s the essence of BOMBER CREW: managing a World War Two bomber crew! The sudden death gameplay involves scoring as many points as possible before you give up or get blown out of the sky. Frustration and failure comes when you lose crew and/or planes, requiring you to bring in new crew/planes in the middle of your campaign, possibly dooming the whole thing to failure.

Real player with 292.6 hrs in game


Bomber Crew is a crew management game in which the player has to accomplish bomber objectives in World War Two in an RAF bomber plane. Crew members accomplish tasks by assigning them to stations, with enough skill and enough luck, crew members will accomplish tasks that you hope they will accomplish. Aircraft navigation is accomplished by tagging navigational beacons, some of which appear due to the work of the plane’s navigator, but bombing and recon targets can be tagged (and flown to) when they’re in visual range. Shooting down planes, bombing targets, and photographing recon targets earn XP for the crew, which not only boosts their abilities, but also unlocks special sets of skills within their specialties. Completing mission objectives earns “intel,” which works like experience, but unlocks equipment to purchase for crew members and upgrades for the plane. The player has a choice of military objectives that mostly involve bombing targets, but some missions require air-dropping supplies to friendly forces. Completion of some missions will have a direct effect on the next two missions, and there’s also special missions which (with one exception) are based off of real life British military exploits.

Real player with 168.7 hrs in game

Bomber Crew on Steam

World War 2 Craft (二战演义)

World War 2 Craft (二战演义)

The levels do not seem to have a reasonable difficulty. The first mission is nearly impossible to complete with the forces given before one of the three bridges explode. However, game has a lot of potential if some UI and balancing fixes are made.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

World War 2 Craft (二战演义) on Steam

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition

This is a classic adventure released in 1995, altough you not have to expect something like an RTX remaster in graphics, the improvements are noticeables and much appreciated compared to the old pixel graphic style.

As always, like in any graphic adventure, the main focus goes to the puzzles and i can say that here we have very good ones, the level of difficulty is average, with few spikes on hard on some of the latests, but most of them are quite logic.

Personally i don’t like the hot spots revealer function, because i think the pixel hunting is a part of the difficulty of an adventure so this will help a lot, but it seems is a new tendency of many modern adventure games now.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Note: Finished in 10 hours of gameplay.

In general:

What a nostalgia! I played this game as a kid 25 years ago. I loved it then, I love it now. Some players seem to be way too much critical. Well, this is NOT a remake. This is a simple port of the ORIGINAL game for modern OS with some new features. It runs in full-HD with updated UI and it has full voice acting. But it still looks like the old classic adventure game. Nicely done.


  • runs under modern OS in full-HD

  • faithful to the original look

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition on Steam

War of Power: The Last Fight

War of Power: The Last Fight

In 1941, shot down UFOs were found on the territory of Romania, Poland and the USSR. The captured technology of aliens helped the Allies and the Axis to strengthen their power and go far in development.

Parties to the conflict are waging an aggressive war against each other, but now the outcome of the war may change at any time …


  1. Weather conditions that can affect the outcome of the battle, hurricanes, meteorites, thunderstorm clouds, and more.

  2. More than 40 different types of equipment.

War of Power: The Last Fight on Steam

Panzer Knights

Panzer Knights


Panzer Knights is a very promising tank action game. It’s still rough around the edges and there’s a lot of development to go, but it’s well worth supporting and I would happily pay more for the complete product. Since my original review there have been many additions and improvements.


  • Excellent visual design both in terms of the tanks and the characters. The artist and model maker did an excellent job.

  • There are good number of tanks and many crew characters to choose from, including lots of pretty girls - though there are men too if want to make it a little less gratuitously moe. Since the male and female crew have the same skillsets anyway, I imagine most of us are going to use the girls. As for the tanks, you get a decent variety of well known vehicles such as Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panther, and Tiger each in two or three variants.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Do you like tanks? Do you like World War 2 history? Are you a complete massive wehraboo? Then this is the game for you.

This game takes aspects from WOT and War Thunder. Specifically the arcadey shooting of the former with the realistic tank movements of the latter. The game is pretty fun, large variety of tanks and crews with some camos to unlock to give you a bit of customization. Crewmates can have their skills improved as you gain more money therefore allowing you to perform better on the battlefield.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

Panzer Knights on Steam

Killing Sun / 抗日大刀队:日军总部

Killing Sun / 抗日大刀队:日军总部

A few non-exclusive store bought assets here and there, but overall is a lot of fun! Loads of levels, secrets and enemy types. All weapons are fun to use and ammo tends to be quite plentiful.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

you = shooting projectiles

enemy = raycast/hitscan

come on, man!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Killing Sun / 抗日大刀队:日军总部 on Steam

Noir Punk

Noir Punk

Full play through here if you get stuck or just want to see the game played:



Great game I love the noir genre so the aesthetic of this game is already a win for me it’s done pretty well and has some nice humor in it. My two main complaints is one I couldn’t find a way to make it full screen or any options for that matter and the sound puzzle this is a personal one for me because I HATE SOUND PUZZLES, unless they’re blatantly obvious I’m insanely garbage at them so full disclosure I had to cheat the one in this game which I show how to do in the video. Overall though this is a great free to play with a really nice story I loved the break in puzzles with the action scenes as well that was a super nice touch.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

A fun half-an-hour experience

Loved the style and attention to details

Action sequences are a bit tough to control but there’s no tight platforming or heated situations to make it a problem

The programming is a bit rough but for a jam game it is a cool experience!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Noir Punk on Steam