My Singing Monsters

My Singing Monsters

This game opened my eyes to the greater questions. Why are we here if not just to play My Singing Monsters? If there is any meaning in life I think I’ve found it. When the Fwog proclaims, “Wa wa wa wa wa wa,” I think I understand further why life was granted to us. Our whole purpose, was to create My Singing Monsters, and play it. The only thing we should have done, and the only thing we should be doing, is playing My Singing Monsters. I got choked up when the Maw said “De de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de.” It forced me to think, to open my mind to the bigger picture. Friends don’t matter. Nothing matters as much as My Singing Monsters.

Real player with 207.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Simulation Games.

Shortly before My Singing Monsters was released on steam, my life was spiraling out of control. But then one day a friend of mine told me that My Singing monsters was on steam. I couldn’t believe it, it was true, it had just released and it turned my life upside up again. The second I heard the noggin gracefully slap the top of his head repeatedly to the first time I heard the mammot seductively say “Bummm”. I cried tears of joy, Every time I feed my monsters I feel proud and genuinely feel like my monsters care about my well being. I talk to my monsters every night and tell them about my problems. All I talk about is my singing monsters and my friends blocked me on discord because I only talk about My Singing Monsters. Thank you Big Blue Bubble. Thank you for bringing a purpose to my life again.

Real player with 194.0 hrs in game

My Singing Monsters on Steam

Disney Universe

Disney Universe

This is a great game for little kids. Local Multiplayer! Unlimited lives, each level is really fun and lots of cool stuff to discover. Multiply player is great and some things require co-operation. One thing to note is that players can hit each other and steal gold, which can be frustrating if taken advantage of, but otherwise is really funny (pick up the player and throw him!). I have two remotes and play with my 3 and 4 year old. It seems like you can play up to 4 people. The game crashes (took down Windows too) if you disconnect or reconnect a remote with the game running, but has been stable other than that. The menus are a little hard for kids until they learn the pictures and then they’re off to the races. Tons of fun. If you’re looking for a kids game this is a good one.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Adventure Games.

Ok, So I of all the new Disney games that were recently released on Steam, I have to say that Disney Universe and Epic Mickey 2 are my favorite so far with Disney Universe on top.

You start off picking from a very generous choice of costumes for your character, from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Tron, A Bug’s Life, the Princess from Aladdin, Angelica from Pirates of the Caribbean and a bunch more. And you can find a ton more costumes throughout the game to add to your costume menu and use.

This game feels almost like your playing a LEGO video game but the amount of fun you will have here is intense.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

Disney Universe on Steam



Challenging game, should be good for speedrunning.

Has puzzles and stealth and beep bop music

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Survival Horror Games.

As far as the story and visuals go, I enjoyed this experimental game, but the platforming was a bit clunky. For the most part, it’s a puzzle-platformer with a psychological twist. The narrative is told from the perspective of a girl that is having relationship problems with her boyfriend. After each platforming section, you get to play a stealth mini-game where you are trying to isolate your boyfriend from the crowd by creating distractions. I suspect that game has 2 endings depending on your actions, I am pretty sure I got the bad one. Even though I kinda knew where the story was going, it still got me, and I am considering replaying it just to see if I can get a better outcome. It takes around 2-3 hours to finish if you don’t skip any puzzles, although you do have that option if you keep getting stuck. Aside from that, the game has nice achievement support, assuming that you want to replay the game with no hits and so on. Overall, the game is very creative, but that creativity occasionally comes at the cost of intuitive gameplay.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Exitium on Steam

Grandma’s Footsteps

Grandma’s Footsteps

Inspired by the classic children’s game: ‘Red Light Green Light’… comes a… not so children’s game.

The Story

You are staying at your Grandma’s house for the weekend to keep her company. Now, your Grandma is famous in the family for her cookies! And being the ‘cookie-loving’ grandson that you are, you cannot keep your mind off of her scrumptious, freshly baked goods!

