

You play as a silent protagonist armed with a charge gun, and your ultimate goal is to progress through all levels presented by the game. Each level is a room that has only one exit, and your goal is to overcome any obstacles (such as humanly unreachable platforms or remotely-controlled closed doors) to reach that exit and progress to the next level.

To your help you have charge gun, cube and charge-proof walls (emitting light-blue segments). Charge gun is capable of positively or negatively charging cube and charge-proof walls. Depending on the charges applied, the interaction between them will be different:

  • if cube and wall have opposite charges - cube will attract and eventually static cling to the wall;

  • otherwise (alike charges) cube will repel away from the wall.

The closer those are, the stronger the effect.

There are major restrictions when it comes to charging objects:

  • cube can either be positively OR negatively charged at the same time, or neutral;

  • only one wall charge of the same sign can exist at the same time, and applying new alike wall charge to another location removes old.

You will need to figure out how to take advantage of these tools and manipulate objects to progress through. Almost every level forces you to learn a new way of using these tools, and some of the mechanics that you already learned in previous levels are mixed in.

Read More: Best Cartoony Sci-fi Games.

Charge on Steam

Night Lights

Night Lights

Great concept, been keen to play this ever since I saw Jacksepticeye and Markiplier play the demos on their channels. Love the puzzle solving, at times was quite difficult and genuinely surprised me a few times. Definitely felt satisfied when I got those puzzles.

A few early glitches with level restarts, but with some fine tuning updates I’m sure that’ll be resolved. A good three hours worth of your time max if you don’t have to restart twice like I did lol. There were a couple of levels where it wasn’t obvious if I could make a jump after trying it the first time, and so I would give up that option and spend ages jumping around looking for other ways to solve the puzzle, only to realise that my first thought was correct.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Choices Matter Games.

-No story for the game. Seems like they had a bunch of platforming levels they needed to do something with and to figure out a theme to connect them together.

-Controls can be very tricky. There was a section where you need to sprint and double jump but the character would just jump straight up every time.

-Do not recommend trying to play this on keyboard (which I did). At times you are required (it seems) to 5 keys at ones : Sprint, directional key, activate light, double jump and “zip”.

-There is no option to toggle light on. Its kind of annoying to have to hold the SHIFT key (if I remember right) down the whole time.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Night Lights on Steam

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

I can’t believe this game only has 35 reviews. I’m not going to write an essay covering each aspect of the plot/controls/audio/ etc, but I will mention them all briefly because they have made a distinct impression on me.

I think many people picked up or considered picking up this game because of its side-scrolling nature and apparent similarity to the popular title Limbo (a good game, don’t get me wrong - also check out Inside). But this game is different. True it’s a side scroller, death can come fast, and checkpoints are frequent. But the similarities mostly end there.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Choices Matter Games.

I bought this game after seeing it looked like Limbo but the main character had a cool flying mechanic. After a short time in the game our hero loses his wings :( This made me a little sad for him but also now I didn’t get to fly about like I’d hoped!

The way in which the camera follows Elin (that’s his name!) about whilst flying is far from ideal. Most of the time you can’t see where you’re flying to vertically meaning having to just have faith, sometimes this means impacting with deadly spikes. Sorry Elin….

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Soulless: Ray Of Hope on Steam



Techpack is back and he’s ready to take on a newer, slightly harder challenge. With new and familiar faces to see, the sequel to TECHPACK is bigger, faster, and more difficult than ever.

Super TECHPACK is an arcade styled platformer styled after old arcade games from the 1980s. A sequel to the game TECHPACK, this new entry features four playable characters, six persistent enemies, 10 worlds to see, and a lot of charm.

Super TECHPACK on Steam