As you explore through the different rooms of Grandma’s house, you notice Grandma getting on with her day to day house-work and activities: sweeping the hallway, cleaning the dishes, catching up on knitting projects and so on…

You and Grandma are best of friends! She takes you to the park to feed the ducks, to the beach to build sandcastles together and she always has her renowned cookies an arms length away! You’ve always wanted to learn to make cookies with her, but every time you ask to she refuses, saying how she’ll take her secret cookie recipe to the grave with her!

As the years have gone by, Grandma’s eyes have been getting worse, as has her memory! She always forgets where she leaves her glasses.

She likes to joke when she tells you her bedtime stories, saying how she carries a shotgun on her at all times in case intruders try to steal her recipe!! Grandma does make you laugh, you love her silly stories!

The Game

So how do you play Grandma’s Footsteps?

Grandma’s house is made up of 6 different rooms (levels). To unlock the next room along you will need to approach grandma in the current room you are in to receive a cookie!

But Grandma is always on the look out for intruders after her secret cookie recipe!

Grandma isn’t wearing her glasses, meaning she cannot see her Grandson properly… So when she turns around… don’t move, or else her bedtime stories you so well know and love, may just become reality…

Grandma's Footsteps on Steam

Pizza Ghest

Pizza Ghest

Short story:

Pizza Ghest offers you a tasty little adventure. You need to go through a full cycle from ordering to enjoying the order. Do you think it will be easy? Ha!

Incredible experience:

Could you imagine being able to order a pizza? With us, you will have a unique experience of ordering and waiting. Do not miss your chance!

Key features:

  • The character can walk

  • The character can be worried and afraid

  • I want to eat

  • There is a menu

Pizza Ghest on Steam

Children of Silentown: Prologue

Children of Silentown: Prologue

I really enjoyed playing this demo. The fact that it runs on my laptop is a MASSIVE plus and the storyline has so much potential. Definitely a big fan of the cat’s personality and the integration of music into the core of the game. I don’t often play horror games but I love watching the gameplay. For once, I actually want to play a horror game (ie. this one) and that is a big deal. I think there are a couple of spelling and grammar issues that I noticed pop up here and there, but they could be intentional. I can’t remember them right now, but it is something the developers are likely to fix before releasing the game. The graphic style is adorable and eerie simultaneously, but the quality is crisp and motion is smooth. I actually found it quite relaxing despite the foreboding that’s lurking throughout the storyline. I had not realised this was just a demo and I was heartbroken when I found out because I wanted to play more immediately. I was surprised at how interactive the game turned out to be and it’s definitely perfect for people who like puzzles. So even more positives. The only major issue I had was that the trailer was laggy the whole way through, but that may just have been poor internet connection on my end. But overall, I am so excited for this game and I cannot wait to play the rest of it. ((Side-note: Thank you so much for creating something super fantastic that actually works with the specs I have!))

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Children of Silentown: Prologue is a 30 minute long introduction to the full game which release is still to be announced.

Game’s premise:

**_You play as a little girl who often experiences horrific nightmares and spends time playing with neighborhood kids in the backyard, which sums up pretty well the image we get right away from this game’s story - cozy, peaceful, laid back, heartwarming… yet somehow really unsettling.

Living together with your parents, spending days helping doing house chores while your kitty misbehaves a bit and singing with your mom is not all you get to experience on daily basis. In fact, there are strict rules coming to heading outside from the house due to some mysterious disappearances of children taken place quite frequently. You can’t leave the backyard and you have to respect the curfew._**

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Children of Silentown: Prologue on Steam



After spending hours playing the game and completing “The Peak” I have to say this is one of my favorite physic based platformers. The amount of times i’ve fallen and had to start over again was insane but Hoplegs had me coming back for more. There is a really gratifying feeling every time you get past a roadblock that you’ve been stuck on for some time.

The game will only continue to improve and add more content. Personally I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future of the game. (Maybe a Peak v2 who knows??)

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

I am usually not a fan of games with very little room for error, but Hoplegs is absolutely the exception. What I absolutely love is that that there’s something for everyone. The learning curve is nice and steady at the start so players have the chance to practice getting used to the controls, but The Peak was tailored made for die hard fans of the rage game genre. The tutorials are straightforward, and the aesthetic makes it very enjoyable to continuously play, despite mistakes that put you back. I also LOVE that there’s a level editor available for fans to make their very own levels. Everything about this game makes the “suffering” you go through an enjoyable experience. I’m really excited to see the future of Hoplegs. 10/10

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Hoplegs on Steam



The final boss that people have been calling buggy and rage inducing is being reworked sometime in the next week to make it much “less random and less punishing” [EDIT: It is fixed now]. You can chat with the devs and other players on the Struggling discord, and they’re really responsive to player criticism.

Literally every part of the game apart from that boss is incredible: the gameplay, the visuals, the music, the hats, the other bosses, everything. You can play singleplayer or local multiplayer (remote multiplayer with Parsec), and the controls are weirdly intuitive. It takes about 6-8 hours to complete for the first time, but there are so many great bossfights and paradigm shifts that you’ll wanna play again. The game is very replayable since are about 50 hats to collect in secret areas, and each challenge has many ways to be beaten.

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

Man this game is a BLAST.

The humour in this game is the best, me and my friend were laughing our asses of till the very end. The controls are a bit like the controls of games like getting over it where it doesnt feel unpolished or shitty, you just suck.

All the negative reviews are either from people complaining about there not being online coöp even though there’s apps like parsec that work amazingly with this game (or you just use steams own remote play tho that’s a little buggy if ya ask me), or from people that say the game gets boring after a while even tho the humour and small parts where you gotta actually use your brain and skills keep it fun and hella entertaining.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Struggling on Steam

The ER: Patient Typhon

The ER: Patient Typhon

The ER: Patient Typhon is a documentary about what happens when you decide to be a tourist and why you should stay home. It accurately portrays the events that happen to every tourist out there where you’ll get into a horrible accident, lose your limbs, and get caught up in some Resident Evil Silent Hill situation and become glad you never skipped leg day.

So if you’re stuck inside and want to feel what’s this like, this is the game for you. Also I should note, you in fact can Pet The Dog.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Great game, I recommend it to any indie horror game player, the story keeps you engaged, puzzles are more or less easy to solve, the setting is really interesting, and giving me a “The suffering” vibes, only instead of a prison island you are in a hospital chased by monsters.

The ER: patient typhon has multiple endings, so it has replay value as well.

The only downside is your character moves very slow, and for a first try, that’s all right, but on multiple plays, it feels like it takes forever to go from A to B, and you can’t skip any dialogue options, which is, ok for a first play, but on another play through it’s just, not what you want to do.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

The ER: Patient Typhon on Steam

Apopia: Prologue

Apopia: Prologue

Great game! Seen how it’s been the works for awhile, being fed bits of juicy new content on my instagram feed and now it’s finally out! SO you know when you’re reading a reaally good book and can’t put it down, or watch a great movie and walk out feeling like a new person? Well, THIS IS THE SAME, but game format.

Gameplay - Apopia’s gameplay is super fun - puzzles and mini games are a refreshing break from all the shoot-em-ups/build-your-adventure/brainless time wasters out there nowadays.

Art - the setting of Yogurt, and the Castle are gorgeous to look at with its soothing colour scheme and lighting.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Ok, so I have been advertised this game so many times on my Instagram and decided after the 5th time to actually play the game. Initially, the game seemed like it was going to follow in the footsteps of Undertale where you fall down and meet unusual characters when you fall below. However, playing further into it I can appreciate the amount of effort put into the character and level designs, and I love the point and click aspect with a simple and slightly rough art-syle. The music is absolutely banger, I would definitely listen to the soundtrack if it was put onto Spotify. Although the ending for the prologue was rushed in a way that I did not understand what was happening because too many concepts and events were happening at once, I like the route that the game took. I look very forward to playing it when it is finished. If you are interested in playing this game, I really suggest sitting back and just listening to the unique and fun songs and gander at the character designs because frankly, they’re so distinct and wonderful!

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Apopia: Prologue on Steam